Hills Bro
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Everything posted by Hills Bro
I think the new book is " The Rise and Expansion of My Penis...How it did me In" by Loy Martindale
"Out of the three men I've interviewed so far two said they were quite content with thongs and asked that you stop this nonesense afore the chicks change their minds (and undies)." Ya buTT I did say..."why wear any?" would that be acceptable?
Whats with all these young ladies wearing the thong underwear? . Sure they are the in thing but all those wedgies. Gotta be uncomfortable with your pants wedged up your arse like that? Why wear any? As you can see I am deeply concerned about these rash causing undies. I will continue to look out for you..hehehe :D--> :D--> ;)--> And all those tatoos? Remember an eagle or butterfly on your tush today may very well look like a vulture when your 70.
Remember those check books that were sold by TWI . You know the ones where we were told to just tell God what you want by writing in the 'pay to the order of' blank - your request ..believe ..and whalla... God would bring it to pass? Is this really the proper way of receiving Gods blessings to our lives? Oh I know the rational was to go find the promise first in the Word then ask (demand) and believe. But what if I wanted 200,000 dollars a year income based on the promise of an abundant life? So I write that amount in and poof ...No result. Is it my will or Gods? Telling God what I want instead of listening to what God's will is for my life and allowing Him to bless me? TWI seems to be more into your will rather than Gods. What say you? Is this law of believing and receiving that TWI taught still apart of your life? TWI taught us to find a promise in the Word ..Claim it and Believe to receive it. We were taught that this principle of believing works with a mathmatical exactness and scientific precision. Seems to me that when you believe TWI's way then your telling God whats best for you and demanding the results. Why not just let go and let God handle whats best for you? Remember when we were told by TWI never to surrender to God? TWI taught that whenever you surrender your losing free will and it would open you up for possession. I think this is a bogus arguement. When Moses came to the Red Sea did he know that the Sea would part open and he would pass thru..NO..he entrusted his life to God and God took care of him and His people. Thats what I see as surrendering ones life..you simply trust God to take care of your life. Let Him decide on all the details. Why beat yourself up? Anyone still into the Law of Believing and Receiving stuff?
Does TWI still do prison outreach? Seems like an oxymoron of sorts.
I respect you for your commitment to seek answers but I have come to a place where I believe the more nametags you possessed in TWI...the higher up the Way tree caste system you got ..the greater your commitment was to VP rather than to God. Sure I agree you wanted to know God and sought answers but because VP was a deceptive con artist he used you for his personal gain. I am sad to see how VPs greed and quest for power used you and abused you but its time to throw away your nametags and see the destructive results of the Way Corps Program and its fallacious promises. Your were snookered to believe that you were better than someone else by the amount of scripture you knew and how much of that scripture you could throw in someones face to belittle and degrade. It was a disgrace how the truth of the scriptures was used to promote a lie and hurt so many people. Its amazing how long my chocolate lab below can go without taking a dump. he keeps going and going and going...better feed him some science diet eh. :D--> :D-->
VP knocked over a podium back during a SNS in the 70's out of anger. As he knocked that ol podium to the ground he said with a threat.." Billy Bright..someone should take you out behind the barn." He was a maniac..used scripture as a tool for demeaning people. Yet I am convinced if Billy Bright was in the room that night he would have given ol Vic a better fight than that old podium. Hypocrats are real tuff hiding behind their lack of self esteem but when actually having toconfront their victims face to face they wallow away in feeble cowardness. Vic along with his low self esteem and uncontrolled anger was a drunk that chain smoked. Instead of poking threats and accusations at everyone else he should have looked into the mirror and faced the real enemy of his soul.
MZ Imagine "PS If the Way Corps program was such a failure then Howscome I turned out so well!?!" ________________ answer: You left TWI :D--> or maybe you are now thinking independently for yourself instead of repeating pre-programed responses --> or maybe your just simply GOOD! :D-->
"IMHO Dottie was abused in public by the sheer act of veepee's charade. He used her like a prop. She must have seen the hypocracy and felt used. Afterall, how can you feel like your on a pedistal when old vics out in the motorcoach with his young female "corps kids"? I suppose she kept up a front for him because she was a "dutiful" wife...whatever that is. Don't forget that vic was fired from his preaching job at the church (early on)...for his sexual exploits. This was no new revelation for Dorthea, she knew where she stood early on." ______________________ Great Points UH. I just remember how the vast majority of Way Corps treated people. Maybe back in the early 70s before the Way Corps program things were not as bad but as years past the "in your face" mentality dominated TWI. I saw people pushed up against walls by leaders. called all sorts of vulgarity and accused falsely not privately but in public. It became an accepted standard of confrontation condoned and instilled by the leaders. Its was VPs Way Corps leadership program. He oversaw it. He was responsible for this evolution of out of control anger that prevailed in TWI. He condoned abusive behavior therefore he was an abuser himself. The very nature and foundation of TWI was confrontation. We're right your wrong. I am not saying that there were no good corps, there were. But they were far and few and in between. Remember the old TWI logic.."love is not an emotion" and how it was used to justify in your face confrontations. The corps were programed to confront. Then the kicker is VP went with LCM as Pres. The master of abuse. That choice brought confrontaion and abuse to new heights as we here can attest to. I conclude...VP must have been an abuser based on what was accepted and condoned while he was at the helm. His choices and results point clearly at an abusive man, himself. In public he was one thing but behind closed doors with all the statistics and information available about the characteristics of an abuser VP fits the criteria completely.
