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Everything posted by mj412
so your waiting for us to join in? God gave the revelation in the bible and some did believe it , enough that it still alive thousands of years later. Mike oh Mike your exhausting , only those with this orange book have the revelation from God? again what a tiny little God you have . I believe in the bible because it has stood for centuries as a holy book . I believe the bible is truth because it works in my life for truth and answers, real solutions to real life. If it is all about the revelation you have heard then where is your proof Mike? Your ears??/ o well I tell ya satan speaks to those who will listen as well... clearly with the bible as a standard of truth your wide freaking open for anything this god of your may wisper. he has told some whooper lies Mike and many have heard and obeyed in the name of revelation!!!! have I got a witness Grease spot posters?? the fact is you want us to dismiss the bible and at first read pfal then begin to hear the special magic words you insert in the vpw teachings... are you some kind of witch or something?/ The bible says not to change its words or you will be a sorry sack, hmmmm well just dismiss it then is your solution to that little problem.. where is your proof because you say your dandy on the internet??? yeah and LIke I tried to tell you guys before I am really pamela anderson . no one believes me either.
one verse up from 28 is verse 27 which says we have no need for any man to teach us . THAT WAS MY POINT HOW MANY POSTS AGO?????? Would you say now EXCEPT VPW???? So your saying the annoiting is to teach us so dismiss the bible... ok and pfal MIKE lets be consistent if nothing eles. So the holy spirit is telling you it is the time of the appearing now??? where? is Jesus Christ hmm???? oh yes in YOU He was formed and now it is all about your appearing as HIM. I got it. it cant be all that clever or I wouldnt have understood it and now doesnt it call us little children? not to be ashamed? many are ashamed of vpw and of themselves how is it that is the appearing MIKE? I do not believe it. so He appears to us through the annointing ,no new news flash there . But to dismiss the bible for what you may hear from your source is just playing a magic man where is your base line of truth MIKE? its not the bible so the holy spirit tells me your wrong and who are you to prove it right or wrong? you can not it is a very shaky bargin there I hope I do not end up with an annoited freaking scicopathic killer of some sort revealing the truth to me. please.
Winnie the Pooh without the Winnie LOL that is the best description I have ever heard haha winnie without the pooh , I Love it . LOL !
leaning Leaning leaning Im leaning on the everlasting arms! remember that song? one of my favs! I thought it was about Jesus Christ, silly me, to find out we should lean on a tape from a lost teaching of a man well now Im just shocked and hurt.... WAIT Jesus came to find the lost that is somewhere in the bible Im sure of it but then again I thought it is all about Gods children not a tape...from a dead man. Jesus Christ LIVES so we can lean on HIM ! oo how do we get so confused? hmm? maybe because it was a CULT ?
could be just that ginger, one never truly knows do we now on the net ? Yes I am playing a game and what are you doing besides being the poster of all wisdom?
I think he is one of the flying monkeys myself. under the spell of some witch that has to be melted before he can be sane.
pawtucket is your new hero Mike? use his name now to further your personal agenda. At least he isnt dead . man your such a little boy hiding behind grown men. when are you going to grow up? It is never about you is it now? It is all about what someone eles says or does and you USE their work to fullfill your own need for attention . Im not leaving you think your the only one who can waste peoples time?? At least it can have someone to tell the truth of what your saying instead of your control. that does say alot that Pawtucket says it is a free speech site, it isnt saying he agrees with you .
