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Everything posted by JesseJoe
Hi, y?all. I wrote something I wanted to post here. It is for all you animal lovers who understand the importance of spaying and neutering companion animals. And for all you animal lovers who still don?t get it. I wrote this for our shelter?s newsletter and call it ?A Day in the Life?? My hopes are to educate and help people to understand that sometimes we do what we have to, not because we like it, but because we care and it is necessary. As the Special Events Coordinator, it is not part of my job description to handle animals. But I do handle animals. I handle the ones I have taken a particular interest in or bathing, exercising and driving adoptable animals to remote adoption locations where ample volunteers are waiting to ?take them off my hands.? Isn?t that handling the animals? Not by a long shot. Recently I asked to work for a day as an Animal Care Attendant. I wanted to understand what they really go through each day, thinking it would help me do my job better. Did I ever receive an education! I was scheduled in at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 15. I awoke at 4:30 a.m. wondering if I would be able to do what I had observed others doing for the over four years I have been employed by the shelter. I arrived at Japonica Street at 5:45 a.m. with coffee in hand. Cathy L?Herisse, whom I would be working with that day, was already there. After a short while we got started. First, she hooked me up with all the necessary safety equipment: surgical mask and gloves, back brace and ear protectors. Then off we went. I was asked to unlock all the cage doors while Cathy and Cynthia Farin mixed the dog food in a wheel barrel. I later learned that they usually have to open 30 cans of dog food with a manual can opener to mix with the dry. This provides the dogs ?meat? for the day. But there was no canned dog food this day. So they just took the dry, and moistened it with water, stirring it with a shovel. I was still unlocking the cage doors when Cathy started placing filled food bowls outside each cage. Cynthia had gone to start her job of caring for the puppies in Lala. For Cathy and me it was up and down each row opening the doors and pushing the bowls inside. This was the easy part of my day. Cathy had pulled out three big water containers and a 200-foot water hose. One by one each dog had to be removed from their kennel. That was my job. Put the ski rope leash on them and walk them out, trying to remember to bring out the sometimes still-full food bowl with them. Sounds easy right? Try holding a dog on a skinny little plastic leash when all he wants to do is run and hide. Now try bending down to grab the food bowl at the same time the dog shoots off through the open door. My hands hurt within minutes. Not all the dogs wanted to run. Because of fear, some didn?t want to come out of their kennel at all. Some came readily out and just wanted to get as close to me as possible. It didn?t take long till I smelled like the kennel floor and my clothes were soiled with their feces. While I was trying to control an excited animal, or comfort a lonely or fearful one, Cathy was spraying the kennel with some sort of disinfectant. She then used hot hot water from the hose and washed the kennels clean. The stench was pretty intense. Putting the animal back could also be a challenge. Some just didn?t want to go. With water dripping from the wire kennel top, I had to walk, pull, push or carry the dog back inside and often had to fight my way out. I received several of my numerous scrapes, bumps and bruises doing this. I got a little nervous at one point thinking my leg, blocking a dog?s escape, was only irritating him and I was going to get bit. OK, it happened several times. Once safely back in the kennels, with locks in place, the water containers were used to fill the water bowls. After awhile that green plastic container felt like it weighed twenty pounds. I learned how to use a Control Pole. I often missed the Might Bite or Will Bite written on their kennel cards. Thankfully Cathy didn?t. She was trained to always read the card. In these cases we took the Control Pole, a long pole with a rope strung through it leaving a noose on the end, and collared the dog. Some of the dogs made a game of ?catch me if you can.? They were very good at it. This pole kept the animal at a safe distance. Cathy pointed out just how close I was allowing one particular dog to get to my leg. Serious injuries are a real possibility and you never want to let down your guard or take chances. That is why when the card read DO NOT OPEN DOOR we didn?t open the door. We had to work around the animal. I can?t tell you how long the last row to be cleaned looked to me. It just went on and on. We had already cleaned 121 kennels and only had 16 to go. That 16 seemed to equal the 121 we had just completed! By this point my hands were killing me, my head was sore from a particularly hard knock, my back was beginning to hurt from the constant pulling and bending, I had had dogs jump up flinging kennel floor contamination in my face, I was covered