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Nathan_Jr last won the day on February 10

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  1. As would the International Israelite Board of Rabbis. https://www.blackjews.org/synagogues/
  2. Ahhh… the ol’ Truth in History Ministry of Owasso, OK. Among their BELEEFS, this is my favorite: WE BELIEVE that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian and related peoples are the only people that fulfill all the prophetic earmarks that identify them with being the literal physical descendants of the ancient people of Old Testament history known as Israelites (Genesis Chapters 48 & 49; Deuteronomy 7:6-8) There’s a video on their channel called “St. Paul’s Visit to Britain - Tracing the Footsteps.” Just a tremendous Biblical truth, I’m sure. It appears they have out-researched Bullinger and Wierwille. And another video called “Confederate Revival in the American Civil War.” Soooo… they’ve got that going for them.
  3. I see. A glove here, a hand there. What accuracy! Such in-depth spiritual awareness and perception. mmmph (Math and stuff.)
  4. Only for updates on Canada. To recap, Thanks again to all for confirming that the toponymic conventions are being adhered to by countries outside the U.S. (Except Canada, kinda) The Gulf in question was named Gulf of Mexico long before Mexico became a sovereign nation state. The earliest extant map with this place name is dated to 1550. It never had anything to do with political borders or ideology. Anyone can find out more by "searching again." (A fun coincidental fact: the last time RESEARCH meant "search again" was around the year 1550.) Other notable disputed bodies of water are the Persian Gulf (Arabian Gulf) and the Sea of Japan (East Sea).
  5. I didn’t say it. You did. A simple question. Nothing political about it. Thanks for the answer.
  6. Allan, I’m curious. Which UK news outlets you read/watch?
  7. What accuracy! So accurate. So clear. Coherent. Logical. True. Man alive! These boys can teach like it’s nobody’s business. I mean, they can really TEACH. mmm…MMMMPH (Reminds me of a “class” I once took.)
  8. It"s curious that Canada is not in line with Australia, U.K. and Latin America, which includes Mexico, a country in North America.
  9. Thanks, Twinky. I don’t live too far from the Gulf and have spent quite a bit of time fishing it and playing on its beaches. I don’t know think I could ever call it anything other than its name. It’s one of those “I wish you could read it in the original” kind of things.
  10. Funny you should say. Earlier, for no reason whatsoever, I was thinking about the Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Reich of 1933.
  11. Five-senses beleeving or spiritual beleeving? Doctor "taught" the Corps in the class on Romans that you can lie, steal, cheat and rape, and it only matters if you beleeve it does. Well, he actually "taught" that kernel directly TO Loy Craig Martindale by reproof and correction. But that tremendous, matchless truth is FOR our learning. It's like a duck. You know what a duck is, dontcha? Dat's riiight. Math.
  12. It doesn’t matter what you call it unless you believe it does.
  13. Ha! That was my initial reflex, but I hadn’t yet SIT this morning, so I couldn’t be sure if it was revelation or just experiential intuition or phenomenon. Plus, the answer only came to me once, not twice. An unestablished revelation is no revelation at all.
  14. Thanks, Allan. The current administration will be pleased. Really, it interprets itself, whatever one calls it.
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