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We had generational town squirells,the nut tree was very old and they had an established clan. they are no match for a cat even an outdoor alley cat like mine was at the time. they do tag team fight as well and scream for more troops when it gets dicey. They never attacked other than throwing the nuts but we had a glass porch and sometimes when we left the door open they would get in the porch that is when the cat attacked and cornered the mother of the babies and she won, the vet had to shave him to find out where the blood was coming from and he had small puncture wounds all over his skin from bites and the claws. I think maybe country squirells will run away, all I know is we moved to get away from that dam tree and its gang of furry rats from hell.
Spencer gifts and the sixties shop are popular stores for this type of merchandise. You can most probably find them on the net or your local mall. Spencer has been around since the sixites.
I had black walnut trees in my back yard. We had the rats amass, yeah I fed them from the trees that are over two hundred years old already, they would throw them at us if we sat in the yard to close to their tree's. I KNOW they can aim and hit ya. that was one thing and then one fall a female had a late litter and threw her babies out of the nest to young to survive, (they have insticnt to harvest the winter nuts then not raise babies) so I picked them up and took them to rehab,( they screamed on top of their lungs while on the ground ) she attacked my cat and cost me a hefty vet bill as he went into shock. I hope they do not get into your house it costs us a grand one spring , as they had chewed a hole in the side and crept around the inside of the building , we had to wait till the babies got big enough to be trapped on the roof. NOISE? it sounded like a war zone in our walls. We trapped 19 lost two due to heat exposure or stress or something. We moved to a place with no nut trees.
subjective and personal really. I do not fear about MY God being mean or punishing me in any way either Trefor, He is a God of LOVE not a bully. that is my whole point.
I believe in God, but I do not believe SIT is proof that I do, or that I am "holy" in any way. Out of the fog God says His creationis good . Satan and his workers are evil. I believe God over what people think. Maybe you do as well. As far as behaviours well we all have them, we all fall short of what God wants from us Hence the Saviour Jesus Christ. It truly is a simple religion being a christian. Long Gone your right He does "allow" millions to die, I was trying to say it isnt His will people should die not any of them , unless God turned Himself into a liar He can NOT stop anyone from dying, but He can give them a chance to rise again healed and well, if they chose to believe inHis son Jesus christ. He promises life eternal but maybe not all in one stretch is my point, the dead will live again so in a sense He has defeated death now, sleeping waiting the return is not forever, just for a season. so they still will live. those who do not want to believe the game plan , and chose to not believe the greatest story ever told then they will find out about the same time everyone eles does if it is true or not.
maybe the strings of beads in the doorway . remember them? what was that all about?
God doesnt allow millions to die. The bible speaks of a contest between good and evil. it is clear goodnes is goodnes and evil is evil , or sin is sin. no big or small x"s. isnt that how the class put it? If one doesnt believe in God then this post is void of their understanding and I understand why you would blame God for evil. God often masks the old testiment and takes the hit for what satan his enemy does to people. Why? because they didnt have any means to fight evil, they had no spirit , no Saviour . no hope of knowing God would indeed help them out in this world full of sin and trouble from a powerful enemy. they showed from their own choices throughout the bible they had little faith regarding what a loving Father would do for them, even chosing to go back into slavery while in the desert with Moses, rather than believe God after all they had seen and with HIM to get to the promised land so far. I do not believe Sin come in catergories, you know like big and little and important and not so much or just ok on tuesday type thinking that is very human and conditional thinking. sin is sin and all will answer for it at the bema. The reason I think homosexuality is spoke of is because it is a hot subject right now in our culture as it has been in times past(history) speaks of the bath houses in the different cultures that had reigned and its activities linking sexual sins.. also sex is a powerful behaviour. your right Mister Mosh.. believing in something is in the mind and no one can prove what one is able to think or believe including god or any type of spirit. Faith is a word used to describe how folks are able to utilize what God is to them. homosexuality is not a "creation" it is a behaviour. All Sex is a behaviour. Sexual thoughts are from the mind and the body reacts to the stimulation. I do not believe homosexual have a mental problem a chemical reaction within the physical body hence the reason no medication or sugery has helped anyone overcome it. other than to shut down the body response