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Everything posted by mj412

  1. if it is so rare to get the flue from the flue shot then why is it I hear of people getting it all the time. every other person says I got the shot and ended up feeling really sick. I do not think it is so rare ..
  2. ok I want details on how you would "share affection" with a small bird. my friend kisses her birds YUCK! but I guess to me it is not the same as a long purr or a walk in the park. they like her and they chirp when she feeds them but affection to me is like something physical like a hug or a tail waging.
  3. finches are lovly . small and friendly. my friend breeds parakeets.. sells them for ten bucks a piece.. her female and male didnt like one another (in that way) so she had to get another male to get the job done... birds are not my thing at all . I like those big dudes at the pet store but they live to be 100 year old so you have to pas them on to your kids etc. i feed the outside birds I enjoy that alot .
  4. yes Tom Strange that is one lesson I learned well ... I let my kids and mother go on their own lol. I heard it was funny but very strange and the movie "elf" is the opposite but could be mixed in with the theory .
  5. you say the word EDUCATE! I hear the word WORK like cooking healthy food... not so much a joy as going to the fab market and buying it already made sorry . discipline my man it takes discipline ... oo ok I am vey glad you posted. i feel ahamed... kididng here I was raised by natural people ona farm so it goes with my life but sounds like to much work. i would like to speak to you on a topic without the genral view here is it possible we can PT on something? love mj412
  6. Kit if your were asking me if it is better. yes.. for me it is. but Im not sick either so it is easy for me to say I do not think I need either. I would not like to live for as long as I can just as long as I am able to do what I think life should be for me. for me to need constant care would not be worth it Im very independent and unwilling to compromise what I think is freedom in my life. just for me no one eles .
  7. The cross like the letter T with the top line lowered to the middle of the vertical line is what people wear or have on their walls or what is on the steeple ... yes they did teach it was like wearing a gun or an electric chair but it was also about the fact that symbol of the cros was NOT accurate by bible standards ... oh man the details of how it looked was important of how the ACTUAL REAL cruxifiction looked it got a little compulsive obsessive there with the the number of people and the hill and WHAT it looked like.. what the man Jesus CHRIST hung from how it happen all the detail had to be told just so . did you get that piece of lint of the couch? hmmm did ya ? the research dept went over the top with details and the cross was mocked because what is commonly known as the cross (not in the spirtual sense OLDS) the symbol was wrong and TWI had the REAL TRUTH !! nananan na na . the world was wrong and of course TWI had the only real truth on that!!!!! we win they lose.. that is the game they played and that is what was important to twi people look how smart we have the REAL facts and that is wrong wrong wrong.. I ask who the ***** cares and how the hell did all of that research help anyone recognize what Jesus Christ DId for Gods childrn? it didnt at all but that was never the goal . it was to tell the whole freaking world religous market most of all they were wrong. twi knew what it really looked like.
  8. I so not trust the medical community with my health. I trust God. in an emergency I would seek emergency care only if really needed. I do not ask for their opinion so it means little to me. I have close relatives who believe in their doctors and seek consel and care constantly I do not think they are wrong. just not me. I do not do herbal well maybe a little bit. I am healthy tho and not frightened of dying so my perspective comes from that framework. I am ready to meet my maker if the story be told and I do not have much patience for people messing with me so I take it as it comes without much say so from outside parties.. If someone loves me Like God I have very little to worry about. I think those invested in hebal science have knowledge which knowledge is best I have no idea .. A doctor from the medical school traditional has knowledge if it is best i have no idea I have seen good and very bad in treatments. for me nothing works best at this point.. prayer the Lord will be done is enogh for me.. but as far as anyone eles of course I would like them to go the path they seek as best and most comforting in all situations. my children know better than to allow me to live in fact my son said he would shoot me himself if Im suffering (it is a joke do not laugh if you do not get it) they know if I cant wipe my own butt call it a day for the old mare.. my cat on the other hand will always be forced to have extreme measure in life saving for just one more day with me I do not care if he is hooked to a machine and cant purr anymore no holds bar I will do whatever it takes... word.
