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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame
Iron Horses: The Man Is In The Window~~~ Easy Rider
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Open
~~~I used to carry a hug tool-roll. But over the years, I never did use it for anything on my bike, I was always loaning it out to help all the Hardley guys that I ended up riding alongside of. A lot of those hardleys you see sitting on the side of the road, man. awe come on man, that's a cheep shot dude! I never had any problems with my '75 Sportster. Did not even leak a dime of oil. Well, I will have to admit, Harley was owned by AMF at that time. I dont carry any tools anymore. I bought this Gold-wing 2 years ago, just as the bike turned 20 years old. Got it for $1,000. It's blue-book value is less than the cost it would be to have a shop do about anything to it. So the first sign of a break-down and it is going to the dump. But that was 10,000 miles ago. I did change the oil, I dont know why, but I did. It just keeps running. It would not surprize me if I get another 100,000 miles out of it. That's totally awsesome Galen. But I betcha ya won't see a Gold Wing on display in a museum anytime soon. :D--> The guy that I bought it from, really did not ride it much, he never took it for a coast-to-coast run. I have done a bunch of those drives on a couple different Kawasakis that I have had. It is a good drive, about 3 days depending on which highway you use. Are ya talking coast to coast like in Highway 80? And on Kakasakis? I would like to hear a coupla stories those crotch rocket rides. I fancied to do one on a Harley, but it just never happened. You free soul to da bone dude!!! This Gold-wing though it only had 80,000 miles on it when I got it, very low mileage, for a 20 year old gold-wing. I would imagine a little ole lady used it to go the store. Kawaskis dont hold up the way that Gold-wings do, By the time you get a Kawasaki up to 75,000 or 100,000 miles it is pretty well worn. Hmmm, don't know 'bout 'dat. I have a friend who still has his '75 Kawasaki (900/950 ?)~~~ I thinks this thread has few stories to tell eh Galen? The invisible 7/11 is just around the corner where them cow girls float on the ceiling -
Mr. Lingo, When you posted your thread, it drew my attention for whatever reasons. Maybe one reason so recent would be I have a thread in Doctrinal topic title "I Love My Children Too" or something like that~~~ and just the events you so described as I read bought my right fist to a close and that feeling my LP's ear upon my cuff and the sounds of that day and the forgiveness, the genuine forgiveness, not the crap someone attempts to futher a ministry~~~ the genuine forgiveness of feeling a love that will never go away ever or something like that Time does not heal, although healing does occur in time. Bandages do not heal, although bandages assist the healing. Healing is a strange process of events to me. Strange because I do not understand the healing process. I thinks the healing process begins at conception. But that would be another topic in another forum somewhere. Johnny Lingo, best rest assured that day will live in your heart for all your life. Not every moment of your life. I only thought of that day I shared with you when you posted your thread 30 years later. It's not hug and forget it's hug and laugh and remember the next time the next time being when your son has his kids he has definate knowledge such a situation just rambling a care from the past Song
Ya damned right you are. That stuff hurts to the bone marrow of soul and love of children and chlidren love of parents. What do you think your son is thinking? I, would say the same thinking of feeling you just expressed ~~~ I am just so bummed that it came to that, my own flesh and blood.
