Hills Bro
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Everything posted by Hills Bro
Nice to see all you folks too. Let me make myself clear on this matter...if you think the Pentigon attack on 9-11 was a hoax... YOU ARE A NUT CASE. :blink: :blink: I think I do better when I get right to the point. I guess I could have saved some time by just simply getting to the point instead of ramblin on in my previous post. The pentigon WAS attacked on 9-11 so stop drinking the cool-aid and seek some professional help. Luv ya EX. Hope your son had a great year playing hockey. Hills
I have been so busy that my arse is sore ..result...I have very few moments to post here anymore. I have occasionally logged in to the G-spot to check out the latest news relating to the cornfield cult we were all involved with. I logged in last week in an attempt to rest my sore arse and saw a thread that questioned the pentigon attack on 9-11 as being some sort of conspiracy. After seing it I was thankful for my less frequent visit to this forum . It was a reminder of just how vunerable we all were to crazy peoples agendas years ago. Thank God the thread was removed for what ever reason. To anyone that may have believed this hogwash let me be the first and probably the only one to tell you that you are sick!! You need help. Please for Gods sake call for an appointment with your Doctor ( same day) and request emergency service. You need help and fast!!! There are plenty of meds that will bring your mind back to reality. You are vunerable to these brain washing conspiracy theorists and need immediate help. Look it...VPW took advantage of all of us young drug popping idiots back in the 70s and with convincing speak got us to question everything and everyone. He stole our individuality and identity with enticing words making us slaves to his well managed and intended manipulations. He was a superb CULT LEADER !! He had an agenda. I am sure the video on the hoax of the Pentigon attack was put out by a political group. If you believed it your a NUT and need immediate help. Before you fall again to another cult leader go seek help. Cult leaders are not only involved and functioning in religious organizations they also thrive and function in political forums. Most are politicians. They will say anything to get elected. They are all a disgrace to honesty and true moral make-up. They have all the flowery speak but are inwardly corrupt and vile. They all know how to say the right things and entice you..taking full advantage of your vunerablity and your weakness. They are trained and programed to manipulate you into voting their way. Whether its the far right or left web sights ..whether its the religious right or liberal left they know how to take full advantage of your weaknesses...they seek your vote and will do anything and say anything to get your vote regardless of who or what they destroy. Both political parties are fixed and programmed into their agendas and force their agenda on their followers. So in conclusion..if you believe that the pentigon attack was a hoax..get help fast. Your a victim to political bomb throwing activists evangilizing their extreem political rhetoric and ...believe me ..you can be cured. You can be an independent free thinking individual again. So please... when your doctor prescribes your seritonin inhibitor drug tomorrow and maybe some well needed councel to bring your mind back to reality.. please for the sake of all free thinking and fun-loving folks ..don't miss your daily medication and for God's sake go to your counceling. When you get up tomorrow..go fishing or maybe smell a rose..kiss your dog..clean up his shytt and be happy. Just be yourself and have Fun!! Suggestion..throw away your daily fish-wrap propoganda and watch a hummingbird drink sugar water. They don't ever worry about getting fat or getting diabetes..they just drink the stuff and fly along. Love ya!! Hillsy
Congrats!!! The entire NHL playoffs did a great service for their game. The game is so much faster. I Buffalo has sold out over 13000 season tickets already. See you next year !!
"The Lowell farm club could have played better." I disagree.. It's not that the Canes played bad but the Oilers played great. They played a tough physical defensive trap game. Mike Peca was superb in killing power plays for Edmonton. If the Oilers play that way in game 7 they will be dangerous. Their trap and physical play will keep your speed guys in check and put more preeure on your defense which is average at best. I really think that your coach should be more respective of his opponent. Putting the Champaigne on ice before the game in the oppositions house is pretty lame. Over confidence can be harmful to ones dreams of drinking from Lord Stanleys Cup. By the way when the Oilers fans were raising the roof in the last 3 minutes of last nights game ..where was that noise meter? :blink: . OLNs marketing of the game is funny. Guess they have to boost sales in the low market areas. Guess thats business . I still think the Canes will pull game seven out but I wouldn't put my money down on it.
