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Everything posted by mj412
Well mike I must be of the devil huh??? I am quite aware of how you are not to be "squelched" you look so much more important as a victim.
A site called Spiritual Power for Abundant Living @ www.exboard.com is dedicated to The very same teachings Mike claims to have the title on. This I the part I do not understand , it is a site that has the exact teaching Mike says he has found with much labor,,, and revelation.. it is a forum with discussion like GS. Why are you not involved in that sight Mike??? It seems you would fit in and enjoy the like mind, yet no you want to go to an ex-way site and then play a victim of misunderstanding and recruit who you can for what purpose??? You know it is a nice sight for those who want this type of discussion and learning hmmm??? I think you like attention even more than your topics... anyone who is sincere in learning this stuff from vpw "last teaching and more it is all on that site...Thomas Benner is the moderators name I think .. Do you know him Mike?? Do you have issues with him or what?? Do you want to be the only one who has this data? Your not you know I hope the population here realizes something is fishy in this game here.. If your interested in this type of stuff check out his site it is EXACTLY what MIKE is posting.. here at an ex-way site. why do you post at an ex-way site Mike? Why do you NOT post on sites that agree completly with your mission??? I am not saying your should stop just wondering if your so bent on this agenda why not get together with those who want the same things??? I think you like the game and feel loved when people give you the benefit of being nice and honest and fair, I think your sick and unable to relate in normal terms even with your own data... with those who agree. So if your really honest and genuine why not direct people to this site??? HMM??? they have EXACTLY what your pasting here and much more. .. or is it just your throne ?
no such luck Mike. Im here posting for you because I think you" missed something in the record" . somewhere. See it is all about Love man. I do not think your understanding .
I also think what he is doing is evil. I have wrote it before as well. the thing that galls me is you claims to love vpw and be thankful for his writings then twist and turn to make it into your own agenda with a sly thinking no one will notice this is your own fantasy and you use his name and books to promote it. not in denfense of what pfal is or isnt I think the tacts are evil in and of themself. I have said it before at least vpw started his own cult with his own writing , you use his and put your own in on a morbid twist that makes it worse playing off his fame or damage . In your last post you agin speak for the people who have the same problems and your ability to "show" them how to handle it by your "book mastery"!!!!! You imply you have mastered the books in your last sentence, with an holier than tho arrogrant attitude (except for those who have problems with those who disagree with you as well they are still ok in your eyes of course)then of course your job is to "show them how it is done... what you show them is by methods that are low down and evil ...but most of all stupid . you are just like vpw when you cant even use your own material to make any sense of anything you must use someone eles and put your own spin on it to work for you . who do you think your talking to ? then your discrimination about only certin grads can get this new information,, please that is just elitism to the max. they are the "special called of grads .. oh it is endless your problems.
mark and avoided that is the number one thing I have changed, I will no longer give advice to people about what church or group may work for them.. I truly believe it is a spiritual choice between them and God almighty and none of my concern becase God gives the increase in many different venues. I can state my experience but it would only be my understanding of my personal perspective of the group I was involved in... It of course would be different for you . Jesus Christ is each individual child of Gods friend and such as friendship goes it is different and rewarding on an individual base. We all have such different needs and baggage I think He works with what we have to offer at any given time. While in twi I was a rabid witness for the only truth in twi I do not believe that is Gods will for me anymore. I tend to love people for who they are in that moment with me. That said I can tell you as you may already know ces has a web-site. There is also an anti-ces website that states concerns over some of their experiences with CES in the same way greasespt does with twi. prayer has been a wonderful tool for me when I doubted my own decisions I trust you will find your answer soon..
Well I was marked by twi so I make no promises to anyone who still thinks I should have any degree of respect for any of their rules..or Mikes. Different perspective... In fact twi attacked me on a personal level so I can get real personal with anyone who wants to play again with me about it.... Thanks for being a nice guy. My nice spirit left when I saw the evil of what Mike is saying here...and he is a low down nasty man in his writings as well. If pawtucket asks me to stop I will but not untill.