LP is my Dad's name. Everyone called him LP and many considered LP as like their dad Hence, I call my Dad ~~~LP Luthor Peterson
I thinks johniam has a very valid point of insight the could have beens~~~ if my friends/LP's had not interceded, LP would have torn my foot apart in self defence
Johnny Lingo, I saw the whole scene man as you were rolling it out in words here. That really sucks dude. I know your hurt and especially on such special days of the year. My Dad LP, never ever put a hand on me. But I will tell you this one very similar A Thanksgiving 30 year ago I was angry about life a similar as you so aptly described. We were all hanging out that holiday, neighborhood knowing everyone just hanging out and laughing, but i was boiling!!! i walked down the drive and all friends and my LP there just laughing and good times and thanksgiving ready to be table top soon~~~ LP made a comment to me concerning my situation that made further my anger and I directly went square to square with him. now dig, my LP at that time was every bit of 210lbs solid 6'2". I drew a fist and round housed him with the cuff of my fist square onto his left ear. He shuttered the blow grasping his head and stumbled back My friends, who were also LP's friends, were so ever surprised stunned, and I went for another blow and they came at me and others toward LP and separated us. The ones who came at me pushed me back with eyes so cold and still, and kept pushing me back and back untill I stumbled onto my foot and scrambled onto my feet and tears streamed down my face & i turned and stormed away~~~ I returned a few hours later for dinner I entered the house LP looked at me ~~~ dinner will be ready in a few minutes~~~ go wash up son as I went to the wash up room my Mom was standing in the hall with a look on her face and lips so buttoned I will never ever forget that day Hence my share here this table with you Mr. Lingo And as if nothing ever happened, we sat down to that Thanksgiving Dinner and LP asked me to say the Grace. That day did happen Mr. Lingo and that day will always be remembered. And maybe 30 years from now your son will remember your love as I do my LP. Just A Song Rok On!!!
Iron Horses: The Man Is In The Window~~~ Easy Rider
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Open
Okay caught my writing breath~~~ Galen, Just thot to take this gig of subject here for a little more conversation so as not to totally HOG the thread in Doctrinal. Well, if it had to do with JC a choice between a hog or a donkey a ride into town, it may have been worth a shot in doctrinal. Other wit let's rok on bikes here in the OPEN road!!! The Gold Wing I traded for the day was fully loaded, uhm but without power windows. Stereo to the max nth decibles blowing out red lights and turning over vehicles in the turn lanes. But ya know, if ya just had the bike running and a helmet on, I sware to ya, just to be sure, I would take the helmet off and listen. It's a touring bike with some nice power. "hug tool-roll" Now that's a term I have not thot about in quite a while. Just enough tools to swear ya wish ya had more :D--> and more later esp the KawaSocItTome What was your first bike? Mine was a tricycle. Well, I also remember a Rocking Horse~~~ -
Biblical Universalism
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to def59's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Yo Galen, I took the Beard,Babes,Bikes over to the "OPEN" road and held Mark accountable for asking about your beard. :D--> The Unmistakable Rumble of a Songster -
This thread is a streaming thought and has its origins in the Doctrinal forum. Topic: Biblical Universalism Please be advised :This thread is not for the faint of heart . It all began here: Mark Sanguinetti posted April 27, 2005 15:10 April 27, 2005 15:10: Galen, I have been meaning to ask you. Is that a photo of you with the big smile and long black beard? Galen: Yes, it was. The Proportions of the Height and Width got messed-up in the process of shrinking it down small enough so this website would handle it. I recently trimmed it to rid split-ends, Bonnie was a little upset as I took off over 4 inches. It is now about seven inches as measured from my chin. I put it in a scrunchie to hold it in place when I ride my bike, or else it gets in my eyes. :-) Mark: Thanks Galen. What is most important is that your gal Bonnie likes your beard. I just hope that it does not scratch her when it comes to kissing time. Song: Mark, obviously you have no experience a long beard. I had one once and the gals told me it was as soft theirs. Galen: Mark, There does exist a common myth, that a beard would/should/or even could scratch [beyond it's 'stubble' phase]. Does your head-hair scratch? Or your arm-hairs? What is there about facial hair that makes people think it should scratch? :-) When you have recently shaved, but then let it grow out just a little bit, that stubble is stiff and does scratch. Just like a woman's legs 3 days after she last shaved them. A woman who lets her leg hairs grow for a few weeks though, no longer has rough stubble, the hairs relax as they get longer. I shampoo my beard and use conditioner, sometimes a de-tangler, sometimes a softener. On occasion I do hear women say some comment about my beard and the possibility of it being 'scratchy'. I always challenge them to touch it and if they find it