Where the H-E double hockey sticks was that noise meter last night. LOL !! Funny , when the Canes win they're a dynasty..when they lose Ol Rod Bendyournose blames the officials. What a whiner!! Word has it that when Rod Bendyournose played in Philly he got caught boppin Eric Lindros's girlfriend.. Guess Eric is the one that bent Ol Rod's nose to the side?
Sour Grapes? Your kidding right? I respect your team..in fact you beat us fair and square. No excuses. As far as the noise meter..funny how it was never used anywhere else.. Can't understand why it was never used in Buffalo or NJ or Montreal. I'm sure it would have register very high. Oh ya...publicity and marketing. Gotta get the ratings up in a small market area. OLN knows how to market the game. I wouldn't count the Oilers out . Over confidence can be harmful. They beat some great teams to get where they are at..and their goalie didn't score any of the goals. As i recall they were down two nothin against the Sharks right or was it Detroit? I sure hope OLN brings that noise meter to Edmonton. Probably not..Edmonton doesn't really need to market hockey. They sell out their games.. regular season and playoff games. Actually the only guy I can't stand on your team is Rod Bend-your-nose.
oenophile said: just for the record the RDU Triangle is a larger market than Green Bay but no one complains when the Packers make it to the Super Bowl. ____ Ya but the Packers have a long waiting list just to get season tickets. They have a passion for their team and sell out every game. Your team the Canes will probably win the Cup but you can't even sell out a playoff game. Oh, I know what OLN says about the game selling out but I guess they have to say that for publicity reasons. When we (Buffalo) played you in the last round over 4000 Buffalo fans went down to Carolina and got tickets for both your home games.. OLN never mentioned that. One of our Buffalo morning sports talk shows actually called this past Monday morning to see if they could get tickets to the Finals in Carolina and according to ticketmaster there were still tickets available. You can't even sell out a Stanley Cup final game..sheesh..Buffalo fans would have sold out all the home games in advance in about 15 minutes if we would have made it to the finals. I can assure you Buffalos market is smaller than yours. It's not the size of the market that matters when it come to hockey , its the love of the sport. I still feel hockey is and always will be a regional sport. When Buffalo was playing the Canes.. New York States market share was thru the roof. It's ratings were even higher than the Super Bowl. Northern US and Canada have a passion for the sport. Buffalo Sabres have many Canadian season ticket holders that also have season tickets to the Maple Leafs games . Hockey in Canada is bigger than life. They love the game. So I guess for us hockey purists..we get a little frustrated when a team hoisting the cup will do it in a market that doesn't even sell out their playoff games. Hope to see you next year for a re-match.
Sabres lost Henrik Tallinder last night to injury. He broke his arm. Another defenseman out. The Sabres have been playing without 5 of their top players for the past two series. They have found a way to win. I think it has a lot to do with their depth and the talent level in their farm club team in Rochester. Last year when the NHL was on strike the Rochester Americans won over 50 regular season games. Many of the young Sabres played together on that team. They have the system installed in their heads. If they win tomorrow I'm confident they'll win the series. Expect more hitting than the last game. These young studs want to make a statement. The crowd will be loud and nasty. Nothing Like Molsen Canadian and Buffalo wings to get you ready for the game. IT HAS BEEN A GREAT SERIES !!
The Canes played very good and the Sabres players their worst game of the playoffs. The Sabres should be getting both Numminun and Connelly back for game three. The Canes are about to enter into hostile environment. The HSBC has been so loud during the playoffs that both Ottawa and Philly said they were unable to hear each other speak. The OLN network crew has said that Carolina has been loud but HSBC will be Crazy Loud. Should be fun.