yes me to. the fact Mike never answer anything with facts or even verses from the bible, and the name of Jesus Christ is nearly absent in all of his posts. It seems at at times he really hates the bible, it is all about pfal. even vpw wouldnt go that far. right or wrong he at least attempted to give some answers from the bible. Mike is selling a version of pfal even vpw wouldnt agree with. and the constant the good stuff is coming later feels like bait and never happens . a game . sad I kind of wanted to discuss some of the bible verses in pfal. when raphel left I knew Mike had to a joke , he did debate the verses with Mike and Mike would never debate with somone who knew pfal well enough to go poin to point. he just made him angry . Mike do you know why this is so painful? Because some may be clinging to pfal as a source of truth in their life and you have completly wiped out any hope they have left that maybe some of those bible lesson were worth something to us and to God . that is the sad part of your posting. no one wants to end up like you confused and mean and threating and accusing and just all out wrong and inhumane with people so they walk away thinking I better not consider what vpw had to say if that is where it all goes. That is your gig I know it I know few believe me and some have said I am also mean for not listening to you. your worst than one who is honest and will admit to not believing it all together you twist it and play with peoples head about it till they give up all hope that maybe it did have some sense to it. :(-->
very nice and acurate. did you metion the shame all the leaders from twi should feel for the downfall of TWI? it is because the olgs failed you understand and that is why he is needed now to bring them back to the understanding they never had and he got (the timeline I am confised it wavers between 27 years and then somtimes five) of the mastering of Mike. Mike also knows physics after many years of study but has no colege degree! but the down side is no one will ever reach the master of MIke knowledge because he is so far ahead of us in his study of pfal. also a hint do not quote chapter and verse to mike he will avoid any metion of it altogether even so far as to shut down a thread if need be. Mike is able to discern who is innocent and who is guilty in the ministry meltdown too!!!! oh boy come and get it !
LOL sirguessalot!!!!! What a fact no hidden message there! the man is out of his mind and cruel. It is the freaking borg . I am NOT to be assimulated,the captain Jesus christ loves me and restorded me and will help me understand this world I was born into as a child of God , love 5 of at best a few hundred in a cult.
Mike you need to listen. Gs is the place where those who can not or chose to not get over their hurts from twi hang out. You know we do not have to get over anything. I also got hurt real bad in twi on a very personal level. I never blamed twi never thought I could till I found this web site. Even the off shoot I attended never addressed the bad things that happened to innocent people . mostly just doctrinal disagreements. MIKE this is where people go to find out they are not alone, that it wasnt just them thrown out and used and abused. this is the soft place for hearts ripped apart by the very stuff you think will make life grand again. pfal is vpw you admit that, why do you refuse to understand that GS is an anitway site? It isnt just a place to play doctrine games (go to an offshoot) or to play tit for tat on who is the most wise or stupid for getting involved with the way international. Some one posted a link for those who want to fellowship with the pfal books and their teachings, yet you do not go there or go to where you can be accpeted and loved for what you believe. You come here to a place where people learn they are ok after a truama has inflicted them , a place they can begin to heal. you wonder why its get so personal with you? how personal is it to have the only place you can go and talk with others you believe understand the pain and hurt caused to your life and there in the middle of it is an idiot calling you a less human and a less christian because it happened to you. where eles can they go? your a cruel person Mike. a twisted person acting like you are part of group but planning every word on telling them they are wrong and not good enough. i was told by twi I wasnt good enough and so you play this cat and mouse game of I love you but God says you need to get over this problem ....and come back to pfal. who and what does that EXACTLY sound like to you? twi must have done something to your mind for you to come to gs and play with peoples head like this. I know of thousands of sites that promote pfal yet you chose to come to the one place those who need understanding about leaving it behind can go. To tell them they are wrong and evil and god doesnt love them. this is a place of fellowship for victims trying to recover without pfal messing up their minds. who the hell do you think you are? you are a dam sick person, to come here to an antiway site and play this . These people do not need pfal they need one another and the love and compassion a common heart can bring. So what it isnt your agenda who asked you to bring it here? it is plainly a antiway forum. Why cant you get along with your own peers? Why must you come to a place where people find comfort and healing without pfal and demand they conform to it ? I think you got hurt and you must continue to hurt those that hurt you, this olg idea cripes hey are your enemy hmm? talk about moving on Mike how about it? why not go to a place where you wont hurt people or is thatyour agenda after all?? If people wanted pfal or the way international or bible instruction gs has links available . and a quick search would produce hundreds in and of itself. So your not doing what you claim , your here to hurt those trying to move on trying to find others who can understand what they have been through . You do not want to understand you do not even believe the victims so why are you here? to hurt them to play with their heads. You are the reason twi failed you truly have no compassion for people and only care for pfal at least vpw made some money in the process, you do it for some sick thrill of getting back at those You think failed You some how these olgs or whatever will listen to YOU now. They didnt listen you do not listen now you have created a little world you live in alone to the point you come to gs and anti way site to harrass. Why not get involved with your own kind? you cant because your agenda isnt one of like mindedness or pfal or bible it is one of destroying those you understand to have destroyed the very thing you lived and breath for. why would a sane person go to an aniti way site and promote its founder? pure hate for those he thinks took it away from him . We blew it! you stupid idiot YOU BLEW IT ! if not then why not get involved in the pfal people that want to think like you do? They do not think like you your a twisted man bent on hurting others. you will never leave this site you love what your doing your doing it for God after all arent you? or for vpw same thing in your mind. your guilty of taking a site that people need to hear about and turning it into your own agenda of promoting the very thing that destoyed their life. WHY? So what it didnt happen to you it happened to the people here and you can come in and be a bully for your god and make them change their minds about what they think says who? do not listen to this bully called Mike he wishes he ever had a mike. wishes do not always come true do they mike?