with poopy paw prints, my clothes had sweat to me and I was beginning to chafe, my feet itched from being wet? and we still had 16 kennels to clean! I felt relief as we completed that last cage. Then I saw them. Centrally located near the food prep area were huge stacks of dog food bowls needing to be cleaned. I put on my surgical gloves and began to scrape out all the remaining food from the bowls. I was mentally thanking the person who had already washed half of them. I later learned that it was Fleming Winfield who had helped. I washed the bowls in a sink and stacked them for the next day. Cynthia came in while I worked and cleaned up the area, something I was asked to do when I finished. While I was busy with dishes, Cathy was sanitizing/deodorizing the floors. She poured buckets of solution down each row and squeegeed the excess moisture. Believe it or not, the kennel smelled fresh. This was the first 3 hours and 37 minutes of my day. From the kennel feeding and cleaning, Cathy and I moved approximately 3000 lbs. of newspaper from the cargo van to the paper room. I did the math. The paper was donated by the Times Picayune and was tied in 20lb. bundles. Most of it had to be stacked at eye level and above. Such a work out! What complicated matters was one of the carts we were using had low tire pressure all the way around. From there I went to the euthanasia room. I was so impressed with Jarnell Sharlot?s compassion as she set out to deal with the results of an ignorant community. She patiently answered my questions and occasionally asked if I was OK. I did well at not showing my emotion, although I now have tears in my eyes as I remember the day. I won?t forget the first dog I held in my arms, softly whispering in his ear telling him I understood. He peacefully collapsed in my arms, never to awake again. Jarnell gently turned the animal and stroked his fur. Using a stethoscope she checked for a heartbeat. It was over. In total I assisted in euthanizing 16 animals that day. What else could be done? We needed the space for those just arriving. We couldn?t just leave them on the streets or in the environment from which they came! No, it is not fair. It just is. The next part of my day is called Midday Clean-up. Back at the kennels I was prepared to remove all the dogs once again so their kennel could be cleaned. I started unlocking all the doors. Imagine my delight when I learned I only needed to ?pull? the ones that had dirtied their floors. I made a joke about the ones not learning how to work the system. Pooping represented interaction. You don?t poop, you don?t get out at midday. We do have great volunteers who come to the shelter and interact with the animals. At this point in my day, I was just thankful I didn?t have to do it. I was exhausted. My day still wasn?t over. I won?t give you the details of my last half hour. Suffice it to say that it was as emotional as the euthanasia room and was the completion of the task. We did take several short breaks and had a half hour lunch. The half hour gave me the time to make my traditional coffee run with 10 minutes to spare. I?ve just got to have my coffee and I really needed the alone time to sort through my many thoughts. What I experienced in the one day I worked as an Animal Care Attendant is only part of what the job entails. There are also the Cat Rooms that need to be cleaned, over 50 cages. The Nine Rooms, which are quarantine and holding areas, require special care. The puppy area, Lala, must be attended to. Supplies need to be restocked. Animals, arriving as strays or owner surrenders, must be processed, dipped, dewormed, given shots and moved to the main kennel or the cat room. Trucks are unloaded and loaded. Trash is emptied. Laundry is done. Walls are wiped. Floors are mopped. Equipment is sterilized. Sick animals are doctored. Scared animals are comforted. Vicious animals are given treats. And get this, some of the Animal Care Attendants even use their breaks to bathe the dogs. It is a hard and often thankless job, and it doesn?t stop. It won?t stop until people stop allowing their animals to indiscriminately reproduce. I can tell you from experience that the LA/SPCA Animal Care Attendants are some of the most compassionate and hard working individuals you will ever want to meet. They work with commitment, heart and teamwork. I am proud to call them colleagues. And, yes, my day with the Animal Care Attendants has helped do a better job. Jesse
Hi, Abigail! What ever happened with your pee problems? Great advice on this thread. Did any of it work? My 10 year-old Bulldog will go in the house if I do anything to change his routine. Feed him at a different time especially if I feed him after 5:00, go to bed too early, sleep in too late. Sometimes if I don?t walk with him down the drive he will sit by the back door and just wait for me to let him in. He hates winter too, and I live in New Orleans!!! Go figure. So in the winter I have to make him go out and watch him pee. I think what happens with Cappy is that since he is trained, he goes outside and wasn?t getting any reinforcement that he is a good dog. Then I sleep in too late, he can?t or won?t hold it and goes in the kitchen or the hall. Since he doesn?t get any feed back here either he somehow thinks it is OK. Anyway, how is it going with yours? Dot, I never did change dog food. Still on Eukanuba. Although I did go from maintenance to senior. Three of my four are 10 and above. Jesse will be eight and he is a giant breed. They are in pretty good health considering. Jesse
