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I said I do not assume what I believe is right or wrong for anyone. I am not into the what you call "prophetic people". I think it is anew movement of people thinking they can and do speak for God by the Holy spirit it is really popular right now and growing. it is makong for great attendence in many groups claiming to bring happiness and peace and whatever to whoever is willing to submit to another telling them what God wants for life or whatever. Indeed it takes virtual strangers and brings them into a tight bond with this calling and gift to tell one another what they believe is from God. I think most of it is a scam and a effective one at that. and personal! people get upset when you do not think they speak for God and they think they do because they tend to have really loyal followers. I do agree it is an emotiona gut response type of thing. if it turns you on fo for it. But I will refuse to listen to it. Now do I think God has phrophets?? YES!!!!!!! I read in the bible about them and the life they lived most suffered hoorible lifes and had terrible ending and outcomes for speaking for the one High God. many where never accpeted by society at large. I think they are among us I think they do what God has them do, I think they speak for God, I prayfully hope I have the ears to hear them. I do not think it takes training and group love and practice to have this happen. I do not think it is anything a person does not already know. I do not think everyone can prophetize to anyone . I do not think a church is needed to have the Holy Spirit move within an individual or a group of individuals , i think it is possble we can witness holiness in church but not necccesarily and by far not the only place God will bless His chosen.
honestly that is pretty close. the methodone idea in the off shoot. lol but seriously. now that I have to make my own "drug" I notice I am not so rabid without a pusher to tell me I need it. I look at normal people and wonder how the heck i lived like that and I look at other rabid pushers of christianity and think get away get away !!!!
actual it is to not have to debate any issues or doctrines. twi isnt the only very serious christian group most have an agenda to provide the truth as they know it. most feel they have a mission from God to help and rescue . or get moey something. I want to avoid any kind of debate. and I agree with your conclusion as well, but many churches or groups have the goal of saving or teaching or making you better more enlightenment , more getting involved in programs or classes etc. and yes I have some ideals I will not move from IM not saying Im neccesarily right for anyone eles but it works for me and I really do not want to hear alot of the agruements about some of it anymore. My education is not only twi.. I study myself and the offshoots and forty years of bible I feel strongly about some stuff. I have read the bible alot I really do have alot more knowledge than many average christian folks... am I better? no Im not saying that ,it is just I happen to know chapter and verse and when Im discussing what the bible says and they have nO clue what the names of the book even are, I am not willing to educate and that is what it feels like to me. I can not sit and listen to a discussion about the bible when I know in my own brain it does not say that. no tolerence for it. granted your not talking with someone who goes to alot of churches or groups any more lol. so maybe plenty are out there. I think people go to groups for different reasons and twi kind of still has my brain warped into thinking I should learn a "hot" new bible teaching with chapter and verse... lol heck Im not saying it is ok it is just where im at. no I do not go for social reasons. I have a bad taste in my head from that ordeal still as well lol.
Im not so sure it was the program they wanted to die only. I saw hate while in twi and I was taught hate by them. a type of righteous hate . I remember I really did fear for my life for a few weeks after I was marked ok ok maybe it was all in my mind but it came from a thought process that believed they were capable of such acts. I mean really think about it how did I go from going to a bible class to thinking they could come to my house and kill me or have me killed and have a blessing? I know how nuts that sounds. but I clearly remember thinking they had that much power. now decades later I still fear anyone having that much trust in my life all wrapped up in what God may or may not think . I was not born this way, I was taught this mess. and at times I still battle it. that whole higher powers red book chapter and how some would and could be so dismissing even of their own family members for the ministry. yeah honestly I do think they could care less if somone who disagreed with them died.. in fact I think they would count it as a reward. I didnt like the way many conversations went and Im serious glad I didnt get more involved than I did because it seems the more in ya got the worse this fear was relished and feared.
ok I can only say this on this forum and maybe you will understand. no one eles does. why is it every since I joined twi and left and then an off shoot ( I call them off shoot because they have the same leaders and much of the same doctrines and much of the same practices shined up to look different and knew.) I am not able to go to a church? why? heck I do not know. I think it is because I think they will teach me wrong doctrine. or the people will want to talk about something that i know isnt i even in the bible and I will have to disagree. why. heck I do not know why but becuase I think I have the right answers and the truth on many subjects. why did I spend twenty five years learning the bible if it comes down to never being able to discuss it with anyone except in an off shoot? it isnt fair I do not like it . but honestly that is the way it is for me.
