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Everything posted by mj412

  1. That is just how the twisted mind of twi works cathy. They are more loved by God , superiour in everything deserve more more money and a better lifestyle because they WORK for God more than anyone eles your see. Because they work for God , the lowly "believer needs to work for them to be blessed by God. Unless of course they get busted and some lesser who the hell do you think you are leaf believer, reminds them of what the bible may say is truth and error in life THEN>>>>>> of course it is ALL ABOUT THE GRACE OF GOD!!! but just until they go away or get sent away , and the normal course of God loves me more because I am who I am in twi so obey can continue. it was a cult
  2. hi Raf nice to see ya! I may more stupid than normal , what with the great Raphael writing . But I will give it a go for the common man among us, or maybe for those who do not give a solid crap what you may feel is wrong with me. oh just to make ya aware I noticed a spelling error in one of your posts Mike , honestly , go check back a page dear God have mercy on your utter soul . anyways I have something to say about the believing thing ... What Goey said about vpw and a group of men believing someone could die at their thought control... Read THAT??????? did that impact anyone here???? I also felt that kind of FEAR!!!!! while involved in the way . THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT EVIL IS BEHIND THIS BELIEVING EGUALS RECIEVING line of control teaching. IN the REAL world we believe if we water and feed our rose beds they will flower nice this year and bring us pleasure when we look to see them. IN THE twi CULT world we believe for people to DIE and they do die so God loves us more for our believing of it !!!!!!!!! IT then must become a law for us. God loves us so much HE now will kill people or in the very least not allow them to live...because vpw didnt like them. Yeah baby we got the power ! Does this sit very RAW with anyone but me???? The teaching of life or death got so dam convoluted away from Jesus Christ being life and death being death to twi being life and if you messed with anyone involved it was death for you!!!! not a spiritual death, a real your no longer breathing death. I felt that threat I know many many followers of vpw who believed that God would kill those who opposed twi. That was The REASON sin was so out of control within twi, many did believe they couldnt be stopped they were untouchable. I know believers who do not think they will ever die from this life (go to sleep and await the return) because God says we do not have to ever die from our flesh if we believe long and hard enough!!! I was told countless times it is available to live forever on earth without seeing death and if something happenes to you it is because you can not believe the promise of God. DAM !! Listen so I got one freak involved with twi believing I should die and I am believing to live and who the HELL wins??? who does God listen too?? The advance class grad? the way corps? gee wzz I am only a pfal grad I better obey or die what with the believing they must have over my own !!! it was fear based . FEAR BASED MUCH????? It was out of control and scary and real and it worked to make the way into a cult of bullies and control freaks over those who could not get away from being afraid of believing they would DIE if they didnt comply. I truly believe ,from a simple human point of view, that the teaching of believing equals recieving was the very core of vpw making of a cult, and he dam well knew it would work, and he dam well knew it was going to frighten people into his mode of thinking so he could control what they thought and what they didnt about every single area of life, He taught it for control of the masses and it worked . Many fell into the power play and joined in with the scare tactics of God or the devil will kill you if you refuse to comply. It didnt really matter which one they would threaten you with either, the bottom line was YOU WOULD DIE if you didnt comply with what they told you was right and wrong. It was a law . oo I remember being so dam afraid of the power I thought they had over me, their "believing was so much superiour than my own you see I mean God has favorites you see and will take care of HIS OWN ! The offshoots teach the same crap , one of the very first teachings I questioned in twi was the one with thirty or hundred fold in Mathew 13:23 Of course twi and now its offshoots has 100% fold on the fruit of the word so now we can kill off the rest of God children with our believing of it!
  3. yes indeed I have said war is ugly and folks involved in the system in any fashion is out of my element. I think the courts are displayed like a war at times and the playing field is not neccesarily just. I think at times dirty ploys are used and money etc. But this is only a forum, I would think it would take a much larger amount of say so(proof) than a net and its thread to prove someone as a unfit parent. yet as was metioned why risk it? if someone has a thought they are playing with a dirty war then by all means take what ever precautions you feel you need. I am only saying it wouldnt frighten me at all my own personal feelings towards what the warning heeds. I guess it depends on what you write about as well.
  4. no I do not do the courts just a divorce which is always supreme court. custody issues are most often decided in supreme court as well. i do not sue people , no one has ever sued me . The difference I see in the lower courts such as civil and the other courts is the type and amount of evidence needed to make a case. the reason I call them monkey courts because it is often cases of less magitude, no laws can be changed due to the rulings.
  5. He will have His way regardless of you. got knee pads? It is written . your not very important really just as important as the rest of us ,maybe, so sorry your throne has deflated so far above us. Jesus christ throne still reigns !