Mike, I am a little rusty with this, so bear with me. You have said that we are now in a new administration. If that is true, do you believe our salvation now hinges on believing your presentation about VP and PFAL? If memory serves me correct, and it has been a long time since I gave this any thought, didn?t administrational changes also effect the requirements for salvation? Jesse
I just want to repost my Mike on List, starting with my favorite. Mike, you are making it a point to post your comments on Jesus Christ. Interesting. I don?t recall any of the below quotes in your posts. But I was just scanning your writings. seaspray, I would love to get your take on the first one. Jesse Mike on the spirit of lust (posted April 14, 2003 16:37): Yes. That one does affect the mind. But you know how quickly a man can reset his mind after sexual release. This is one of the big ways men differ from women. We were taught that devils can be run off with sommething as simple as an aspirin or some music. After sexual release a man is pretty immune to that spirit for almost a whole day. ...sometimes many days. Mike on why he posts at GreaseSpot (posted March 30, 2003 14:00): Most of what I've been trying to do here at GSC is report new data, things I?ve found in the record that I?ve perceived to be hidden from sight, or not present in our collective memory, or not part of the common discussions between us older grads of PFAL. Mike on the purpose of GreaseSpot (posted March 31, 2003 19:20): If we can see more exactly what went wrong, we can more exactly fix it. Isn't that the deeper purpose of what this place is all about? Mike on PFAL Just like Psalm 103 has the potential to impart to us the hidden, deeper spiritual understanding, so do the PFAL writings. God arraigned it that way to help us go farther than believers have been able to go since the first century. Mike on The Problem (posted April 01, 2003 00:17): Our egos hit this stumbling block in obeying Dr?s oft issued instructions to master the material. Dr told us to master PFAL, to get into it again at the deeper, spiritual level, but we thought our 5-senses understanding of the material was sufficient. Mike on most of us (posted April 02, 2003 10:11) For you and other dumbdowners I?ll spell out my reasons for this thread. Mike on VP?s vocabulary (posted April 02, 2003 10:11) As we return to PFAL, knowing that certain words in Dr?s vocabulary pertain exclusively to the spiritual side and certain others to the physical, THEN our reading will progress faster and more accurately. Mike on defining ?leader? (posted April 02, 2003 11:18) I am defining ?leader? here as just about anyone with some intelligence who went farther than merely taking the class. In MY use of leader, IN THIS CONTEXT, I mean any twig leader on up (or is it down?) plus any Corps or WOWs. It could also mean any one that served, or was in a position to help and guide. Mike on responsibility (posted April 02, 2003 11:18) Because I do not subscribe to the one villain theory, I see primary responsibility for the ministry meltdown (one year after Dr?s death) as being due to the collective disobedience of older leader grads, and YES, I DO INCLUDE MYSELF HERE! I think we (older leader grads) all contributed to the problems Mike on his vision for the future (posted April 02, 2003 11:18): ? the GOOD NEWS is that we older leader grads can come back to PFAL, master it as we were so often instructed to do by Dr, and then resume the ?good old days? only in better form, never to be tricked out of it again. Mike on the Gospels vs. the Epistles (April 04, 2003 00:07): We were right in respecting the epistles of Paul as greater words. Mike on God?s choice of messenger (posted April 05, 2003 19:15): I agree that things went wrong in lots of ways. I'm just happy to report that we can come back to the PFAL books, with an attitude of thankfulness to God that He slipped this into our lap by way of a MOST unexpected kind of messenger. Even the devil didn't guess this could happen. Mike on God?s strategy (posted April 05, 2003 19:15): God uses strategy to get things done right under the devil's nose. The mystery is only one such example. The selection of Paul was a stunning move God pulled on the devil. So was VPW. We all got stunned in the process, but God gave us special shields and the stun was set for "mild" in our vicinity. Mike on our relationship with Jesus (posted April 06, 2003 00:52): The relationship we have with Jesus is one of taking his place. Mike on knowing Jesus (posted April 06, 2003 00:52): We get to know him the way an actor gets to know the character they play. The actor becomes the role they portray, but only for the duration of the play. We get to do it for keeps. Mike on dodging (posted April 10, 2003 