God favors certain people because they study in a certain way ,you can judge who is innocent and who is guilty. Then you ask me to get on all fours and wait for you to push someone on top of me like junior high school. You say filthy things to me and ask me to shut up. because you have more important things to do , like judging who is innocent and who isnt , etc.
I think Mike believes he is above the combo wise chips of this day . haha He supercedes any lowly bible verse with the all powerful abundnt living book!!! please answer my question Mike I am on pins and needles waiting for what page this could be on... oops I lied about the pins and needles part but please do answer me about the verse I quoted from Jesus Christ. or ignore it and twist things around to make it look like it is all about you once again. waiting tap tap tap .....
what about the fact Jesus Christ states the comforter, the holy spirit will teach us ALL things MIke? do you think He was just referring to those people at that time hearing His vioce? If not then how is it we even need a teacher when He says we need no other teacher? Reference the bible not pfal. when you talk you speak down at people, like you have arrived somwhere they can only try to achieve with your help, like your the ones with the answer and we need you to find the true meaning of God. what a freaking lie, YOU make this topic about YOU MIKE. Yet you never refer to the bible only pfal.
YOU GOT A DECODER RING???????!!!! Im ....ed . ( I think I will have to go the emotional thread and post now!) All I got was HOLY Spirit power from on high. that the Saviour Jesus Christ will teach me all things. Why MIke is it what Jesus Christ says is not good enough for you anymore?? What He has promised us as solutions to lifes many complex somhow now has to be put to waste and twisted because vpw wrote a orange book. Mike do you think pfal is more important than the holy bible and what Jesus said as truth for our life? geez Mike maybe you were in a cult like situation and something bad happen to your ability to sort truth from reality , maybe the fact you never succeeded in that said cult twisted your mind and now your obseessed with taking the news to a new hieght where even the leader of that group can not hurt you anymore , because you will do more than he ever could for God. I know you were writing about things leaking from the mind, and "other stuff" like knowledge of Gods words written to us being bad for us. Mike , few will go with you on this one it is just to cult like thinking man Mike so you dedicated to helping others see some thing that is not real. Mike I do not want a secret that only your chosen few will understand , the secret is in the stars, it has been revealed , it is that now we can believe Jesus Christ died and was saved from the dead so we can live eternaly with Him and the father as His children. the power trip your on is alot like the one satan must have took with God in heaven , somehow you can be like God . Mike nothing good will happen to you with this type of thinking and if we go with the scrpitures or even what vpw said well you could burn yourself real bad with this type of stuff! does anyone have a leaflet?
I may be wrong here but I thought the point of a web site such as Gs was to learn how to let pfal "leak out", to be able to get "past it' and to allow other "stuff" like real life in. could be wrong tho. where am I ?? The point of grease spot cafe is to prove what Martindal predicted about those who left the way is wrong. GS is a support group on the net for those who have left or were thrown out Mike . Do you think your the gs moses now rounding us up in the wilderness of the net taking us into the new promised land? omg hahahahahaha geez louise
the author is dead been dead will stay dead. not up to divulging at this point either what with being very dead . what an ugly word divulging is that a word? well Im saying He Never said any hidden meaning was in his books Mike . How can you have such a fantasy ? only because he is dead and cant tell you your wrong. well vpw must have really ....ed you off that is all I can say.
This whole idea that christmas is only a few more hours away is getting quite STALE! You try to bait people with a hidden agenda only you know of and think we sit here with some kind of anxious anticipation for your new data . Reality check most of us have known and read and studied your "new data' that is to be forthcoming when you think we do not know. This stuff has been on the net Mike for over two decades! The long lost teaching is no surprise Mike. We are beyond you in this, way past, which means been there done that and still less impressed than when it all started. What is up with that later routine of yours it is annoying and what aggravates communications.