I love the bible and the power I hear in the story. Yes power. not magic. I see and hear and feel a difference, God is a personal God, Christ came to save all sinners, yet He knows every hair on our head and calls us by name. that is an individual call not a group thing. yes it is the body which is a group of parts. I think twi missed it when they lumped Jesuschrist into a set of rules that fit every person and said it was from the bible..pick this verse it will fit here in the case type of stuff. I think it became far removed from wheat the individual will of God was for each INDIVIDUAL , I have several children one I can be one way with speak and talk and converse another gets confused and I need another path to teach them or instruct them in what Im trying to express to them . I believe God is the same way He knows us better than we know our own self. twi tried to can everyone into what they thought worked for them, and it just didnt , one alot of times work for them and for others. frankly I do not think God is that stupid or simple for us to figure we got the plan and will down pat for everyone. that is why He is God n none of us happen to be.. and that has been the issue from day one people thinking they know how to be God better than HIm. Satori your right the history of this religion and even what is happening today under the name of God is brutal and killing it always has been. it is NOT a wishy washy IM a nice guy love ya book, it is full of right wrong and your going to pay mafia type stories. lol I love it. I know many truly believed twi was "Gods" ministry and I was told by a LC that the books were the same as the bible.. hence I can understand why people thought they may have been serving God when joining the corps BUT clearly it was serving the way inistry and what they offered. by the time you made the commintment to go corps, you already knew how twi felt about main stream christians andworking with other religoins so I just do NOT understand how anyone could be confused on who they would work and do for. the fact twi fell apart in a hand basket rather quickly is one point and promises got messed up may have been surprising but Im sorry it was always clear to me that the twi served the twi and no one eles. esp. at the corps level. do ya want to know how I knew? I watch families sacrafice and give give give just to go into the corps. I knew then that this was a group that was about helping itself, I didnt think it was "bad" I just knew I would NOT,heck if Im going to commint to something it had better be more money and rest time on a personal level . that is me. that is why I think some of those who got involved as deeply as they did may benefit from a check of just why they wanted to get that involved that comminted that giving of themself. to change the world? that was the sales pitch i know I do know. I alsways considered that the Job of Jesus christ and HIm alone praise God. I do not compete with his throne and frankly I do not understand those who vainly did and then complain when it came to nothing at all. put your egss in a basket and when it falls down it is a mess. true of many avenues in life. I did think people loved me once and I can still allw myself to get sad about that niave part of me.. I now do not think they were evil and hated me, I think they felt they had something better to loveat allcost ie the ministry.ok now I was in shock till I grew up and realized where I put my baskets anyways. I do understand how those who got caught up farther into feeling they were important , got hurt. today I realize I really do that god does and will love me no matter what happens. it is an unconditional love. it isnt an unconditional bible, the bible can be or say whatever a person choses to make it say. to themself or to another. that is why I believe God is so very personal and very individual. also probably why I have a hard time praying with and joining a group who claim to know and understand God and want to teach me. my bad.
with friends when the relationship get weird or difficult I take a break and come back to it when things have calmed down or we can talk better. space. I do not know how much is available when your married, between money , jobs kids cars pets house all that the married life brings. I mean if your partner gets sick your suppose to be available to pick up the slack and NOT complain.. that is love. after awhile I think I would complain.. In relationships that are comminted your suppose to rise to the occasion, and what if it is during a time your need space? sounds like alot of work.. as far as children now that mine are grown I just can NOT never ever imagine life without these people that I have know since they didnt even know how to burp! now with the new grands life seems so much more worth living. I do not have alot of money, or a big career, or home. i invested my life work into them and I like the reWARDS. As I age I see life go on andit keeps my own exciting and new. I will say I see many sad people who have never had children. It must be odd , you know in this culture to be middle age and never had children I can relate because when I was young and everyone was married I felt left out alot not part of the life many where living. but we need to bloom where planted and life is all about how we look at our own situation. I think aging for women is more difficult for women, if a man has money he can get a young new wife, no so easy for a woman. esp. if she has children. I gave alot to raise my kids, but I think it was a sound investment I have single friends with no children and they are sad some in their sixties with dead or sick parents and of course nieces and nephews. I know how this sounds because I am not married and many pity me for it and must think I live a half of a life. but I do not feel that way . so they must get involved in a carreer or something to dedicate all your energy in that has rewards. I do not think some marriages are all that fabulous it is just like all you have invested in and you stay, like children. we go with what we know in life mostly. but the bible says it all is not worth it and I do believe it is true. the only true happy days and peace comes from God and knowing we will reach a life that is eternal without all these confusing emotions.