completly in that area. which would not neccesarily take away the desire in the mind, like a person who has had a stoke and is unable to perform sexualy physicaly still wanting to . If they did we would certainly hear about it by now. Science has learned a great deal about how our body systems work and medicines treat the area of the mind that are troubled..giving a sense of tranquil when anxiety and depressions are present. This does not take away the problem!!!! ask those who stop taking their meds how long it takes for the symptoms to reappear. the things you speak of ( rape ,murder) are BEHAVIOURS people think in their mind they need or want to do these things and do them. the question why some do and some do not is clearly because they have an influence some Do not have, ie a spirit. Death is the final victory for Jesus christ and will be destroyed at the end times, all of thes other issues and problems take the individual chosing to do what he wills to have power over him/her. I think therefore I am. behaviours are our thoughts brought in fruitation, I ate a carrot cake because I thought it would taste good because somwhere along the line I was introduced to the idea it would and did it and enjoyed it so I chose to do it again. Such is all behaviours, God speaks of some thoughts coming from an evil source and spirits that work around and amoung his children that will kill steal and destroy their goodness He gave them within the spirit. such is the contest between good and evil and each individual must wage his own battle within himself.
truth and spirt has a great deal to say about the gay agenda in public schools , they are on the public school board and speak to teens on this issue. if you go to the ces link above then truth or tradition web site, and put in SEX as a search topic you will find what Mark and Karens experience has been working with the youth on this topic. the name of the article is "Sex and Scripture and the Gay agenda" John S has written a book as titled "sex and Scripture as well.
congrats I got one on the way now ! wow it is really great isnt it? to love again but more!
my kids aged me. its my grand children that keep me young! seriously I was in my late twenties when I had my last children and I had alot of growing up to do. Now with the new babies I feel like life has a new meaning and it is a good one! I told my oldest daughter when she was pregnate(I was so excited and thoughtful about it much more than my own pregnancys, I said one day out of the blue "do not make me worry about my grand children." I said it like a mom and meant it, directives are few once your children are adults(hopefully) In fact sometimes I giggle at the truama I remember going through and how serious it was to me, when I was raising them but now it seems almost silly, they should fuss so much. grands made my life lighter, my own kids stressed me alot. kids do help put a nice perspective on life , but a grand child brings new blood and hope to everyone... without the work and worry of tommorrow, because he/she is here. It is BETTER! oops sorry gushing new gramma on the loose.
I can NOT "leave it all behind" . It is part of who I am . period. I do not get people who do not get it either so we are even. I refuse to stay a victim. that is why I get mad at John Lynn who I have a great deal of respect for when it comes to bible education, yet little or no respect when it comes to loving people. He screams to stop being a victim. hahaha I laugh as I think of the years spent picking up the pieces of the mess twi made of my life. Did I do it did I live my life? Yes but without the truama of what happened to me my life would be vastly different. and that of my children. or understanding what moving on means. I will ask you how do you move on? HMM? it is a part of my life now and forever well maybe not forever, but till we all get healed it plays into how I think what I do and why in many many areas. If I wanted to blame myself or another innocent Victim I could just say oh well God is good it doesnt matter. im blessed and happy now. Well God is good and Im blessed and happy now But I have that training the pain brought my life . Everyone has taken on new ideas take knitting or a new excersize program well pain is about learning how to do it right . darn it ya have to take the whole darn sweater apart cause ya messed up the arm , or your muscles ache when you go to a new set of weights at the gym. it is in the training Paul speaks of it , to train takes pain and pushing yourself beyond what you thought possible and it sometimes means serious injury. ya find out the hard way and it causes deep pain sometimes to never do that again in life. well I can move beyond it and even grow bigger but Im screaming about the pain that brought me here and I chose not to forget it. move on as an ignorant person who didnt pay a PRICE FOR THE LESSON is not my style. let me say to all those who will now rant well Jesus christ paid the price so we do not have to. I ask and in what life are you living in for real? Jesus christ paid for us to live eternaly , the mess and sin others have and I have inflicted on my self has been bought and paid for by ME! and I aint paying it again if I do not have to. and I will warn others of the payment if I can it can get quite costly in life if we can not and refuse to learn just what the very grace of God means.
