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Nathan_Jr last won the day on January 17

Nathan_Jr had the most liked content!

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  1. Nathan_Jr

    Thank you!

    I’m so grateful for Paw and everyone who makes this board possible. And for everyone who contributes to the discussion. I donated yesterday.Wish I could do more.
  2. “…when they claim to speak for God…” This is your sign that they do not. They are either under a misapprehension or are lying.
  3. Nostalgia It's an illusion. A seductive illusion. An erected idol of the past onto which one plants a foot. The other foot plants into an imaginary future, allowing perfect positioning for squatting over and defecating into the mouth of the eternal now.
  4. Well done, WW. The academic term for this is Trauma Bond
  5. Holy shonta!! Hilarious. Ken Ham and Ray Comfort! The trash can successors to Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. The Beavis and Butthead charlatans for this our day and time. Remnants of present truth. Got questions? Ask a music coordinator. ———- From Ken’s page: “This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.“
  6. Sounds like someone i know who once “taught” a class. mmmph
  7. Fully, fully, fully full in fullness...
  8. The layout, formatting and font selection are surprisingly elegant for this kind of project. God job, Bill.
  9. Thanks. i let my Adobe expire. Couldn't extract the text. Edit: Well, I could have easily copied and pasted into a Google Doc. Must not have been beleeving big enough. Thanks, again, WW.
  10. If I were a current dupe standing on the word as contrived by vic paul, I wouldn't go unless I got the green light twice,
  11. "Dearest Saints God bless you abundantly. What we commonly recognize as the first Rock of Ages emerged into full fruition in August 1971..." You can view the full letter from Vern here: https://www.reddit.com/r/theway/s/ecdSvJaYDS Apparently 368kb is beyond my photo posting limit.
  12. I THINK you thought correctly. I brought him up last May in the Deconversion thread. BTW, I checked out those other Charlie Kirk videos. Though Charlie attempts to support his political ideology with the "Bible tells me so," Dan refutes his claims with actual Bible verses in a non-political way. But I get your point and will respect it. The one about migrants is immensely satisfying - a righteous evisceration. Wow!
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