to be soft they owe me a kiss. [it has gotten me kissed a few times over the years]. Bonnie likes my beard as well. I had a full-beard when we courted, and our wedding pictures show a full-beard. When the Navy finally said that I had to shave while in-port, our eldest son did not recognize me, the first time he saw me without a beard. Daniel was 3, he was mad that some other man was kissing his mother. Mark: I like your photo too. It makes you look like a rugged mountain man. I am just wondering if the photo was taken before or after you traveled to town for provisions? Galen: LOL Thank you. Here in Connecticut, I stand out a bit. When I go travel up to Maine [was up there last week] I fit in totally. Song: I'll be damned ZZ! What kinda bike you ride? Galen: Thanks, I have a Gold-Wing. :-) Mark: Thanks for the information on beards Galen. I am wondering if Song thinks that your beard makes you look like a rocker. He likes that, but wants to know if you have ever played with ZZ Top or been on one of their videos? Rock on Bros. Galen: LOL Sometimes people do yell "Hey ZZ-Top!" When I drive by them. The only videos of theirs that I recall, had young girls with really looong legs, and short short hot pants. :-) Song: That is the most quiet and vibration free bike I have ever straddled. In fact~~~ I experienced the Gold Wing when Honda first put them on the road. We use to trade bikes for the day. And I traded my Harley '75 1200 Sportster, which would numb your foot in 50 miles, for a free ride the Honda Gold Wing ~~~ quite a difference~~~ give me a rumble anytime ~~~ always carry a spare helmet when solo~~~ them long hot pant legs love a ride to the invisible 7/11~~~Rok On The Unmistakable Rumble of~~~ Songster Galen: TheSongRemainsTheSame: I have a Gold-Wing. "That is the most quiet and vibration free bike I have ever straddled." They sure are. And the engine sits so terribly low, laying down flat like that, and the fuel tank being so far down too, the center of gravity is very low. With the roll bars on it, I can lay it down on it's side and nothing touchs the ground. If you stay seated, your legs are still 4 inches off the ground even when the bike is laying on it's side. It's quite I can hear a good deal of nature while driving [if my stereo is off]. :-) It is hard to imagine that I have owned cars with smaller engines. :-) "... I traded my Harley '75 1200 Sportster, which would numb your foot in 50 miles," I used to carry a hug tool-roll. But over the years, I never did use it for anything on my bike, I was always loaning it out to help all the Hardley guys that I ended up riding alongside of. A lot of those hardleys you see sitting on the side of the road, man. I dont carry any tools anymore. I bought this Gold-wing 2 years ago, just as the bike turned 20 years old. Got it for $1,000. It's blue-book value is less than the cost it would be to have a shop do about anything to it. So the first sign of a break-down and it is going to the dump. But that was 10,000 miles ago. I did change the oil, I dont know why, but I did. It just keeps running. It would not surprize me if I get another 100,000 miles out of it. The guy that I bought it from, really did not ride it much, he never took it for a coast-to-coast run. I have done a bunch of those drives on a couple different Kawasakis that I have had. It is a good drive, about 3 days depending on which highway you use. This Gold-wing though it only had 80,000 miles on it when I got it, very low mileage, for a 20 year old gold-wing. Kawaskis dont hold up the way that Gold-wings do, By the time you get a Kawasaki up to 75,000 or 100,000 miles it is pretty well worn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohwritey now, that took a little effort~~~ will respond some time in the length of shortly whew
I Love My Children Too
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Back again~~~ when you had said that (which is a beatiful thought) my thoughts trailed to the times poker games in which my favorite poker game was 3 draw one. And as far as being "once was one" ahem~~~ you still are and arn't we all???!!! -
I Love My Children Too
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
annnndd here I go again~~~ that thot just bought to mind a night during last hurrican season when the wind was howling the the trees and swarming the pond into a frenzzy and so dark and a pure white heron trying to find shelter from the storm landed in the tree that stands over the pond like a eybrow and stood in those branches and folded its wings like a blanket and tucked its long neck into its breat and stayed there and I watched it until the wind became so fierce i had to tune turn in and close the sliding glass door and watch its pure white and then had to close the shades for the wind was gusting suddenly over and over dig what i'm saying i just have to diSengage my mind from those thots because they will just stream in and i have no place to put them at times understand??? -
I Love My Children Too
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
okay here's another eg the way my mind travels ~~~ I just went out on the porch since my last entry, lit a cigarette and noticed a two turtles swimmin slowly west in the pond below me. A big one and a little one~~~ the little one is bumping his snout to the big one's snout like learning how to swim and it's mother's day!!!! Happy Mother's Day Sharon~~~ gonna finish my smoke now hahahahahahhah dig what i'm saying -