That leadership thing gets me as welll. And it makes me angry inside to do it ... I do not think I am right no since I was mark I tend to think I am wrong on a bad day. see ooh what a thread.
Rafael I am not sure if it is the handsome tux , or your endless energy for a well written response , but I just have to say your making me laugh so hard... you write as very professional patient man . thank you .
old habit from twi. discussing bible. discussing God and His nature . thinking I must find an answer for life in the bible. thinking it has instructions for me... oh no just oh no...
that is just to rich. "our ministry flourishing" Mike the way threw you out in fact vpw himself had huge issues with you... lolololololol o Lord take another piece of my heart , you know you got it child if it makes you feel good... news flash Janis Joplin did drugs and died at a young age.... others joined a cult and became brain dead...
Matt. 6:20 Lay up for yourself treasure in heaven. 25:34 Come you blessed by my father, inherit the Kingdom PREPARED FOR YOU from the foundation of the world. col.1:5 (the hope which is LAID UP FOR YOU IN HEAVEN about which you heard in the word of Truth, the Gospel) 1Peter 1: 4 (an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, which does not fade awa, RESERVED IN HEAVEN. for you. the MESSIAH and Son was forordained by the Father from eternity MIKE! John 8:58 and 17:5 . DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT GRAMMER???? It was given to you and Jesus whom God loved before the foundation of the worldEph1:4 You may therefore say that you now "have" that glory although it is glory in promise and prospect , to be gained at the SEcond coming. Paul can say that we "have " a new body with God in heaven (11Cor.5.1)-ie we have the PROMISE of it, not in actuality. We now" have" it in anticipation and promise only. Mike you are on insulting piece of drivel all on your own .. God rewarded JESUS Christ Mike because He asked God for us... for a Kingdom that He would Rule with a new body. So just when are you going to Do that work hmmmm???? I do wish you would stop the mind games as well I never approached you you a sorry piece of crap when confronted with bible verses.. go get your feeble fan club and drivel some were eles. How many miricles have you done MIKE???? let them come and speak on your behalf today... hahahahahahaha YOU want to be LORD , I am thankful I know Who the Lord is and will be for all ETERNITY. it isnt vpw either... Mandi I take your lead and bow out of this with a deep respect and thank you... Unless he pises me off again ... aaah it is annoying ist it? I will write small words for you to understand this .. Before God made the foundation of the world He knew who was PREORDAINED to do the Messianic work . Jesus Christ is done with that work God rewarded Him when He asked to be our King in the new kingdom and allows Him to be with God now. God also knew before the foundation of the earth who would believe on Jesus Christ do the same works because He asked the Father for us ...to do the works He did. Which is complete. Do not try and tell me pfal is part of Gods plan...it is written He knows who will be there and who will not long before pfal or the bible. Once again the bible has stood pfal has not. [This message was edited by mj412 on April 10, 2003 at 18:56.]
Mike Well that was clever , by all means , lets discuss Jesus Christ foremost,,, but that may mean you have to doge the real live questions presented to you by me about what you mean by your statement of replacing Jesus Christ now... In your more important and profound discussion focused on Jesus Christ lets start with topic #1 How do you think God views your notion that today your equal to The KING He ORDAINED to RULE OVER US? America has a democratic view , God decided aa monarchy will be in the kingdom... hmmm Kingdom sounds not so much plural Mike . how about it?? going with your suggestion here. hurt me by ignoring you know ...what with your heart to serve Im sure you will reply. thanks.
mandi that was a beautiful post .. amazing , thank you . remember that saying "as He is!" at my first rock everyone was saying that every time I would ask "How are you today ?" Let me the first to say many were NOT "as he is ". That is from a teaching in the blue book and I had not read it when I went to my first rock of ages... I asked who is about a thousand times haha Jesus Christ NEVER USED A COMPUTER , for example haha .. He died at a very young age, He never had children... etc. Just how are we replacing the Saviour of mankind here exactly in twi??? I know of Zero christians dying for me well ok if someone has then did they do it without sinning EVER??????? Jesus Christ is so much more than a butch of mini me 's walking around pretending to do good for God. If I ever do any good I feel I owe Jesus Christ it for what He did for me by obeying God almighty without failure..I pray He always always gets the glory for it . people sin, Jesus Christ allows them the forgivness for it from God Almighty ..by never ever sinning.. Can any christian do that??? People do not heal one another , God heals people , Jesus Christ never even claimed He did any miricles He said His father did them because He (Jesus Christ) always obeyed His(Gods) will. no other person will be my Lord ever.. Mandi I am so thankful for what you wrote.. beautiful..