01:49) Besides, I only dodge certain ISSUES, not people. Mike on speaking to Jesus (posted April 10, 2003 04:16) The Bible does have a few people talking to Jesus post Pentecost, but it seems like those things happened when people were contacted. Mike on Older Leader Grads (posted April 10, 2003 04:16) Dr often and urge book mastery to close the gap between the TVT and the written materials, but as the years Went by, us OLGs felt more and more spiritual, and less and less need to obey his advice. Unfortunately, as we were getting bigger and bigger ego heads, our original exposure to the PFAL writings was leaking out. The need to refresh our memory, and get the exact wording in our heads, grew simultaneously with our ?perception? that we had no such need. Mike on what to base our relationship with Jesus Christ on (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) We have the written Word on which to base our relationship with Jesus Christ. For years after Pentecost they only had memories. Mike on PFAL and Jesus Christ (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) Without the PFAL writings, I see that a spiritual relationship with him is nearly impossible. Mike on OT Prophets (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) In the OT there were odd fellows who came along now and then who were somehow suited to receive spirit upon them. These people had the genetics, the upbringing, and the free will decisions to propel them into service as prophets. They were coincidentally tough enough in the right places and knowledgeable in the right places and willing to serve in the right places that qualified them to get the supernatural boost of spirit upon for God. They were rare. Mike on NT Prophets (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) Likewise, it?s rare that someone can develop this spiritual relationship with Christ, without many factors lining up just right. Mike on the Bible and our relationship with Jesus Christ (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) The Bible remnants are just not good enough to serve us well here. They help in other areas, but here they are not up to the standards of perfection ? that God knows are necessary for it to work. Mike on something? (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) Since these writings are from God for the specific purpose of teaching us His Word (and WHO is His Word? Jesus Christ) like it (he, Jesus) has not been known since the first century, then the principle kicks in: ?With the coming of the greater, the lesser is terminated.? Mike on OUR relationship with Jesus Christ (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) Right now a spiritual relationship with Christ looks too abstract and unfulfilling emotionally. Mike on the Gospels, Epistles and Jesus Christ (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) They were written so that people could start out in the 5-senses and get to know the personality of Christ from a distance. Then, the epistles make more sense. The gospels are like a giant contextual frame for the epistles, and are very useful. They start us out, and then the epistles show us the newer relationship, where there?s no distance, he?s IN us, and we then become him. That?s the spiritual relationship in a nutshell. Mike on Jesus Christ?s sweat (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) In the garden, Jesus had something going on with his sweat that was not normal. Mike on talking to Jesus (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) I have talked top Jesus lots and never got possessed. If I limited my relationship to him there, however, then I?d have less ability to wage war on the adversary, and if I went into the wrong battle with this spiritual immatuurity, THEN I might have a lot more trouble dealing with ds possession, ds oppression, and indirect satanic influences. Mike on alternate interpretations (posted April 10, 2003 14:22) Regarding alternate interpretations of II Cor.5 I might caution that we should really first master what we were taught IN THE BOOKS, and then we can better examine alternates. I am believing the PFAL books. Someday we can closely examine what they say about these matters. Mike on VP (posted April 15, 2003 14:03): When he walked with satan he did great bad. It's that way with all of the extremes of the human bell curve. He was given an overdose of brains and brawn; wherever he walked the ground shook. There are people born in the population who are like that, genetically gifted, even over gifted. If these prodigies don?t burn out in adolescence or their early twenties then they go on to do either great good or evil with their natural abilities, usually more evil except more and more subtle so as to hide it. Dr, spent an inordinate amount of time in the good side compared to other members of his physical class, and some of us benefited greatly... for a while. Mike on determining mastery (posted April 20, 2003 16:18): You wrote: ?How about one question Mike. What determines a persons mastery of PFAL? Give a simple answer to this question.? By lot of reading WITH the attitude that it is the authoritative Word of God.
