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Everything posted by Nathan_Jr

  1. These are great questions. I've spent 50 years searching them again. Lot of deep searching again. Started before I was born. I've got lots of notes. HOWEVER, My main focus is in.... oh, God! So much BULLSHONTA!!!!
  2. I can identify with you on every level here. I was even a professional in the trade. I learned to understand and appreciate a wide variety of wine, beers and spirits, even the ones I didn't like. But Drambuie always baffled me. I could never understand it nor appreciate it. Gross.
  3. Were any of the grad students PhD candidates? Any of the scientists hold a PhD? Did you call them Doctor?
  4. Mmmmm...refreshments! Like gin? And snacks?
  5. Maybe I'll start one about translating the Lord's Prayer into glossolalia. That would really grate on wierwille sycophants, what with their hatred for the words Jesus spoke. Maybe I'll even translate some the oldest sayings in the Gospel of Thomas into glossolalia - those sayings predate Paul. Then I could could derail my own thread with a seminar on inflecting interrogatives while SIT. Boy, it'll be a dandy... it'll be a waterhead dandy!
  6. I can assure you, no one is scared of you. You can start a new topic. Or not.
  7. I encourage you unto your edification to start a new topic on it.
  8. Well, shoot a waterhead baby! i thought I was working on something original.
  9. Has anyone ever translated English back into glossolalia? Something I'm working on.
  10. That's the illusion. We all FEEL like we have free will. Why don't you start a new topic on this.
  11. I have found determinism can help me to be more compassionate.
  12. You did? Where do you stand now? Free will or determinism? I'll tell you I am undecided, but I tend to lean towards determinism. Though, I find the issue fascinating, I haven't thought enough about it to discuss. It's all very complex.
  13. Like how when victor put it all together - that was the original part. But that's not origination. That's derivation. Unfortunately, for victor, his wholly original man made teachings were the stupidest and easiest to refute of all his pedagogy.
  14. Oh, the fetishizing of pedagogy. Beware those so eager to teach you. Why are they so eager to teach you?
  15. Like the angel that visited René Descartes in a dream. Nothing has been the same since. Thank God for René Descartes.
  16. Irony. God made that, too.
  17. If only victor could have beleeved big enough to live long enough he would have been taught how (H-O-W) to be as spiritually aware and perceptive as Dave Chappelle and Bull Burr.
  18. Chappelle’s wife is Asian. Both of their treatments on race and marriage are profoundly insightful with devastating honesty.
  19. Bill Burr or Chappelle? Both are in mixed race marriages.
  20. I saw Bill Burr about 10 years ago at a 1500 seat theatre. Absolutely hilarious show! He didn’t trash any hecklers, but he did engage the audience and throughly roasted the South and my city. Chappelle is the GOAT. Chappelle’s Show is the Blazing Saddles for this our day in time.
  21. He claims to have a background in stand up comedy. Had a five year run back in tha day. And he studied the brain. So, there's that.
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