Making Yourself Better After Leaving
mj412 replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
that is a nice quote about resentment. to feel or show a bitter hurt or indignation. indigation is righteous anger. I was hurt very badly by a memeber of twi, how I stopped being bitter was with the indignation. I was angry enough and right enough to take action to make it stop in my life.... I probably did get somewhat bitter but then I became thankful and grow so much more each day of my life at how great my life is and can be and will be without being involved with twi. The more thankful I got the more pity I felt for those still trapped by twi, then genuine sorrow for what they had to endure , and the life they miss out on knowing Jesus Christ as a friend , with out the strings attached. What got me was it is all in the name of God, you know ? I still believe twi had good people caught up in something out of control so I turned to Him, and pray alot for those involved to find a way out with some peace and understanding.. As for as saying Im sorry , I am sorry I am sorry for the state of many people, and Im sorry for making mistakes. I learned if I can be sorry I may be able to understand how I made such an error in the first place and not repeat it.. I believe in mankind , I know we are all human and how much God cares for each one , we all make mistakes , big small and in between ... sometimes a mistakes will land your life in prison for your entire life or hurt someone you really love.... etc.. I look at my mistakes and say I am sorry and forgive myself and try to learn how it happened. If someone wants to hurt me now, they have to come through me and it isnt easy because for one God loves me very much , and I love me very much and Jesus Christ promises me He will take vengence on who ever hurts us... I think righteous anger or indignation involved in resenting someone allows me to let go of any bitter hurt, by stopping what caused that feeling for me.. so I do not really resent anyone . In some cases we can be angry , yet what can be done with a group that threw you out??? or will not listen to your complaint?? well I shift my focus and try to change only what I am able to change, which is mostly only myself . Many people wish they can change how people are, we can not , to accept this fact allows a great freedom in living a life that heals me instead of hurting me, and this allows me to be happy and peaceful which I can give back to others. -
oh MIke how do you know what went by unnoticed and by whom? You tend to speak for others ... How is that??? I hear you saying you know it all for and about everyone in those type of comments... Do you wonder why people dismiss you?? How can you speak to what everyone thinks??? or did or dint do?
sunshine rain I love your handle. you agree with mike about the teachings ? I also love the words of the bible . I have problems with defining what "the word" is . Mike thinks it is the lost teaching of vpw... etc. I am still wondering myself. What does the word mean to you and what is it?
so God needs us to join a cult. get hurt. find out it is useless people worship. Then go to a web site and use the teachings from same said cult with a guy in california that has suble hints to the real understanding of why we didnt get it the first time . ok I got it ... Is this power or love ? seems complicated... what about the stupid people huh ? I think I have issues with the word master ...
Mike I am not hurt and if I can annoy you, Well who the hell are you to complain about it???? I do not think anyone wants to fix pfal or what happened in twi, many here can tell you it is a wasted attempt at nothingness...' or we could turn into YOU! either choice looks well I have no spiritual or natural or suble or any word to describe other than . hopeless.
