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Mark Sanguinetti

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Everything posted by Mark Sanguinetti

  1. Yea Rummie and let's keep the prayers coming for Rumrunner.
  2. Tom and I are in agreement on this. See my previous post. Of course, Tom's response went into greater detail than mine. I definitely think you should talk to your father Nandon. However, if the conversation lends itself to a discussion of ones scriptural beliefs and what role the Way Denomination should have now. You should be prepared to give an answer of your own faith if you are so inclined. The link below may help you with this. http://www.waychrist.com/Lordship_JC.htm
  3. Nandon, when was the last time that you talked to your Dad? Is he still in TWI? Does he have a leadership position in TWI now or is he just a twig attender? Also was he ever critical of you growing up? If you want to understand the meaning of your dream, if there is one and if it does concern your father, you should address these questions. Also if you have not talked to your Dad in some time you should consider talking to him on the phone or in person. And if he is heavily involved in TWI and in their doctrine and if you need some doctrinal assistance to combat his religion send me a private message. I have some previously written biblical material that will be able to cut through his religiosity if this is the case and give you the biblical doctrinal confidence that you might need.
  4. Good post Goey. I hope you won't mind, but I am going to copy and paste it to the other thread that we have on this subject over in political. And by the way, I hope you are doing well and that you have been healing from your past and fairly recent medical procedure.
  5. MStar1 says, What award should we give MStar1 for answering this question correctly? Any suggestions? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Gibson
  6. Yea, what Pawtucket said. Does he win a prize now?
  7. I read your story Frances. Thanks for sharing it. Glad your Dad socked that creep. What a jerk. Your Dad sounds like he was a righteous dude though. Glad to hear you are doing good now. Carry on sister.
  8. So everyone just copied it. I am disappointed now. Someone must have done the original work in creating it. And yes, I imagine it could have been originally done in Photoshop. I am planning on taking Photoshop next semester at my local junior college.
  9. O.K. so I can copy Dave's work also. So Dave, how did you do that?
  10. How did you do that Dave? Did you use Javascript coding? If so where did you get the coding?
  11. http://www.liegirls.com/ Click the middle of the screen where it says "Click Here To View Our Commercial".
  12. Mark Sanguinetti


    Hi Jerry: It has been over 20 years since I have lived in Sherman, but I will see what I can dig up for you. In the mean time make new friends and you seem to already have a small fellowship with your family. Plus you are already a good teacher so you should be able to start a fellowship without any problems. Since you will likely have people that have never been involved in TWI join your bible study I would recommend bible study computer software as a teachers aid. This will make lesson plans very quick while giving your fellowship biblical credibility and expertise. Below is a link to the bible study software that I use. We have a weekly fellowship and bible study here in Northern California combining ex-Way and non-Way. Both the non-Way and ex-Way people have generally been very impressed with the bible study software that I use. If I can be of any other help just let me know. http://www.biblesoft.com/
  13. Mark Sanguinetti


    Hi Ex10: Thanks for the invite. I will look forward to your wonderful pancakes and your gracious hospitality. Regards, Mark
  14. Mark Sanguinetti


