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Everything posted by mj412
you got that right and he didnt want to get dirty and we worked in a garden outside at night!! haha he didnt either! I would be all sweaty and have dirt on my face and hands and the guy looked like he was sitting for a fashion magazine!! it is just the way he is one of the beautiful people.. I tell ya few impress me like this guy does as far as just lookin at somone and seeing God at work in art form.. you know when the leaves change or the lake is see thru blue or the sun set is full of majesty we all agree God has a sense of form and true handiwork but some people are just pretty and pleasing to the eye..
I worked with all males last year.. all of them were young and good looking , one however was stunning , he worked out every single day and had muscles on top of muscles , He was a dark ebony color and has glow in the dark white teeth , he was forty but looked twenty ... he liked to wear as little cloth as possible he wore white tank tops... this guy had grown old ladies fall upon him hour after hour... he knew he was looking good because he tried every day to look his best never had a hair out of place wore very expensive outfits.. clean .. We worked long hours at night together alone, and we talked alot... I got to know him and his beautifulness was often a topic... The woman and girls would bother him .. yet he was single... we talked alot then we grew to be good friends and I realized after about a year I didnt noticed how he looked any more.. remember this is one who I consider stunning the type of looks male and females notice , something chnaged as we talked about moms and kids and christmas being single after a few years I saw him differently and he did me, I used to be the old lady now we were friends.. When he came near it was not his wow this guy is hot I saw it was his warm smile and a sense of safety of being near a friend.. Then one day someone said something about how hot he was looking and I said who ***?? and laughed becasue it was gone now his beauty had turned into something so much stronger and real I couldnt even describe it other than he was my friend.. isnt that weird?
The fact that Jesus died that day made all the rumors of him being a fraud and a liar the truth. his own people were hiding for fear they would be next in line to a death for a man with a fake ministry who claimed to take over and set up a new kingdom . HE freaking DIED!!! everyone witnessed his death and they set guards at the tomb so no one would steal the body ... They were filled with FEAR!!! that is you idea of glory chwester??? how little you understand what you read... it appears. His blood was one of obedience as the first adam was one of disobedience. also his bloodline literly his family genes were needed to accomplish what Jesus did which was to defy death in the chains and tell them He will reign supreme . well he isnt today is he now?? no the kingdom is in the future isnt it? uuumm yes primary bible there chwester! What He did was believe and Obey God and told death it was His kingdom to come back to someday. Then the miricle happened which was penticost.. which allows all to become a partaker of that kingdom who believes what Jesus did. We now have the same blood and can be called sons and daughter NOT servants of the most high God...before holy spirit was available by Jesus being raised as a Saviour NO ONE WAS A CHILD OF GOD. Before penticost God had no sons and daughters with blood Jesus invited us into a family that God created on that day. The big deal isnt the fact he died it is the fact He claimed death and held a victory over it as a Son of God yes at that point the ONLY SON of God because it was not yet available to be a son of God till the new birth was set on penticost... for some one who claim alot you spew out bible verses with little understanding of them chwester. not a good sign for a King to be dead and
Jesus Christ asked God for his cup to be removed to not have to die to not have to suffer to not have to leave the the ones He loved. I believe His prayer in the garden may have been answered , read it, it talks about how much concern he has for his friends and followers. I do not believe jesus christ knew all what the future was as far as penticost and then the gentiles being allowed into Gods fold. Remember the bible has always stated the return of christ would be soon and every single generation has believed it would be in their lifetime... His death accomplished nothing chwester many have died in the name of faith and God, it was the fact he went to speak to the devils and told them he was still alive that told satan he was the messiah of the world that fullfilled Gods purpose of the second Adam . The first adam invited death the second told it no. The story of redemption has little to do with death of a man , men die every single day and will continue to do so till the enemy is burned.. The fact of the story to me is we now have a choice to believe what jesus accomplished. He didnt accomplish "death", He accomplished our ability to live forever without death..by believing on His Lordship over the church which God calls out from humanity . A movie that protrays our Lord as a beaten down bloody victim does NOT send the message of a Saviour of mankind , it says to me god is a brute who willingly kills the only one who ever obeyed His will perfectly . Not the story I believe in. Jesus needed to die to destroy all of our sinfull natures which included death itself.. Yet it is a story of VICTORY over death not the murder itself that glorifys what HE did by hearing and obeying Gods commandments. He knew the comforter would come He knew God would be able to have His people once again in harmony with His will, He didnt want to die or leave his friends ,His prayer in the garden is most beautiful about His genuine Love and concern for us. He was the "middle man" to God for His followers , if he could meet death and tell them it was all over He knew God could then send a holy spirit back to the people without the lawful conditions placed on them in the law. It was a choice of life or death, who would not chose LIfe???? the movie sounds like he chose to die because He so loved us NO ! He did not He chose to LIVE and make it possible for all of Gods children to LIVE! Jesus is no fool , he was beaten and murdered by Gods own people not an enemy , this is a message of loving one another and God in the face of death which still happens today. the choice is life or death, He chose LIFE over death it is the same choice we as christians can accomplish through the Holy Spirit God granted us on penticost. Jesus christ didnt die for us He LIVES for us!!!!
