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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame
Don't forget the other THE false four gift ministry's ya know signal, when one does something to take ones mind off something it only intensifies the connection between the two.
When you were in TWI and just hanging out in life with all that type of TWI mentality and you had neighbors~~~ How did you view the neighbors? Did you view them as potential PFAL recruits?
come on GSG, this is a caption contest, Not a voting contest!!! Oh my Gawd GSG is voting and he's right across from Fla!!!!!!! LMAO2
Satori, I have a friend of mine, top of the line hospitality family oriented Grand Caymen that might just be able to help you Cancun family style Songster
the cost of getting blessed....
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to excathedra's topic in About The Way
Exce I'd like to just say something, well i guess i just did -
Yepper Galen, sure seemed that way. I was a tco or asstco for most my TWInty years and uh yeah a product for sure of my past stemming back to the when of my memory of religous indoctrination of let's say FIVE years of age i'm 5ty now
>>> Depends on the exact moment of hello or what happened very shortly afterward. I was involved in Kryia Yoga and Dr. Bragg and lived a life style of health and inner peace. Met the WOWs and one of the most advanced of the WOWs became my spiritual undershepherder. He told me the stuff I know is advanced class material and wondered where i got all my info. I told him and the look on his eyes was one of great concern and he told me if I continue that path I would eventually become devil possessed. never mind
Okay, Doctrinal kinda gets to me from time to time. I am learning the breath to be kool. And cm thank you for the links concerning JC & India!!! I do mean that!!! --> Wether JC went to India or visited England it must be most certain that the Biblical account leaves off at 12 years his age and picks up at 30 his ministry. There is 17 years of his life that is quiet a hush in the Bible for some reason. At 12 Jesus chose to be about his father's business astonishing those most learned his views. His parents finding him missing from the caravan returned to find him ~~~ where else would one look? His mind was extra ordinary, and he took the instruction from his beloved parents (why is rent in parents)to continue with them. There was one of the links that state there was no way JC visited India because of expense and distance. That is such dumb a s s absurdity. The gifts of the Magi secured the financial freedom of Jesus's parents. (2) Even back in them thar days i imagine there were travel agents!!! My lord even to ride a horse one could at least travel 50>100 miles a day. Caravans anyone!!!!!!! I mean we talking THE ROMAN EMPIRE!!!!! People of most certain religious superstructure mentality wish to confine the youth of Jesus in a narrow circle of simplistic local. Jesus had the freedom to roam. According to the Bible Mary was his mother and Joseph basically adopted Jesus as his son. God is his Father. That was his priority. Travel and learning would most certainly have been his college curriculum so to speak. He grew in wisdom!!! He must have traveled far and wide those 17 or at least 12 years years!!! (1) He knew his destiny. A sheep for slaughter man. He knew when to return to begin his ministry as confined his blood line and and so much religion. His credentials prove that. Remember silence speaks great volumnes of word and words and words. He must have said,~~~"Dad, Mom, this is the day I go into the world not to seek mine own adventure, but rather to seek what peoples hearts are as far as I can travel. And I will return. I will write and will tell you of mine adventures (yes they had mail service back then). Thank you for all your support and continueing support. I will think of you every day. I must be about my Father's business." (1) using 18 as an age of to move out ;)--> (2) USING THE kjv FOR REFERENCE
Can you imagine teaching your child that he is the only begotten son of god~~~ well of if jc is god that would make no difference~~~ ansyway~~~ i thinks it still and alway will be the Popes decision or that of the those inqiustidors or may be we should listen to uhmm tap tap tap~~~ nevermind excuse me while i cry for i do not know the truth
Yo mick, Dig the "f___king"~~~ :D--> the F. King F. King Oh I could go a riot with that one~~~ i am rather :o--> that i have not seen that particular slang of the "F" word~~~ where the hell did I f king miss that one? Even Lenny Bruce , George Carlin, Robin Williams, & Red Skelton(whoops)~~~ Mick, where did you learn that flavor of pronounced abreviation of the infamous "F" word? Oh, BTW~~~ welcome to the F___king Grease Spot Cafe
My My~~~ like old favorite videos~~~ groups of people still set up and view this stuff? Surely not like watching a good ole swashbuckling movie Erol Flynn style on a Satuday night with friends~~~~ But people actually gather around and sit down and watch CFS~~~ Like a group of friends who really enjoy that type of thing? Remarkable~~~~ Well, I suppose Star Trek Conventions and Rocky Horror would kinda fit that genre~~~ I don't get it?!?!?! CFS ~~~ nope don't get it it at all!!!