I Love My Children Too
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Sharon, I hope this clears up some tangents of mine. Forgive me. I do not mean to be confusing to anyone. Although I seem to have developed such a reputation here. Uhm like hard core jazz or something like that. Yeah I know I am hard to follow at times here at GSC. I am working on that. I just have so very much to say. I keep pen and paper with me WHEReVER I am. I even write on my windshield with a Sharpie while driving & no paper available. I even have a tape recorder when a thot zooms through on a piece of writing that I have to make note. Those I call "Bits & Pieces" . I have even been accused of snorting coke, cleaning a bong since I was a child, being drunk when I write here. That is not so and no I am not playing a victim or poor poor pitiful me status. I do and have h20 colours, sketches, portraits which would fill piece to piece a 60 foot long and 8' high wall ~~~ about 1200 poems, 100's of lyrics, a few essays, a few short stories a 6 foot high journal my gig with TWI for TWInty years an ongoing journal called "The Oceans Edge" 5 novels I been trying to finish for 15 years and still working on them. Chatty can vouch for some of that in re to "Amaryllis", "The Chronicles Of Talon Sparks", "Lime Jacket"~~~ I can mimic writers ... for eg give me two hours of perusal a Bulfinch and I can have about 1000 words into that world within 2 or 3 leisure hours. Spell check it later ya know. Love to make up words that actually do have a deafinition I play guitar & harmonica and over a hundred songs on cassett Sad to say none published I have over a thousand photos of my work performed in construction of which I use as a resume for potential clients which produces a 95% closing and I finish all my jobs :D--> Damn where am I going with all this braggadocio??? Oh that's right I guess I'm talking about love -
I Love My Children Too
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
okay please believe me I will make a point this whole thread, if it's not obvious already. Okay back to Phillip~~~ I really want to sum that story and not end it as abrupt as above few posts ago to set the back drop from the last post ~~~It's night about 7p ~~~ the conversation is face to face and low key and of course the gist only "Yeah I know dude, but you discharged a gun." "I was celebrating my birthday." "You were totally frigging drunk celebrating your birthday. he had consumed a fifth tequilla and swallowed the worm). "Well, that's the way we do it in Valdosta." "You give Valdosta a bad name and this is an apartment complex ~~~~ you know, a community full of people. You discharged 3 rounds from your 9mm right outside my window dude. You could have killed someone. You Need To Leave Now! I know you are here to see your little girl, but neither your wife or she is here." "I love my family. Please I just want to see my little girl." "Phillip, you are not being smart right now. Give me the key to your apartment and go away now. Just the fact I know you are here, you know damn good and well I am going to call the police. If you love your wife and your little girl, give me your apartment key and leave." Phillip turned over his key and the mail and walked away. Hands in pockets and head hung low. I called the police and made the report. I called his wife at work. Turned over the key and mail to his wife the next day. She then placed a restraining order on Phillip. Sad very sad because I knew he loved his wife and little girl. -
Main Entry: peopslters Pronunciation: 'pE-Op stirz Function: noun Etymology: Middle English peple, from Old French peuple, from Latin populus and from poster Date: 21st century 1 : plural : human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest and post on boards in dialog utilizing decorative or pictorial displays to effectively or ineffectively express views of various interest 2 : plural : the members of a family or kinship 3 : plural : the mass of a community as distinguished from a special class: the peopslters and the moderators 4 : plural peopslters's : a body of persons that are united by a common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, that typically have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and that often constitute an organized group once involved in cults Pronunciation Key © 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy Well, I sure hope 'dat sedalles 'dat! Damn, is that pink Peruvian? ~~~ hey man, Like can I sprinkle a little of that on top this krypty Rok On One Stoned Songer To Da Bongerrest
Stayed Too Long Needs a hobby Location: Helena, Montana Registered: September 24, 2002 Posts: 387 posted May 01, 2005 19:05 quote: Originally posted by Tom Strange: I'm trying to figure out what "peopslters" is??? I googled "peopslters" and found them to be a sub species of gremlin who's main interest in life is to clean out the residue left inside straws used by coke snorters. Peopslters children start out quite young cleaning bongs. ~~~~ Did you mean: popstars No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found. Your search - peopslters - did not match any documents. Suggestions: - Make sure all words are spelled correctly. - Try different keywords. - Try more general keywords.
