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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. def59 Location: where four great rivers start posted February 07, 2005 17:04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Abigail: It seems to me, being unloving/cruel,murdering people, and even judging someone based upon nothing but a general idea of their religious beliefs without really knowing the person would be sin. If God is love, wouldn't anything outside of love be sin? The mental gymnastics we use to justify prejudice and hatred reminds me very much of the mental gymnastics we used in TWI to justify the unsound doctrine and behavior there as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They two just cruising along, rag top down convertible style rare machine Road RUNNER the real for real hemi horse power muscle machine vehicle, hurst shifter 4 ond de floor & a Holly $ carb with a little nitro and baffles that are pefectly understandable~~~ ..."well would you say that's a mirage or some Song. Nice buttocks." "Must be Song, he's got an axe on his back and he's flagging a ******g ride...~~~ crank it down, no not the sounds, the rpms~~~ keep it revving purring loud and a thought and read ready to sckat quick~~~~ Why? "Why! Because he has a jack!!! He's the for real Wild One . I asked him once, "What motivates you to write?." He said. " It's the music. I always write with music."" The Lizard King pauses~~~ "Yeah?" "Where are you going??" "To the edge~~~ commonly known as the cliff~~~ I don't know why Joshua was given the command to kill everything in the promised land, but he was. And Israel did not do it and they kept paying the price for it for generations. God's ways and understanding are higher than ours, when we see things in the Bible we do not understand, we should by all means study them with all of God-given faculties, but in the end, we may not get all the answers we would like or even how we would like them. Abi, you said: If God is love, wouldn't anything outside of love be sin? Judgment is a sign of love. It means that God cares for his creation enough to send judgment when its inhabitants have strayed too far. The archaelogists have found the level of debauchery, human sacrifice and other sins to be so great that some have said it was with mercy that God sent Israel as an avenging army. Adults, children, animals —even the ground carried the diseases and pestilence of a sin-wracked world. In a sense, Israel was liberating the land from oppression. When cultures have gone too far down the road of sin, there has to be some way of correcting or eliminating the problem. "~~~ well can I ride or do I continue to flag a ride? Song "...i would have loved to have seen the original rainbow. The San Grael. But all i see are repetitions of what might have been the oringinal. Only light can tell... author unknown
  2. Ahhh '59, watch that cliff he runs ya to~~~ it's an extreeme edge Gillette & Sherlock Holmes...
  3. if ya kinda read that really fast like three times, if ya can~~~ well, seems to me I ponder the ..."that God wants us~~~ our lives..." like, uhmmm ya know, I'ma "me" and you are an US & OUR we do not agree!! (well at least i do agree abbot that! about what? No, What is about...
  4. is that like a red flag over there? Well, it certainly ain't a finger! Go Figure??? ...all I did was givhim the finger ~~~ I sware~~~
  5. Just one more, just one more time~~~ led zep ``` "He's drunk that's all~~~" "Barber ~~~ proceed."
  6. It should be by now obvious that I was quite rude, discouteous, impolite and down right just plain mean. I apologise to all that were negatively affected my responses on this Doctrinal Forum. I do applaude with thanks to the admins for removing my replys from the "A proPFAL THREAD - General Comments". AND rightly so! That decision was certainly a relief to me as well others. That I know. I pushed the envelope to far fer sure. I'm not much of a Doctrinal Dude ennymore. TWInty years of that kinda thing left me a taste that I'd rather not describe. And be rest assured I am not kissing up to anyone. That shoud be most evident. I would like to leave this Doctrinal with my integrity intact and make this my last entry here for quite some time to come. There is a place I know of where I can really sing a song and be a "blessing". So, I leave this here in Doctrinal as a fare the well. I have had permission from Brother Blakely to post his words anytime I wish. That was from five years ago and to this day I receive his gig of thoughts, five times a week, of which most I do not even open, but some I do~~~ Hence this one, and that's the best I can do in Doctrine. enjoy. Cheerfully, TheSongRemainsTheSame Subj: WE ARE CHANGED, #2 Date: 1/13/2005 10:11:49 PM Eastern Standard Time From: GivenB@aol.com A Thought for the Day - Powered by InJesus Subscribe Unsubscribe Change E-mail View Archive WE ARE CHANGED, #2 Given O. Blakely Jan 13, 2005 THE NATURE OF SPIRITUAL LIFE "But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Cor 3:15-18, KJV) Devotion 25 of 33 WE ARE CHANGED, #2 "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed . . . " A static religion – where there is no fundamental progression – is one in which Jesus is not resident. In such a case, the people are not focused upon Him, and have become distracted to other things. Our text is not speaking of mere possibilities or ideals. This