TWI was a lot less than shake the money maker into their pockets and a lot more into the ignorance of those they professed was from a lack of knowledge God's Word they seemed to think they knew and convinced others who really wanted to know in that they were so fkn CONfused in their own hearts their humble begginnings and WOW man over the world and a throne in oHIHO cornfields which still ignorantly persists today and also in the form of Tipp too eh it will never go away cause that's the way it is with those who claim a special knowledge and others must heed to them for special blessings and laying on of hands to pass that special knowledge in forms that seem simple to understand but yet somewhat a secret as if unspoken but you know but yet don't and go along with the flow of that type of thing and blind thinking untill ya so caught up in it and your eye fails out and the glass passed around the table like a special marble and others told to hold the damn sphere as if something special to behold and say oh my this man gave his eye or here look at my dentures in a glass filled with polident or something like that
Woahh, hmmm~~~ hearing back to that time & moment at this time & moment~~~ that's some spooky s h i t going down~~~
And in the left lane bluebottoms is ahead by two feet Right lane blackbottoms closing in Oh my god fans blackbottoms is trying to stop bluebottoms Did you see that hand trying to grab bluebottoms burlap let's do a stop mo yepper he just missed, almost causing bluebottoms a frantic spill back to the action and bluebottoms is still ahead by two feet followed by blackbottoms bluebottoms blackbottoms blue black and it's bl we interupt the burlap sack sliding derby for an important message from our sponsor ~~~~ I just saved a whole bunch of money on my car insurance~~~
Oxygen saturated water- To your Health
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to David Anderson's topic in Open
OXYGENATED H2O junk science in the marketplace Unless you have gills, it's just an expensive burp! Oxygenated water (also known as "superoxygenated" water) is offered at hundreds of Web sites. I highly recommend it if you happen to be a fish, but if you have lungs that breathe air, then forget about it! All water that has been exposed to the air is "oxygenated" to a small extent-- about 8 milligrams of O2 per liter of water at room temperature-- and this can be increased by pressurizing the water with oxygen gas; each additional atmosphere of oxygen pressure pumps an additional 40 mg into each liter. But what happens when you open the bottle? That's right, the extra oxygen goes right back out— but not immediately, so by drinking oxygenated water, you can still take in a bit more oxygen. But can any oxygen molecules that don't get burped back out actually find their way into your bloodstream through absorption in the stomach or intestine? I don't pretend to know, but I very much doubt it; the lungs are exquisitely adapted to this function, while your digestive system is specialized for absorbing other nutrients. Suppose, instead, that you simply breathe in an extra liter of air (much easier to do than drinking a liter of water!) It's an easy chemistry students' calculation to show that you will be inhaling about 146 mg of oxygen in this way. Not all of it will enter your bloodstream, but you can always take an extra breath; it's free! These products seem to be pitched especially at the sports community, always on the lookout for that thin advantage that can make all the difference. There is no credible evidence that it does, as the following articles mention: Superoxygenated water is latest sports scam Oxygenated water: Fad and fiction in one expensive burp Oxygen is good—even when it's not there; alternative medicine's claims for the efficacy of supplemental oxygen are less than convincing—especially when the supplement contains no oxygen Harriet A. Hall - Skeptical Inquirer, Jan-Feb 2004 Oxygen is actually a cellular poison! Yes, we need it to live, but only at the 21% atmospheric concentration provided by Nature. When life first appeared on Earth there was no oxygen in the atmosphere, but when green plants arrived they started "polluting" the air with O2, and those organisms that are exposed to the air had to develop some rather elaborate defenses against it. Brief summary of what happened Comprehensive review of oxygen toxicity. But don't worry about the water; the amount of O2 in even "superoxygenated" waters is far too small to cause harm, other than perhaps to your wallet! Some typical floggers of these worthless Wunderwassers: A Canadian company uses special "diffusion technology"... "increasing the oxygen content of water by 700%". Wow! This one goes the Canucks one better by actually shrinking the H2O molecules: Emerald Greens Oxygenated AND Structured Water is a water that has smaller molecules of water so it can be penetrated quicker into the cells, and therefore hydrate your body faster and more efficiently. (I use purple prose to highlight claims that I consider incorrect, misleading, or scientifically absurd, all of which apply to the foregoing quote from this