Mike why is it when I metion the name of Jesus Christ and who He is to the church today . You completely ignore my posts? yet when it sems to you I may be considering what you say you go paragraphs about how you feel about it. Now is that being a teacher that is even the least bit kind? and intreating? ignore the facts blah on with the advertisments. the show is getting old. Mike God has set before you a whole life a big world full of Joy you LIMIT God (remember the blue book !) in your life. I think your very very unloving when you wont communicate with people on a level of understanding and give and take on issues that are clearly written about in the bible. You discount the bible and put the pfal before it, do you think some of the special rewards your on a mission to get may be ERASED a little bit for that? it doesnt say Holy pfal. pfal will die as soon as we end up dying for the most part , the bible has stood up for centuries . Do you think vpw was apostle fine so freaking what? really mike even if it is true what you believe that does not make him any different than any other believer, in anyones eyes but mostly Gods. God doesnt respect gifts of the spirit , He loves the tiny newborn as much as the greatest Gift that ever lived Jesus Christ , He asked Jesus To DIE ! It was His obedience to God that saved mankind from eternal death! Now you think vpw obeyed so freaking what if He did Now God will give those who follow him or His books special rewards??? God clearly says he is not a respector of any person , see that is what wrong in the way international , people saw the power of God and began worshipping men . I remember my first big branch meeting the minister came out draped in the long black robe and my husband was tired and as everyone was standing and clapping their hands Im draggin him up pulling on his arm saying get up. he said "what the hell for that idiot who likes to wear a dress?? " hahaha a fond memeories of a nasty marriage anyway. Today if I was tired I may say the very same thing given the situation. I may see the power of God manifested to me or within me I say no big deal it wasnt the man or the woman involved it was His majesty once again working in the very body He created for His beloved Son. Jesus Christ gets nothing from you Mike nothing yet you go on about this little weirdo man named vpw , so what He didnt change the world Mike, he just made you a lttle nutty and hurt scores of Gods children. Even if he did do something why would that make what he said special in any way? The bible is the truth , not a mans idea, the holy spirit works within Each person Jesus said He will teach us All things we need to know.
I do no think so , I do not believe the only people preparded for Gods work are the people who master pfal . Or even read it. We Serve the Lord Mike a Risen Christ for mankind, not one another that is YOUR gig. Jesus asks us to love one another and serve in the capacity of obeying His instructions in our life. those last two paragraghs of yours read like your so special and fined tuned and Needed by God He just cant go on with out these pfal grads clinging to the only hope left for mankind. And you the faithful leader holding strong for the good of mankind. alot of drama there ! lol Your saying to get all nine all the time pfal is the only answer every other christian or spiritual avenue to God is a lesser. You have truly made pfal your God. My God is not that tiny and unable to achieve for His people. MY God does not respect only those who "master pfal" above anyone eles with abilities to Worship HIM which is what He wants from His children . Jesus says Seek and He will answer and I see no small print on the bottom of the page that says but if you take pfal your even better. Mike it is what only you believe, which is fine but even the author of pfal would not agree with you on this idea. that makes me upset because you use others and the idea that it comes from a place of serving and it isnt serving the Lord in the least. I do not think asking someone to read pfal is a bad thing, I think you have made it to much in your life to the point you can not even work with the holy spirit that lives and breathes in each born again christian unless you LIMIT it to being a grad of a class that was really quite simple bible verses that most understand by the age of twelve.
Mike I wrote the chunks of Gods children you are missing as Teachers of the bible . not as potential recruits of yours. I would like you to look at what Jesus said in John 14:26 But the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the father will send in my name , he shall TEACH you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance , whatsoever I have said unto you . then he asks them to be peaceful and not be troubled because He is obeying what God ask him to do and will no longer be with them. He loves us today just as much in fact it says more because we have not actualy seen him . I trust what Jesus said to those He cared about and believe the comfort is available today through the Holy spirit which can and does Teach us. Jesus promised us MIKE! He didnt say anything about vpw being a neccesary part of how we can be peaceful and not troubled and taught in every thing we need to know. He said the HOLY SPIRIT will teach us All things not vpw. do not try to tell me we need pfal to find the holy spirit , I was born again decades before I took pfal, many are born again without pfal and many will be born again without pfal if the Lord tarries much longer. pfal is not neccesary at all. Do you deny what Jesus Cchrist tells us as truth in who will TEACH us? Do you so discount what the bible has to say for what you are so worried about in having to "come back " (what the hell does that mean?) to pfal ? Your advertisement is based on a big huge disaster in a very small cult like religion, that your trying to fix. Jesus Christ says do not worry and be peaceful the Holy Spirit will teach you All things you need to know.. Which would you honestly chose as a answer?