is what happens when our attention is focused on "The record God has given of His Son" (1 John 5:10-11). There simply is no possibility that an individual's attention can be focused on the Subject of the Gospel without that person being "changed." This is because that Person, Jesus Christ, is "alive for evermore" (Rev 1:18). A religion that leaves a person unchanged should be immediately abandoned – cast away as the rubbish that it is! It must be regarded as "dung," just as Paul considered his own past – steeped in Jewish tradition (Phil 3:8). Just as surely as Moses could not remain in the presence of the Lord of glory without the skin of his face being "changed," so it is impossible for the person who beholds the glory of the Lord to remain unchanged! When a church – any church – must resort to canned procedures to try and awaken the people to righteousness, there is something that is fundamentally wrong. When Paul had to write the Corinthians in such a manner as to constrain them to conduct themselves properly, it was because they had been diverted from the Lord of glory. Their eyes had been turned to men (1 Cor 3:4), and thus their spiritual change was aborted! They had reverted to a carnal state, from which they had once been delivered (1 Cor 3:1-3), and therefore they ceased to progress. Rather than changing upward, they were in a state of moral and spiritual decline. They allowed fornication among them (1 Cor 5:1-5). They did not consider the impact of suing one another before carnal judges (1 Cor 6:1-5). They were unable to discern when it was proper to marry, and how to handle challenging circumstances within marriage (1 Cor 7:1-16). Paul had to reason with them about being mindful of weaker brethren, whose conscience was in a state of formation (1 Cor 8:1-13). Some of the Corinthians could not see that Paul was an Apostle, and was worthy of their support (1 Cor 9:1-27). They had forgotten about the experience of the Israelites, that was recorded for our admonition (1 Cor 10:1-12). The church in Corinth was not making an association of their assemblies with edification (1 Cor 11:1-19). Instead of the Lord's table being a place of blessing among them, it became the occasion of Divine judgment (1 Cor 11:20-34). Somehow, the purpose served by spiritual gifts was no longer seen among them (1 Cor 12-14). Some of their number had ceased to believe the dead would be raised (1 Cor 15:1-52). What had happened among these people? The Corinthians were no longer being "changed" – that is precisely why Paul had to write them two Epistles filled with rebuke and elementary teaching. This kind of pattern is so prevalent today that it is actually thought to be the "common" condition of the church. We are living in a time when religious careers are being tailored for dead and lifeless churches! Preaching and expounding Christ Jesus has now been classified with religious relics. The church has so many problems it needs a "counseling staff." It cannot worship the Lord, so it has invented a "worship leader." It's youth are going astray so they have created a "youth minister." A vast array of workshops and clinics have been developed to address the "practical needs" of the people. The church is not expanding, so "church planting" courses are being offered. Divorce is so common among professing Christians that we now have "divorce recovery" classes and clinics. So many preachers have fallen into moral sin that whole ministries are now devoted to their recovery. This is a fair representation of the "church" culture of our day. In fact, the church at Corinth has, for all practical purposes, been "restored." It was shameful for Corinth to have such traits (1 Cor 6:5; 15:34), and it is shameful for them to exist today as well! These conditions are the direct result of a lack of "change" – the kind of change that DOES take place when we "behold . . . the glory of the Lord." It is not possible to behold this glory and remain unchanged! It is not that decline is not apt to happen as we "behold." It is that is CANNOT happen when our attention is properly focused! A person cannot run the race set before him, "looking unto Jesus," and go backward, or be diverted to a spiritual alley (Heb 12:1-2). That circumstance cannot happen when the glory of the Lord is shining upon our unveiled face! PRAYER POINT: Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for a salvation that changes character, advancing us to conformity to the image of Your Son. -- Tomorrow: HEARTS THAT WERE TOUCHED -- Word of Truth Website: http://www.wotruth.com Word of Truth Fellowship: http://www.wotruth.com/wotfindex.htm Brother Blakely's Commentaries: http://www.wotruth.com/commentaries.htm Ask A Question: http://www.wotruth.com/questans-1.htm Prayer Request Form: http://www.wotruth.com/PRAYER.htm Word of Truth Discussion Board http://pub28.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?u...393410575&cpv=1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit My InJesus to manage your subscriptions, change your profile, or check out thousands of other great ministry groups. If you do not have access to the web, you can use these addresses to unsubscribe or subscribe: Unsubscribe: wotruth-unsubscribe@MyInJesus.com Subscribe: wotruth-subscribe@MyInJesus.com
  7. a big TEN 4, hold, damn how many neon lights does it take to change a light bulb? as usual i make no sense either.