  6. Mike likes to control . If he is denied he gets abusive. Just the way I read him. if he thinks you may have chance of hearing him he will stay relativly civil. if your like me and a butch of other posters who have made it very clear we do not play his cat and mouse game, he is a nasty poster who will try to get you to stop posting anyway he can. AAa mike AGain as much as you like to play the little games here I remind you we never had or will have a "relationship" other than this thread. must have been your wife you no longer have and some kind of displacement issue ... hey I get deep with ideas too! you try to .... people off so they will not comment on you anymore then the illusion that its is your thread your control your words your world seems so very very real . it is a lie Mike. scratch.
  7. yes and I guess if you think you may one day be involved in a legal action. I do not worry about it but I can see how others may need to be reminded . Courts are just ugly . twi can not bother me at this point in my life . I assumed everyone must handle things the way I did I forgot some must deal with being in and these type of confrontations may be possible. living without that fear has been so great I forgot some still can not . Im sorry.
  8. of course I didnt forget what this thread is about Mike ! It is always about YOU ! I got that straight. you you and nothing but you .
  9. lolololol hahahahaha Mike was responsible for me???? o mike what a freaking burden you carry!!! if that is the case then dear, if I write pretty and you think I agree with you on something and I may listen to you . I want freaking money big huge amounts of it right now since I am your responsibility. I promise .... Mike I will hire a dam secretary for my posts if you send enough!!!! BUT alas you passed your responsibility on to another. kind of like you did with your responsibility to God to Love Him with your whole heart and put no other God before HIM.
  10. I never got involved with the internet during the waydale years. I guess GS comes from those that posted on waydale about twi. Then they shut down waydale as part of the agreement in court. People got hurt when this happened and some felt used by the Allens to have posted information then quickly shut up for the amount of money they recieved.(hell yes I may have done the same thing) I admit that. So I am not as sensitive as some may be concerning this warning. I agree to that. not sharing that history and only thinking I kind of maybe know what may have happened then. As i said earlier I avoid the courts, I do not give a rats *** what the twi people may think about what I write , and I do not think I write anything I can be sued personly for such as slander etc. I just know at one time I was alot more frightened of what other people can threaten at me than I am now, and Im glad I do not allow idle threats to bother me. if someone has a valid concerns and thinks what they write may harm them in some way in a court by all means Kits warning in big red letters should be heeded.
  11. That was nice , but in all fairness I do ask for it when it comes to Mike lol. I am the one found guilty of running him off before. I am the one who shuts him up for hours if not days... because I metion the name of Jesus Christ . What to get under his skin? Want to see his true ugly colors flying? I know how and he knows I know how.. I put the power where it belongs where it lives so deeply for all eternaly , it isnt vpw is it MIke? No I know who holds the Power it is JESUS CHRIST. Mike wants me to believe he has a secret we need to hear . I know the very one who DIED for us to know the true secret.... it isnt in pfal is it Mike? It in the stars above us . It is all about ONE Saviour named Jesus Christ who gives us a Spirit so we need no man to teach us!!! it ruffles Mike up all out of shape. go figure. mike I still love ya. no apology needed! but more important Jesus Christ loves you too just not anymore than the rest of us because you decided to read pfal for thirty freaking years. MY God Jesus Barely lived longer than that and He made it to being the Saviour of all Mankind!
  12. right but has not the internet been around long enough for people to realize we are writing things down here? people can and will do what ever they can to hurt one another in a war. I said that, I meant it as agreeing with how some should be careful if they do not want to hear about it again. but in the case of someone peeing twi didnt sue the poster they got property control. I am saying twi or a spouse confronting someone is not a court. It may be something people want to avoid and aware of but it is not a court. child custody and divorce are not civil court cases Goey. ever. Civil courts are monkey courts everyone knows that Goey and a far cry from losing custody of a child or suing someone for a divorce. I also said if someone wants to be afraid or aware then be afraid, but confronting by an ex or by twi is not exactly a court hearing. I would like to hear of actual posts used agaist someone in a real court of Law, not information off the web, but some words someone said in a thread or chat room used in the supreme court concerning a persons character. I do not think it is valid as evidence and any fifty cent lawyer could get rid of the attempt.
  13. I think it is valid for those who think it is . I also believe things and evidence have to be proven in a court. it is a tiny little group of hicks in a small OHIO small town . twi doesnt have much power over anything and some paranoid feelings may come from being told twi or its paticipates have some abilities to frighten you to death by fear base threats that in reality are just wisps of bs. many exway people may still be afraid of what other"believers" can do to them ooo how that was ingrained in the cult. I for one am not afraid . If your talking about someone reading a post and confronting you at twi, that is one thing, but I guess if someone wants to be unaware and write on the world wide net you beat your kids to death that is another.
  14. I know people may use anything in a war. to say "they win" you Lose. With people involved in mind numbing cults, brains and compasion tend to take a back seat. What a legacy for twi and those involved. Custody of a child is never determined in a civil court it would be either a family or a supreme court order that directs such actions . All divorce is done in a Supreme court in America.
