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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. There is not much there about TheSong. Maybe I should write my own type of "forum/flame warrior" caparisoned with hit points and all types of components essence Dungeons & Dragons. Other than that, there are many cross and rip cuts for anyone to choose. Clown & Eagle Scout sound the hopelessly oppositely the same. The Flame Warrior is surely lacking an exhaustive concordance his experience. Maybe Mike Reed has yet to define his particular constitution and comeliness. A Self Realised Flame Warrior Master will rarely become public. And when this character becomes public, it is a warning only he knows.
  2. does that mean there aRe 10 things "we" don't know about you?
  3. Is this like a big secret message or sumthing? psst did you know that ~~~
  4. ya know the earth is still stretching from that rescent event &, from what i have read its axis is a little off balance~~~
  5. almost makes me wonder (#135) the genetic code the volumnes it would take any encyclopedias an ordinary field mouse to be made
  6. and like about 900000 other things we don't know and about each other and other stuff
  7. That reminds me of # Noah and the Rainbow> Two of every creature, but what happenned to the "herb bearing seed"? I beleive that was the most grand of all smuggling operations ever conceived and accomplished.
  8. rok on!!! # 897 #86> I personally believe that if The Three Stooges were actually paid, they would have never died broke while others pocketed many of their coin.
  9. so then oenophile, are you familiar with Napoleon Hill?
  10. uhmm # 69 nevermind, ~~~ well actually that was quite a mutually pleasing top 100,000
  11. 437,891 > I have never inhaled. But that always left me with the problem of exhaling.
  12. Mom's Great Grandmother ~ Granma DuBois Grandmother ~ Mee-Maw or Ma-Maw or Maw-Maw. Grandfather ~ Paw-paw and later Pop. Dad's Grandmother ~ Granma Those not mentioned I wasn't around. I request my 2 Grandsons call me Pop. Selected in memory my Grandfather (mom's side).
  13. Within such a price range available I can purchase at selected numbers such as 15> I actually remember my first birthday. "Ahh~~~ you were shown pictures." True true. But those pictures were Black & White. I described the colors. now that leaves me 99,994.
  14. 100,000 > Bottles of beer builds a helluva pryamid 99,999 > Just one more. 99,998 > I still am dissapointed when I found out about Santa. All those Ma~Ma's he "Kissed". What a womanizer. 99,997 > I don't roll down the car window when I flatulate {except during a version that would completely silence the bean & fire scene in Blazing Saddles.} It's to obvious to other drivers what just occured in the privacy of you vehicle. 99,996> I once thought I was adopted. 99,995> I stared only once with my left eye into a solar eclispe of the Sun its totality. 41 years later, i can close my left eye and at times see that episode.
  15. Hmmm. But! What if it were "100 Thousand Things We Don't Know About You?" wouldn't one be challenged such an insight?
  16. 10> I have never eaten at Alices Restaurant. 9> My balls are hairier than Pauls. 8> I know the number of Supermans phone booth. 7> I prefer tin foil hats over ten gallon ones. 6> I try to think a combo The Rain Man/Forrest Gump while contmplating scripture. 5> I do not care if my socks match. It's that washer effect. 4> I have actually met Crystal Gayle. Her hair is as short as she is tall. 3> I plug my ears when in the shower. The water sounds and feels different. 2> I am not The Walrus and #1 1> I am Bruce Wayne.
  17. are you refering to Machiavelli The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli?
  18. You can see him (Artie the Artist) on River Street Savannah Ga Song
  19. ]all i know is when i crank my my harley and it sputters oil and AMC is involved and spaces inbetween and that type of thing~~~ etc
  20. TheSongRemainsTheSame


    10-4 i think i understand!!!
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