the gramma title is something I am getting used to I guess. I do not want to be twenty again or eighteen. (well maybe the sex) but I do get tired now. I look back at my life and the jobs and the kids and everything I did in a day and wonder how I ever did all that. Now I like planting flowers more than going out to a social scene, my cats are more precious( lord have mercy that Does sound old doesnt it?) I am ok where I am bloom where your planted. I will say I have little compassion for people my age that use their age as an excuse at work. to not get along or to not do the hard physical stuff... I think if I cant do it I will leave. Im done raising kids so I enjoy the freedom this age brings but I also realize I may not be able to do some of the stuff I always wanted to do. Like travel out of the country. I will not retire at 65, I wont have the money. so im trying to pace myself for twenty more years of full time work. God will bless me Im certain. I am most thankful I am helathy and have not been hurt or disabled, I have friends with kids still at home and Im glad mine are grown and I have friends that have gotten sick . Im thankful. maybe these new grands will change my life when they get older!!! hopefully.
Sometimes people do not speak of the past at all or even one incident in their life EVER again. like a person who was raped staying silent. never telling a soul yet living every day with it . I believe this forum may help some break the feelings of shame, fear, and can give one a chance to break out of the shell it may bind you into. which is huge. I think people write here for different reasons but some stay quiet and never speak of what really might have happened. here they can at least try. it may take years to erase the pain enough to say it out loud, chipping away at pieces a little at a time until one can deal with what it was . Shame and guilt silents people . that was the lesson I learned the largest while in twi. but it took me decades hello I said decades to come to grip with what that met to me. the fact one does NOT have to feel bad about what life is , to stop lying to yourself and own it as a reality, is very difficult for people trained to never confess negatives or speak evil . to admit defeat is difficult for a believer. then to be ok with it is another time span that can be years long. I had a "thing" in my life, many knew what had happened, family and friends but it was so devastated and traumatic people do not know what to say so they stay silent or talk around the subject. Like at a wake ya know many feel uncomfortable because geez what can one say to help or comfort really. so we talk about how nice the weather is or something, avoiding the uncomfortablness of the pain. my drama was very sad and devastating , I realized people didnt know what to say , and I had alot of pain from it and shame and guilt on why it had to happen to me and my family. I never told anyone that I met. I didnt speak of it. then one day I told somone, and she didnt shame me. in fact she understood and felt I was still ok. she didnt blame me at all. that was the day I came to grips with alot , of why it was and is so difficut for people to really be honest and share. WE will be judged. no it isnt all about whether one will judge because people do judge and gossip and say things because we want to understand one another, or it juicy to speak of another story . When I could face the fact some will NOT understand will judge me harshly will be convinced it could, would NEVER happen to them, because it is so awaful and no one wants to ever face such pain so they still live in denial. (Im glad they still can) then and only then could I say it out loud. it took decades for such pain to be reavealed. today I know some still wisper. she is the one that.... and it doesnt bother me. before I guess I thought if I didnt think it no one eles could or would and it never really happened. That women I told.. one day in the car out loud changed my life , I didnt know her she was NOT a close friend or a relative. she just told me something about herself I thought was so honest and out there I couldnt help myself and just said it. As soon as I did I was shocked at myself. She was safe because she was a nobody. I think it can take years to resolve our self. this forum allows a safe place to investigate in bits and pieces whether it can be said or typed out loud. to admit the truth, is difficult. It is at times difficult to be honest with those we love because they think they know us so well , with our front act going on for years who can now say well I really think this way or maybe something I never told you has a factor in why I think this way. some keep their private thoughts very private, to guard our hearts and our relationships. I do not think we should i just think sometimes we do. so a forum such as this helps, and it may take years to get well. To be able to think clearly about a topic to be strong takes courage, and many involved in twi where very very frightened . To fin out who you are and what makes ya tick is very hard in life, throw in the confusion of bible verses and the threat of being a grease spot or something and heck saying it out loud, owning it , takes a couple shots at trying if ya ask me. of course it depends on your story, your ability to recover, your personal dymanics with dealing with reality for yourself, all Im saying is it is very possible it could take years. like a life time.
