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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame
Yeah, I guess it's all garbage to the way believers, after all couldn't deal with all those devil spirit and such. Have no fkn clue what you dribbling spittle here. And so far, Song, you have me pinned down. I think you have me confused with your masseuse. I hazard to guess that what you think of me is truly a reflection of you. I don't think I have a photo of you in my mirror Perhaps you are the CFF fu*k that you accuse me of being. Hmmm, yepper. right now I am pretty muched convinced you a real fkn paranoid about something. Either way, I'm glad I only burned a little less than three years in that cult! Me too!!! God, knows how screwed up I would have been if I spent a few decades. See above Since You and a few of your buddies have chosen to pursue me, Yeah, My buds & I have taken the course to persue you hahhahah~~~ you have me confused with another conspiracy going on somewhere your mental objectives wherever they may be and accuse me of being someone I'm not, Sorry, you have many of your fingers pointing toward your own BS! I have to question if you aren't who you accuse me of being. So far, Song, you've done what most cultists do: You take my words, sentances and paragraphs out of context. Then you start twisting my words to suit your agenda. As long as the attention is focused on me, well the druids pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It's what TWI did to the word. So you boldly bought other lambs to the slaughter, that's between you and God. I continue to thank God that I turned not one over to Satan. What the F you talking about!!! I said it before, I am only here for myself. When I left TWI, I had enough sense to sever all ties. I left no friends in TWI, and no friends were left behind! I only have one more piece of the puzzle of those darkages to put together, after which the dogs can once again wallow Sure I'll be politE signals F U K U
A Fresh Supply/Recuiting for PFAL/TWI
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in About The Way
What would or do you mean WwW? -
oldies, r u dusting yourself?
Cher impersonating Barbra Streisand in drag okay okay
Barbra Streisand in drag
these are for real feminine breasts
9 out of 6 dentists prefer i don't smile
whew ~~~ so that's what a cell phone on vibration mode feels like
I'll be damned that belly button to clitorIs piercing is tight when I pose like this. Makes the hairs claw my fore head all the way to my smile. Sweating here.
Abi, 10-4 that one!!!!!!! I viewed "A Beautiful Mind" about a year ago and can relate to what you are saying Abi. AND Nash handled his gig of realisation(s). and and further derail When my Dad died last Feb I began to have dreams about him of which I would tell my wife. This was the first one~~~ My Dad is in the kitchen at the house looking out the window over the sink with his hands on the rim of the sink. I said, "Dad?" He looked at me, turned his back and walked straight into the living room and literally into the wall and vanished as I followed him. I looked to my right~~~ and there he was standing behind his recliner in front of the picture window. Cutains opened but dark outside. I said, "Dad?" He was removing his watch from his left wrist as I was approaching him. "Dad?" I went to touch him and he clasped my hands together and placed his watch im my palms. I looked to his hands on mine. And then there was this voice. It was my Mom's voice. And her hands were on mine now. "What are you doing in front of the window?" I looked to the window, The curtains were closed Dad was not there. I looked to my Mom And showed her the watch that Dad gave me. It was hers. "What are you doing with my watch?" *** My Wonderfull Ma-Ma will be 73 this june 10~~~ Go Figure. Dreams are a reality in the mind when pertaining to such intimate subjects of life. As far as hearing actual voices, I have heard my named called while sleeping at least once a year since 1990, and waking up to that voice. Many a thing go on in the mind. The mind can not distinguish reality from unreality. It's an organ of thought process. Consider the liver, the kidney, the heart, the lungs, the central nervous system, etc. And especially for me the lungs. One can control the inhale and the exhale, but one does not have to think to breath. That part is is a given function of life. There is more to life than meets the eyes. And I still haven't found what I'm looking for~~~ Cheers to you Mell Songster
Does Alien VS Predator count? Ya see that's when Sigourney Weaver meets Arnold, i think~~~ :D-->
1000names, you need just one more birth and your are there man, just one more!!! -->
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) 2. Liberal Quakers (94%) 3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (92%) 4. Mahayana Buddhism (85%) 5. Neo-Pagan (79%) 6. Theravada Buddhism (78%) 7. New Age (77%) 8. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (75%) 9. Bahá'à Faith (72%) 10. New Thought (72%) 11. Taoism (72%) 12. Reform Judaism (64%) 13. Scientology (58%) 14. Sikhism (58%) 15. Hinduism (54%) 16. Orthodox Quaker (54%) 17. Jainism (53%) 18. Secular Humanism (51%) 19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (46%) 20. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (42%) 21. Orthodox Judaism (39%) 22. Islam (31%) 23. Nontheist (31%) 24. Jehovah's Witness (29%) 25. Seventh Day Adventist (27%) 26. Eastern Orthodox (22%) 27. Roman Catholic (22%) Hmmm, quite a choice abounds here. I'll narrow it down 1. Unitarian Universalism (100% 4. Mahayana Buddhism 85 % 5. Neo-Pagan (79%) 6. Theravada Buddhism (78%) 7. New Age (77%) 10. New Thought (72%) 11. Taoism (72%) 12. Reform Judaism (64%) 14. Sikhism (58%) 15. Hinduism (54%) 17. Jainism (53%) 18. Secular Humanism (51%) 22. Islam (31%) and add ~~~ ..."In response, Crowley created his own "philosophical system", Occult Sciences — a synthesis of various Eastern mystical systems (including Hinduism, Buddhism, Tantra, the predecessor to Western sex magick, Zoroastrianism and the many systems of Yoga) fused with the Western occult sciences of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the many reformed rituals of Freemasonry he later reformulated within the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O). This system is founded in scientific skepticism. His undergraduate studies in chemistry helped forge the scientific skepticism which later culminated in the many-volumed and unparalleled occult publication, The Equinox. Nearly 60 years after his death in 1947, his works are more prevalent and prominent, especially with current struggles between dogmatic branches of Christianity and Islam."