wouldnt that be works? I mean it says we are saved by grace and if we begin comparing who is righteous and who is not by how we live wouldnt that be working our way to being saved by our deeds done or not done? I do think it is ego , but I think it is how Gods will is. that is why I read to keep our eyes on Jesus as the Saviour not on men. or what they can do. and yes it did happen in the way.
it is nice to work. it is a different story to have to work to eat. my mom never got this idea, supplement or an additional wage is one thing. supporting the family is different. compromise is involved, do ya stay home with a sick kid today or lose your job? yes it does come down to that for single parents. My daughters biggest nightmare is someday she will have to be a single parent... I understand why woman stay in unhappy relationships for the kids, but it isnt all for the kids is it? I mean the fact all that has to be done to run a household AND keep a fifty hour a week or more job happy just to pay the bills is a full plate many many can not do and few do it well. esp. if you have several children. I do not want to work till I die either I guess a man I didnt really love or some boredom wouldnt be so bad as this competitive world of work. BUT then one of my married friends say they cant go to the pool unless they bring all the kids , or spend money cause HIS car needs to be fixed. im content where im at. I do get jealous when I go to my married friends house and it is so tidy and decorated for the hostess with the most. I think geez did I leave two coffe cups on the couch chair last night and man that pile of winter coats really should be dry cleaned and put away instead of sitting in my spare bedroom in july.. a man would remind ya right? I mean you all say a man needs to be told everything well as I always thought the men I get hooked up with NEVER had a problem telling me where I was slacked or in need of improvement. I know the cats bed needs a wash, I do not need a man to remind me, I raised my children to be very independent by default as a single parent. it isnt that I was unwilling sh@t I just didnt have time or energy to get it all done. today they do not look for another to fullfill what they can and should do their own self. MY role was not one of rescuing , I educated. and let me tell ya the world for the most part doesnt agree with what I taught my kids. God almighty alone can and will take care of you. Im only human and a very tired one at that. I have male friends single and the world has NO problem how they live spending the pay where they want.. doing for those when they chose, but switch that to a single woman living the same.. and here they come in to say it cant or shouldnt never be done. I do it. but I deal with the cinderella dream from both sexes every single day as well. MY sons have the most difficult time they really want me to "find a man", for what ? I say. because it isnt normal mom. and being in an unhappy or compromising relationship is? men do rule the world, I just do not get this theory about men having to be "told" how to live. It really sounds disrespectful to me. men know how to live, they know how to make money, they know how to love their children. It is woman who tend to squash their ability to do so by being controlling and having to be the ones to "run the roost", or eles. And then bitch about it years later when it all comes to a bottom line of how they dictated their own life and that of the family. everyone has their own life to live. the ones who damage equal rights the most is co-dependent and dependent women, who will not allow a man equality in the family. trust me if the baby screams in the night long enough he will get up and give it a bottle. If your gone on a trip for a week or so without the kids, they will get to school, be dressed and the etc. the world isnt going to end cause you decide to take your own life at hand.. YET woman like the role of dictator and control. to be able to tell a man and the children what and how to do it. what is the sense of complaining about it years later, when they can still want it from you? what have you taught them about life? Servants get little respect. dictators even less.
that is why I do not seek to get married. it is a vow to one another and to God almighty. I should think it is serious, come what may. I know Im to selfish and unwilling to take the changes people may go through .
if a person is being shamed as in rascal's example, it doesnt begin when they are fifty , it is a abusive marriage and probably has gotten worse over the years. dependency issues are common in our culture, it has little to do with turning fifty , it has more to do with the ability to love our self without the fear of making another angry or losing a relationship if a child is raised in a home where love is abusive and has learned these traits as attractive in another they will marry the same and believe it is love. (the only love they learned) some people will rescue others till they die, some will be victims till they die, these ideals are mental helath issues. not getting older and wanting a divorce. seeking help from childhood abuse then finding out your spouse has the same to offer and you bought it as true love takes time to learn, often a life time. Unless work is done to heal from past childhood abuse and shame, leaving one relationship does not fix the problem because often the next relationship has the same issues with a different face . A healthy person understands they can not rescue another, a healthy person allows others to make their own choices in life, a healthy person is not dependent on another for their happiness in life. dysfunctional families do not teach healthy love they teach dysfunction , just because a person has turned into an adult does not give them a magic wand to fix the wounds from past shame and hurt so they seek the only thing they know as love and family. more dysfuction.