I never saw my Dad ever use physical abuse on my Mom. They argued but never cursed or hit. They even laughed together while watching Jackie Gleason verbally abuse his on screen wife and get awards for doing it. Couldn't you see that series running in todays market?
Did VP ever abuse his wife in public either physically or verbally? TWI was built on an in your face we are right you are wrong attitude. It was a septic tank of abuse. I spoke with some ex-way corps a number of years ago and they told me that VP actually told them in private that it was Ok to use a little force to keep your wife in line. Abuse was condoned and brushed under the table. Thats why the Way Corps program was a failure from day one... it was run by a mad man. Thats why there are endless accounts of abuse ..it was an accepted standard in TWI. Any corps that witnessed and ignored this behavior by either VP or his corps hit men and turned the other cheek are just as responsible as the one doing it. And to think that many of you are now out there running and following those off shoots that once condoned such behavior.
Ear candling/natural healing people help!
Hills Bro replied to Dot Matrix's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
whats this? an ear enema? drink the alchohol and take some beano :D--> -
Happy Saint Patrick's day eve!!
Hills Bro replied to Radar OReilly's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
Hey Hills, if you promise not to throw anyone overboard, let's go 'do' the ferry together! The girls would love it and from the news reports on it, it looks absolutely gorgeous!! _____________ Mandii Sounds fun...we can watch a movie going over...did you notice they have a movie theater on board. I bet they may eventually have slot machines too. Is the drinking age in Canada 19? Maybe half way across there will be a sign that flashes."19 year olds are now welcome in the bar." LOL
Many new resturants are opening in Charlotte with expectations of reaping from the tourists. The Canandaiqua winery is setting up shop along with many other NY winerys to sell their wines. I think the long range goal is to have a similar lake front tourist attraction as they have in Cleveland "the Flats"
Trefor Heywood There are Sky Marshalls and then there are Ferry Marshalls.. maybe I'll apply and throw all the gays overboard
It's gonna come into Charlotte pier at mouth of Genesee river. They took an old rundown warehouse along the pier and rehabed it into a very nice facility for boarding. Yes Seabreeze Park is still up and running with many new rides and attractions.
Rocky...May 2nd is set as first Rochester to Toronto trip here is the Official site. http://www.catsfastferry.com/hmpg.htm you can actually track its voyage from Australia to Rochester
Yes it is...finally starting next month we'll be able to go across Lake Ontario from Rochester to Toronto and back via this wonderful Ferry,, The Spirit of Ontario. WHAT!! and you thought this was another gay thread? :P--> :D--> Built by Austal Limited THE AUSTAL STORY Austal Ships commenced operations in 1988 with a vision to build high quality commercial vessels for the international market. By the company's fifth anniversary, Austal had become the world's leading manufacturer of 40 metre passenger catamarans and the dominant supplier to Asia. It was in Hong Kong as early as 1993, that Austal introduced gas turbine propulsion and the first two installations of the Austal developed Ocean Leveller ride control system. The success in Asia and the introduction of a range of sophisticated, large vehicle-carrying fast ferries were the springboard for ongoing growth in Europe, the Mediterranean and the Asia-Pacific. Today, Austal Ships is the world's largest builder of fast ferries and is proud to list amongst its customers many of the world's leading fast ferry and shipping operators. Austal listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in December 1998 and has diversified its product base through acquisitions of Image Marine and luxury motor yacht builder, Oceanfast and through the establishment of Austal USA in Mobile, Alabama. Collectively, the Austal group provides one of the most substantial product bases of any shipbuilder worldwide.
Funny ..I consider myself a Yankee fan.. I watch maybe 2 games a week..not always in their entirety. My business is very busy when baseball season get going so I can't always get to see the games. I try to get to two games live a year. But... yesterday in Florida..the Yanks played the Red sox in pre-season game. There were actually people scalping tickets and people were actually buying them. Those folks are wacko fanatics. The starters on both side only play an inning or two. Here's the article ___________ Yankees-Red Sox the Big Ticket in Grapefruit League NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fans hoping to buy tickets to the first regular season meeting between the New York Yankees (news) and Boston Red Sox (news) better start saving if the first spring training meeting between the two on Sunday is an indicator. Tickets for the game in Fort Myers, Florida on Sunday, which normally go for $21, were selling for $500 outside the park according to some television reports while touts were seeking as much as $1,000 on the internet. The 7,034 seat stadium attracted a sellout crowd, with some fans camping out over night for the 100 standing room tickets. Commemorative pins were made for the game and sold out by the fourth inning. The game, won by the Yankees 11-7, was the first between the two traditional rivals since game seven of the American League (news) championship series last October. [This message was edited by Hills Bro on March 08, 2004 at 13:41.]
I understand Tom...That's why he's batting ahead of Sheffield, Giambi,,Williams ...Matsui..and so on ... what he fails to clean up they will :D--> :D-->
Really? I'm neither a "member" nor have any such association _______ Really? HAHAHA!! and I've got a 20 inch penis.
Hey Pebbles..at least I always was upfront with you and direct on how I felt about your arrogant condescending way of dealing with everyone that disagrees with your partisen political views. You've jumped from one cult TWI to another DNC. It's as if you are so entrenched in believing that there is truth in politics. YIKES.. thats an oxymoron.