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Everything posted by Nathan_Jr

  1. This is very close. I don't know exactly how I'd phrase it, but it follows this line of thought. And, for me, it applies to any scripture, not just Judeo-Christian scripture. I'm not trying to get into this argument. I just liked what you said there, Chock. I don't think I've seen that sentiment expressed before in the café.
  2. No, they do not. Nor does victor's definition of NEIGHBOR agree with Christ, as I showed above. WordWolf succinctly explains Christ's definition of NEIGHBOR further up thread. Much of what victor taught was antiChrist. The evidence for this is not faulty, as Mike imaginatively claims. The evidence is right there in WHAT victor said, WHERE he said it, HOW (H-O-W) he said it, and TO WHOM he said it. Hey! I didn't write the book.
  3. He didn't say exactly that, but that is exactly what he meant. If you want, I can send you the transcript. Here's the Q&A at the end of the Corps "teaching" between victor paul wierwille and Loy Craig Martindale: LCM: How much does you behavior that people do not see influence your example to them? VPW: It doesn't, unless you believe it will. LCM: You understand what I asked? VPW: I sure did and I gave you the proper answer. LCM: I asked, How much does you behavior that people do not see influence your example to them? VPW: Alright, Kurt? KURT: In verse 15 of chapter 14....
  4. Yes. I've heard the same argument. There is no term for anyone who doesn't believe in astrology, either. The atheists I have known and read are simply unconvinced of any reason to believe in an any god. The theist says there are gods. The atheist says the theist's evidence for Zeus or Yahweh or Isis is insufficient. The atheist doesn't have to prove the negative, the burden of proof is on the theist for his positive claim. Ultimately, it's up to each atheist what that term means for him. It's a loaded and misleading term. I don't find it very useful. victor paul wierwille, cult founder and charlatan, said the atheist beleeeves that no god exists, so even the atheist is a beleeever in something. That's inaccurate. (Add it to the pile.) The atheist doesn't beleeeve at all because he hasn't found sufficient reason or evidence to beleeeve. So it seems to me.
  5. In that same "teaching" to his Corps in the glory days of 1973, victor paul wierwille "taught" what a neighbor is. Victor's definition goes against what Christ taught. Victor's teaching is antiChrist.
  6. I agree with your treatment of boundaries, Twinky. Boundaries are so important for our wellbeing. For some of us, setting and enforcing boundaries can be a matter of life or death. But... victor paul wierwille, cult founder, in 1973, when "teaching" his Corps on Romans, said, if no one sees you disrespecting another's boundaries, it won't influence the example you set for others -- UNLESS you beleeeve it will. The lesson: are you BELEEVING to move someone's boundaries? Don't do it... dooooon't do it... don't BELEEEVE you are moving someone's boundaries and you won't be. Just be sure to only disrespect someone's boundaries in secret, and don't beleeeve it's happening. Simple. ABC. Math. Hey! I didn't teach Romans to the Corps in 1973. Got a problem? Take it up with management. ALSO, Deut 27:17 is absolutely NOT about a "landmark of the mind." It's about land/property boundaries. Hey! I didn't write the book, but if victor paul wierwille wants to change what the word says, it's no longer the word. Furthermore, Deuteronomy 27 lists several laws. Deuteronomy 28 lists God's promises for obeying those laws. HOWEVER, those laws and promises are not written TO us. (Whew! That was a close call.)
  7. Thank you, Charlene. For everything. The docket report says the case was settled, but orders for dismissal were only sent to and named for Michael Anthony Farris-Manetta, who appears to be in default and only showing up for the case at the last minute to correct his legal name and address. It's not clear to me TWI settled, only that the case against Michael Anthony Farris-ManettaI was settled. It's probable I'm misreading the docket, though I did read it completely. Twice. I'm not an attorney nor a legal professional. Can anyone provide clarity on this?
  8. As you know, it is also written in the PFAL book. The text has been cited here by a few posters, including Mike. Mike doesn't want you to forget what we were "taught" -- no translation or version of the Bible is the word, because of errors. The key to solving for these errors is comparing one erroneous translation with another erroneous translation, one erroneous version with another erroneous version. Compare the errors, chose one (an error) that fits, or else make up a new translation. BOOM! Accuracy. I wish you could read it in the original, which we don't have -- that's in the class, as well. Don't forget!
  9. Mike doesn't want you to forget that Psalms wasn't written to you. He doesn't want you to forget that if it doesn't fit, you can just cross it out.
  10. "Kindly let me help you or you'll drown," said the monkey, putting the fish safely up a tree.
  11. The Tao = The Way ”The Tao that can be told is not the Eternal Tao.” - Lao Tzu
  12. I don't know if this is a secret, but this little clip is everything. These children have not yet been indoctrinated and conditioned to beleeeve. Oh, how clearly they see! Either one can see what is going on here or one cannot. The Truth, the secret, here cannot be taught. It cannot be learned. It is beyond beleeef. Mark 10:14 Matt 18:1-6 Matt 19:14 Matt 11:25 Luke 10:21 Luke 18:17 John 3:3
  13. From the article: “But Muslim fundamentalists regard the Koran—every word of it—as God’s own language, and they have violently attacked freethinking scholars as heretics. So Muslim intellectuals have been intimidated, and Islam has often been transmitted by narrow-minded extremists,” Kristof said. Sounds familiar. —- ”Virgin” was mistranslated in the Bible, too. It’s no secret that the Abrahamic religions are preoccupied with sex and virginity. Even pseudo-Christian cults, like the one founded by victor paul wierwille, have profoundly twisted issues with sex.
  14. Mike, Twinky moved your topic to Doctrinal. Please respect her request to continue your discussion there.
  15. This is not a secret. Reminds me of a topic we were discussing earlier this week.
  16. Well, the claim that "the Bible is the revealed word and will of God " is not a secret. A secret isn't merely information unknown, it's information intentionally concealed. Billions of Christians have proclaimed this idea to whomever would listen (or could be cornered) over the centuries. Hardly a secret. Whether or not one beleeeves the Bible to be the revealed word and will of God has no bearing whatsoever on this idea being a secret. Victor paul wierwille's regurgitation of this traditional theological premise contradicts what he "wrote" in PFAL. "No Bible translation nor version of the Bible is the word... the Bible is not the word..." (paraphrasing from page something something). Someone, please correct me if I got this wrong. ----- If there is a great secret, Love has something to do with it, I suspect. But I wouldn't venture to claim to know the greatest secret in the world today. If I did assert such a claim, I would advise you NOT to beleeeve me.
  17. Welcome, Logic. Excellent first post connecting the dots. What was your parents’ response to these low grades in writing? Just curious. I suspect their response is the same as any fully conditioned follower. I praised my seventh grader earlier this year for his writing skills. He confessed he hated writing. I explained that good writing compels us to think clearly, to organize our thoughts, as you described above. His grades aren’t very good for several reasons. One is the contempt for education spewed by his mother and her vpw-worshipping family. Your story is encouraging. Thank you. ——- Does anyone have a digital copy of this “style guide” they could send me?
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