T-Bone wrote: “God NEVER intended for Jesus to be worshipped as an idol.” chapter and verse please...
T-Bone wrote: “God NEVER intended for Jesus to be worshipped as an idol.” chapter and verse please...
For me, the teaching that Jesus Christ is not God tied in with how Christ eventually became absent in my life. In the past, I had observed how trinity-believing Christians used each name (Jesus and God) interchangeably in their teachings and prayers (often within the same sentence). They gave God and Jesus the same amount of recognition and adoration.
When I stopped believing in the deity of Christ while in the way, these believers became “idolaters” who were breaking God’s commandment of having no other gods before Him (Deut 5:7). Since I didn’t want to be an idolater like them (no way, no how), I began to prioritize God above Jesus in my spiritual life. Over time, this exalting of God and demoting of Jesus led to having the absent Christ.
After that, when I would read verses like Col 2:6,7 “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him, 7having been firmly rooted and now are being built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, overflowing with thankfulness,” I gave mental assent to them only – yeah, yeah, yeah. It's apparent to me now how insidiously the adversary worked within the way ministry to negate verses like these which clearly declare the importance of Jesus in our lives right now.