if a person loves ya wouldnt they want you to grow and find the changes you think ya ned in life? it would seem to me a person who lovesme would encourage me to do what makes me happy in life. BUT if I was married happy even and my spouse needed to move to some place like an empty vocano to study it or something and I would have to live in a hut and never see my family and friends again . that is just selfish and when divorce can happen. or if they wanted some new freaky sex thing that I didnt want to do come on how far does someone go to keep a marriage happy? obviously I wouldnt know.
I am glad Im single. everyone seems to think I need to be married to be happy. but if a couple has been through nearly a life time together and have been in the least sharing of raising the children , money health etc. I do think it is kind of selfish to just change your mind and end what was promised to be a life time thing. Because you want something different or the kids are grown. I do not know really cause I am single.. marriage is an odd thing to me but why get married if when it all seems to get "old" it isnt worth a darn anymore? just be good friends ro something. if they have been miserable in a marriage for a very ong time I doubt a divorce will fix anything in their life. to focus on the kids is ok, but life doesnt end just because you have children nor should the marriage so when they grow up it is an adjustment but just a adjustment to the commintment to be together for life, it isnt about the kids a marriage is it? shouldnt be. that isnt a marriage in my opinion it is a day care center with room mates. about the cuts I get it. if it was about you your ex or soon to be ex was talking you may not want to read all the details and learn. ya know?
I have seen it in "fellowships" groups of people claiming to want to worship God and love one another as well. A guy went to the group I was in and he questioned the "leader", this was an off shoot fellowship. ok the guy was strange, he really was an odd one...still living at home in his forties just tips the iceberg.. but so was the "leader" living a non typical white surburban life and I cant go into details but divorced of course and etc... So this little guy made a fuss a few times and questioned what the "leader" told him to do with his life to fix it. word got around. and it was troublesome.. of course CES claim it is the neutralizing of christians to have discussions about what the real important folks are doing in their private life.. so the hush hush was suppose to be the norm. but the odd litle man made sense and my inner spirit told me so on so many occasions right before he was ridicled to scorn by the power players... I kept quiet as well. I took my very young christian daughter once and he had brought a friend , who went on and on about how this guy had really helped him to become a christain and know God. he also was laughed at . my kid looked at me and asked why cause she also thought he was a nice man who spoke for Jesus. out of the mouth of babes. I slapped myself and said what needed to be said to the "man" in charge that he was unloving and pompous etc. hey I think it id difficult to be honest with what ya think. I really do esp. when ya think everyone eles will disagree. moral of the story I lost all the important people loving me and the odd one just floated away... was it worth it? no. I lost. would I do it again? probably because I have to live with me most of all. I have another story of a time I actualy helped put a good man down and he lost his job because of what I said. it haughts me it really haughts me. I did it to impress and it worked I impressed the right people. yet when times get rough and I want to blame and attack his voice still spooks me. I lost my job he said Im not sure why..and I feel sorrow and guilt ten years later still ... that I can barely live with, and NEVER want to do again. so at least I know my choices and what they may mean in this complex world of getting along. my son asks me how some can sleep at night, I said ya know they do just fine , many do not give a second thought of lying and cheating another ,only of getting caught .. it is those of us who get nervous about caring about the next guy that has much trouble in doing a person wrong.