The "joy" was being obedient and knowing Gods will for His children. I do not think Jesus wanted to die or thought it was joyful in any way read his prayer in the garden about asking for His cup to be removed. he simply did it to obey. He knew he was a son of God He was not the Saviour of mankind until god raised him from the dead and he completed his works. my point is the movie passion does not really compell me to know who Jesus christ is or how God is with his people in fact I believe by making how he died a cinematic affair it takes away from the gospel of christ as one of saving the world from death into a death scene of gore by our loving Father. I do not think it will glorify Him at all.
I do not think Jesus "knew" the events of the last times. In other words He knew he would be back as King of King but how this effected the grace administration which began on penticost was still a mystery... the "church" had not yet begun, the people were still living under the law at the time of his life on earth. including Jesus Christ.. His death and his meeting with the devils telling them He has conquered death changed the rules if you will and grace became the new order for life eternal.. no I do not think he new this "new ageof grace" I think he was granted it at the time of his rising to sit in authority on the right hand of God.
Jesus Christ Was exalted to a position of Lord. I was listening to a tape today from John s. about the fact he doesnt believe Jesus knew the gift was going to be available when He died. he was talking about how the new birth was not availble to the jews and they know nothing of the rapture . So why did Jesus do it? I think He did it because He obeyed God. do you think he could have stopped the plan? I do I think Jesus christ could have chose to live his life in a different manner and not end up killed . I write to remind you Jesus Christ is not the only one who has died for their christian beliefs not by a long shot look at the history of christians many have been tortured and brutaly slain in the name of faith in God. The surprize is the new birth the fact that Jesus christ faced death in the chainsand was raised from the dead to conquer death. That is the idea of what God had planned . It isnt the fact He died that is so amazing to me , it is the fact He LIVES that as a christian I hold dear. the movie may compell pity for his suffering while being crucified yet many have been killed in that horrid manner , I do not think this is Gods idea of His appeal to the people to believe in His bible story, Gods plan is one of redemption and promises fullfilled not one of gross murder and bloody acting. Why would anyone want to believe in a God that allows such horror?? It is the story of the new birth on penticost that allows us to know Gods will and heart of Love towards those who believe.
some may have these profound relationships or "inner hiding feelings" , on the internet I do not live in that world. for me it is very clear what one represents here , it is a discussion forum , a good forum has many different personalities in the posters... everyone clearly knows the platform before entering . Mike likes it that is what I am reading, he enjoys every moment he spends here . Now whining is a personality trait , so is being a bullly or a know it all , control freaks, police and social worker roles etc. that is society at large. so what is the problem exactly ? if it is a disscussion that is not bent towards your inclination and you have huge issues with that why would you be here?
Whe I realized God loved me in spite of all I learned in pfal. It is exactly how you say men vying for power .
WOW !!!!!!!! this is so exciting I will buy one !! My cat can not tell me what he prays for... he always prays with me and I say a prayer for him and I wonder what he is asking for. it may be canned food or for me to turn the air up or down or a fresh piece of greens this would be great!
Ginger Tea Only speaking for myself here doll but I got to tell ya , I am really beginning to see your point about how someone can misplace their hostilities and be antagonistic about anothers beliefs whether they agree or not . yep clearly you have shown us that truth ! I will also take your pearl of wisdom for MIke about the tearing down others! thanks agian!
I think the point was the final Fart Tom. Petard has been mastered only by Mike as far a I can read, I just apply discipline in mastering the instructions yet indeed the process remains ubiquitously hidden . and the other thing is I do not think lamas play base ball at all . sure go ahead you can chose who gets to eat snow cones and who doesnt does that mean I am less loved by the blue coocunuts? NO! I say it does not. sounds like your a respector of blue coconuts to me. I just wanted to say my weekend was so great I now realize even if the code word whilred peas is used against me I can stand , yes I can I can see the tiny litle blender in my head with green peas going around in circles and know I can stay on the positive side of life. I tried the point and shoot method of worship ex and I got the petard word it doesnt seem to work for the enitre day as an inspration, so I used the pull my finger method along with it and it was all good! thank you for sharing such insight.
Well thank you thank you very much.
what the h@ll is a petard ? a cross between a pee and a terd? i cant do that it is absolutly one or the other for me!! did you try to call me a retard and get it wrong agin MIke??/ huh did ya did ya? ya never know I have wondered myself while posting in this thread. I know I know your doing what gramma asked and learning one new word a day for the rest of your life aint ya??? then you have to use it in a sentence right? to make it your own .