Mike has called GS an offshoot which I agree. But it is not a cult here we do not have to think the same, Yet IT is an EX-WAY SITE IM screaming here and if that is an agenda so be it at least it is stated clearly for everyone to understand why this forum is here... at cross purpose with your mission mike!!!! Why do you need to post here??? O you can but WHY???? to show that the other poster are wrong in what they believe and just how??? to hurt some one struggling with losing a family member still in ? to avoid the reality they must face now after leaving or being thrown out, LIKE YOU!!! NO Mike we will move on beyond the cult in SPITE OF YOU, I am happy and blessed and do not need your inner teachings you think you missed that might work some day when everyone masters it.. YOU master it first , start a cult succed in hurting many then call me. NO I will not join he does like a one on one private party to play emotions and feel like he is accomplishing his mission. He needs attention, I think he is lonely. it would only add fuel to his mission if he thought for a minute he could stop someone from moving on in life and being happy . miserable people love to focus on others, keeps the lie going that life is crap but at least you have a reason to keep doing it.
It can look like some are beating up Mike for his valid thoughts on pfal. My point is this is an EX_WAY SITE , why does mike need to post his love of vpw here???? that is fishy in and of itself.. many sites are devoted to his type of mind set on the positve stuff from twi... Mike prefers to agtagonize the folks who go to an EX_WAY SITE!!! I think Mike doesnt not seek an off shoot or another site that supports pfal, because it is a game he is playing.. mind games to hurt those trying to get twi out of their life.. I feel no pity for this man I believe he has an agenda and it is a cruel and stupid one... it wont work Mike . people are not going to buy your crap at all, and do not play victim here , this is a ex-way site , the fact you no longer attend twi is because you thought the leaders were wrong and not mastering pfal enough for you..... so now you call them back to master it and fix the wrongs!! Mike NO! Why do you post on an EX_ way site???? Why is it your not accpeted among those who value your ideals??? O and to all the bleeding hearts who say poor mike is being abused I say the same questions? He is here to hurt those trying to move out of a group that controled and damaged many . I tell you GS'ers some got hurt more than others , and Mike may be the top of the cake on damage done and is now showing his anger and revenge. It does not make sense to a sane mind but to one who has a need to lash out and hurt others when they can not cope with messing up their life and looking at the damage done by twi this is what happens... It is all about you now MIKE, and your own relationship with God, stop trying to take the focus off the LORD JESUS CHRIST and putiing it on pfal. pfal isnt God. maybe just maybe you do not know who God is... or what being spiritual means for your life.. that is the struggle for many at gs... The difference is many are past thinking pfal will save them anymore . Jesus Christ MIKE is the saviour and all these subliminal teachings will not ever give you a realtionship with HIM. You think your a hero.. I think your a very sick person who wants to hurt those you feel are responsible for hurting and destroying your life. Your life was twi... we are nearest people you can get to attack. Instead of listening or trying to think of a new idea without twi... you continue to play games and try to make others think they are not LOVED BY GOD WELL ENOUGH to know some secret teaching, some knowledge, some power without your information.... YOU ARE A CULT HEAD!!!!! I do not need you, or your data to know who Jesus Christ is or to have a relationship with God. You have zero answers, if you truly believe your right then why not sell to those still clinging to the pfal teachings as God breathed??? they do not want to hear your crap either huh MIKE???? you in this to hurt others and to make them pay for your inability to cope with the downfall of twi. I do not care who says I am being mean to MIKE, why is Mike posting on an ex-way site anyway?? to promote pfal.. Does that make sense to you?? he wants to play a game.
MIKE What is your reference for "The word of God" sounds like it may be whatever comes to your mind when you read pfal, regardless of the words ... Is it that more spiritual mastering pfal working? A deep inner KNOWING of what it REALLY means then hmmm??? WHAT ABOUT THE WORD SAYS WHAT MEANS AND MEANS WHAT IT SAYS????? A famous quote from your man and your blowing it all to shreds by suggesting it is a lie in your above quote. You know I am going to defend vpw now,, YOU have your own agenda and message here and only USE his work to get people hooked then go off on a tangent that belongs only to you.... You better thank God he is dead, or he would ripp you out for your .... saying it is about what he wrote then putting your own ideas of this UBIQUITOUS TEACHINGS!!!! Is your God this complicated???? That only those who have this trained eye can understand what He wants His people to know??? I think not, He says come as a child, children are not trained in UBIQUITOUS thoughts. Of course you will ignore this , as a natural man that does not recognize the spiritual word of God... YOU DISMISS THE BIBLE altogether , not for pfal , but for this deep spiritual trained mind of ubiqutitous thoughts... this is the kicker only YOU and one other man has recognized!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaheheheheheheheh God only loves you now, right??? Your on a mission alright to find people to recognize these teachings that are suble and you are the master of!!!! have mercy . get honest you want your own cult because you couldnt even cut it in the cult of twi!!! funny how you state you were on staff , yet never metioned these oh so powerful inner spiritual words till the guy who wrote it died... Then you rose up to master it yourself... you are not in love with vpw, your dam well jealous of what he had , and want it for your self!!! But your to stupid to write ANYTHING so you use his stuff and add your own deeper more spiritual meanings that fit in your own twisted agenda . Good luck to you buddy.
