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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame
otherwise an aquarium would be much more fun
Puppies tend to turn into full blown adult dogs. Really consider what you are considering for your son for the next 7>15 years AVERAGE LIFE SPAN A DOG. Really really consider the life style you are introducing to your "puppy". When you consider a "puppy" consider WHY??? Cindy really look into breed instead of local pounds. This is a choice you will make for years to come. You want a dog that will be a companion. Understand the breed of dog you may find suitable, conducive, your family. If ya in a rush for summer training, ya aint' got a clue all the other 7>15 summers. What type of dog ya looking for? Know the breed you choose. And enter Obedience Training Classes. If ya really considering a companion puppy for your son~~~ really make the relaionship worth more than house training~~~ Just a thot!!!
If we don't get healed is it our fault?
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to ozbirdau's topic in About The Way
ozbirdau, forgive me for being hasty from my point of view my response to you my wife & i had a child that was still born 9 months worth of baby twi considered William Ryan not worthy a twi funeral since he did not actually have a breath in this life oh the details of such a time still heralds to this day -
Theories on Victor Paul Wierwille’s Spirituallity
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to sirguessalot's topic in About The Way
Yep, the biblical Paul kinda had a run in his own life the aformentioned~~~ -
Thank you Belle~~~ I know of a friend of mine, and when i say friend I mean friend, that was accepted into WC. I suppose he might have lied. They found out he had epilepsy. Damn. He just wanted to be WC.
Satori, I hope to not add confusion. Sometimes I am sum what a fanfare. I reply to your original post!!! This is a reply to ozbirdau's question: "If we don't get healed, is it our fault?" The answer got too long for a post, and became its own topic. ~And a fine topic for carry out. Thank you! A very noble effect of the cause. ~ Maybe some of you will find it entertaining. I do know what I'm talking about here, but I have no idea what I'm talking about. I did for a few moments, a long time ago. ~Seems I understand such words a brief pause to think in such a life time in which we are entertained by such extraordinary technological advances and the homeless, and the faminites, and the genocites, and the all of it all to ponder especially those atomisites and the Native Indian Nations that really don't exist in our USA and~ I think I'll just take a break here and have a tear, just one in each eye, both from the soul.~ Done editing for now. Additional changes will be in new posts. B]~Dig it Dude!~[/b] ~INTERMEZZO I~ The obvious answer is this: the "promises" in the bible are NOT promises as we understand them. If the "simplicity" were simple, there would be no discussion. "Simplicity" just doesn't mean anything when it comes to spirituality. ~Then spirituality has much a hard time to define itself in this complicated world.~ Pretty much every faith teaches that the physical world must obey the spiritual world. B]~I agree from what I have read over the years.~[/b] You got cause. You got effect. Spirit is cause. The physical is effect. ~I am just going to agree that there is spirit. Whatever proof there may be, I can not prove, and will refrain from such extensive words that could be thousands and stay brief.~ Everything in the physical world is the effect of something else. So there is no true cause > effect relationship here in our world. Apparent causes are just the effect of another, prior effect. ~The butterfly effect resulting from the spiritual? The genuine cause is from the spiritual realm and we live in a realm of illusion? Does not the spiritual realm have its own "cause and effect" ? So, then, there is a genuine "cause" of all effect within just the two realms here mentioned? I would say the simplicity is very well entertained, but yet delightfully a song across the universe.~ Sickness is a physical affliction, so healing must be brought about either by a physical "cure" (an "effect" within the physical realm), or a spiritual decree (an external cause). ~This is way too much black & white for my taste here Dear Sir Satori. The human body (effect?/manifestation spirit realm?) is loaded with healing that even a splinter must give up its invasion. Ahhh~~~ maybe I am saying the same thing! Hmmm... I do have a story a serious accident that even the Dr's call "miraculous" . Hmmm~ INTERMEZZO II Wierwille didn't teach believing in a vacuum. There are plenty of biblical references, and his teachings, mis-teachings and mistakes are discussed and dissected by Raf, Jerry Barrax, and others you can easily find. (I haven't read them because I have no further interest in Wierwille's prose and cons.) ~I empathize with you. I have read quite a bit the aforementioned posters, but seemed to me too much of my mind to invoke so many more hours regarding Biblical Research. I do respect their works, but it's like how many more times. Did ya know ya can peel as many onions ya want and not be effected by the toxic release if ya place a piece of bread on top of your head. Believe me that's true. I have a story about that one too!!! ~ What should be OBVIOUS to everyone, including a dying, one-eyed cancer victim once known as "Doctor," or "The Teacher," or "VP," is there is nothing at all "simple" about spiritual power, if it exists. ~I place a piece of bread on top of me head! The "OBVIOUS" seems illusive its existence.