Well said, CoolWaters. I wish I could say so much with so few words. Mike, you said, ?I hardly EVER witnessed first hand any of the things in your focus list.? What did you witness? Was it a one-time occurrence, or did it happen over and over again? Were the hurt told, ?You just need to grow-up spiritually, it is ONLY flesh. The Christ in you hasn?t been touched. Loosen up. It?s grace.? What was your response to the things YOU hardly ever witnessed? Jesse
You see the problem as, ?we were not diligent in putting on the WHOLE armor of God, but we did go into battle with an adversary who DID put on all his armor.? I see the problem as VP not being able to control his lust for young women, among other lusts he had. Rather than humbling himself before God and resisting the devil, remaining strong in the lord and the power of His might VP rationalized his lust with the separation of flesh and spirit. He covered his sin through the renewed mind teaching and his bogus definition of the love of God. The result was a cloak of silence. This cloak allowed VP to continue in the hurtful manner he had become hardened to. He effectively made everyone who brought his actions to light responsible for the darkness it exposed by saying they were not walking in love. Really, Mike. Thousands were disobedient to what they were told by VP and that?s why VP's definition of the love of God hurt so many? It didn?t have anything to do with VP using the Word of God deceitfully and teaching trash? Jesse
Let me ask another question: If VP's definition of the love of God was so right, why did believing it hurt so many people?
The problem, Mike, is it didn?t stop there. VP operated under a cloak of silence, wrongly called, the love of God. He continued to steal, kill and destroy God?s Word in people?s hearts throughout his life. Where was the love in that? If his definition of the renewed mind was so right, why were so many hurt in the process?
Post wisely, Mike. There are a lot of raw nerves you are threatening to walk on, nerves attatched to heads and hearts.
Happy Birthday Hope R, April 20, Easter
JesseJoe replied to excathedra's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday from me too! Hope your day holds everything you could possibly ask for, and then some. What a great way to start a morning! Thanks. Jesse -
Mike, why would I want to make a truce with you?
Rejoice in the VP alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men, but do what you want behind closed doors. The Lord is dead but his great PFAL is at hand. Be careful [anxious] for nothing, and do what you want and don?t sweat it; in every thing by rationalization and illogic with deceitfulness let your knowledge be made known. And the peace of PFAL, which passeth all logical understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds twisted. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true according to Mike, whatsoever things are honest according to Mike, whatsoever things are just according to Mike, whatsoever things are pure according to Mike, whatsoever things are lovely according to Mike, whatsoever things are of good report according to Mike, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, renew your mind to these things.
Damn guys! I never know y'all had it so bad.
Hey Exie, VP sure flipped in and out of possession a lot! Seems he never MASTERED go and sin no more in that area of his life. Mike, I think it was a little more than a few skin cells. Face it, according to his own standards, HE WAS POSSESSED! Jesse
"The KJV is for beginners, but not for mastery. We have something much better in them and straight from God." Mike, you are one sick puppy, you know that? I don't know whether to thank you or really get ....ed off at you. You have almost convinced me that VP believed the same as you about PFAL. I wasn?t one who believed he was evil from that beginning. I thought he started out good and through his arrogance and self-righteous pride gave into the ways of the world. I can understand being human. But you have succeeded in destroying what little respect I had left for him. At this moment I can honestly say I hate the man. And I really don?t like the way it feels. Later, Jesse
Page 366 of PFAL We know VP?s definition of the Word of God. Mike, show me were in the Word of God it says to master PFAL. According to VP?s own words we shouldn?t listen to him if the Word doesn?t say it.