I know what you mean when you say you don't know how good it really is. tho. today at work I went on break. I get one break in an eight hour shift for 15 minutes... I need to eat at that time because I start work very very early in the am. so I wnet back to work and had to go to the bathroom.. an emergency bathroom thing really so I told my co-worker and left. when I got back she also reamed me a new one and TOLD me the only time I can go to the bathroom is when Im on break. well I told her who the hell is she and to go straight to hell. i did I cursed and everything. then when the boss came in I told her exactly what happened that i had left for an emergency bathroom break and she told me Im not allowed and my boss said "your kidding" . this woman has not even been there a month yet and is dictating who can pee and when I guess. she went nuts thinking I would go behind her back like everyone eles seems to play at. I didnt I do not, I say it like it is for me and how I feel about it in front of all the smiling faces. feel good ? yeah as long as I do not lose my job over it. Cause everyone rallied to her [poor wounded soul when she cried buckets of tears when the boss brought her in back. (get the scoop I guess) something to talk about. so it can go either way. i do not care . well I do but appartently not enough to keep my mouth shut anymore. hmpf. hand on hip. with my grown kids I also have set some harsh boundaries when it comes to my ex and I. no they didnt ask to be from a broken home and Im so sorry things didnt work out like june cleaver family should for them, but I will NOt tolerate explaining choices we made as adults twenty years after the fact or pay emotional black mail with the grands because of mistakes I made when I was much younger than they are now. oh they do not like it either. but again Im living with who I am and what I have done and they are just starting their own families... I say put the days and years in and then judge me with the same slate till then keep dreaming and hoping it will go so much better for your own and leave my life out of your judgement. yeah it can be a dangerous business setting boundaries in life but without them, we never really own our own life anyways. love mj
Because Im single and have been single, I get alot of married woman say their little inner wishes of being single again. I laugh because if a person has been in a relationship for 20 or single for as long any change is going to be more difficult than staying the same. and certainly no warranty of being better. the grass isnt greener and we often go with what we know in life. I think about getting married. then I think about it. I think married people sometimes think about being single. but they do not think about it. it is difficult to realize what being married for a duration means to someone who has not, and being single after life has been with a partner good or bad for a duration is radical as well . I tell the woman to think and think hard. grass is not greener just diffferent. many people who have been married a good chunk of life, may leave, but then they seek another relationship and often get married again . male and female.
I went back after I was mariked . about 7 years later. I left again. then I joined an off shoot, and some from twi (leaders) soon came to the off-shoot.. honestly I will probably never get involed with twi again, friends I got in have tried to introduced me into the new area leaders. I have spoke to them. and the solution was getting rid of all the evil people and now the household is clean (I told her I was one that mucky the place up I suppose ) the area leaders have only been in about five years. no vpw or lcm clues at all. Honestly, I think Im to bitter and lazy now to get involved, all doctrine issues aside. I had more issues with what CES was doing at the doing as far as doctrine, than twi. I think God can and does work amoung HIS choosen people and regardless of what group or organization you "belong' Jesus is within three or more as it is written. do I regret the fallof the cards? yeah very much so. many times over, and I do rehash and think atimes I really messed it all up, still. I can do more than wish things were and are different. but they just aint. as I look out the window and see the beautiful finches in his blazing yellow feathers being fed by me cause I think he/she is beautiful, everyday I try to remember I too will be fed by a Most High Spirit of a loving Father. IN prayer I still remember those I have learned about what spirit may be, and I still pray one day our love truly will increase in knowledge. honestly I wish I could go back, then I realize it can never ever be"the same as the days of love and glory when I thought what I did about it all being good. sorry if this makes ya mad, I mean I could walk into fellowship today or tonite and be welcomed but I do not and I most probably never will. but I do not I want to move forward in lifeand for some reason I think that is the past and way to much effort to try again. I hold no bitternes for those involved now, they are me, quite a few years ago and I was a good and decent person just trying to love and worship God. it changed me, to the point I have no idea of who I would/could have been today without such a journey. no clue at all. life is truly one heck of a mystery.
I have been divorced and single for twenty five years. I raised my kids with intact whole families and marriages all around me in the christian circles. or single woman desperate to get married again or for the first time. now we are middle age. few are still happy, and I mean to say happy not pretending. they look at me as a hero sometimes now and I recall not being invited or the pity I often felt from them before as I struggled with money and at times lonely or just not fitting in with the group third wheel stuff. all those years they felt sorry for me raising the kids and having to work and money and ya know alone. now the kids are gone I am still not impressing for what others may think, ad sometimes I realize they realize what I lived all along. life and the responsibility for our happiness is on the shoulder of each individual alone. it takes so very long to learn this lesson. it is a blessing to have a partner to share your happiness with and to be cherished. but rare. so many time we enter into relationships thinking we can resucue or be rescued from the problems we have from childhood or bad choices. it is impossible. and I honestly think it takes a few years of tryingto "fix" everyone eles and then middle age happens at the same time to admit the possibly and take take the courage to take your own life and live it. change upsets everyone but life itself demands to be lived when the fact comes into reality it truly isnt going to be forever. We now watch our parents age and it can wake us up to the fact life is only so long and to take action.
"overdependents have been calledthe "fairy godmothers of the world". you wave your wand but nothing happens. We do not have the magic power to change and control other people. A child raised with a parent who doubts them and their choices, who must control, and make the world perfect learns self doubt and codependancy and shame. shame bound adults fell isolated and alone and never able to belong or fit in and they are often attracted to shame bound churches or other groups that allow another to decide for them what is best because they lack the skill of trusting their self or God in the decision making process. very small children lack judgement only because they have not become old enough , not because you as a parent knows what is best for their life. It is a parents job to educate a child on how to make good choices and to love them for who they will be . Parent can not protect their children from harm or wrong choices. we are not magic. Jesus is our Saviour, when a parent becomes an idol to a child it robs them of the ability to understand who God is clearly in life. and fills them with shame and guilt . remember your children will grow up, they will remember, they will understand the choices you made as adults when they had no choice but to concede to your controll.
this experience has brought me closer than ever to prayer and my own thoughts on how we think. I reread my hasty post(I wrote that before work and was in a hurry) and realize I may have given the impression I work in a vile awful place, NO I do not, I work in a place that caters to the general public and is heavy customer service . I now believe these undertones are much more common than any of us christians would like to admit, only because it is so very suble , at times ya know they try to relate to my being "different". this is the worst of all . Because Im strong and have had people I thought agreed with me on who God is and what He means to my life turn on me like rabid dogs when I was marked.. I am ok. I never would have felt this if it had not been those strange turn of events, with me joining the JCC. I do not think it is about political correctnes as much as really the issues I described above, of course it isnt said out loud, it is used as a bullet in conversations amoung the real believer ie christians at work and I am now easy understood on many fronts! Oh it must be because Im jewish! yeah must be! lol .
Well I will share with you a story that rocks my world. I am a christian. At work I do not speak about my religion or"witness". A assistant manager brags about her church quite a bit one day and the next she complains.. about it, she is a heavy duty gossip and has alot of opions about people and what she thinks. Hence my being more private than others about my life. In my opinion she is as unprofessional as they make them. ok. anyways. I joined the jewish community center , the price is right the location is right and the facility is brand new. I was saying how much fun the water excersize classes were one day and this girl naturaly started her in depth questioning, she is very nasty and nearly everything a person says to her she will twist and gossip or find something bad to say about it. So she says why did you join the JCC ? ARE YOU jewish? As stated I am very careful how I speak to this woman .. one time she went on and on about how her dead mother comes to her in her dreams and tells her what to do and I do not believe in such things so I simply said "I have no coment" she is persistent and demands to know why? I had to tell her I do not beleive it is possible for dead people to speak to the living through dreams or vioces. she got angry. (as stupid as she is that must be "one of the jewish beliefs she said, I said I am not sure and exited the conversation) so now Im the office "jew" yes Im a christian and they do not know it , so I played it out for kicks to see if I would learn something . I did learn and I learned probably the biggest lesson I have saw in many many years. I FEEL it and I live it everyday. christians who think they have all the corner on truth can and do hate jews. this is so hard to explain, IM white middle class so I can honestly say I never can relate to being a minority truly because I have never been one. Now I am . It is a hate just because of what you believe about God. Has nothing to do with anything eles. A type of lesser than because you do not believe right. (like everyone should) an arrogance. an attitude of self righteousness and dismissing of your personhood. in the name of knowing Jesus christ as LORD. honestly it is real it is a hate . The more serious a christian would be in getting the "good" news" of the gospel out to save the world the more you feel and live and see the reaction when they think your a jew. Like your a hopeless case and not to be trusted. I have a very dificult time expressing to you in words the difference in the manner people will deal with ya speak to ya, make assinine assuptions and say very hurtful things. all because they think your jewish. But I will tell you this has been one of my biggest lesson in life. ever. it is real. hate for jews are justified because some who think they know God have attitude of glory and power "we" just couldnt know so it is easy to be dismissed. Honestly it frightens me, this inner hate. I never would have noticed the way it is if I had not turned into a jew at work and have them relate to me as such. Im treated differently since they found out. really. it is frightening. It is real in our society as real as any racist attitude. It is even more accepted because unlike skin color or sex, it has that favorite we know better and of course the truth,ie God almight is on our side flair to it. the appeal is arrogance, it is self righteousness, it is knowing the truth and they do not. bottom line the appeal is this. God doesnt love the jews. because they deny jesus as LORD. so we can hate them too. and they do. As a christian I have honestly felt it to my bones. comments, assuming dismissing and general disregard as a people. Im not a christian jew nor do I deny Jesus as LORD , I find it more than ironic I may know more bible verses in the new testiment by heart than all of them put together...
