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Everything posted by bluesunday
Thanks, WG. It was in Athens and it was silver. It was so long ago and when I think about it now it all seems so unreal. Do you remember the protesters that were outside the building during the class? vp really chewed their their orifices.
Kudos, huncle hairy! I havent thought about that for a looong time. I met lcm for the first time at roa 1976. I never could understand why I did not like him, aside from the filthy arrogance and mega-ego, I tried to like him but never could get over his love for himself. Just as well, because while I was on the wow field I sent a letter to emporia informing them that I would not be attending 7th corps. I received a letter from lcm stating that if I did not keep my committment then I could expect one of three things: tragic death within a year, admittance to a mental institution, . I cant remember the third spittle-laden word of encouragement.. I wish that I had kept that letter. Do you know the one that I am talking about? Anyway, back to lcm and vpw.."can you hear me in the back"..it is way weird how vpw could make such a boner. Remember live advanced class 1979 in Columbus,OH? lcm was running with a few other heavies from gunnison( I think) to Columbus. Of course they arrived the day before the class began and lcm was carrying the torch in front of the rest. He was so into himself. Ironically, after this two week class I decided to plan my fading away. At the conclusion of the class we all went to the football stadium to have one of those rolling group pictures. Then lcm and some others presented vpw with the love offering: a brand new jet black stretch limo. That is the day that fear took on a new meaning for me. If anyone else was there I would love to hear from them and find out how they responded to his "gift". bluedaze
Hi. I knew Dave and Arlene when they lived in Indy before going in the corps.I heard that they moved back to Indy about a year ago. My friends wife actually spoke to Arlene. I would be interested in finding out more about them. Have you learned anything else? They were in my twig. bluedaze
I am looking for my wow brother Grant Upchurch. We were in Springield, Ill 1976-77. He was from South Carolina. Perhaps he can stir up some memories for us.
Anyone remember Theresa Wilson from 6th corps?
Can anyone tell me if they know whats up with terry and cheryl gibbs or dave and arlene sheean?
Thanks for responding. I forgot to turn my notification on. Sorry. Wow, Paul is in Florida and is still in twi. I remember that his mother was involved after Paul's father died. Is Paul still married? I hope to hear from you. Thanks bluedaze
I am attempting to locate exwayfers from Indianapolis from 1975-1982.I was a TL before going WOW in Springfield,Ill 1976-77. Paul Giles was my corps branch leader. Paul was a wild and crazy guy. We used to go to the city park and play guitar and sing in order to draw a crowd before we explained the "holy ground" that they were sharing with us. Nobody could say that we were not bold. Hello..hello..hello...is there anybody in there?
waterbuffalo, I have pondered the very same thing for years now. I still do not understand that much but the one thing that I do believe is that God is still God no matter what has happened. His Word does not return void. ALL things DO work together for good to those that love God. Yet I know the pain and hurt that comes from having your "heart" yanked out by people that you trusted SO much that you would have died for them. I was the product of the social/political unrest of the 60's. I attended Indiana University from 1968-72. The drug counterculture was in full swing and I was loving it. I thought we were gonna change the world,man. Not to be. We were just a bunch of drug-crazed hippies without answers or purpose. In May 1975 I came to the end of my rope. I was lonely and very unhappy.I quit my job and put everything that I owned(which was not much)in my 1971 Volkswagen and headed for the Smoky Mountains.I had no idea that what I was about to do would so dramatically forever change my life.I told "God" that I was going as far into primitive camping as I could go to be alone. Up to this point, I never had much of a relationship with God except for the occasional "fire escape".I said "God,if you are real and you can hear me right now and you really do have a purpose for my life then I need to hear from you.I do not want to live in the world as it is without knowing that you do exist and that you are truly with me.So I am going to the Smokys and will not come back unless I hear from you.I would rather die in the woods than have to go back to such a lonely world". I am not sure how long I might have held out.Things could have gotten pretty nasty. On the 12th day in the morning I was cooking bacon over the campfire(see...things never got nasty). I was reading the bible which I had borrowed from a friend. I was particularily moved and in awe of the baptism of Jesus by John. What a powerful moment in history. I looked up to see what the noise was coming from behind me. It was a guy jogging in the woods and he came up to me and he asked: "Is that the bible you are reading?"Yes, it is",I replied."Do you understand what you are reading?"I could not believe what was happening! God,indeed, has sent his messenger,I thought. It wasnt until PFAL that I ever read Acts 8:29.You can imagine how pumped that got me. Like you,waterbuffalo,there was NO ONE who could have kept me from taking the class. I believed with all my heart that God was in all of it. If you are interested in talking more about this,I would be glad to. I am sure that you feel the same way: There is just too much to put it here now. I was an easy target for blind allegiance.After all, I thought,God led me to this ministry.I was so convinced that I pointed my finger at my father and told him that satan had blinded his eyes and thus he would not believe my words nor accept the one and only truth as pontificated by vpw. This caused major denial,hurt,distrust and anger which would go on unresolved for years. The story goes on.I do hope to hear from you. bluesunday
I remember being told that in order to become a spiritual heavy you must exercise "reckless abandon". In other words, just accept what is being taught and dont question.
physically yes,emotionally and spritually..well, it has been over twenty years and I am just beginning to get honest with myself and accept the fact that the pain is gone but the scars will always be there. I am certain that it is the same as being sexually or physically abused. My best friend is my former pastor and he is now a family therapist. He also travels at least twice a year counseling missionaries in Russia. He is helping me regain trust in people. No question,God put him in my life.
Thank you! I am in the stage of my recovery where I really needed to hear that. So true, yet sooo funny. I am beginning to find laughter in places where I never have looked. Keep up the good work. bluedaze
you can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead