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Everything posted by mj412

  1. you think he did the right thing to shelter you and teach you while being wrong and corrupt. he said the same crap to ex from what I read from her posts . today ex deals with it as a strong , vital woman able to see right from wrong and love herself and others. you mike refuse to realize how damaged was done(denial) and repeat the cycle of your abuser and justify the abuse done . when a person is abused by another damage is done, the choices are to go into denial and repeat the same in your life constantly searching for a reason to make it ok... or to realize something evil has happened to you an innocent person , come to grips with it honestly , face it as a truth and live a life the best way you can in truth and recovery from the truama. A great deal of abusers have been abused and we often wonder why they would indeed do the very same acts that caused them so much pain and torment in life . Because denial allows them to continue to enjoy the learned behaviour . They have learned abuse is love. To break free you must acknowledge a great deal of pain and helplessness in a situation , you must recognize the one you may have loved the very most hurt you on purpose for their own selfish gain. Without a sense of self worth and support recovery is not possible . The behaviour must continue for you to continue your search for love and acceptence. Mike I believe Ex can help you understand a way to a peaceful life , she is living with the pain of believing vpw to the point of abuse also , yet she can now see truth and lies clearly within her own life and still help and care about herself and others. you need to break free from vpw spell on you and realize you are ok without him , you deserve so much better.. geez anyone does. Ex I apologize if I used your story in reference and you do not want me to, I am trying to express my pride and respect for all that you have accomplished by posting here on Gs and to show Mike the contrast in dealing with truth or not in his own life.
  2. in my opinion the worst pain is a tooth or an ear ache. my child had an root canal once and complained for days about pain , when I took her back to the dentist he said it was impossible she had that amount of pain without the nerve, but she did. maybe something like what your going through happened to her. It did go away after about two weeks but she was in agony. im sorry I hope it gets better.
  3. you edited out. wow you are desperate. what about whenYOU SAY a sinner accidently believes something from God huh ? what about Rafs point and the lesson of vpw saying we need to know god willingness to recieve it hmm? Saint and sinner is what he said. do you have a copy of a book?
  4. so what promise of God did the mom who killed her boy use??? chapter and verse please . stop ignoring and pretending it never came up now.
  5. Im sorry to interupt but this a warning : the hidden meaning involve recieving and mastering. it can get quite ugly . Mike admitted to never recieving them yet has attempted to master these meanings . in the original post he explains his problems. this thread is about him wanting us to recieve and master... these words vpw got directly from God to change the administration :we are now is the adminsitration of the appearing . it is deep **** I tell ya deep. in the battle with the adversary Mike has been trying to explain just which words are vpws and which one would be direct voice of God. something bad happened just recently thoo who knows where this could end up ....? Mike has changed vpws words in a desperate attempt to have us recieve his mastering ( which he says he has so far failed at) he put himself above vpw writings and wrote what may be a right thought by mistake... the horror and implication of what has happened will no doubt stun this thread. a dark day for the everywhere ubiquitous thread indeed. a dark day. I think Tom said we can play cards tho I have a deck see!
  6. next step: what can you do ???? I bet it will be a plea to stop this thread and begin afresh . But put this in the table of context wont you MIke please? to those who cant keep track you know the stupid ones you can not understand and do not know etc.
  7. oops sorry Raf, I see you asked the same question in the above post. maybe Mike didnt notice either .lol Well Mike it is asked twice now it must be established as a valid question hmm??? how about it??? oo mike I wait so for your answer. The pfal book??? oo that is fine just fine Mike . Except you made a BIG MISTAKE YOU CHANGED vpw words the man of men the man with whom God spoke and you twist and turned his teaching!!! OOOOO the shame on YOU! what would he say now to the mike that recognizes his hidden words??? I think he would say.... your a liar.. sounds like you have a repeated offense here my boy!! big sh@t load of trouble now that dam devil he just wont leave you alone will he? [This message was edited by mj412 on July 11, 2003 at 14:17.]
  8. Mike Was the mom who killed her boy on the saint or sinner list? which promise of God was available for THAT EXAMPLE? specificly use phonic speech!
  9. Tom strange you can use my cards any time you want. :D-->
  10. Well now you changed something once again. I thought the law applies to saint and sinner alike??? Now what would those dang sinners know about the "arena of GODS PROMISES only" Mike says the law of believing only operates in the arena of Gods promises only. news flash the really bad sinner do not care to know about any promises from God or anyone (Like you MIke) . How does the universe change at this point to accomadate ?? oops there that was a vpw statement Mike not yours YOU CHANGED his words to fit your own defense . uhoh um we have a problem here spin or go get a fantasy relationship to fix this one big boy .
  11. Mike you never knew me . this is the type of posts you write that blow my mind. you manipulate and suggest lies as out right truths to make people wonder what the hell you are talking about. your whole scene of do I know you? did we meet? and more to come, later, is not working mikey it is quite the freakish thing to take the focus off you in such a way. It is very very clear what you do Mike and your fooling no one here. you try to take the focus off the discussion and make it about some lie on a personal level that is a secret only to you and the other poster .that is why you wnat private conversations with the other posters when you think you have a chance to manipulate . it makes people wonder the integrity of the other poster when you state lies like you know them from some secret place no one eles knows. you freak you do not even know me and that was the most pathetic attempt at getting sympathy from others i have ever heard, poor wounded Mike @ mj412 have a history and he is wounded lets get in on the sorrid story and take the focus off the fact you are unable to compete like a normal human would. the plan isnt working I am still here you do not frighten me so much I will leave , it is just part of your sick need to control and whine and get attention.
  12. yes tom thank you for my reproof, I am still working on becoming meek to the word. that was the other issue in the M@A conversation. I remember now. mastering aa mastering , ok I am a little afraid of what happened to Mike with all that mastering. true tho, how do we master? Mike has been doing the mastering for how many years? (it varies on how much of a bully he is per post ya know anywhere from thirty to five.) but he has not mastered it yet. I want the expert on mastering not the one who is still trying... My Master has a name not so common His name is Jesus Christ. I will ask Him.
  13. tom that is a little off the topic. um seriously what the was the topic? ooh yes mstering and believing , well now the worlds wide open on this now isnt it? I refused to master my believing that is why I was M@A . lol haha I thought it was about stealing other people work there for a minute, my bad, no wait, was it about the secret language of vpw as well?? o now I remember it is about Mikes responsibility to me that he threw away! that was the M@A part right? because I spell words wrong and he knows I can do it right! but I didnt so he threw his responsibility to me away . I am not getting over this I am hurt. I think I need a forum . Did we also have to find something hidden in one of vpw teaching? o and was their some kind of illnes going around on this thread or a virus or something a tvt they called it? this is so complicated I hope I stayed on topic.
  14. B But with a whine about how we need to stay on the topic and not make the thread all about him once again.
  15. In school we learned of the huge food chain in a rain forest. a simple tiny spider can be a part of a network of survival for millions of species of plants and animals. the impact of that one little spider on a rain forest is so huge that the result of its life or death determines outcomes for the entire forest. I look at Gods will in this manner. A network of His children. A conducter of a mass band playing the music to save the souls of Gods children, Jesus Christ directs us towards the Gods will for mankind in a song in which we each play instruments and notes that fullfill His desires . I need to recognize the music, I need to practice my instrument to be able to sound beautiful , I need to hear the other instruments and recognize how I fit in the music. I must always watch the conductor and follow his tempo and direction as He is the only one who has the sheet music . Sometimes I can do a solo and that is great but what good is it without the band to appreciate the music we all live for? For me this idea of believing is a selfish greedy gimmmme life. God created a body for His Head Jesus Christ. His will is for us to live a life worthy of glorifying HIM . Life was never created for us to have our own way with a God who we demand tokens from. He says He will give us the desires of our heart. What we are to think about is as Jesus Christ thinks and He thought obedience was the only way to go in life and death. Our heart is to be like His is and Jesus Taught us God wants us to trust and obey and most of all WORSHIP HIM. I use the story of the band because I think people tend to get stuck in a small world of gee how can I pay the bills this month, where will I work and what is my health like and then pray and believe God should make it all good. I think Jesus conducts Gods will for each one of us , while playing in His band. In other words it is bigger than me or you or our township God is massive and How His will is done is massive. Like the spider in the rainforrest, I do not know what could happen if I was not playing my part in the food chain and network but I believe it is much much bigger than I could imagine. This is how I see Gods will in my life , and as time has passed the music just gets richer and more beautiful to hear, so much so being a part of the band is so great and meaningful that every other desire in life is not worth anything. God does give me the desires of my heart, and He actualy knows what I like better than I do!! honestly He does. It is my only reason to live to see what Jesus Christ and I can do today together to hear the music His body plays together in a network of the Love God wants for each of His creation. Yes I pray of course I do , I mostly discuss issues with God and then wait to see where The Lord of my life takes me to see it happen , or and this is just as important to me , to have Him teach me a lesson on why and how that may not be Gods will at all for my life. that is why I love Jesus christ so much, he is a gentle teacher of the soul and every single lesson I have learned (which some may say is an unanswered pray) is to allow me the priviledge of knowing the music so much better and to be able to hear the sound of what He is doing within the band. Jesus christ has a purpose you know, I see christians get stuck with what they can do for the Lord, their power, their abilities, naw not me I know who got the job done and saved mankind of total destruction and death. It was ONLY JESUS CHRIST , today He is our Lord showing us how to get Gods will done in each individual life, yet within HIS body because we are one now. I may be a cymbol I may be a bass drum , I may think the flute is the greatest sound I ever heard, but in the end it isnt about what I play in life it is and always will be Gods music Jesus is directing not our own.
  16. Mike You wrote "In order to operate the law of believing we look for a promise of God to believe. " Ok Mike BUT the bible is no longer your standard because it is a mere translation of a man. so we are back to my original question of , Where is your base line of truth? Where do YOU GET THESE PROMISES OF GOD to be able to believe for ? pfal??? If you say it is revelation then I know a whole butch of voices, said to insane people claiming direction to them to do absolute evil. that is a mental disorder that holds no bar for truth at all. God told me to do it, the devil told me to do it. Jesus Christ knew what He had to do to fullfill Gods wishes by what was written in scrpture, the same words we read today from a book we call the Holy bible. that was His standard. What is yours? How do a find a list of the promises of God and His will for my life so I can believe for them?
  17. What if the answer to your believing is no? What if Gods answer does not agree with what YOU WANT???, Keep belieiving it . Because YOUR THE LORD OF what exactly? - No I trust My LORD Jesus Christ to know what is best even when I can not believe it I trust HIM to guide me on a daily bases to a place of knowing HIS WILL BE DONE in my life not my own. Your not a humble man Mike your an ego trip trying to be a semi-god that can dictate to the whole world. Your a liar. The most darkest times in my life , when I could hardly pray much less believe the grief I was in, My God gave me my Lord, to comfort me and to know I am loved by Him regardless of what this life may bring. As Jesus sat in the garden He begged God for another way, God denied His prayer Mike, was the Christ of all mankind and his pleading for any way to continue to be with those He so loved , not good enough was that the mental assent you speak of? Jesus never wanted to leave us not for a minute nor did He want to suffer the manner He did , yet the God He worshipped before no other told Him "NO" to his believing prayer. My Lord said "THY WILL BE DONE" not because He believed for it to be done , but because God told Him it will be done and He obeyed.
  18. ok I have had a day. seriously me tho .... do you want to know why I am so angry at you MIKE? it isnt about the doctrine I could give a rats *** about the bible wars here at GS.. it is truly the emotional part of leaving pfal behind. Some go away thinking life with a mission from God will continue on but better because you have your own personal offshoot or fellowship and nothing really changes for you. Some stop believing in God altogether. Some have died at the thought of it all. some find a church and make a new way to do what they want in life. me mj412 wonders , just freaking wonders what the f@ck happened to my life and why is such a large chuck of it still thinking about the bible in the same terms twi taught why do I think I should and shouldnt be a certain way because of twi? TWENTY FREAKING YEAR! then you come in and start declaring a new and revised version of pfal. it has been enough to make me think we were all nuts and cant get the hell away from the sh#T . You manipulate the very words I am still trying to get well from and make a whole new disease form in my head. This time around I really cant tell you how angry I am about a person stating what God says with a arrogant pompous and then fear based message. it is like pouring salt in a bleeding wound to me MIke, and the fact you freaking love every minute of it makes it worse. before you say anything in reply Mike I know who I pray to if that is all that is left, and it isnt pfal or vpw or you so Kiss my *** if you can have a better day at my explaining to you why I post on your thread.
  19. it might be a drink from a bag with leaves in it which you steep while watching a show on the tv. I hope so... but all the talk of Mikes mastering something got me paranoid of the possible chance of a disease because you know how the medical language uses those three letter words to state bad bad things no one can understand. spending years mastering cant be good for ya, Mike is their any drainage in your tvt? eeeww that is gross see it is out of control it is this thread once again has to be about the tvt problem Mike has I just want to know can I catch it if I promise I wont master anything? does everyone that has read this thread now have to get a shot or something? how freaking embarrasing that will be for Mike . hey man I understand it is good you said something we can not allow these tvt to continue unchecked and without treatment.
  20. I guess my way through this thread so I think tvt is a std. am I right? any more guesses? Seriously I have no clue it is one of those code words Mike uses , but I didnt take the advanced class on mastering anything, maybe that is how he caught the tvt thing ya know? they used to say people could go blind but now it is a possible tvt. Mike you really should see about the prescription for this I mean geez although you warn and warn about this tvt problem you have encountered I have at times doubted about whther anyone really listens to you. oh no can we get a tvt from thinking about what the hell a tvt could be like? See i just get so frightened discussing these dep matters and now we have to think about the fact we messed around with this thread and mastering and caught a dam tvt. no good can come of this no good at all.
  21. You better obey or it is mark and avoid, loydd.
  22. Mike would that group of silent fellows be your resposibility?? You assumed I was your responsibility, and then threw me away when I didnt agree with you. boohoo your wrong about me , could it be a fantasy? These people need to speak up now , you the oh wise strong leader need their support and encouragement like no other time in the history of this thread. Why would they be afraid ? perfect love casts out fear and you do it all for Love right MIKE? mike I do believe you will love this and use it to play the evil of GS posters and your mission from God to save them BUT vpw said although a believer can stand alone with God , WE DO NOT HAVE TOO because .....blah blah .. are you standing alone??? vpw said it isnt neccesary ... hmmm??? what is wrong? time for a check up from the neck up???
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