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Everything posted by Pirate1974
Uma Thurman in "Shallow Hal?" Did you mean Gwyneth Paltrow maybe?
Raising Helen Kate Hudson Dr. T and the Women
Great. The world needs more giant ape movies. An updated version of "The Poseidon Adventure" is coming out May, 2006. The special effects might be better in this one but it'll be tough to top the 1972 one, a classic disaster movie.
Sure, George. That's what they all say. Good night, Grandpa.
The official BSA policy is not to allow anybody who is openly homosexual to become a member, either as an adult or a boy. I don't know how they define "openly" so you know there are plenty of homosexuals in the Boy Scouts who keep it to themselves. The subject doesn't exactly come up during most troop meetings. We've had this discussion many times over the past several years with the parents in my sons' scout troop and I have yet to hear a parent say that they would be comfortable sending their son off on a camping trip with an openly gay scout leader. The "two deep leadership" rules should prevent any molestation problems but I still don't think I could accept it. Sometimes leaders' wives come along too. Should your gay scout leader be able to bring his "partner" or whatever. If you allow it, that's the next step and that just doesn't send the right message. Or how about if there's an openly gay 17-year old in the troop? Would a parent really send their 11-year old son off for a week of summer camp in that situation? How would you handle that? The gay scout has a tent by himself, or would you have to have two to make it work? To me, that sounds no different than letting a straight 17-year old spend a week with the Girl Scouts. Too many problems. It is a morality issue, no different than if a man who was living with a woman who wasn't his wife wanted to be a leader. That's not the kind of role model a Boy Scout leader is supposed to be.
The Poseidon Adventure Gene Hackman Bonnie & Clyde
Well, she must have been older than I thought she was at the time. I'm also a viral 52.
The wonders of 21st century technology never cease. The future cinema classic "Herbie: Fully Loaded" is coming to theaters on June 22nd, and no, the technological wonders are not the silly tricks that this CGI VW Beetle will be doing on screen. When the film was shown to test audiences, some folks (women, I'm sure) thought that star Lindsay Lohan was a little too "fully loaded." Apparently, some of Lindsay's wardrobe was considered a little too revealing and a few scenes where she was jumping up and down were not what one associates with a Disney family film. A little too much bounce, if you get my drift. So the Disney boys did some computerized breast reduction surgery, taking Lindsay down about two cup sizes and also raising some of her necklines to a level that Walt would have approved. Fascinating, but Disney might have just shot themselves right in the box office with this little manuever. Lindsay Lohan's prime audience is teenage boys who don't necessarily go to her films to check out her acting ability, which is minimal at best. When word of this gets out, it could be disastrous. I wonder if they could to the same thing to, say Calista Flockhart, only in reverse. The mind positively reels at the possibilities.
Nice picture. The Wonderbra certainly is a marvelous invention.
Assuming that's Ed Begley Sr : Hang 'em High Bruce Dern Coming Home
It was me, Kathy, and it wasn't just a clip, it's the whole thing. You can find it here: Coal Black
When I did the WONC (Word Over North Carolina) program in the summer of 1974, I was assigned to a group in Charlotte with Rosie as the group leader. Three girls, one other guy and me. The other guy bolted before we even got started (smart guy) leaving me the odd man out and I was traded to another group for a player to be named later. So then I was with another guy, a married couple and their one-year old son until that guy bolted too. Maybe it was me. :D--> In the short time I was in Rosie's group, she never struck me as being anybody special in the way. She did strike me as being unbelievably uptight and we never would have gotten along at all. I would have bolted before the summer was over. I didn't think she was over 30 at that time but I really had no idea. We were in the northern part of the city and she was in the southern and I don't think we saw them all summer. Of course, we didn't exactly follow the program the way it was written down.
Maybe, but it still ain't got no tune, and neither does anything else Eminem ever did.
I have a 17-year old son so I know that little ditty is by Eminem, but I have no idea what it's called. Calling that a "tune" is stretching the definition a bit.
John Ritter Nickelodeon Ryan O'Neal
Dakota Fanning Man on Fire Christopher Walken
White Men Can't Jump Woody Harrelson Wag the Dog
Of course, but then they wouldn't be able to carry out their ridiculous spy missions. -->
Vin Diesel XXX Samuel L. Jackson
The character that said that line "John Billings" was played by local actor Leon Rippy who's appeared in several movies filmed in the Carolinas, including the infamous "Traxx" filmed in Wilmington. He was "Killer." I'm sure it was a big part.
I was blown away by that movie when I was 11 years old but its pretty much forgotten now. You never see it on tv or in the video stores. That's a movie that really should be remade with today's technology. This one's pretty easy, but I'm posting it because of the current trend of movies with a "Traxx" connection: I say we drink the wine, eat the dogs, and use the paper for musket lining.
The 7 Faces of Dr. Lao?
How about a little hint?
"Survey says..." Great show in it's original incarnation. Stumbled across an "updated" version a while back with some moron named Louie as host. Wretched. I can't believe that new "Longest Yard" can be any good. Adam Sandler looks like such a dork in the previews that you can't imagine him as a pro football player. At least Burt Reynolds had actually played the game. This one just looks like a slapstick fest.
This is your face on steroids.