I believe this entire world is out of control. WE can put whatever or whoever we chose in the mix and it still doesnt change many many situations or things. I do not think I can believe God because I for one do not understand God. Who does? really? or is just some bad trip of emotionalism or religion that man made a plan about for real? be honest explain it all to me if you understand why and whatever a ALmighty being spirit or whatever does when where and why. no it is "written" for us to search and find the perfect answer that fits the mood or arrangement we are in now. If God is Love then why do people hurt. If God has defeated HIS OWN enemy with the Saviour of mankind in Jesus christ, then why must we struggle and fight still to live with fleeting amounts of peace? A story has been told. It is far from over or even beginning... I do trust God has me in His ideals and plans and that is good enough now. Im toasted on figuring out the answers for what life is.. I didnt start the fire..and I just chose to trust He who did come what may.
Mike Catcup is right you are over the line trying to speak for another once again, Im asking you to NOT speak for Schoenhiet , the fact is they have changed their position on many of the teachings they have done within their own ministry and those they taught while in TWI. It sounds like you need a MOG authority to make your point... very twi like in my opinion. uh let me put it another way YOUR STILL looking to the 'social scene" for approval. why eles would you need to use Schoenheit? in your mind it must carry some type of authority or approval from the masses. I didnt say it didnt IT STILL DOES! come on you can not have it both ways USE a "mog" name to prove your point then claiming it is wrong to be in for the "social scene". How can you say it isnt about what the man said or did in life yet use the fame of being a clergy in the way as some type of authority? sounds rather double minded to me.
I think it was a very good lawyer, picking the right jurors , (not one black juror!) and the victims family being "ify" people told their motives was they considered they wanted money. the forman in this jury said he had never heard about MJ previous case or this one! come on ! did he live under a rock? but not to be held accountable for the giving of alcohol was amazing what is that? maybe he is innocent of these charges I do not know, but he sure is strange and weirdo enough to be found guilty of something I would think. boy needs help. they keep saying he is "like a child" and thinks like an innocent child.. a multimillionair with billion selling recordings since he was a child can NOT be THAT stupid. I think he is a good actor. thriller was good.
oenophile: How does your claim explain the fact many of the men who sexualy abuse are married with children of their own? some molest girls , yes, yet a great deal of the success of this crime is due to its secret nature of lust and the illusion of appearing to live within normal society boundaries. Ophrah states this all the time how a child molester is your uncle your neighbor your coach your dr. and the pillar of the commuity. the high profiles cases such as the DR.'s of very sick children which are vey common in these parts (college town)have All had children and families of their own in the community and would live far above suspect. I do not think homosexuals are child molesters neccesarily, I think child molesters can protray any life style they would chose to set as an image as all con men must. It would be much less under the microscope to NOT be openly "gay" in such a culture as ours, if you desire to molest children and get away without suspicsion of some sort. the very nature of this crime demands one to be cunning and full of lies and deceit as a lifestyle to continue, undecteded,it would seem to me, a person willing to take on the role of being a homosexual openly in society would be above such and more comfortable in the acceptance of what he/she choses sexualy. It is well documented that over 50% of child molester are TEENS, and many younger when they begin their practices of abuse. In the boy scouts we have a group of boys often ranging in ages from preeteen or younger to grown adults thisis a PRIME time for molesters to begin the abuse!! Given the loyalty and man love that is instilled within the ranks of such groups, I think itwould be indeed difficult for a victim to say what may be happening right under the noses of innocent leaders and loving parents. No one wants to accuse another child of this type of behaviour much less another child that is seeking to please and excell within the group. By the time a molester is grown up and of legal age to have sex the ritual of abuse is so well practiced and shamed into his abuse they rarely get caught. child molesters are not grown men getting creepy one day they are true con men able to avoid being accused with years of practice and lies, they are driven by a desire that forces them to live with society norms, with a passion that is out of control. MOST do not get caught because they appear as normal and often times very helpful and loving of children. homosexuals who come out are ready and willing to live within the critical mass of a minority that has discrimination laws in place to protect them . It has always been two very different groups to me.