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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. TheSongRemainsTheSame


    Okay let's build a pizza Doe Marinara sauce or tomato (tomatoe) sauce >>>
  2. TheSongRemainsTheSame


    Okay Raf!!! Ya remove the stem from the marchino cherries. Selectively place them, not the stems, onto the bed of seething anchovies. Place a few of those bar umbrellas and viola one helluva pizza I dare say is not on the menue. And is'nt pizza indigenous to the USofA with the exception Alaska, Hawaii, Cuba, Jamiaca, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Mexico & Canada? I suppose i should'a said intercontinental~~~ (oh my that's a big word man) Kewl Thread Thanks Frankiee~~~ U da Kewl!!! Song
  3. TheSongRemainsTheSame


    Ahh Hawiain't pizza without a heaping heavy helping two handfulls of anchovies and six marachino cherries~~~ hmm hmm hmmmmmmm ~~~ well Aunt Bee you just outdid yourself. Wuzz up Frankee!!! Is the love bombing here kewl or what!!! hey, uhmm, if at times I make none no sence to engage reply to one o your threads or reply's, like for eg someone states they just stepped in a big ole puddle of water, I have a tendancy to read between the lines ~~~ Ya dig what I am saying? But mabe it was just a big ole puddle of water afterall~~~ or sumthing like that. dmiller offered ya a good slice oh dat pizza at Kit Sober. and Garth how rude toying with the energizer bunny like a cat with a lizard. But I got to admit i also ROFLMAO and clapped for the light to come on and pressed my emergency button~~~ "Help I've fallen and can't reach my beer due to "laxitive" LAUGHTER." And so Frankiee, welcome to the Cult Cafe. and uhm~~~ ROK ON!!!! Song
  4. Artie is for real d59. I hired him as an apprentice to help me Historic Restoration Sa. Ga. He showed me the art his ability to sketch, caricature etc. He invited me to his Gran Ma's who served home cook out her kitchen the locals. I suggested Artie to really take his art to heart. You can see him on River Street Savannah Ga It's just nice to encourage someone who knows their gig in life~~~
  5. i would think the home is the mind that is really important peace to be at home. yeah
  6. hmm ~~~ are ya talking about Bullfinch??? It's more than a joust!!!
  7. Hey all~~~ Cheer New Years~~~ I know I really suck on doctinal. But, from an experienced Rooster that use to know the difference between sunrise and sunset, I was quite adept doctrinal gigs. S'pose kinda got burned out on that stuff. And if I may cockadoodledoo~oh~delaydi~who a strut my past~~~ I did do 10- 90 minute tapes on "Is Jesus Christ God?" straight 100 % proof shots Elohim JC and oh that's not all my credentials~~~ OHHH I wish I could actually have the time the the doctrinal marathon runs complete with lexicons and greek concrDANCES and and all that SCUBA gear. so i come into these detailed runs of doctrinal joggers and comment ~~~ nice jogging apparel And then there are those who SCUBA and so i sit at one of the park benches and crack roasted nuts for the squrrils and pigeons and ride my bicycle and i meet ARtie~the guy who had the guts to go with his artistic ability and have a a stand on River Street ~~~ nevermind
  8. >>> Dig it David! I usually say IN my moments oF duh huh awareness~~~ i could be wrong you're probably gonna get real serious ya have a jal brighten your day tape on this one?>?? Hi, It's The Real Me returning from the void~~~ if ya got that one TAPE dmiller, i'll send ya ONE BY ONE by JOE FAIR & RALPH GRAHAM in exchange ( don't ya just love a hostage stand off senario~~~ well
  9. Yepper, imagine there gonna be some "BIG BANG" tail gate parties going on!!! It's a ROK ON LIVE THIS SIDE THE PEARLY GATES The Seventh Seal about to be opened and the present murmmmer'd to a quite hush of a waterfall~~~ and we all lived happily ever after unless you were on Santa's hit list>>> woe unto you!!!