thankfully-disappeared page.) ...but why not pile on even more hype? As you might expect, the real hypemeisters don't stop at merely adding oxygen; consider, for example, the one widely-promoted product claims colloidal minerials inserted and stablized in the Secrets of Hunza® and other ... Oxygenated Water have very large negative zata potentials on each colloidal particle. [We] can formulate a varity of oxygenated, herbal and sports beverages with very large, stabilized zeta potentials up to several hundred millivolts if necessary. [http://greatspirit.earth.com/hunza.html] (It turns out that zeta potentials, something I always thought only a colloid chemist can love, are a fairly big thing in the "alternative" water field.) One nameless outfit claims that their "Super Water" aqueous snake-oil provides stabilized oxygen found in micro-encapsulated water clusters. -- thus leading us back to the wide world of water cluster foolery. Another manufacturer falsely tells us that Just putting OXYGEN into water does NOTHING (unless you are a fish)... the molecules must first be extended USING A PATENTED METHOD OF EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION OF THE WATER MOLECULES SEVERAL TIMES/MINUTE TO CONSUME OXYGEN, WHILE TAKING ON DONOR ELECTRONS! Our patented method EXPANDS TODAY'S WATER MOLECULES... so they can take on more donor electrons! It's logical that most products are activated by the ELECTRONS in WATER [link] and sells a bogus "water machine" that purports to enlarge the water molecules so they can accommodate these extra electrons. Super-oxygenation baloney It's not enough to simply dissolve more oxygen in the water; several outfits make ridiculous claims that they have found a way to chemically bond O2 to H2O, producing a "super oxygenated" water that contains 240,000 ppm of instead of the measly 100 ppm that the other pikers flog. Have any of you other chemists ever heard of H-O-O-O-H ? A "per-peroxide"? This bunch of hucksters say a team of scientists and professionals worked for eight years to develop a completely unique and proprietary method of bonding oxygen to water molecules. Where others dissolve oxygen into a bottle, our unique product provides a stable and molecularly bonded source of oxygen. ...Tests have shown that stabilized oxygen with a high pH, will have the pH reduced to near the pH of the water into which it is dosed. ...The long-held belief that stabilized oxygen must be of a high alkalinity (pH) in order to work is a wrong assumption. Contrary to this, a neutral pH of the stabilized oxygen is desirable as the release of the oxygen in the gastric fluid is slowed down allowing the body to absorb and utilize the valuable oxygen ions. What's that again? That sounds like the stuff I used to read when marking exam papers! Maybe if those jocks who used to populate the back rows of my Chemistry classes had paid more attention, they would be less likely to be taken in by garbage like this! Oxygenated water is sometimes sold under the ridiculous name of "Vitamin O"; a former RoseCreek page flogs "Electrically activated Vitamin O" . A recent FTC action has fined this company for false advertising, but the wonders of this snake-oil are still being promoted by an individual who claims to have carried out clinical trials, although I have been unable to find any evidence of them, or of the author's standing in the scientific community. For another opinion on "Vitamin O" and of this study, see this Skeptical Inquirer article. Another promoter claims to have a process that alters the bond between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms that make up the water molecule and allows for release of oxygen by means of a catalytic reaction when Biocatalyst comes in contact with cell walls. Water molecules exist at a higher energy state than either hydrogen molecules or oxygen molecules. In nature, molecules tend to combine or split in order to reach a lower energy level. There is, of course, no reason to take this crackpot chemistry seriously! Not just for drinking "Electrically engineered eloptic energized stabilized oxygenated water" (sounds impressive!) is described as …an industrial-strength, multi-purpose cleanser that will meet all your personal care and household needs. This God-given, concentrated formula is made from all natural ingredients that will clean, degrease and deodorize anything, from your glass and mirrors, carpet and upholstery and even heavy cleaning such as grease traps and oil spots on the concrete garage floor to your baby’s bottom. [link] Well, I don't think I would want to try something strong enough to remove grease from the garage floor on my bottom, which is admittedly far less soft and supple than that of a baby! Among the ingredients are "ash of dedecyl solution (foaming agent), sea grass (for color) and the anointing of God." Another company offers a "Coherent Water Resonator" that purports to oxygenate ponds by what I can only characterize as magical crackpot chemistry: "it breaks the loose-linked Hydroxyl Ion Bond, which releases the bound-up Oxygen and then allows the water to absorb Oxygen naturally from the atmosphere