  15. so your saying a innie should be concerned about what they post regarding twi . I do not think twi would take anyone to court. they are to weak to care what happens in the gossip mill of GS. maybe someone in a divorce or child custody but this is an open forum and it would be considered hear say at best if they could prove you even wrote it. It isnt against the law to write untruths , it is very common and done every single day in the media. maybe an innie that is living a lie of a life and is afraid of being exposed by twi or an ex spouse .
  16. I remember the very first rock of ages we attended, we were waiting for what seemed like hours in line for food, the children were very very young and hot and thirsty but they were being so good , they were playing ring around the rosy a child game we all know. Have mercy this woman FREAKED OUT ON THEM started yelling at them and told me I cursed my children to die! She made everyone of of us cry and go back to the tent and cry some more for fear the devil would kill us that very minute. Now I know what the song was about... I didnt then. I do not think she helped me in my "chrisitan walk" I do not think she was a winess of Power from on High. I think she was a mean spirited fear obsessed woman fighting a losing battle of controling the world. but so many believe this way about different things some HP books , other people flip about the music or the school system, where does just simple common sense and trusting God play a role in life anymore? the bible says the world is going to get worse in its evil before it is over, how do parents think this way? I know they do to the extreme and maybe they are right. I was sheltered as a kid grew up on a farm and ended up in a cult and in a big mess with some very evil people in the name of holy bible. Soo I guess I really do not feel like I can be the one to judge so harshly what is so right and wrong in todays world. those who oppose HP and those who love it , it seems. But truly have you ever read some of the fairy tales we read as kids? as an adult? haha some of them are quite the story as well if your talking about magic and fantasy etc. I do not worry about such things life has enough serious problems and issues with children to think a novel will be the only thing that can hurt them or influence them in a negative way your life sure has been alot different than mine in raising children.
  17. Im not worried or frightened. why would anyone be?
  18. mike I could care less about your insults. Yet why is it when addressing Karmicdebt you metion that he/she doesnt believe in the truth of the bible and should be dismissed and ashamed... yet you claim the very same just a few short posts ago to get out of a question? You do not KNOW what happened whan "everybody eles here disobeyed Dr's final instructions" you made it up in your mind as a fantasy and think everyone has had the same experience. Your wrong.
  19. Karmicdebt I also want to hear Mike reply I kinda hate fear based teachings myself . Indeed Mike realizes many people accept Jesus as Lord without pfal in history, today and in the future... so he says it is like a super big power for these olgs(of course he can answer for himself again for you) given by God because no one eles can recieve it . so my guess would be we are shunned to the lesser christians Mike has labeled as such. or maybe something new will come up and he will admit I will burn in hell for disagreeing with his theory and ridiculas ideas. at least that would be fresh,,, exp. if he can PROVE IT!
  20. now is your chance to get nasty and rid yourself of me right mike ? man this is stale and predictable. call your friends in whatever. mike no not really why do you ask?
  21. So Mike does jesus have brown or blue eyes? long flowing hair and a tan? pfal did not teach me to recognize Jesus Christ no one can see Him He says so in the bible we can not see Him. We understand spiritual matters because of the knowledge not see Christ or grow Him inside us. o Lod your on that you think your the saviour replaced kick again .... this is getting very stale and old. mike replaced the messiah dont ya know??? he formed the christ of mankind within Himself and is going to save the world... now a real super hero ... except you can not claim to be a mini christ as God said He was THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON rose from the dead for the rest of us which God classifies as SINNERS. sorry again MIKE
  22. I think he said vpw appeared as Christ . mp really Mike thinks this idea of christ forming In him in the flesh of Mike is the appearing of christ!!! hahahhahahahahahahahahhlololololol Like I said in my post before geez I hope the christ formed within talking to me is not a scicopathic killer of some sort. o wait that would work like Paul was in the name of his religion oo man this is just to rich... haha
  23. Well crap I just thought of something to scary to metion... but I will haha Well we now know vpw is in the rank with the apostle paul and the orange book is as holy as the bible right??? The bad news is in 3000 years or so it will just be a tattered remenant of what was once truth as God wrote it in the hands of His men... We will have no original copies to say we know what God really said in pfal so it is all private interpertation.. what a sad sad ending so sorry Mike. but get on the stick while you can!!!!
  24. the pages point to the bible. What the h@ll does that mean? we had a pointer dog once stupid thing would stand at a hole in the ground with a stiff neck for freaking days if he had to... Same thing??? you know you play word games mike for some one so sure of what is truth and what isnt you sure do beat around the bush and play games alot with the words you write here. your master vpw said "say what you mean and mean what you say," well apparently that word of that wisdom from your man fell on deaf ears in you. Its like you have a need to trick people into reading a little bit and bada bing some magic spell will happen to them and wow God will appear to them in the flesh!! (his name is mike??) every one here has read it nothing happened Mike... your the only one who hears this voice of the appearing time now... I think they have a medication for this voice stuff your experiencing .
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