One down , three to go in this series. The Sabres came out fast then laid backafter their first goal. They let the Canes get rolling. After the first intermission they took over, playing their game. The Canes are good but I think the Sabres can roll four lines and all are real fast. I am thinking this speed will eventually beat down the Canes. Ex, Hope all is well with you and family. I was hoping to see the Sabres play the Devils. Brian Gionta is from Rochester. I saw him play High School Hockey. It would have been nice to see him play here. I'm sure he would have attracted a lot of locals to the games in Buffalo. Next year you'll have his brother Steve playing in NJ. He plays just like Brian. I miss your posts.. You always made me laugh my arse off. Good medicine!! :)
Hey Groucho, I don't get around here that much anymore. Been busier than a rats arse. I do find time to watch the Sabres. They have been fun to watch all year long. Very few older players on the roster. Most are young, early 20s. No real superstar players. They are very fast and talented team that spent a few years growing up and developing together in the Sabres minor league affiliate in Rochester. The curse of the Bambino was broken two years ago by Boston Red Sox..last year the White Sox broke the curse..hopefully the Buffalo..blowwin the big one curse will be brokin this year with a Sabres Stanley Cup victory parade. Hope your doing well my friend. Enjoy the game. Another sports clip from the Redneck Sports Talk Radio in Carolina. Educating the local on Hockey http://eod.liquidviewer.com/wgr-od/wgr/20060519_whik.wma
Just simply win eight more games and you take home the Stanley Cup. Its down to just 4 teams. Most of you know my favorite. The Sabres !!! I heard the Carolina Newspapers had to educate the locals on hockey terms ? Not really your hotspot for hockeymania. But they do have a good team. All those toothless hockey players must really fit in well with all the locals I did hear the 10000 Hurricane fans attending the game tomorrow had to sell their trailerhomes to buy the tickets. Wanna hear some Carolina Sports talk cjheck this out..Redneck radio http://eod.liquidviewer.com/wgr-od/wgr/20060518_whik.wma Wanna hear the final Sabres overtime winning goal call ( Sabres vs Ottowa) by our Sabres play by play sports legend Rick Jenneret http://eod.liquidviewer.com/wgr-od/wgr/200..._pominville.wma GO SABRES !!! ENJOY THE GAME
A = B B = C therfore A = C In his own words VPW said that: A.Cancer was devil spirit possession B. VPW died of cancer therefore C. VPW must have been possessed. If you believe that VPW was The MAN of GOD then the equation above must fit like a hand in a glove for ya? Works with a mathmatical exactness and scientific precision.
This works every time to illiminate any guilt you may feel after ..just say three times.... there is no condemnation there is no condemnation there is no condemnation you'll thank me later
Jason McElwain AKA J-MAC meets The President Three weeks ago this young man had a spectacular day on the Basketball court here in Rochester. He has been on all sportchannels since and is soon to become a movie hero in the likes of RUDY. Yesturday as President Bush arrived here in Rochester for a town hall meeting , this young man and his family were the first to greet the Pres. as Bush came off Air Force One. It was a Kodak moment and a teary eyed one at that. An autistic kid Jason McElwain who was the team manager and never dressed to play in a game before this night hits 20 points (one 2 pointer and 6 three pointers in a row in less than 4 minutes) in a high school basketball game three weeks ago and meets with the Pres. yesturday. Next a movie..what a thrill for this kid and what a coach to give this kid a chance to play on senior night.. What's coincidental about the whole thing ...Bush came to Rochester last year and had a town hall meeting ..where was it held? at this young man's high school..Greece Athena. Way to go J -MAC !!! enjoy the videos http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/news/story?id=2352763 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11824927/
Primary : Irregardless of the gender...never date or marry an Italian unless you are an Italian. They can break crystal even when whispering. There is NO charge for this very useful information. what's your key? CIAO !!!!
Darren McGavin, 'A Christmas Story' father, dies at 83
it looks like I'm up paddle creek without a shyt
LCM...if you abundantly share in my direction...God will spit at me
I'm walking at 9 all the time
VPW .."and what do you think the color of the womans drapes were? Fire engine Red!!" Hell No!! They were wood stained venetian blinds. No drapes in this box.
I really fish something smelly here