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Everything posted by JesseJoe
JesseJoe replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Entertainment Archives
Thank You, Socks! Jesse -
JesseJoe replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Entertainment Archives
Hi, Don?t mean to just in off topic, but does anyone know who sang the song with the words, I think these are the words, ?So are you weary and troubled. No light in the darkness you see...? I have been humming it to myself. Cheered me right up this afternoon. If anyone could post me the lyrics I would really appreciate it. BTW, very cool thread! -
Making Yourself Better After Leaving
JesseJoe replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
The truth can be very humbling, can't it? :)--> Jesse -
Making Yourself Better After Leaving
JesseJoe replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
mj, this is a great line, ?Many people wish they can change how people are, we can not , to accept this fact allows a great freedom in living a life that heals me instead of hurting me.? I can relate to that freedom in living a life that heals me instead of hurting me. I didn?t want to just change people, though. I was trying to control everything. I have several emotions hit at once when I hear that line, ?If we can control our minds we can control our entire lives.? That is such BS. For me that controlling of the mind thing leaked out into controlling everything around me. Mandii wrote some posts a long time ago that really helped me in the letting go process. Sometimes it is not easy. But it is always worth the effort. Chas, when I started attending fellowships I was like that. After about 3 or 4 years I started moving to the other extreme. I guess I learned twi's style a little too well. Exie, you are one of-a-kind, girl. Definitely a keeper! Jesse -
Making Yourself Better After Leaving
JesseJoe replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
Hi Wayfer Not! LOVED the AA quote. Isn?t that so true. I used to think about some things that happened 15 or 20 years ago and would relive the emotions as if it happened yesterday. My reliving was usually triggered when I was angry about something else and it would build into all the past injustices of my life. It was a blinding anger. Now that I think about it I haven?t done that in awhile. Let?s see ? yep, thought about ?things?, nothing happened. Oh, to come so far so slow, it makes me want to cry. I used to hate myself for being the way you described in your first post, too. Sometimes I would be standing there looking at the situation thinking, Man, I should really apologize for saying that, or doing that, whatever. But when I would, it would sound insincere and it was. Because I wasn?t sorry! There was always a reason they brought it on themselves. I started asking myself just who the hell did I think I was to do or say that to another person. I had great conversations in my mind, pro and con, the they deserved it, nobody deserves that, kind of thing. Then one day I got so frustrated by being who I was I started crying. I was driving and I almost had to pullover I was so up-set. I screamed at God that I was so tired of being me. I really hated the way I was. I screamed, I cursed. I begged him to help me feel again. Hell, I demanded it. It was at that point that my heart began to soften. I realized that I couldn?t change me. I was who I was. Like it or not. And I sure didn?t like it. If I was to change God had to do it because I couldn?t and I wasn?t going to try anymore! Anyway, I try to be very honest with how I feel inside. And honest with why I am saying and doing the things I say and do. There is a lot of grace going on in my life and seeing that helps me show grace to others. Perfect? NO, but I don?t have to be. The great thing is, neither does anyone else! Jesse -
Vike quoting Mic And this, my friends, is what allowed the great dictor to abuse, manipulate, and literally screw so many for so long. Having no care for the damage he did, the great dictor laughed at other?s immaturity and "sin" consciousness. Failing to understand his responsibilities before God, the great dictor plowed head on into a life of destruction and pain TOWARD OTHERS. His total disregard for the hearts of those who trusted him allowed the dictor to use, abuse, condemn and destroy so many. His extremism was the downfall of those he claimed to love. Jesse
Mike, back to a question- You answered WHAT you were posting, but you didn?t answer WHY? Why are you posting this on an ex-way site? Because you want to help? Help who with what? Why? Would you would walk into vegetarian restaurant and try to explain the merits of eating meat? Why are you trying to explain the merits of eating Vic's words here? Jesse
Happy Birthday NoLongerLurking 3/17
JesseJoe replied to Wacky Funster's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
From one 29er to another, :D--> Happy Birthday to you! I also am glad you are no longer lurking. It is fun to walk in wide open spaces! Jesse -
Chatty Cathy Happy Birthday 3/19???????
