I am posting this, although years after the original post, to warn anyone thinking about joining CR&F. This is a cult. No doubt about it. I was involved with CR&F for one year and felt welcome, loved, involved, etc.. all the things I was desiring at a vulnerable point in my life. I loved attending fellowship also. One day I was told that I either needed to “be on the same page as them” (they meant hurry up and know all that we know or you’re not committed, and basically catch up) or I “was not welcome”. They also told me that the difficult times I was experiencing were happening because I believed them/willed them to happen out of my own fear.. this is garbage and not God’s will or His Word. PLEASE be aware of this group- they will lead you astray so fast you won’t realize you’ve been in a cult the whole time and then call you a “goat”. I feel sorry for the people who have been sucked in and told to hush or get out and the people born into this awful and evil organization who call themselves Christian. Other red flags- it was always strange to me that they refer to Rochelle as some higher being, saying she’s “the woman of God” and how mysterious she is, they use their own phrases and always turn them around on you- for example you’re either “not loving, off the word, or you need to renew your mind”, and the biggest one is they lead you away from your family and justify it by saying you need to “put off your old man”. They tack on real verses onto what they’re saying so that you won’t question anything, but I’m here to call them out and say RUN THE OTHER DIRECTION. It’s been years since I left and I am still dealing with the impacts of their version of brainwashing. Please take this seriously. You will walk away questioning God, who you thought you knew and it will be a hard road back to The Truth.