Another thing, the titles of the the dual Way Magazine articles Dr did in 1979 were?Masters of the Word? and How the Word Works.?? But what is VP's definition of the word? According to PFAL it is ... Jesse
Mike, I thought the advanced class wasn't part of the god-breathed works? Is Zix spreading nasty rumors? If you don't except the AC that quote doesn't apply. Can't have it both ways. Jesse
Haven't looked at PFAL in such a long time. VP calls Part II of the book, The Bible is the Word of God. Well that simplified matters.
Do you mean the word, necessarily? I agree that when he writes, quotes, what he himself calls the Word of God, the traditional Bible, then it is God-breathed. Everything else is just his spin. Jesse
lol. Yeah Zix, its classic! OK Mike, First let us discover VP?s definition of the Word of God by utilizing a key he himself set forth in PFAL. Where it is written. On page 7 of PFAL VP writes: Clearly, where it is written, VP?s definition of the word of God is the traditionally excepted Bible. Accepting this as ?God-breathed?, let us move on. Next what did VP mean when he said to ?master PFAL?? Did it mean to make VP?s words fit like a hand in a glove? Did it mean to exalt his words above all His name? Did it mean to spend the rest of your life working the words of a man? I am correct in assuming VP was a man, right? Just what did VP mean? VP says on page 4 of PFAL that: Having applied one of VP?s own Biblical keys, namely, where it is written, we have seen that when VP says ?the Word of God? he is referring to something other than his own written words. Namely, the traditional Bible, his choice is obviously the KJV of the Bible. VP specifically says, ?it [PFAL] is designed to set before the reader the basic keys in the Word of God so that Genesis to Revelation will unfold.? By shear logic you can see that VP distinguishes between his words and the Word of God. By shear logic you can also see that VP?s alleged motivation is to make it available for the reader to unfold Genesis to Revelation. When VP exhorted his congregation to ?master PFAL,? he was not encouraging the idolatry of VP worship and PFAL worship, he was in fact exhorting his congregation to learn the keys and principles he presented in PFAL so they themselves could ?search the scriptures?, which according to his definition is the traditional Bible. The mastery he spoke of was not the mastery of his ?words? but the mastery of keys and principles he set forth in PFAL so that God?s Word could be worked, which according to his definition is the traditional Bible. Once again, where it is written: God?s word, according to VP?s definition is the traditional Bible: On page 7 of PFAL VP writes: So Mike, after studying your stuff for five years, how did you miss this? Or why have you chosen to ignore it? Why the searching of man?s words and not the searching of scriptures like your VP wanted?
Thanks, Zix. So, it boils down to Mike totally disregarding VP?s God-breathed words. Not good, not good at all! VP says to search the scriptures and then quotes John 5:39, John 17:8, John 17:17, etc. By his very quotes he is indicating which ?scripture? to search. And then Mike blows off the God-breathed ?word? and searches what he wants? Could be a case of private interpretation. Mike YOU know what PFAL says about private interpretation? Not good, not good at all!
From page 83 of PFAL: VP, by his own words, condemns your thesis, Mike. If in fact, VP?s writings are God-breathed then in this paragraph, God lied. The Bible states God is not a man, that He should lie. (Numbers 23:19) Think about it. Either God lied or all of VP?s writing are not God-breathed. Which way is it? As VP said, "SOMEONE'S GOT TO BE A LIER!" Either God lied, or VP lied when he said not all of his writings are God-breathed. You say they are, VP says they aren't. Who is right?
Here is a section from what Mike posted out of PFAL p.230-31. Just to clarify, it is a VPW quote. From this ?just for accuracy? posting by Mike, I would like to point out that VP suspiciously went from the ascension, to God's giving of the truth regarding the new heaven and the new earth. Hum. Appears to be something missing to me. After Jesus? ascension VP skipped ahead. Mike, how do you explain that? For any new lurkers out there confused by Mike?s references to Drivel Court, I am posting a link. Drivel Court Please take note of the subtopic discussing whether Mike?s threads belong in the About the Way section, the Doctrinal section or whether they deserve a section all their own. BTW, I have never emailed Paw about another poster on this board. All the opinions I choose to share are public.
Making Yourself Better After Leaving
JesseJoe replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
Amen to that Wayfer Not! And I believe God aint real pushy either. :)--> Enjoy!