to satisfy it’s need. " "Nobody has Enough Hydrogen or 02, Not on this Planet" This is one of many lies offered up by an outfit that flogs a worthless "oxygen-plus" supplement to the scientifically challenged at $22 per bottle. The air we breathe formerly contained 50 percent oxygen. But today, we only have about 20 percent in our air and there is even less in large cities. The medical profession has confirmed that most viruses, parasites, bacteria, fungus and pathogens are anaerobic—they CANNOT live in oxygen. If we are not getting enough oxygen, our bodies become fertile breeding grounds for disease. The "50% oxygen" is of course pure fiction. And yes, many bacteria are anaerobic, but few viruses, parasites and fungi are. And these hucksters fail to mention that O2 is a cellular poison in the wrong locations and the source of those nasty free radicals that are supposed to accelerate aging. But if oxygen supplements can hook the suckers, so can hydrogen, so the fibbing continues: The purpose of hydrogen is to give structure to the body. What do you get when you bubble hydrogen through vegetable oil? You get margarine! Now, imagine hydrogen without oxygen. Your cells could become like margarine. [link] You may remember that it is the smallest Critical Element and is capable of passing through the cell wall. In order for our cells to function they must communicate with each other through electrons but electrons can not move in the body without hydrogen. Cells must have oxygen but oxygen does not work without hydrogen. Cells cannot multiply or grow without hydrogen. The very fabric of our being, our DNA, is held together by Hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen is literally the fuel of life. [link] When we are born we have plenty of Hydrogen but as we age our Hydrogen pool becomes depleted. When this occurs, free radicals steel it from essential areas thus accelerating aging and disease. [link] ...and deuterium too! In my humble opinion, there are few health-quackery Web sites that contain a higher proportion of false and deceptive statements than those promoting this classic snake-oil: [Our product] has the unique ability to disassociate the water molecule into nascent hydrogen and nascent oxygen. This water "splitting" technology enables the release of hydrogen and oxygen gases simultaneously in a chain reaction that involves one five-hundred thousandths of the available moisture at one time. Water "splitting" is achieved by means of shifting and weakening the bonding electrons (ionic transfers) of the water molecule towards oxygen and away from hydrogen. [it] allows the bonds in the electron distribution to be unsymmetrical (polar). [http://www.nuscience.com/cellfood.htm] Anyone who has taken even an elementary chemistry course will recognize this as errant nonsense. There are the usual unsubstantiated and ridiculous health claims ("aids clear thinking", helps to reduce and/or eliminates menopausal hot flashes and night sweats"). The product itself is described as a "super energized colloidal mineral concentrate. ... Di-base, Di-pole Deuterium Sulfate provides an incredible oxygen source and delivery system to the body at the cellular level." Deuterium sulfate? Deuterium is the isotope H2 (often given the symbol D) which makes up about 1 out of 10,000 of the hydrogen atoms found in nature. Although extensive research has shown that organisms are unable to survive on heavy water (D2O), the same sites go on about its benefits, spinning a tale about an inventor/con-artist (take your pick!) Everett M. Storey and a ficticious Deuterium Freedom Act purportedly passed by the U.S. 99th Congress that confirms deuterium's ability to "speed up the digestive process". However, the extensive list of chemicals in CellFood does not mention deuterium, although the list does include such beneficial elements as actinium, gadolinium, neon, technetium (!) and xenon. Another sad case of selling snake-oil to the suckers. Stable fables: oxidants are actually good for you! A huge part of the alternative-health-quackery industry is devoted to supplying those free-radical fighters known as antioxidants (Whose benefits as dietary supplements are entirely unproven— but that's another subject.) But pseudoscience knows no bounds and can be twisted in any direction, so here's an Idaho company (where else?) that flogs a nostrum they call stabilized oxygen. A thankfully-now-disappeared Web site goes on at great length about the importance of protecting our cells from oxygen deprivation: Oxygen plays another important role in the body acting as a guardian and protector against unfriendly bacteria and disease organisms. One of oxygen's major functions is disintegration. Rubble, garbage, toxins, refuse, debris, and anything useless are destroyed by oxygen and carried out of the system. Just as a clean house holds little interest to passing flies, likewise, an oxygen rich body is a difficult fortress to assail. ... all errant nonsense, of course! Anyway, they go on about how their product helps you to enjoy the tremendous bene fits of oxygen to the body other than through the breathing