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Everything posted by Charity

  1. That's the real kicker in this. It's like their way of saying, "If what you're saying about vp, lcm and twi are true, let's just pretend what they did never happened." or "What you're saying about vp, lcm and twi is not true and never have been true, but we'll pretend you never said it (yeah right) and we graciously invite you back." And the egotism lives on...
  2. Hmm - let me see, I get to - lack nothing - lie down in green pastures - be lead beside the still waters - have my soul restored - be lead in the paths of righteousness - walk through the valley of the shadow of death without having fear of evil - be comforted by his rod and his staff - sit at a table prepared for me in the presence of mine enemies - have my head anointed with oil - have my cup running over - assuredly have goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life - (last but not least) dwell in the house of the LORD forever. I think you're right T-Bone - this does describe the more abundant life . Hand me the green card where I can sign up for all this .
  3. Strange how some things change - I used to pity the ones who didn’t but they were the smart ones after all.
  4. Being introspective would definitely be a two-edged sword for the corps - all that criticism causing you to look inside your thoughts and feelings and see nothing but sin and weaknesses would cause anyone to loathe themselves plus with Christ being out of the picture - there was no light, truth and love to bring wisdom and inner strength. I know how dark and painful sin-consciousness and self-loathing are and that was just with me pointing all the fingers at myself - coming to know Christ after leaving twi is such deliverance.
  5. I knew about the legalism in twi, but the introspective part is new to me. OldSkool, can you explain how that worked?
  6. Thank you so so much. I used to listen and sing along to the song "Love Child" during my first pregnancy - I haven't heard it in over 40 years. I'm sure it'll be both a joyful and tearful reunion when I listen to it again. Thanks again Stayed Too Long.
  7. No problem Annio. Grieving such a loss over what you missed out on in your relationship with Christ because of twi will be according to your own personal timetable. Check back in if and when you want - the best thing I learned from being on GSC was that I'm not alone and neither are you.
  8. Thanks OldSkool - you brought up so many poignant points and truths about twi and their hold on people. One can see from your post how great our deliverance was once leaving this cult.
  9. I really like how you spoke about the ocean. Being in or nearby any body of water has been a soothing place for me. Your connecting it to what truth is was notable. And that's why I find it a problem being too focused on just one thing like a Bible class (pfal) or what one person says about the Bible (collaterals) or in looking at scriptures through the lens of what one man taught (vp) - it is so confining when one truly wants to understand how immense God is.
  10. By the words Mike used above, I think he is believing that we have problems with a certain devil spirit. OldSkool mentioned something to this effect in a recent post of his. I once stumbled across an old thread titled Are Grease Spotters "Possessed?" There were some pretty humorous comments I enjoyed reading.
  11. I agree with So_Crates when he said "Here's a wild idea: why don't YOU become meek and I'll tell you about all the fruit in my life since I stopped making PLAF the center of my life." There have been so many testimonies from posters of how their lives have improved spiritually, mentally, financially, etc. after leaving and recovering from twi. Either you are skipping over them because they make you feel too uncomfortable or you can't allow yourself to believe they're true - and maybe there are other unknown reasons for your doing so. The point is that although you may miss the impact of their testimonies, many others like myself, did not.
  12. I have had different mindsets when I've replied to Mike since being on GSC. It's like a pendulum where I swing back and forth between extremes and sometimes I'm more in the middle. At times I know my posts are pure emotional reactions to what he had written and other times, I'm a lot more contemplative in my word choice. There's also the spiritual side where Christ might have been guiding me as to what to say. Because I have these metal balls banging back and forth in my brain and because this is an open forum, I think it's fair to let posters relate to Mike in whatever way they choose, within rules of course . In Mike's case, years of striking at a rock has produced little to nothing, but who knows, maybe one day Christ will cause water to flow out of it (I've been reading Exodus 17 ). I'm not moralizing here, I just like there to be peace and quiet like in "What about Bob?" Dr. Leo Marvin: I want some peace and quiet! Bob Wiley: Well, I'll be quiet. Siggy: I'll be peace! A lot of wisdom in that movie .
  13. Hi Rocky, You recently wrote the following about Mike in your post to T-Bone Then again, perhaps someday YOU will understand there's NFW you're going to get through Mike's impenetrable confirmation bias. IF you want to address the imagined lurkers, you might consider a different strategy than just being tossed about with every wind of Mike's bull shonta You and I once traded some posts about how you claimed OldSkool was putting Mike in a box by saying he "will never get it." You shared with me about Dale Carnegie's teaching that we should give people a reputation to live up to. You also sent me the post where you wrote about not placing stumbling blocks in front of our brothers and sisters. After reading these two suggestions, I later apologized to Mike about once again putting him in a box. Seeing your support of Mike in the quotes above, I'm wondering why you replied to T-Bone's post to Mike as quoted in blue above?
  14. Thanks Chockfull, from the picture in the website OldSkool posted, I can't make out his face very well except that the jerk is smiling. IMO, anyone that holds onto one of these might as well slap vp's victims across the face. It's disgusting.
  15. Hi Chockfull, Two things: I was pretty sure vp told the snow story in pfal when he talked about taking all his books to the dump but apparently I was wrong. Also, the "Timothy statues." I'm pretty sure you're referring to the statues of vp but why have they been given that name?
  16. Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
  17. Thanks - I hadn't noticed this about Mike but I've been learning not to give many of his posts my complete attention.
  18. I'm beginning to picture you holding up a stop sign and blowing a whistle - pretty cool!
  19. Thanks for the big belly laugh you too. Cannabis is legal to buy in Canada - in the province of Ontario where I live, any person 19 and older can buy, use, possess and grow recreational cannabis within the legal limits. Now there are stores on almost every street corner selling the stuff! I haven't taken advantage of this opportunity but I find reading about Kaneh Bosem pretty interesting .
  20. You're right - stirring the waters can go both ways. I was referring to Mike's phrase "finite character" regarding Jesus Chris as his way of instigating a discussion that imho is undeserving of one. Mind you, I've been known to be wrong about things.
  21. Mike, do you just drop these nonsensical ideas out to stir up the waters?
  22. When you think of it, after all God did to inspire people to write His Word so that we could know Him and his Son, it's not possible that He would not have protected them throughout the millenniums and continue to protect them. A good friend sent me some videos about this topic which I'd like to go back and finish watching.
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