I have an idea . Lets put this thread in one of those time boxes and wait ten years! When we opene it in ten years. holy crap ! walaa the answers will appear! maybe it is freaking magic! good grief Mike does every thing that vpw did have to be incorporated in your own life and relationship with God? You leave out chunks of Gods children you know huge chunks of those who have made paths for others to understand what God is and live a more fullfilling life. what about them? uncle.
ok i guess I didnt understand. on staff is what I read and I assumed that meant you were quite loyal even then I assumed you always studiedpfal and not much eles. never the less as vickles stated it may be different places but the way you word this is nutty to me to come back like it was a long lost source of deep revelation that will change your life. no it is only an orange book , and a few more teachings on the bible. What is there to come too exactly? I do not get it , a book , I have read thousands of books and occasionly I may reread a book but I do not go back to it . I sometimes think you really believe it is like the only book we should read ever. Even if I thought it was written so understanding was possible (which it isnt) the holy spirit book is not a fun good read Mike it isnt, in contrast to many books that thrill people and actualy inspire them to seek the Lords will for their life. without the cult stigma and the authors rep now rather muddy to say the least . It just isnt that good. not even a half a star if you ask me :)-->
Given O Blakely is a teacher on the net. he writes the above quote in the conclusion of a series. schneider@bibel is the address I think. this series is titled "the certainity of Gods promises" I like his teaching , yet my point to you was that it isnt vpw God needs Mike it is His children who are called all of His children can and do work with a holy spirit for all of eternity. Vpw was not special or even very good at writing about God or the holy spirit , if you just try to get out and read other folks you will be much more inspired to hear the teachings we have available today. Jesus Christ did not fall off the throne when vpw died, And God can get the job done because of His promise not because a man like vpw did anything at all except make a few million dollars from some stupid kids willing to give him a listen for a few years... With the net , I doubt he would have sold much today, not because of the negative but because we have so much more to seek weird and strange ideas from. we can check to see if it is valid much easier today as well. I have read you have dedicated many years to pfal , why are you unable to look at other teachings from other speakers? You will find it really shows vpw true colors on his inability to spread the good news of Jesus christ without many many hidden agendas and problems with the actual texts. What are you so afraid of if you give it up and look at another man who can teach the bible? do you feel unloyal to a man you admire? Are you fearful they may make more sense than He ever did? that would mean facing the posibility your life is wasted on a very simple cult like idea that you cant get over . I am not trying to be mean but red flags really come up in my life if I just refuse or can not even consider a mutitude of conselors and teachers that align teachings with scripture . what bad thing will happen if you do admit vpw could be wrong about some of his stuff? why are you unable to understand he was far from the only one then or now who has great answers from the bible perspective? Why must He be the only one for you?
Given O Blakely wrote this on 6/6/03 on THE CERTAINITY OF GOD'S PROMISES. "The Divine objective of conforming us to the image of God's Son (Rom 8:29) is actually accomplished through the promises of God. They are the appointed means through which we participate in the Divine nature. As it is written, "Whereby are given unto us EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISES: that BY THESE ye might be partakers of the Divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust" (2 Pet 1:4). Conformity to Christ's image does not come through the commandments, but through the promises. It is not merely by doing what you are told that Christ is "formed in you" (Gal 4:19). Rather, it is by appropriating what God provides in Christ Jesus. Although it should not be necessary to say so, this in no way demeans the commandments of God. There simply is no such thing as a salvation that has a disregard for the commandments of the Lord. Where such disregard is found, Satan is ruling the individual. Fulfilling our duty is one thing. Receiving what has been promised is another. Both are essential, but conformity to the image of Christ comes through the latter. "