process. Oxygen is very difficult to stabilize and until a recent scientific breakthrough, oxygen has not been stabilized in a beneficial non-toxic form. This flapdoodle overlooks the fact that oxygen is not present in the blood as O2, but is complexed to hemoglobin which controls the amount of oxygen delivered to cells through an exquisitely-evolved feedback mechanism. What these hucksters mean by "stabilizing" the oxygen is not entirely clear. We are told that Stabilized oxygen is an oxide of chlorides compound stabilized with the richest known source of nascent oxygen with several atoms per molecule. Whatever they mean by "oxide of chlorides compound" could be any number of substances from chlorine dioxide (ClO2) to perchloric acid (HClO4). The first is a poison and the second is explosive, so I presume they have come up with something in between. The term "nascent oxgyen" (see below) usually means free oxygen atoms as opposed to the stable molecule O2 which make up 20% of the air we breathe. But it gets more complicated: [This product] is a safe, non toxic, stabilized liquid concentrate of electrolytes of oxygen, which are made available to your body, in molecular form, when ingested. ... The genius of it is the formulating of the two most abundant and important electrolytes of body fluid, sodium and chlorine, to act as the oxygen carriers. The molecular oxygen is released through the digestive process, and is absorbed into the bloodstream. ... In an ordinary glass of tap water there is on the average, 7-12 ppm of oxygen molecules. In Stabilized Oxygen the amount of available oxygen increased to about 12,000 ppm or 1,000 times. Wow! This appears to be a good description of sodium hypochlorite NaOCl, otherwise known as laundry bleach. Thanks, but I think I'll pass on this one! "Nascent" oxygen dietary supplement nonsense The ordinary oxygen that we breathe is really the molecule"dioxygen", O2. "Nascent" oxygen (a term not used much by contemporary chemists) refers to plain oxygen atoms. These species normally have only a transient existence before they react with themselves (to produce O2), with water to produce hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (a cellular poison), or with just about any carbon-containing substance around them— such as your body! Any claims that this stuff can posssibly be good for you or that it can somehow "stabilized" are plain lies. Also, any agent capable of generating atomic oxygen (as chemists call it) would do even more damage to the body, so I think claims that any dietary supplements can even produce it are untrue. None of this appears to stop various outfits from hawking oxygenated snake oils such as the one making claims that their product is unique in its ability to create nascent (meaning newly-born) oxygen. In biochemical terms 'nascent' oxygen refers to the newly born singlet oxygen (O-) that has not yet entered the biochemical reaction. Free radicals (which many biochemists believe are a primary cause of aging and degenerative disease) are positively charged ions of oxygen (O+). Since nascent oxygen molecules are negatively charged, they actually seek out and attract these dangerous free radicals, combining with them to form simple pure stabilized oxygen (O2). Well, ionized atomic oxygen (O– or O+) does exist in the upper atomosphere, but it would be instant death to any body tissues. And far from being a free radical fighter, any form of the "singlet" oxygen they refer to is either itself a free radical or capable of producing them when it reacts with water or virtually any other cellular component. If you feel comfortable consuming a product from an outfit that exhibits this level of chemical incompetence, be my guest! Of course they don't stop there, but go on to evoke even weirder pseudoscience, claiming that the product will tend to normalize the body's acid-base balance by delivering its 78 essential minerals as enzymatic cofactors— assisting critical enymatic reactions to proceed optimally. ... which is biochemical hokum, and Scientists Simeonton, Likhovsky and Bovis estimated that the average human body radiates a life force frequency of 6,500 angstroms— with cancer patients radiating at 1,875 angstroms (the same measurement as for refined white bread). Just one drop of [the product's] powerful 'electromagnetic equation' in 6-8 ounces of water ema- nates 77,000 units of radiant life energy— bringing a dramatic increase in life force to every cell of the body. ... pure nonsensical fantasy. But if this is not enough, check out this Seven Sided Oxygenated Water "that penetrates into dehydrated structures of the body and breaks apart the ionic bonds of substance or structure that are atypical to the bodies normal function." This site is a fount of misinformation (for example, that the atmospheric concentration of oxygen has been rapidly decreasing over the last millenium, and that this, and anaerobic conditions in general, promote cancer.) They make the highly dubious claim that their bottled water contains 400-600 ppm of oxygen. And of course it protects the body from infection, helps reduce pain levels, and enhances carbohydrate