    Hi Jerry: So what brings you to Sherman, TX? I was a WOW there in 1983-1984. Overall I lived there for 1.5 years. We had a small fellowship, but were not able to establish one when I finally left. Nice little city though. You might need to start a fellowship in Sherman yourself. I will see if I still have any contacts for you in Dallas. Regards, Mark
  15. Oh this sounds juicy. I think if you are single and he is single that you should consider dating him. And then let the chips fall where they may. Besides I like the idea of being best friends with my girlfriend/lover anyway. Also if you and your ex have not been married for 10 years that it is time to release him. I would give the O.K. for your girl friend to date your ex. Doing my best cupid imitation today. Look out dear Abby cause here I come. No pun intended. And to answer the question "Do you think of past loves?" Yes I do. Yum Yum. Especially when I am single.
  16. Yea, they did almost as good as the U.S. baseball team at the World Baseball Classic. Frankly, I did not see the game against Ghana so I don't know if the U.S. team played well or not. However, I did see how Ghana scored the winning goal in their 2-1 victory. It was on a penalty kick. For you non-soccer people (seems to be plenty of you here with the exception of DMiller). A penalty kick is the result of a foul inside one of the 18 yard rectangular marked boxes near both goals. From what I saw of the foul it was a very poor call. No foul should have been called at all let alone a penalty kick which usually results in a goal. I did see the game against Italy though. The U.S. team played well in that game. They had to play at a man disadvantage for most of the second half. In soccer when a player gets penalized for committing fouls they can get ejected from the game. Unlike in other sports the player ejected can not be replaced so their team has to play at a man disadvantage. The U.S. for a short time in the first half was playing at a man advantage when one of the Italians players was ejected from the game for elbowing a U.S. player in the face with a face full of blood resulting. This was a legitimate call. However, just a few minutes later the referee did a make up call so that the two teams would play with the same number of players when a U.S. player was ejected for a much more minor foul. At the most the U.S. player should have been given a warning as he had made no previous fouls. Instead he was ejected for a relatively minor infraction. Even an Italian former World Cup star said it was a bad call. Then at the beginning of the second half another U.S. player was ejected for his second foul and neither fouls were of the flagrant variety. Hence the U.S. team had to play a man down for most of the second half. In spite of that they controlled the ball quite a bit in midfield and were the equal of the Italian team even playing a man short.
  17. Well, Jonny if I knew how to play one I would. Gotta please the ladies you know. Growing up I was into sports and school and had no time for a musical instrument. But then I was hoping our friend Cowgirl might get used to my off key singing. But thanks for the thought Jonny. Besides you being a married man on a "For Singles Only" thread tells me someone might need to keep you on the straight and narrow. Hey does Mrs. Lingo ever read Grease Spot Cafe?
  18. No Jonny. I don't play the guitar. But if you will play I can sing off key.
  19. Hi Cowgirl: What are the lines in the song? I found out all the words to "Cowgirl In the Sand" (my favorite Neil Young song) by doing a simple Google search. By the way Neil Young is from Canada just like you. He was born in Toronto, Canada and grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  20. Yea, but you can flirt with me Cowgirl. I am single. Besides I live to far away from you to be dangerous.
  21. I have not heard of Lava. I have not tried Yahoo, but think that might be a good one. I have used AOL Christian Singles and had by far the most success with that one. To bad they discontinued it. I used E-Harmony for a while which puts you through a maze of questions with expected answers like they are the great psychologists. I would never use that one again. Too much hype for me. I used another Christian one for a while, but forgot the name. Now I have used Match.com for a while. I only pay $8.25 per month, but have had virtually no success with it. In fact, recently I got an unsoliticed e-mail from one of the female members who complained that I did not list my income. Someone I would call a very arrogant gold digger. She wrote me completely unsolicited and said, I am a nice guy, but I don't put up with much B.S. and especially don't put up with arrogant people. So I wrote her back and told her. I mean this person does not know me from Adam. My last girl friend I bailed out of debt between giving her money and giving her advise as to how to deal with creditors. And then I get an e-mail from a smart A$$ who probably thinks she is God's gift to the corporate/political world. It is a good thing she had enough sense at least to not write me back. Or maybe it was a good thing that she wrote me instead of someone else who may have cowtailed to her arrogancy. Anyway I have done Match.com for a while. I am not impressed, but then maybe it is just where I live. People feel a lot of financial pressure here, because it is very expensive to live here in Northern California. Especially in my county. The housing prices have gone through the roof in the last couple of years and they are so high now that 90% of the people who own houses here could not afford to buy them now. They would not be able to even qualify for the necessary loans due to the high income needed to buy them. Anyway Yahoo Personals sounds good for you also, but then maybe Lava is good too. I just never heard of that one. I went to a singles event at an Oakland Athletics baseball game last year that Yahoo Singles sponsored. I had a blast. Loved every minute of it. Real nice people too. So Cowgirl are you in Eastern or Western Canada?
  22. I can see you guys have never actually played the sport. If you would have played it you would have more appreciation for it. And clearly if you want to compare sports the more boring sport to watch on TV is baseball. And this is coming from a baseball fan who watches lots of games and used to play the sport. If you understood soccer you would actually enjoy watching it. And with the change in the offside rule and the use of what looks to be a more lively ball more goals will be scored than in previous years. But you probably want it to be like basketball where half the time you go down the court you score either a basket or a free throw. That will never happen in soccer.
  23. So Cowgirl. Which online dating service are you considering? I have tried a few. Sometimes successful and sometimes not.
  24. Glad you liked it Cowgirl. If your brothers here can't fix you up, we can at least make you laugh. And that really is my favorite Neil Young song. After reading the words more clearly I can understand why. Thanks for naming yourself Cowgirl so that I could sing it to you.
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