"Why do you want this list? If it's to help ex TWI people, I'd just get a bible and look over Jesus and Paul dealing with them. TWI (at least during the last 10 or so years) mainly talked about devil spirits to scare their followers into not leaving saying if you leave you will get possessed and such malarchy. Their strategy hasn't worked really well." The last 10 or so years!!! Horse sh it!!!
the cost of getting blessed....
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to excathedra's topic in About The Way
May I remind this thread that TWI IS A CULT of infamous structure. Some blessed. Some bleed. All for the purpose of one who holds the keys we think opens the doors. I had a great time at the beginning, but then began to find out about TWI little by little and after TWInty years worth~~~ oh well the truth of TWI speaks for itself and FOR ALL WHO WERE INVOLVED!!! Not everyone in the Catholic Church were sexually abused. Mike Jackson is one great performer, but would you buy his cd's? Wether, whoops, whether ya had a good time or not TWI is TWI -
Hi Sharon
satori if you serious i have a wonderful friend who can help you and your family cancun if you would like to pm regarding this matter---
well cm i have something to say to you!!! at this point>>>>>> I have no problems with you. (I) have no problems with any one here!!! Now, if you were to ask me "who do i have problems with in life?"~~~ that's a whole different gig! I'm just a simple guy living day to day with my toes in the sand spf 15 shades on that's all there is to me
i hear ya song... I hear ya too cm as well as many hear here as well as me I hear mine own self!!! Even if Jesus really didn't go to parts of the east, Jerusalem was still a mega trade center to the east and would have had all the influence of those eastern religions. Even if Jesus really did visit distant lands (in my fathers house are many mansions), his local, cultural, political, etc, environment would be a mecca of of extraordinary experience THE ROMAN EMPIRE and considering he was raised as THE SON OF GOD~~~ can you imagine telling your children such a thing???!!!~~~ I think of those wise men that came from the east to see Jesus, while the scripture gurus of Jerusalem knew nothing about it. And Moses, who he learned from. Yepper, we speak as if these things really happened!!! Our life is short and as one continues in age~~~ a summer is not as the endless summer the impudence of youth. So many stories the ages of human kind. Western Christianity is so limited in it's thinking.... Yepper, I am sure the original inhabitants this land now called the United States Of America would certainly have something to say the eastern wind of western christianity or something visa versa Christianty SUCKS, kills people, leaves them in the dust with so many promises of hollow words. woe be unto the ~~~ Get it cm what Jesus was trying to say??? Jesus never ever in any words ever promoted CHRISTIANITY!!! ROK N ROLL ON TheSongRemainsTheSame disclaimer: forgive me, i speak from words ingrained in a book and have no clue the bible is true to the bone, just words i have learned. I can not walk on the water I can not raise the dead. Althought I am instructed by the good book I can. There are some things I just don't know which others profess they do and no proof lie in their words of claim
oilfieldmedic, could you use an extra large T signed by the HOOTERS GIRLS!!! oneyedjackswild1
A Fresh Supply/Recuiting for PFAL/TWI
TheSongRemainsTheSame replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in About The Way
Yeah signals, I kinda felt that way too. A recluse to the world, but yet knowing the truth, so to speak. But my neighbors knew my stand and they appreciated/tolerated the boldness of my "christianity", which now I know was nothing more than blind faith charity caparisoned for a life style of pedantic belief. And then the established revs would move out the area and replaced with whatever leadership and so so sooooo many things such a life style a cult Rok On Song Others may agree, disagree, or have a different point of view. bet your a s s on that one fer sure