mike You assure me of your mastering because "you qualify as a practicing student-expert in discerning such subtleties in Dr's use of the language" So you knew the way vpw spoke and leap to the assurance of ""that is NOT saying in that sentence what you think he was saying". You guys must have been close huh?? oh boy speaking for what he meant to say now? wow this is so important to you, to be an expert. In how vpw used language . This makes you the grand poobaaa as well you know because vpw is dead and will stay dead , so no other person in this earth can now compete with your EXPERTISE!!!!!!! haha YOU HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS YOU AND ONLY YOU NOW THAT HE IS DEAD because he can not tell you your wrong in what you think , and no one eles has this expert learning available anymore!!!! you won we lost. no matter what! nice crooked play there dude. what a life I am not judging you Mike I just do not understand how this helps your pride of being an expert . But it does.. Ok this whole spoken word as opposed to the bible oMG so if you believe a man is Gods man , then he can just use words and they are as HOLY as the bible??????? WOW MIKE so do they have to have a special look or skin color or religion or just who YOU think is good enough???? that is scary... You know they have great medicines for those who think they hear vioces from a God with a messages now..... I believe the bible is the truth and the bible is HOLY not a man who speaks words claiming to be from a god. How can you be sure it isnt a delusional person ??? [This message was edited by mj412 on March 27, 2003 at 6:39.]
BLESSED ARE THE INNOCENT > >Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of Tampax >and proceeded to the check-out counter. The man at the counter asked the >older boy, "Son, how old are you?" "Eight," the boy replied. The man >continued, "Do you know how these are used?" The boy replied, "Not >exactly, but they aren't for me. >They are for my brother, he's four. We saw on TV that if you used these you >would be able to swim and ride a bike. He can't do either one."
An old man lived in Idaho. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son Bubba, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament. Dear Bubba, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me. Love Dad........ A few days later he received a letter from his son....... Dear Dad, For heaven's sake, dad, don't dig up that garden, that's where I buried the BODIES. Love Bubba At 4 A.M. the next morning, F.B.I. agents and local police showed up and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son...... Dear Dad, Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances. (LOVE BUBBA:)-->
Where does it lead? hahahaha well the same place your writings lead of course! Yet you claim your writings are of God so why doesnt your god see to it they can be held up to a test of time and the test of questioning??? Mike if you can debunk the errors (god be with you) then you could have a huge following and the word would be more than "available". It would be real and at least able to be considered as a possiible solution. till then it seems everyone is in circles with YOU just saying well it is about whether we like or dislike vpw. Many here are interested in your answers of which you address very few actual errors. It appears to make you stupid and in love with an idea. geez Mike anyone can do that. make it real make it happen pray to God you can get His revelation to the masses. That is how twi got started the whole baseline of why people took the class!!!!! But we are wiser now , looked at it, found errors, grew up to what Jesus christ asked us to be adults not swayed by every word... then comes your arrogance from twi and why it failed to continue in a message....and fails now. you can not because you believe we are unworthy of the message, and I do not believe Jesus Christ feels that way towards us, He died so we can understand Gods will. or as you think we are a butch of hating mean talking fools who God refuses to give knowledge to because he only likes you and your message which you wont/cant defend under questioning. one heck of a choice of what your selling MIke.