metabolism, etc. etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Federal Trade Commision: index page - Dietary supplement advertising rules - File-a-complaint U.S. Federal Drug Administration Consumers Page - Stephen K. Lower is a retired member of the faculty of Dept of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University Burnaby / Vancouver, Canada Last modified: 21.03.2005 Visit: Anti-Quackery Ring (pending) Referring page: Water pseudoscience home --------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>> >>>>>>> NO BURPS BELOW --> THE SHOCKING TRUTH THAT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE! Purchase your copy written by Paul C Bragg N.D., Ph.D. Life Extension Specialist & Patricia Bragg N.D., Ph.D., Health & Fitness Expert. ISBN 0-87790-063-9 The Shocking Truth that Can Save Your Life Paul C.Bragg N.D.Ph.D. Patricia Bragg N.D.Ph.D Page 55 Water and Its Effects On the Human Body. "Don’t drink Inorganic Mineralized Water." Page 144 "Your minerals must come from an organic source, from something living or that has lived. Humans do not have the same chemistry as plants. Only the living plant has the ability to extract inorganic minerals from the earth and convert them to organic minerals for your body to absorb and utilize". Page 146 "Pure water is the greatest life-giver and essential for health." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water The Shocking Truth Paul C. Bragg N.D.Ph.D Patricia Bragg N.D.Ph.D TDS and Chronic Disease Page 138 In his study, "Relationship of Water to the Risk of Dying, Dr. Sauer chronicled the relationship of Total Dissolved Solids to heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases (Total Dissolved Solids-or TDS, is the term for all the elements present in any water supply). It had been thought for centuries that the European mineral waters so very high TDS were beneficial to health. But Dr. Sauer’s study found that TDS increases in a water supply, so does the number of chronic diseases in the population using that supply". (Author’s Note: At our home in Desert Hot Springs, one of California’s renowned hot mineral water resorts, our water pipes had to be replaced after only a few years due to mineral buildup in the pipes. What this inorganic mineral-laced water does to the plumbing in buildings it also does to human pipes!" Pure water is will influence the bottom mentioned problems: a) The prevention of premature aging. b) Lubricating the Body Joints and Aiding the Muscle Tone and Flexability. c) Remove Waste Products from our Body. d) Reducing the Risk of High Blood Pressure. e) Alleviating Fatique to the Liver, Kidneys and Heart. f) Reduce the Risk of Cancer. g) Control Body Temperature. h) Reduce the Risks of Birth Defects. i) Speed up the recovery from Illness, Distribution of nutritional minerals. j) Losing Weight. k) Reduce the problem of water retention. i) Nourish Dehydrated sagging Skin. and on and on.... -
Hey Folks here's one for ya one my late nite jaunts tv land, moon pie & grade a low fat milk~~~ Miracle Spring Water Wow wee wee~~~ for real fer sure cures all because of special annoyintation, whoops i meant annoinTiNg. Believe me I heard the testaMoAnials, i mean, testYour~~~, sorry i meant testaMoNeYial, forgive me~~~ testamonials... Everyting from hemoroidials to bunyuns and brain cancer and financial ruination~~~ you get the healing one zappO at at time~~~ I was surprised no one poured the special annointing holy liquid on a dead loved one testamony~~~ 1-800-207-4837 This is the for the real thing my fellow GSpotters~~~ I saw it on tv~~~ & $ & here's the kicker of the ordained minister~~~ Peter Popoff woah oh my me mine laughing beating heart i continued to watch with all entertainment value a good guffawszzzz www.peterpopoff.org Yepper, this is the real deal~~~ Snake Oil Lives man!!! But if ya wish true H2O products, try what is suggested to use in irons, ya know those things for clothes~~~ DISTILLED WATER, pure water!!! Water For Life " Literature on Water for Life" ... Truth that Can Save Your Life Paul C.Bragg NDPh.D. Patricia Bragg NDPh.D ... In his study, "Relationship of Water to the Risk of Dying, Dr. Sauer ... www.waterforlife.co.za/lit.html anyone who is killed in a surfing accident while surfing strong at 90 + years YOUNG~~~ I thinks that would be the dude i would give an ear to concerning H2O Rok On Galen Songster And who’s to care if I grow my hair to the sky I’ll take a wish and a prayer cross my fingers cause I always get by Some fast talkin’ jerk for a dollar wiped the smile off my face I’m drivin’ all night Just to keep the rat in the race cinderella
"So little time and so much to catch up on. Martindale was given the legacy of TWI, huh? But did he bring it down, or was trouble bubbling on the horizon?" (1st page) Signals, your your first page i thinks has alot to do with>>> "Don't know why this was brought up." Well sorry I bought my thots this thread. My bitterness is there in mine heart next to the good prudAance section, kind of a balance of forgiveness and a wishful Moe Stooges two finger. Rok On Song Later
~~~~~~~the voice of many waters~~~~~~~