Some here might remember my post about wether i should go to the party which included many innies awhile back. I was terrified. I went through alot of brain drainage. I had gotten the one who had the party and his wife in. We were friends before I got marked for a very long time. i went. and it was a strange thing and I was depressed for days. I was recruited and handed a card, who eles but wafers USE a birthday party to sell their religion? but that was ok . I remeber I also had done that same thing when I was in. the difficult part was I wanted another friend a friend they had met while in that I knew from twi, that had also been thrown outin a bad way... they fought and they refused to go. also ok.. but to hear them seriously trash talk this couple , the ones in had nothing to say but evil about them, and they were buddy buddy while in , just tore me up . the conversations where about LCM , and how things are so much better and what needed to be done(as far as throwing those out who were not good enough) has now been done so I quote" the household is clean NOW!!!. I said ok so it is all great and roses and perfect now, and it does not take away from my own witness,, they knew me and they knew the truth of what happened to me and he did concede but of course that was then, it is all different and beautiful NOW. I got very sad for weeks over it, just trying to tell ya my experience here, I did say I love you to them because I do and did and will forever, but it was the avoid your best friends at a party type thing going on and very very odd and strange. The food was good, pizza even! I had to get to a position they could not 'hurt me" I had to love them enough to know I loved them enough to not allow them to get to me on a level of who is better or worse or right or wrong just people I care about and the life we are living. i did NOT go into it blaming anyone I will tell you now it does seem stupid it was so very difficutlt but I tell you it was. I am glad I went it put closure on wondering how they felt and how they thought about me and what my experience was I wanted to know and I believe God granted me my wish . I had zero exspectations.. I think in fact I know they wanted me to get involved in the twi again, nah I cant get that serious about anything these days it seems. call it what you will, and the fact they had such trash( whether their opinion was true or not in facts )to say about others who didnt fall in line and they also claimed to love frightened me anough to be able to walk away loving them but not willing to set up for that in my own life.
It didnt matter to me when I was in a cult what people thought about the group. It is the same with people involved in any activity we may think we know is wrong for the most part. I do not mind the word cult, I think we can get fooled or tricked or do things in our life for peer pressure and sales in many many area's. I think Walmart is a cult. I do they have struck gold with a calculated program that is not to recognize individuals only the good of the corporation. I do not think cult have to be "wrong", or nessesarily "destructive" my friend in is having the time of his life right now in twi, and I know many walmart associates who do 'the cheer" with joy! where do we seperate what our own unigue truth is in life and what others tell us. It begins in adolesence and ends in death I think. It is important places like GS happen because it gives these groupsa chance to be exposed. I know wafer not your position may be to help the person in your office avid being hurt. We can seldom do that for people een those we love much . sad but true. I witness folks compromising their life for many many things i considr worthless, and can not stop it,but i can share my life and be happy within what God has blesssedme with and hope others can find the same . prayer works for me to help another understand where Im coming from on topics that cause confusion.
this is the connection I made. child molestation is illegal, so the base line is the homosexual liberty that needs defending. trust me I do not keep track of who is or who is not homosexual on Greasespot the only one I "remember" is homosexual is Trefor who speaks of it often . a little defensive ?
see it happen? few see a victim till it is to late. Personly I would NEVER trust somone who has admited or been caught sexualy attracted to a child. I do not believe it is normal I think it is criminal and a perversion and I believe they will do just about anything to get those who will to trust they are not sick pieces of crap. they spend their life firguring out how NOT to get caught. no way would I ever consider one capable of not lusting again. maybe not getting caught but not lusting no not ever.
