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Everything posted by Nathan_Jr

  1. Another reason why this thread belongs in humor. I didn't know victor stated this, but it's not hard to believe. Bless his little heart.
  2. Hilarious, yet so very dark. My heart breaks for all who were so deceived and are still under this spell of deception.
  3. Damn, that looks good! As you may remember, some of the best of these are found in gas stations around south Louisiana.
  4. I would have happily ordered the lamb's head. The cheeks of any animal are among the best parts - lamb cheeks, halibut cheeks.... Down here we have hog's head cheese. It's not really cheese, but it's really delicious.
  5. Sorry, OS. This was not a jab at you. Simultaneous posts, it seems. I gave up on fusion cuisine long ago. Especially, fusion for fusion's sake, for the novelty of it. HOWEVER, I would give my left eyeball up to the idiom of permission to live in a city like yours with such a diverse, authentic and thriving food scene.
  6. You could have made the whole thing up. So what? What you wrote is true, in spite of the facts. (Jamaican ramen sounds almost as stupid as four crucified.)
  7. Right. These are rhetorical questions to make the point that victor is the source of any possible corps nazi mindset. This is one of thousands of points proving that victor is not THE Man of God, he’s not even A Man of God.
  8. Who is the teacher of this mindset? On whose shoulders should the Corpsman stand? Whom should the Corpsman imitate?
  9. Uh-oh. Should have used a bottom-up approach. If it can work for canon assembly, it can work for a ministry corporation.
  10. This language to describe a church? A ministry? A religious group? Or does it describe a for-profit corporation?
  11. Thanks, WW. Wow. This really contradicts Mike's claims. It goes to the heart of his credibility. Did they teach how to inflect interrogatives in excellors?
  12. Ha! Was there ever a time when there were no more seats? Was there ever a SNS that was completely sold out? Real questions.
  13. The topic Determinism and the Illusion of Free Will is a bait and switch (Dar gato por liebre) in honor of one of victor's favorite tactics. The real topic is T7TMOG and the music coordinator. Maybe someday we can come back to this topic. Until then, and since it was derailed by Mike, I hope Raf will move this thread to Humor.
  14. The sine qua non of Christian identity is tithing.
  15. Are plans in place to market an Intermediate Class Today? Advanced Class Today? Excellor Classes Today?
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