~ By if, I mean "spiritual power" and other such terms are terribly misleading because we have defined them in a phyisical context, as "effects." We can only define something as an effect. We live in a world consisting only of effects. ~Satori, why is it we can only define this spiritual power as an effect? Is it like the difference between finite and infinite? One defines the other but only in the realm of words. Words suffer at the hands of a spiritual power? Where then is the communication? INTERMEZZO III Everything in our world is an effect of something else. So our concept of something spiritual is inherently wrong. Spirit may "exist," but NOT as we think we know it, NOT as an aspect of our world. Spirit does not behave as we think it should. It doesn't "behave" at all, for that matter. Behavior is part of our world, not the spiritual. ~I disagree. Spirit does behave according to its realm "imposed" upon ours. Spirit does have behavior. Spirit does have limitations. Behavior is also a part of their world as well as ours. It's not a free for all. It's freedom according to rules. We understand the rules we have. Rather OBVIOUS. They seem to be made to be broken, but non the less rules.~ What is "believing?" It is supposedly the effect of: positive confession, prayer, single-mindedness, like-mindedness, "imagineering," "walking out on the promises," and a lot of other meaningless crap. (Not meaningless in our world, but meaningless, therefore ineffectual, to spirit.) ~I disagree. The spirit realm has to consider what is ineffectual to them is effectual to them.~ These "keys" are in turn the effect of your intention, or "will" (decision & desire in Wayspeak). They are the effect of your need, issue, problem, goal, etc. Which are the effects of circumstances, which are the effects of prior circumstances, those the effects of prior... ~Keys require locks. I really thinks keys are in our world and used by the spirit. AWWWW s h i t ~~~ this stuff is absolutely baffling at these specific times of heart.~ INTERMEZZO IV What is "spirit?" If you tell me you know what it is, you're a liar. Nah, not really. You're only repeating a lie. And not really a lie, but an illusion by which we are perpetually deceived. You have descriptions, you have definitions, you have images and impressions. All are the effects of what you've been "taught" (and I use the term loosely). But you don't know jack ...., do you? And EVEN if you did, you'd know better than anyone that words fail utterly to describe what you think you know. ~I totally agree & disagree.~ And, class, out of what did Wierwille concoct his beliving formula? Words? Yep. ~Words. Ya know words have vibration.~ What is the bible, for that matter? Words? Yep... and not original words, but the approximations, of the gist, of the substance, of the vaguest inklings the competing committees of translators had of the prophet's original inspiration, if that's what it was. ~For brevity sake ~~~ I agree.~ INTERMEZZO V And even the prophets were limited to words. ~The INFINITE into the Finite. Words beggar description. Words unlawful for to be spoken~~ or some think like that!~ The fact of the matter is, even if God had revealed Himself today, not on parchment, but in digital high-def video and Dolby 5.1 surround sound, we STILL wouldn't get it, because we live in the physical world. And we interpret everything we learn through that experiential filter. We are the effects of everything that led up to this moment. ~Even if a dead man or some think like that~ But spirit is cause. Not effect. We have no way to grasp true cause, a cause without a prior cause. We only know the chain of effect. ~I agree only if you talking the ultimate cause & effect. And I can only~~~ So... We can't do .... that isn't the effect of something else. Even our free will is an illusion, the expression of our accumulated baggage, which is what we "feel." ~Let's not despair, but I understand your , what I see as compassion.~ So you may ask, who am "I?" You are a little "assembly of gears," spun helplessly by countless other gears, great and small, and of which you have no knowledge. ~Hmmm. Big world of cause and effect and so dismal.~ "But, that's not what God intended!" your memory banks may output in protest. "I've been programmed to 'believe' I have free will! I refuse to update my software!" ~Cause & threat.~ You couldn't, so there's no argument, is there? ~Seems to me Satori you presenting a thought of arguement.~ So where did this idea of "free will" come from? How did it get into our software? ~It just happened. I had all my PC's given to me. That's for true.~ That's where spirit comes in. We don't know what it is because our processors can't process anything original. Spirit exists beyond the machinery of our mental and physical existence. This is why we can try, try, try to make spirit do our bidding, we just can't. The effect cannot dictate to its own cause. Can it? How could the physical world command the spirit? Ridiculous. Even our little processor/brains can get that. There is a way out. Anybody care to guess? ~And a fine topic for carry out. Thank you! A very noble effect of the cause. And where is that way out this Gordian knot of membranous labyrinth? Just a few thots Satori Songster[
And ya know Catcup ~~~ I dig your eyes~~~ they seem to say you know some thing~~~
Theories on Victor Paul Wierwille’s Spirituallity
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to sirguessalot's topic in About The Way
That statement has to be a "Hall Of Fame" & ex10 I do mean that with all respect But I must add, before he was dead~~~ retrospect there was no head er ball there~~~ it may just all boil down to who gives a f any more and TWI will rise again~~~ ahahahahh ahhh~~~ hmmm mayb just mayb GSC will threaten to close down again ~~~ hmmm -
I would dig a one on one the very begin of this thread, if thast would not be too long a response to engage~~~
Making SingO'Long songs more boring
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to lindyhopper's topic in About The Way
Ya know LH all the baby tender but wipes offer many a memory this ole Pop~~~ ~~~ a few years ago~~~My oldest daughter dropped off her first son to me with all the baby kit stuff so she could go out with her hubby while I was at my Mom/Dad'ss abode. Daughter said Later~~~ My Mom & Dad Laughed and said later ~~~ I can not wait to be a living GREAT GRAND POP!!! --> thanks for the memory LH Rok On Song -
If we don't get healed is it our fault?