JesseJoe replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday, Chatty! Of all the very few things we absolutely HAVE to do, growing older is one of them. I hope your outside changes are going as gracefully as your inside changes appear to be. I got a feeling they are. :)--> I'm glad you're here, Jesse -
BARF Diet for dogs. Anyone have info on this?
JesseJoe replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in Pet Affection
Damn, just lost my whole post! I hate it when that happens. OK, real short. Has anyone heard of Innova? California Natural? Jesse -
BARF Diet for dogs. Anyone have info on this?
JesseJoe replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in Pet Affection
Dot, if I didn?t know about your great love for dogs, I would swear you own stock in Canidae. OK, I?ll get back to you about it. I?ll order some from the feed store tomorrow. My Peke, Yoda, affectionately known as Oda, will surely thank you for it. And Jesse had a tumor, the size of a grapefruit, removed from his kidney about 2 months ago. Maybe a change in diet will be that extra something he needs. Although the tumor was malignant the vet is very optimistic. It was very contained, with little blood flow. He is doing great. You do a good sale. Thank you. Jesse -
BARF Diet for dogs. Anyone have info on this?
JesseJoe replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in Pet Affection
Rottie, I just saw your thread and I almost died when I saw your barfing smilie!!! After a few long days... I needed that! THANKS! People and their pets. Don?t ya love it? I had a friend that fed his three neurotic pups the Barf diet. He absolutely swore by it. The allergies went away, they calmed down and weren?t as aggressive. And I watched as one that you would never see because it was hiding, come out and greet strangers. The changes in them were amazing. It had to have been the diet because it was the only thing that had changed. I glanced through the book but could never feed it to my dogs. Too much work and expense. I do feed Eukanuba to my brood. It is the only thing I have found that all the dogs can eat without one of them having a reaction. Plus, they all have shiny coats and great energy levels. I was adding LynaTone , or how ever you spell it, to their food. That adds amino acids that processed dog food lacks. I quit that and went to fruits and veggies. Jesse?s favorite smack is the baby peeled carrots. They all love grapes, but I have to cracked the skin. Oh yea, and raw green beans. Just about any thing I eat, they eat. Deb used to doctor up their food with broths. Yoda, the Peke, would almost always throw-up afterward. It was the onions. Then one day we had to take Claudia to the emergency room because the chicken broth Deb had been pouring on her food had too much fat. It gave her Pancreatitis and we almost lost her. Luckily it stabilized and she was back to her regular diet, minus the extra fat. Hairette was susceptible to Bladder stones. Again diet related. Yug! It?s always something! Dot mentioned dogs not living as long as they used to. I agree. All our dogs as kids lived till they were 15 - 17 years. I?m not sure it is the lousy dog foods of today. All our dogs were feed the cheapest of the cheap. But the one thing we always did was scrape our plates into the dogs dish after dinner. I really think that, in moderation so your dog doesn?t get fat, people food is good for the dog. But watch out for onions and high fat! I tend to think that all the vaccines are a cause of earlier deaths and cancers we are seeing more and more of. But that is seriously just my opinion. I do not advocate NOT getting annual shots. But it is something I have wondered about. Ten years from now there is no telling what the Vet community will focus on. So, what was it? The Barf Diet? LOVE the pukey!!! Jesse -
RalphD we hope 3/7 is a happy birthday made in heaven!
JesseJoe replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday, Ralph. I don?t know if I have ever addressed any of your posts but I sure have enjoyed reading them. You are a treasure! Honest, frank, lots of heart, yeah, I like that in a person. I LIKE YOU! Jesse -
In my recent search of computer knowledge, I was told by a Dell Rep. that W2K integrates better with other programs than XP does. Now that I think about it, everyone I know at the shelter who has gotten a new computer in the last year has had XP installed. Not one computer was problem free. Jesse
Thank you Steve!, RB, and John for your input. I feel much better about spending the shelters money. The computer I do have at work is a Pentium and it?s maxed at 48 ram. So I guess anything is going to be better then what I have. Anyway, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Shelly
THANKS, Steve!! It appears I am being way too complicated with this whole thing. I love simplicity. Thanks for bringing me back to it. Jesse
Igotout, this is completely off your topic, but maybe you can help me. My work is going to get me a new computer. They asked me to go to the Dell site, find what I need and them let them know the stats so they can order it for me. I need something that will allow me to build our website, handle PhotoShop, Quark and other miscellaneous programs. I am thinking the Dell Dimension 4550 is what I need. Most of the Key Features say a maximum speed, size, etc. Cost is definitely an issue, so although I would like to say "max out on everything", I can?t in good conscious do that. What would be an efficient computer: Processor, Memory, Storage? I really am computer illiterate. It is like with my car. I can change the oil and drive it but I can?t really explain what makes one car more powerful then the next. Thanks, Jesse
Here is the break down for OS on our website, www.la-spca.org. I would have linked to the meter but it is password protected. Anyway, we receive an average of 170 visits a day. Windows 98 used to be the majority. As igotout noted, XP is taking over. Jesse
Psalm71one Happy Birthday March 1!