Everyone has a problem with Mike , Raf seems to be the teaching of vpw that had errors. mine happen to be the errors Mike puts in vpw teaching. haha hhee oo this is just rich. Oak doesnt like the manner in which he tries to bring us back to master something Raf thinks is wrong from the get go the same thing I think Mike has changed to suit his own agenda. Ginger tea is the mother of the earth and word wolf is working hard to share the stuff with the posters not reading this. def is sounding fed up , and ex is watching and reading along. such is this thread as we each yell about other priorities in life beyond this thread yet here we are. oo lol this is a stitch in time isnt it? who are we? oo haha this is so funny! o man I seriously lol . mike has alot more problems with us tho .
Oak did ya have to use litle puppies? a roach or something little less warm and fuzzy may be more appealing to the masses . geez oak. I see little pictures when I read stuff. doesnt everyone? well Im glad it isnt kittens.
my town passed a law that no home owner can have more than two dogs. before you flip let me tell you it is a two mile community and give you an example of the trouble too many dogs in such a small town can cause. My neighnor had german shepards in a cage in the back yard 4 of them and two small dogs in the house, then the bitch had nine puppies. ok in this town every home can hear the fire siren the siren also goes off for ambulance calls. these dogs would bark at the sirens now think about it they would on top of their lungs bark and scream at all hours . It was a nightmare for the other houses living three or four feet away. I lived the next street over and they would wake me up in the night if a police car went by their house. they are one reason why we zoned for two animals per house hold. I have two cats they are both house babies and they are both fixed . I didnt have to get them both fixed but I think they make a better pet . I had a cat that when ever she went into heat she wouldnt leave my son alone she would sit on him and whine and cry it was funny, but I tend to think they may be healthier if they are fixed or at least less likely to run away if they do get out. It made my male fat tho.
so vpw is living inside you spiritualy , it could get darn ugly if it was in the flesh Mike it was Christ in you the hope of glorify GOD not vpw in you the hope of glorifying your self.
pressing on to finish this thread!!!! lolololololol that was rich! I thought it is pressing on to the call of the most HIGH GOD or something with a little bit of bible verse attached. I have to press my pants. I am not impressed with your sweeping o come to think of it I have to sweep my floor.. Mike what bad thing will happen to ya if you read a news paper hmm? it is the year 2003 we live on a planet called earth and the news flash is all abuzz VPW is dead. AND the sun came out today and the moon may set tonite ! Any other inabilities you NEED to share with the group tonite MIKE?
baffler ??/ a joker ?/ sounds like a tin balloon or something. oh to confuse the idea I got it yes indeed Mike baffles the mind. Mike look a big word for ya ! Mike I talked behind your post on another thread about my relationship to you actualy two threads. one is about why i post to you one is why I do not haha . it all too complex but I know you will never stop huh MIKE? a mission from God ... or vpw I am baffled . someone? meow . I think I got fleas for Gods sake when will the torment end???
it screams MIKE IS THE MAN!!! lol
make it stop!! every time I read visulize whirrled peas I see a blender full of thick peas going around and around. how do you do that?
see it was all a hoax ... I know I said I was Pam Aanderson, I lied, I thought I would be more important as an actor , but I am only a cat who types. I still live on the farm , the people do not come and camp like they used to. We spray the big house now, the one with all the empty seats and the stage in the cornerof the field. the buses still thrill us just look out for the wheels. The people seem sad and never pet me anymore. no one cares about the cats who can type, they all forgot that we mastered typing after all the years . In the real kitty world they do not understand just how important of a skill this is. so I stay on the farm , no where eles to go .
I like Mike , he changed the litter box alot on the farm. scooped like no tommorrow he did . he also gave me some grease for the hair balls , he helped alot. I didnt care much for the dogs , they barked alot they think they have some kind of super power because they slept in the RV section well little did they know how much fun it is to shred and pee among the common folks in tent city . I heard those dogs had to be shot for biting innocent children. anyways us cats we see everything you know what really happens at these type of places and I have to type to warn you now , your wrong about how the cats learned to type I didnt forget how . but watch out for that snow cone stand the yellow snow cones were a favorite game between the owner and a good Tom I once knew , sadly he was run over by a golf cart but he did what he had to do , and trained others.
Im really a gifted cat who was taught to type. I lived on a farm in ohio. It took years to be able to learn to type, I was loyal and loved those who helped me be who I am today . Every year in August thousands of people would come to the farm and I would listen and practice my typing. I thought I was a special cat at the time , I believed I was special . With a few other stray racoons who could sing , not to metion the possum who claimed to dance we felt content. It was home . I post on this web site to keep practicing my skill in typing, the other cats of the world do not understand why I am attracted to typing or Gs. It helps me remember the farm back in the day when all cats had the chance to type but few stuck with it and mastered what the farm taught us. I am the only one really , I am searching for other felines who can type . who still care about typing, who can chat with me about those late night strolls in between all those tents spraying our way to heaven .