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to ozbirdau's topic in About The Way
as rhetorical and not for details.I was empathising with you regarding the believing enough and especially in reference to when ones child dies according to TWI standards. I understand your loss as per this thread. Regards, Song -
Yeah, But I only took those words out of context because they really really really have a something for me to consider since I can't go meta this gig~~~ I just had to say sumthing
Salted peanuts in a 12 oz bottle of Coca-Cola~~~
Ya know coolchef, that takes the head off the beer !!!
Nothing could be further from the truth. There is no such thing, in this context, as "free-will choice." Only the illusion of apparent choice. Everything in the physical world is the effect, of some prior effect, of some prior effect... So how could there be "choice?" Believing, as Christ revealed it, is not (and could not be) the consequence of an illusion. Anyone who doesn't grasp the fallacy risks falling back into the doctrine. Who wouldn't like to think they could "believe" for stuff just by getting clear and concerned, doing the 4 D's, etc? I would. From the perspective of the physical world, spirit is cause. It is causal. It is causation. The physical world is effect. It is usually the effect of its own virtually infinite prior effects, like an endless supply of billiard balls careening into one another. BUT it is also the effect, at times, of spirit - not another "physical" billiard ball, but of a well-aimed, cosmic (spiritual) cue stick. Jesus was a physical guy. So what did he mean by "faith?" What did he mean by "believing?" Can they even be defined, or only perceived, apprehended, experienced? More importantly, to this thread, why did they work for him in this physical world of effect? (If the accounts are true.) I asked you first. God caused them to believe, just as science causes you to believe. He did it with in-your-face evidence, awesome enough to approximate a real feeling of His presence. There is a way out. Anybody care to guess? I love taking stuff out of context
Pass the salt please
WHoOPs ~~~ sometimes my words are more than a grain of salt~~~ * Relaxing and Sedative Bath: Soak in warm water and 2 cups of Epsom Salt. * Face Cleaner: To clean your face at night, mix a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt with your regular cleansing cream. Just massage into skin and rinse with cold water. * Homemade Skin Mask: Apply the mask to damp skin. For normal to oily skin, mix 1 tablespoon of cognac, 1 egg, 1/4 cup of nonfat dry milk, the juice of 1 lemon, and a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt. For normal to dry skin mix 1/4 cup of grated carrot, 1 1/2 teaspoons of mayonnaise and a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt. * Foot Soak: Soothe aches, remove odors, and soften rough skin with a foot soak. Add 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt to a large pan of warm water. Soak feet for as long as it feels right. Rinse and dry. * Skin Exfoliator: Massage handfuls of Epsom Salt over your wet skin, starting with your feet and continuing up towards the face. Have a bath to rinse. * Remove Excess Oil from Hair: Epsom Salt soaks up excess oil from hair. Add 9 tablespoons of Epsom Salt to 1/2 cup of oily hair shampoo. Apply one tablespoon of the liquid to your hair when it is dry; rinse with cold water. Pour lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar through the hair, leave on for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse. * Hairspray: Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of lemon juice, and 1 cup Epsom Salt. Combine, cover, and let set for 24 hours. The next day, pour the mixture into your dry hair and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then shampoo as normal. * Hair Volumizer: Combine equal parts of deep conditioner and Epsom Salt. Warm in a pan. Work the warm mixture through your hair and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse. * Soak Sprains and Bruises: Epsom Salt will reduce the swelling of sprains and bruises. Add 2 cups Epsom Salt to a warm bath, and soak. * Splinter Remover: Soak in Epsom Salt, it will draw out the splinter. Epsom Salt Industry Council
MATILDA in the other salt thread I have to get to this one before you do margarita MATILDA --> ~~~looking for my lost shaker of salt~~~ -->
seeing that was the 1st reply: Woahhh, reikilady~~~ I thinks ya might have read too much into that invitation. I can speak for my self and thank you the invite!!! but I would think for me and Abi to show within such a fine celebration I would cry ( with much laughter of greeting) to meet with Her and 1000 names, and then have too many words to say. And then to meet with You and Oak~~~ oh my my, It would be like throwing The Original Wham-O Super Ball into the gathering~~~ :D-->
I dunno~~~ OJ tried on the glove and it didn't fit.
When it rains it pours. Take it with a grain of salt. The covenant of salt. Salted words.
I am one that uses salt very lightly. Salt does come in the seasonings I use. I don't use it straight. But I have used the Kosher variety and it does seem to have a different taste than like the Morton variety. Maybe it's a psych deal. When I was in the food industry, hospitality, the hotels, the kitchens always had the kosher variety on hand. Salt is a big deal in gourmet cooking, as well as butter. Kosher was the choice. Never really thought of it until this thread. Hmmm. I'll take it with a flake of salt~~~