Spiritual Dialogue Sessions
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to sirguessalot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I can dig it. Whoops did I miss it? I'm placing my quater on the pool table. I just need some one like Abi to show me how to RACK EM!!! -
Biblical Universalism
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to def59's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
That is the most quiet and vibration free bike I have ever straddled. In fact~~~ I experienced the Gold Wing when Honda first put them on the road. We use to trade bikes for the day. And I traded my Harley '75 1200 Sportster, which would numb your foot in 50 miles, for a free ride the Honda Gold Wing ~~~ quite a difference~~~ give me a rumble anytime :D-->~~~ always carry a spare helmet when solo~~~ them long hot pant legs love a ride to the invisible 7/11~~~Rok On :D--> The Unmistakable Rumble of~~~ Songster -
is there any limitations on good byes? The dead anin't that quiet walk into a graveyard and listen to what you see
Biblical Universalism
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to def59's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Mark, obviously you have no experience a long beard. I had one onceand the gals told me it was as soft theirs -
Biblical Universalism
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to def59's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I'll be damned ZZ! What kinda bike you ride? -
I Love My Children Too
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
During that time the office was well aware the situation, but yet could not control the deal. The dude got out of jail. Very quiet and slick. I saw him. For some reason he was able to get back to his wife and kid very quiet like. This dude is 6'3" solid. I am 5'10" full of **** and experienced ~~~ saw him exit toward the the mail box center~~~ "Phillip!!!" He turned "What are you doing here dude!!!" we walked towward each other and squared his eyes down mine up "I came to get my mail" "Dude you discharged a gun" "Iwant to see my child" -
I Love My Children Too
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
The dude that discharged the gun~~~ He went to jail. That young teen his wife and their daughter went through hell man trying to figure the what to do. The ones upstairs helped with her care. The one down the row named Danny, a Viet Fn Nam vet post tram, helped too. She just loved her little girl and wanted help. I have that coarse lace or fringe made by knotting threads or cords in a geometrical pattern; also : the art of tying knots in patterns around my wrist right now i do not know what happened to that little lady with her baby but i hope all is well -
Get real Roy. That day is always today~~~
I Love My Children Too
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I'm just a song with a lotta stories like that Big Fish movie~~~ New tenant moved in next to our apt. Nice couple with one child. Apartment dwellers kinda just live together for some reason. I go to work, my wife goes to work, we come home and do the usual routine. I go outside to have a smoke and apartments are kinda close together ya know. As I walk out the front door there is this new tenant sitting in front her her door composing macrame "I'd like for you to have this." I lit my smoke and reached out mine hand to recieve her thought~~~ she has a beautfil child i did not understand I said thanks she got up and entered into her dwelling. I was like wht the f ever A few many days later POP POP POP Some one discharged a gun three rounds Police entered the scene and wisked off with her hubby I'm like aht the **** she had some problems with her hubby and was asking for help to protect her child years later i find the macrame as i continue to unpack those days since i been here at gsc cafe