JesseJoe replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Jesse -
Ohmygoodness, we missed Kit's birthday!!!
JesseJoe replied to Linda Z's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy B-day, Kit! You know the only difference between you and someone younger is that you have had more experience. Old age hell - welcome to your prime! Jesse -
I put this one on our shelter's website, "All of the animals except man know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it." -- Samuel Butler Jesse
Great advise and stories on this thread! Although I agree with Sunesis that pet shop pups need love too, I have to add that buying from a pet shop is what encourages the puppy mill industry. I work in a shelter and puppy mills and backyard breeders have done more to damage the canine population, physically and temperamentally, then all the contagious diseases, abuse and cruelty combined. At least that is my opinion. There are no guarantees the any dog will live up to the standard of the breed. Some of the labs that come in will rip your throat out. A lot of it is environmental, but in some cases it is just bad breeding practices. Having said that, I really believe your best bet would be a reputable breeder, as others have suggested. If at all possible, view the parents of the puppies. If they are shy and anxious, chances are the puppies will have that temperament. If the parents are extremely active and bark a lot, the puppies will be pre-disposed to those qualities. Same thing with protectiveness, hunting skills and allergies. Rescue is good as well. I checked out the link LooKout posted. They have a great Q&A section called Why Buy A Pet When You Can Adopt ? Before I got Jesse, I bought a Neapolitan Mastiff from a breeder in Mississippi. I had Tori put to sleep when she was 11 months old because at five months I learned she had elbow dysplasia in both legs and her back right hip had severe dysplasia. I wish that had been the only problems. She had always been a little on the aggressive side and when I had to stop her daily training sections because of the pain it caused her, her aggression got out of hand. She would have never hurt me, but she was destined to a life of isolation and pain. It felt like I had my heart ripped out. Later I learned through the NEO Club that this lady was in-breeding her dogs and breed for aggression. Thank you Backyard Breeder! I say backyard because she had no standard or knowledge for breeding, sad for me. Congratulations on your new addition to the family decision. No matter where you get your puppy, it is gonna be awesome! (Gosh, I wish I could do short posts!) Jesse
Oakspear wrote January 01, 2003 22:06, LOL! I almost covered my monitor with coffee when I read that! Great post, Oaks. It pretty much sums up my TWI experience. Jesse
Thank you for the reply. I have enjoyed many of your views concerning TWI-1, as you call it. TWI was there for me too when I needed to hear things about God that made some sense. But if it hadn’t been TWI, it would have been from another source. God is not limited by organizations, or individuals. That’s all I was saying. I heartily agree God works with all sorts of different folks in different ways. However, when you say, "in a manner they will come to appreciate", are you speaking of TWI, as the manner used by God, that they will come to appreciate? Or are you referring to God’s very own manner of tenderness, grace and mercy? It makes a big difference on whether I agree with the second half of your statement or not. Jesse
Oldiesman, I think you give TWI way too much credit. When I took the class I was hungering and thirsting for righteousness, like many others were. Yes, I am very thankful for many things I learned, saddened by others. But to say, if TWI wasn’t around, "... I might very well still be waiting, all these years and years" really doesn’t say much for God. I mean, He says if you hunger and thirst after righteousness you will be filled. There is no disclaimer attached saying, provided TWI is in existence. God is so much bigger than that. Mike, glad you have something to pour your life into; sorry you picked the "god-breathed" works of VPW. Weren’t the Mormons founded on the same assumption you are making? Jesse