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Everything posted by Nathan_Jr

  1. Direct or indirect based on what? Are you just regurgitating? You left out Hebrew. The Satan first appears in Hebrew. I’ll see what Heiser and others say. I’ll find out.
  2. So, there’s a distinction drawn between the devil and the Satan, between devilish and satanic?
  3. Jason Robarbs Phillip Baker Hall Melinda Dillon William H. Macy Tom Cruise Julianne Moore
  4. The attack was just stupid or the interpretation of the attack was just stupid?
  5. Red Herring. I'll add Waysider's question to the list of oodles and oodles of unanswered questions.
  6. Boy, oh, boy did victor ever love his "academic credential." That phony mail order doctorate was everything to him. Thousands of pieces of evidence, "spiritual" and physical, point to the indisputable fact that victor was not, in spite of his bracelet, a "THE man of God." But his lust for that phony "doctorate" is all one should need to show this.
  7. If one is to blame corps, one must blame vpw. There is no corps without vpw. Corps is a manifestation of victor's wickedness and error. Corps belonged to vpw. He called it "my corps."
  8. Jason Robarbs Phillip Baker Hall Melinda Dillon William H. Macy Tom Cruise
  9. Is this what professors do? I went to Liberal Arts colleges to study literature. None of my professors ever opined on what is God or the meaning of life. The assertion that this is what professors do is an assertion from ignorance.
  10. Does academia endeavor to investigate what is God or the meaning of life? What a silly assumption.
  11. Jason Robarbs Phillip Baker Hall Melinda Dillon William H. Macy
  12. We have an innate capacity for mirroring, for imitating. It may be an evolutionary adaptation to facilitate how we learn to talk as babies. Mirror neurons simply provide an ability to imitate, to mirror. This is not learning. But imitation may be a form of learning by rote. A superficial, shallow, temporal form of learning. Find out what it means to learn.
  13. Damn. Ry MF’n Cooder. Now, this is an example of authenticity. Thanks for this, Waysider!
  14. Yep. Obvious. Lots of mimicry, mirroring, imitation. Authenticity is destroyed.
  15. Imitation. I wondered about that, too. Imitation is not authentic, is it? Imitation is like a counterfeit? It's not the real deal.
  16. No. You either understand or you don't. #1 The one who claims to HAVE the Truth is surely the one who does not. #2 That which can be possessed is not Truth. I don't need you to beleeve me. I would that you don't beleeve anything at all. Either, know or don't, understand or don't. Be still. Watch. Find out.
  17. The one who claims to HAVE the Truth is surely the one who does not. That which can be possessed is not Truth.
  18. The easiest person to fool is yourself. Beleeef has no place where Truth is concerned.
  19. The easiest person to fool is yourself. Beleeving that you know that you know that you know is a fool's errand. Doubt is a virtue.
  20. Self proclaimed importance. I have the bracelet that says so. It's established.
  21. Yikes! Another essay question? I'll add it to the list of unanswered questions.
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