  8. Rants that go on forever. Hmmm? Is that on or before or after called out? A best thread. Hmmm. I have another place this GSC offers where I know I can braggadocio all I want and without a rant & rave what the whole gig this life, said the Raven. Been scoping that dinner theatre for quite sometime and not the world according to Song, but just a real live deal. comeing soon~~~ Rants are excellent, if there are words to be spoken which seem somewhat awkkward to present without having to display all parts the language. Electricity or Fire? Seems I have both in my home (the nous) (or is that noose?) a repertoire of experience that can also not be explained, but I breathe for some reason and my blood travels and etc "rant". So then~~~ forever is a long time. into eternity, and in the world according to Song, God created eternity which is beyound infinity. So where then is my rant? Where is my rave? Shall we not know even as we are known? Beyound time, beyound infinittty x'x s infinnittttty, and beyound eternity and into THE PRESENCE OF GOD, where we are suppose to give an account of every word we spoke compared to THE WORD GOD SPOKE, and that word is only one. i think? Thoughts of Forever is not a long time compared to our thoughts GOD already knew like the hairs of our head and rant on! Laughter to any understanding the god of our understanding. Definetly not all is vanity. Rules N Regs, for we all chatter an internet, the wheel, and the first AUTOmobile. Shall I now quote the entire world of scripture according to human kind and culture and adam & eves, or was Eve first? I will rant & rave from my perspective as all else here and here in this world and allaccrosx the univeerse~~~ Unless there is only one "way" to do it all! Who holds the true snow balls? (chek job) I suppose it may matter the depth of space a Hubble can see as well all that kinda microscopic and even smaller than can be imagined type of thing. oh well~~~ a pontiff i'm not~~~ Rok It Rokker dig it Rok On & on & on (heh heh heh)
  9. yeah a story a true story and all the parts i have no idea where they (the) story came from ~~~ ya know? Ya dig? Helen how did ya learn?
  10. WOW man ~~~ that sounds pretty slitherly eh Steve Lortz... ain't it so eh~~~ Song hahahahahah & the difference between the s hit & shinola on high~~~
  11. >>>> Well I certainly would not give that someone a Koleman Kerosene lamp in lieu a flip a switch. Dig The Clapper though! God has many lamps of light to understand. A wood burning stove offers more heat than a 200 wat bulb of light. But the two hundred watt bulb offers more light. Then we must consider a bon fire in ten degree noctunal gathering. Oh that is most fun while performing a low country boil and steamed oysters and a wonder of an evening the host of the scintillating stars and shivering conversations loaded with frosty breath and laughter. No,i dun't understand electricity and how it works. Just plug in and turn on. Song aaand post script Too Gray Now ~~~ certainly you must knowalllllllways listen to your woman that is just omnigoodprudance! ya only have so many ribs to spare!!! Remember, it's Ma-Ma ~~~ then Daddy.!
  12. Righteous as it may be, I was offered a ticket to the Super Bowl worth about a grand if my friends from Savannah could stay with me. I said I will take the ticket and you can sleep on the doormat. Of course the deal collapsed with a great deal of laughter. Homes are being rented for a thousand bucks a day through realtors. Imagine what the realtors are pushing into their pockets all the way to the bank. That kinda hurricane
  13. Ahh Dmiller, please rest be assured it already has a name in Roman Numerals
  14. ...Is coming to our country named Florida. I don't think the hurricane season is quite over. Song
  15. I mean ya can hang out for all eternity, But God is beyond eternity~~~ never mind just a nevermind kinda thot
  16. Nay! My Mom is "hard of hearing", well that's what she claims. Actually she is legally deaf. I have been her ears for years. Pop, Maw Maw, my two Aunts (moms side) decided a trip to California. An implant, a modified hearing aid to be sugically placed within her left ear. This device had to be tuned like a piano. After many tunings, to perform a long words short, Mom & I were hanging in the front yard one evening. I don't remember the season, but the night was clear full of scintillating stars. She began to wiggle her left ear with her index finger and push its lapel close open close open... "Steve, what's that sound." softly spoke her untuned clarinet voice. I looked to her with a little bit of a puzzle. We lip read ya know. She knows I hear her, but she also knows for her to hear me I must speak very plainly to her face.I don't even have to use my voice. Lip reading is like sign language. "What sound are you talking about?" "Listen Steve. It makes my ears tingle." Well i heard the wind through the trees a sound she sees. She feels sound, like a door being slammed, she is aware the vibrations and a percussion of feeling in the air. But this time she was declaring a specific sound. I listened. Oh my god she has never heard the sound of crickets.
  17. I still dig the million dollar ransom the 900 foot tall JC demanded from Oral Roberts. Who's that guy that made some statue vanish?
  18. omnipresence = omninonpresence omni goes with everything
  19. Main Entry: doc·trin·al Pronunciation: 'd?tr&-n&l, esp British d?'trI- Function: adjective Date: 15th century : of, relating to, or preoccupied with doctrine - doc·trin·al·ly /-n&l-E/ adverb Main Entry: doc·trine Pronunciation: 'd?tr&n Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French, from Latin doctrina, from doctor Date: 14th century 1 : archaic : TEACHING, INSTRUCTION 2 a : something that is taught b : a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : DOGMA c : a principle of law established through past decisions d : a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relations song
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