  10. Yepper, the secret things, the mystery type of things, the eternal type of things belong unto the Lourde. Until those type of things are made known, I do beleive surprises are a sure bet. Neither eye has seen nor ear heard what God has in store for those who love him. Imagine!!! And you shall know even as you are known. Imagine That! Now those who hate God, I imagine there is more in store than a compassionate wrath as if ya never existed type of helldom eternium. Oh I imagine there is gonna be a big ole surprise that whooper of expectation people are gonna answer for every word~~~ Yepper, whatever day that will be, I am sure that day will occur in the present. And the surprises will all ways be without fail! But I could be wrong.
  11. devil seed uhmmm that's quite some thing of thot to deal with since when
  12. yeah, uhum~~~ is there a place we can meet? There is some vital info concerning the anti christ before I am raptured ascended master~~~
  13. There is no way to prevent such a force of change according to "acts of God". The witness of such an extraordinary event is beyound my measure its reality.
  14. hmm, the we, the all, and the other all! May the God of my understanding bless you too!!!
  15. UH~~~ Is there something about delivering one to Satan type of thing?
  16. neither will I !!! but even to think about it ~~~ is a never ever resistance forever thought of "Come on back..." kinda reminds me of thoughts those who have eternal life vs the thoughts of those who do not have eternal life. Hmmm
  17. whoa, kinda doomsday stuff eh? And, uhmm, Steve, what is the surprise that you allude to???/B]
  18. Oh yeah Steve, a SURPRISE for sure!!! Yes in~~~deeedy~~~ unless you intend on acting like ~~~ ahh uhmm "I knew this would happen told ya so i got ice cream... whoops ~~~ DIG your thinking~~~ i'm mabe goin to heaven, but what do you think truck stop eight track stoned to da bone one them there , shLt did i leave that behind going to heaven tracts and buy a doze roses from a moonie Woha dude we talking about surprises ~~~ ahhh kewl~~~ never knew about that type of thing~~~ just fkn hgn round and "POOF" eh? Fun, ya thinks its gonna be no fun? Why is that? Child Birth Curse??? LOVETHESONGREMAINSTHESAME
  19. And eyes within eyes to see beyound the myst. For we see through a stained glass, light according to our understanding. Holy Shlt is that the Holy Grail!!!? "Can't you see I'm walking here!" Lt. Dan New Years Eve (hmmm which year?) By robert johnson I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees. I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees. Asked the lord above for mercy, save me if you please. I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride. I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride. Nobody seemed to know me, everybody passed me by. I’m going down to rosedale, take my rider by my side. I’m going down to rosedale, take my rider by my side. You can still barrelhouse, baby, on the riverside. You can run, you can run, tell my friend-boy willie brown. You can run, you can run, tell my friend-boy willie brown. And I’m standing at the crossroads, believe I’m sinking down. The live Cream version of this song turned up really loud, will strike your soul. Johnson does a good job, but just does not deliver the weight necessary to fold steel. Cream delivers with raw bone rattling bass (Jack Bruce), thunderring drums (Ginger Baker),and starling ripping riffs (Slow Hand). Whoops. Pardon me. I do think that was the Holy Grail back there. I would love to stay and finish whatever point I was heading. Sorry for the slight digression! NOW YOU CAN OPEN YOUR EYES.SURPRISE!!! ROK ON !!!!!
  20. uhmm ~~~ the meds in the em you sent me. Not the laughter part
  21. Yo CK... I edited obviously while you were responding!!!! (no wicked weird cackle laugh here) hmmm nice cheap shot on the meds... loved that one ...and uhm I'm not a "we" ex anything... wow, a level i have not seen in a while...
  22. I dig that one CK. Who is the "We" and the "it"? and "the cause" ? you have many a question & so do I and uhmm as far as meds go~~~ I prefer to keep the serotonin level at max capacity~~~
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