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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. kinda nice to have my own tiki hut on the pool deck. Even during the winter it wwwwas & still remains fun promoting Panama Jack Sun/Skin(sin)/care Products~~~ Cruise is that you?
  2. I feel like I am almost 22 again but seasoned with 50 years of EX perience ~~~ where's that confounded bridge
  3. And her's a "Dear John" from letters never sent 1/31/95~~~10:47p.m. Dearest John, God Bless you Dear Sir, The Twig Co meeting tonight and Craig taping the new PFAL sure speaks of the urgency to move the WORD! Wife & I just completed the DTA and having Laura Hearn from Virginia already signed and paid for the PFAL has given me a bon-fire under my foot - either move the WORD or get out the way (no pun intended;> ;)-->) Either blow hot or cold. My jaws have been dropping to the floor from all the abundance of the Word I have heard in the past recent two years. All I need to do is get my jaws off the floor and put my lips together and speak it. Oh sure, ceretainly I have been flapping my jaws to those involved in the Twig, my family, and close friends-I have been throwing grenades to others- Hit and maybe miss, maybe hit toward others outside the immediate so to speak 'fold'.After 19 years since my first PFAL I believe I can really hold the balance of that Javelin in my right hand with such accuracy and run with the "FULL INTENT' to be able to hurl it toward the mark and outdistance the fiery darts of the wicked one. After all, have you ever noticed the difference in size a 'javelin' and a 'dart'? I believe one is bigger than the the other. A dart is 'tossed', a 'Javilin is 'HURLED'! Both require accuracy. But one requires more strength (IJohn 4:4 anyone!;)-->) and no more grenades Certainly I am blessed with speaking the Word in twig, & to other believers, My Wife, and my children, and immediate family, but it is now !! the time to reach out from that sure have of receptiveness and to those that sit or are trapped in darkness and who will to have the greatness of God's Word! & Keeping that focus of the 'bigger picture' of the whole parameter of God's Scope! It is easy to speak the Word - that is 'grenades's 'It requires discipline to move the Word - that is 'hurling' the javelin with the full intent of absolutely hitting the mark because you stand fully upon 'IT IS WRITTEN!" We are fully equipped - It is time to set sail - as every generation of believers do so upon what they know!@ and we do know the accuracy of God's Word. I will contact Paul Chapdelain this week to continue our goals toward the Public Explaination in Feb.
  4. Yo MW () (whowoahhhever) however I got my stuff over in this hotel lobby~~~ thanks OnEyedJacksWildOneTheSongRemainsTheSameSweetWildSoulSongsterWildThang
  5. liquid mercury finger tips & mirrors~~~ have ya ever had the opportunity to place the tip of a finger on a "ball" of mercury on a mirror surface? DO NOT LICK YOUR FINGER WHILE TRYING THIS AT HOME
  6. Now another QUESTion~~~ Has anyone ever been certified as a S.C.U.B.A. Diver? Breathe~~~POWohhhh ~~~ right in the diaphragm by the instructor NEVER EVER EVER EVER HOLD YOUR BREATH UPON ASCENSION UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR LUNGS TRAILING OUTSIDE YOUR CHEST BEFORE YOU BREAK SURFACE!!! Bart Collins my scuba instructor. circa early early seventies~~~
  7. Cool Hand Luke & Slow Hand Clapton Are J. Gleason & The BluZ BroZ combined. Jeesh no wonder I make non no sence, but it's all good pruDance when one understands the complexities of life and all of a sudden there is a fish bowl and a tad pole in a jar and of course Monster Island. Seems sence I have a little bit of my heart a thread ode me own as companion and not tag along the others going on~~~ I have a canavas for water colour. Laughter
  8. Okay KatZ De Chat (that would be a nice perfume at the Dillard's as a companion Chanel # 5) Got another dime for the juke box~~~ The Original Song
  9. Flagging a ride is not as fun as its "used to be" intents and purposes. Seems I have a little predicament going on here. That's okay. When I first cruised to WD/GSC and entered chat, well I was was greeted by a friendly welcome and a short tour. Then I was let to tour on my own and encountered a fly swatter. How rude! :D--> (hey song you doing the tangent man gig again) forgive me~~~ Only two choices of questions with a possiblity of more than three answers to consider? If I may add a third question, What the Song is he talking about? Now, How many more known answers would be available to choose from? I was not saying you said I had nice buttocks , but rather you were driving the Road Runner and abi was a passenger and you and her were battn de chattn and i was flagging a ride and never mind~~~ I just thot a little presumptuous humour that Abi would think I had a nice foot that scenario that's all~~~~ :D--> Here's another, (as with most of my posts, as if you have read them all, and if you have I am sorry! :(--> ) and I hope you are not offended: ..."...For an hour or more, we sat there laughing as Red — and his guest that week, Phyllis Diller — ran through the framework of that week's show, but with dirty jokes ad-libbed in place of the real lines. Mike's friend had slipped us a copy of the script and I followed along with it, noting how Red would do one line from the show, then three or four lines about flatulence that Lenny Bruce would have rejected as being in poor taste. Then he'd do another bit from the script, then six or seven jokes about women's breasts. It is doubtful that, just at that moment, God was telling Red what to do."... ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 10/24/97 in POV Point Of View By : Mark Elanier ~~~and uhmmm~~~ I'm out'a mind. Headed to da 7/11. Be back in 5 minutes. No, ME. Not You. I'll be back in five minutes.
  10. Dear Michael & Cindy~~~ The greatness of God's Word moves within our lives when we move withinn its bounds. As we continue to remain fully persuaded, we begin to see with the microscope and telescope of HIS Scope to move the Word over the world. Remaining faithful, we see results because God's Word does not return void. ~~~ SONG!!!!!
  11. I have about twoo hundred plus pages of proPFAL "unfinished letters"~~~ >>>here's one~~~>>> Dear Re. Bob Moynihan< God Bless And the warmest greetings of love to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your letter dated "July 1991" to the Way Corps Spiritual Partners ___ Where's that confounded bridge~~~
  12. and "Hank" the Harry B. Light ~~~ who such a dear friend I had not the understanding why he would not tell me what the "B." meant~~~ he got to cavght up in that the pfal became the o th w uhuuhmm the WORD I am sure we will meet and discuss why he decided to uhmmm check out either from the point of view of this or that~~~ THIS DUDE LOVED GOD~~~ even did some of those spots local radios those 30 sec spots on a religious format~~~ enny way this Harry B. Light knows a cliff or two~~~
  13. Diane Wells~~~ The one whos mom discussed with VP wether JC was really God ~~~~~
  14. Mike, Peace between Me & You~~~ Have ya ever eva heard of a Randy Height? & and for that matter of QUESTion a vistage a noble man, as well as Peyton, ??? Randy Height enny one!!!???/B] Peyton
  15. RAF Hmmm, sounds like some of the finest weed in the Shire has been spoken~~~ watch them Hooters!!! Song :D-->
  16. I , uhmmm ., I left my, uhmm bike standing somewhere overthere ~~~ toward the west, just of the cliffs,,, seems i need to change the oil and qick strart ///... i mean KICK START it again ~~~ kinda left it hanging there for so many yearz~~~~~!~~~~~~ I
  17. no not dog warrior~~~ ~~~ that concept was ....ssssed poorly representented, poorly represented its actual Dog Warrior (pfal is soreley lacking its meaning DOG WARRIOR!) whoopsa tangent~~~ forgive me~~~
  18. does any one really know the origen of the one finger? Song ?
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