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Everything posted by Nathan_Jr

  1. If you’ve got to make the shoes fit like the gloves, they might as well be clown shoes.
  2. Who contrives limits? Who constructs limits? Who conceives of limits? Who perceives limits? Who beleeeves limits? Man or God? These are rhetorical questions for contemplation.
  3. I should budget my time and money because both are limited. God must budget His Resources, not because they’re limited, but to make it fair for the devil? Sounds like Ancient Greek theater. The love of this conceptual, clown shoe wearing god is why signs, wonders and miracles didn’t follow victor.
  4. Apparently, according to some, God was just beside himself on how to deal with the devil. Poor God. Must have been frustrating, all those hoops to jump through.
  5. It seems that age is so easily seduced by ideals, so entranced by conclusions, so willing to be conditioned. It explains a lot about TWI's early growth
  6. Seems relevant, fitting, salient in this our day and time... and for this forum.
  7. If you know, then you know that you know that you know. Earlier, someone just didn’t have time to read a book. As evidenced by this 7000 word post, time is no longer an issue.
  8. If he doesn’t get them parallel, how will he know what’s available, how to get it, and what to do with it once he’s got it?
  9. It seems to come down to the question: Says who? Victor says so of himself. If he says so... The author of 2 Timothy says so about what he himself writes. If he says so... Did God create man or did man create God?
  10. 2 Tim 3:16 is referring to the scriptures of the Hebrew Bible, right? It is certainly not referring to all without exception scripture. Or is it?
  11. If you're using butter made from grass fed cows, right?
  12. Thanks. I was about to point out the same. The fine is as egregiously vulgar as the hoarding. It is loose change in the cushions of the sofa. Literally. Managing $32B conservatively with a 4% return yields $1.28B…. per annum!! A $5M penalty is just… Dark.
  13. Wow. Just... wow... Teachers who are apt (skilled) to teach are unafraid of questions. The narcissist and the huckster HATE questions. Their biggest fear is being found out for the frauds that they are. The bathwater needs to be thrown out because it has been contaminated by the rotting corpse of a dead baby. Some want to hold on to the corpse. I say, let them. But get that rot out of my bathtub!
  14. I think you're on to something. When I questioned how "faith" was defined, my fellowship commander, who was still trapped in his 1970s era Corps "commitment," said, "Faith is what we HAVE, believing is what we DO." Not much of a definition, but it may sound familiar to many here. I was given a similar answer when I asked, "What is religion?" His said, "Man made....mmmmph." (Huh?)
  15. Corrupt could mean watered-down or adulterated. But corrupt is not in the text. I'm sure many, not few, already know this.
  16. This is silly, Rocky. You are mistaken. Honest mistake, I'm sure. Merriam-Webster attribute (something) to (someone or something) idiom 1 : to say that (something) is because of (someone or something) He attributes his success to his coach. His doctor attributes his health problems to a poor diet and a lack of exercise. 2 : to think of (something) as being a quality of (someone or something) The study suggests that it is a mistake to attribute adult reasoning to children. Is it right to attribute complex emotions toanimals? She attributed some importance to the research. 3 : to think of (something) as being made or created by (someone) The poem is usually attributed to Shakespeare, but some scholars doubt that he wrote it.
  17. I don't intend it to be. The point is anyone and everyone will throw around "spiritual" claims. Everyone claims to have the REAL "spiritual truth." I say, beware those making such claims.
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