CM I think most not involved in such , would agree. laws are in place to state such, so they need to hook on to a more accepted and gaining practice such as homosexuality to have the power without the face. creepy I think. I think some would accept homosexuality more IF this was not the case but to remove the links is nearly impossible without those whose number are high and increasing claiming discrimination, they stay silent on who they are in both groups for the most part only reveal to their own, child molestersmuch more than homosexual because it is vastly Illegal on top of immoral but it is still common for homosexual to be"in the closet" so an acceptance is granted. I do not know the facts for the number of hetro vs. homo child molesters. I suppose it may be LESS in the homosexual population as they are a minority . YET I know of zero hetro's that allow child molesters in the political base line agenda, it would be suicide.
The problem is that many believe homosexuality is a sexual perverson, and wrong. Then they lump all sexual preversons together. I do not believe homosexuality is neccesarily child molestation. In our society youth is glorified as a prize so to have a mate that is young is prized by some. Men do it with young "arm candy" and get glory for it. An older man with a young girl not a child is considered oh lala lucky him , by many here , same with women but not as common. It is the same with homo's as it is a society acceptance of such . This does not mean all Hetro's have young girl friends or wifes or want them nor do all Homo's. A homosexual relationship does not mean to me a VICTIM is involved. In other words a crime victim. but because they can the perverts or criminals involved sexualy with minors ride this "freedom" train. In other words the politcal scream of being unjust and not understanding of minority sexual attractions wins bigger than the screams of the innocent, so they mix. I think it is as unfair to call all homosexuals child molesters or that they agree with abuse. it is also unfair to claim all men hetro want a child as a sexual partner. I see no difference. A person sexualy attracted to children should be in a class by themself but because our culture will not allow it and still rate homosexuality as a perversion and not accepted as "norm" they get rated amoung them and at times endorsed. sheer numbers count in the politcal game and the number of Child molesters are high but even less visable than homosexuality so it turns into a win situation for both .
no couldnt live with that dog. looks like a freak show. and he looks like he is thinking to much and not in a good way. he looks like my ex husband in my dreams kind of.
OMG! LOL. I wondered why the Way ministries and now the off shoots.. never made it to TV land. Even once a year, BG and the others made it. Even the radio , (not some stupid local channnel show ) nope never . hmmm the tv is evil like the internet I suppose they think so be afraid and fearful and stay away.. god is not able to handle it!!! If money is not suppose to be a problem then what was the PROBLEM? inability?
This idea of tough love is CRAP. Ever notice the solution is often "tough love" , when whoever tells you that crap does NOT love the person YOUR suppose to bully into getting your way? I say right back at ya to whoever rocks YOUR world in life , in fact YOU first. Now people who complain about life , need to make changes, every one knows no one eles can change your life , it is an individual felowship with the LORD and a person own responsibility to conduct their life. Inside late at night everyone knows this mostly. the pain and confusion comes along when we chose to allow others to dictate to us what is best... and emotions such as LOVE and responsibility and hate and fear becomes factors in our choices. I wish I could find somone to find my solutions.. IT IS EASIER! But issues with what they may decide happens. It becomes problems . The deeper the connection or loyalty or responsibility or ignorance of a situation or person or people the more complex the solution becomes. So as OM states slap up the head and TELL them to get it together !!!! it just frankly doesnt work. LOVE works. Really it does. I am not into taking responsibility for someone eles and their choices to be blamed for the wrongness it must end up to be for them . NO I can and chose to LOVE somone in the pain and confusion and ALLOW them to just do it, mistakes and all . Like a hospital, My kids are grown but IM still the hospital ya know , when an emergency or illnes comes along in life (problems and the the need for change or solutions) IM the hospital to get along make ya feel better , maybe some medication for a while to get rid of the soreness, then .. they must leave and carry on with life and choices and decisions. Same way with my friends, I would love to tell one of my best friend her husband is a bad toad and worthless, they have been married for over twenty years!!!! BUT I do not say LEAVE the bastard he is no good. That is MY choice for her and wouldnt work for her would it? so I am here I listen I love I care I try to understand and I stay in the relationship for LOVE and one another. Is that not what Jesus Does for each of us? Or does he say"Well life is a bitch and your must have screwed up somehow so suffer till you learn?" Tough love my foot. Life is tough but that has NOTHING to do with loving one another at all. What good is love like that? I speak to those involved in twi, and I frankly love them. and yaknow what happens either they decide Im the devil seed and leave me alone, or they call and speak when the gut says geez I wish I could but I do not know how to leave and they get strength and encouragement from another who did. One day they will if they can if it right for them till them I chose to LOVE them. Leave the dead man on the side of the road or pick him up and help the dude is a bible story man. who was right? A broken leg takes weeks to heal. and somone may have to drive ya around for weeks.. Cancer treatment takes years sometimes to get out of trouble it can bring... WE as folloers of the LORD are the hospital for The great healer Jesus Christ. Praise God for giving us such a mighty LORD to direct our life and the purpose is simple Jesus ASKS us of ONE thing and that is to LOVE one another! Or teach them a good bad foot lesson of how tough a christian can be and slap them around a little , seems to me that is what the guy on the side of the road ran into, and the good guy is the way who scraped him up, was the example of what we should do. always a choice .
BG has his show every year at Easter. he asks people to accept Jesus Christ as Lord. He asks people to go to church. To pray, to know other folks love them and care about their life. He has testimony personal testimony on what God has done for His people. I agree it is a mutimillion dollar "show" so what? People like shows and are attracted to it, for what end ? to have the gospel and good news proclaimed? It is a good thing, I believe he alone has helped many many people by leading them to God, which is a good thing in my book. the fact the ministry has avoided scandal is outstanding in these days and times . I believe he has a gift ministry of an evangelist and by far has answered his calling from God and met his talents in serving Him. I am proud to call him a brother in Christand he is on my list of must meets in the kingdom one day. Praise God.
It sounds like we should be afraid of God, afraid of being a followers of Christ, that to me is worse than the "work" some claim we must do to have God love ya. To be accepted into the kingdom. it is worse than rituals and performance christians if ya ask me. think about it it is really fear tactics. Yet along with being afraid very afraid of God , your suppose to BELIeVE he must love ya enough to meet all of your needs. out of fear if ya dont? that does not make sense to me at all. no wonder so many lived in fear to say anything about what was wrong.
I brought people in my best friends.. take the class I said. many did.. some when I got marked turned on me like I was the sinner from hell. And I loved them and I never lied to them and we were friends for many years.. Twi was more important. Not what the bible said not loving one another.. just the group.. after just a few months. it hurt like hell... years later we still talk and twi is still more important, than even their own family now.. these are folks I went to school with and grew up in the same town.. i do not get it I never asked them to LEAVE twi , to be my friend.. yet they have the condition of I must be in TWI to be their friend. They think they are better, more enlightened. God is with them more. I guess God just ignores HIS children when they need him most I say... to me it seems they compete with Jesus Christ for the throne , I said FOR the throne. Well they lost He has the throne and the games are over He alone is KING of kings, and for the pain they bring other christians who love them I think some education is in order.