  9. Hope R. oo I am glad you wrote that.. they are very very agressive and hostile to any questioning now . I asked how Donna M. could say a child died because the father left the minstry . The tape on the front page of this site. how she died the child because her father wouldnt stand with Matindale or the way ministry. I asked about fear based teaching . At first it was screaming and yelling( Puck them they cant hurt me and he knows it) to intimidate me to shut up. they he demanded proof she ever said that on a Sunday Night teaching tape. i gave it to him .. so then it was she made a mistake !!!! WOW it got good then a MISTAKE by a leadership??? uh oh cant say that it is right or good... he started back tracking and mubling and wispering the way they do if they think you are going to consider what they think So the answer was God told her by revelation YEP God tells people by revelation when someone is SUPPOSE to die for walking away from the ministry.. not the one who left the way mind you his child even more cruel. ok buddy I said. So the fear based teaching was from God by revelation to let everyone know they can and will die if they walk away ???? yes . ok I love ya man , Why would god do that? to keep the household pure.... this isnt twenty years ago or five this was a conversation I had with leadership last PUCKING WEEK! this is their .... this is what they want . this is the core of where and what they think. Of course you wont hear this down to the nail of evil crap they will keep it from you as long as you never put them up to it . remanin ignorant of how they think and belief and they will be very happy to see you and you will be blessed by the loving believers .. (sure just do not leave because your child might die, for those with ears to hear only) they think and belief they have the power people this is an evil cult with leaders that like thinking they can control who dies and who lives.. and then blame it on God almighty. get out of that crap , stay away from those who can worship on another to the point of your very life or of someone you love.
  11. I am "out". but the people I knew then and now mix so much of my life and in between I will never not have twi mixing in parts unless I moved away from all my family and friends and relationships I have ever had. that is why it is easier to love people now because I do understand how we can get away yet not really if you love one another.
  12. What you said about the cultish behaviour not hurting me. This has been more of an ordeal than it may sound because of the degree's of people involved and the sheer numbers . it truly goes from love to hate. we are just people ya know? People who need love and acceptence and protection from hurt. Im glad I never went from love to hate . those who do may have reason but I tell ya on this forum my own story will never be told and and I am odds down to win in bad situation happening... so I feel I can say why hate? anyone? annoyed is a good word but ya know christians are not evil people anymore than the rest of society for what they think they learn about God and people. They are not the last I would chose to be stranded on an island with by far. I have found if my thinking about folks is honest and I understand we are all of the same , I cant hate anyone anymore. love delievered me more than once in my life from much. all I know how to do is give whatI have recieved. and yes the faces changed but what works in life and what Im here for is quite clear and that is to love another and if they are unlovable I clearly remember the fact when I am unlovable is when I needed love the most. i can not say I love you to so many that have changed my life in so many different ways , but I can still love another.. I have nothing eles to give.
  13. Dam it Janet I love you! rocky horror show .
  14. I went it was odd Im glad I did . i was heavy recruited by the way . sales it is all sales. I think and that is ok. it was a dodge game because I am really not into it but I learned about me being a cult once and how I sounded. it was not funny. but Im still smiling . ya know?
  15. well I do suppose I will go alone. why? Well I need to . It is a personal journey and although they find safety in numbers I do not always. not now. People will be going at different times I will see if I can get someone to go at the same time as me. I do not know . yes. it is a difficult time thinking now and may not get better. the impact of twi on my life is outrageous .. I wonder what life would have been like without it. I will never know. since leaving the second time I have made it a point to make sure it is really me who thinks about these choices . then I can answer to myself and who ever much better. even some day ya know? it is the only way have found any peace . but it isnt easy that is for sure. mostly I wonder and wait to see the day when it will not be like this. sure I could just run away and pretend huge chunks of my life didnt happen and start over etc. without a trace.. let the past be the past etc. (I REALLY do think about that avenue!) but then I realize look if there is any love at all on earth just where am I going to run? bottom line. I stand . haha I know that sounds very twi but I do have and always will. it is all I know how to do. besides I like love even if it is all screwed up and if any of you know a perfect love that doesnt have complications and choices and sadness involved at some point. I do not think I would want it. hehe Jesus is the only one who doesnt make it um difficult and of course very worthwhile. I hope so far so good.
  16. yep. When I am forgiven I always wonder why. It is an amazing life to live know Jesus As Lord and His love and dedication to my well being. when I remember I fail Him is when i think and realize He never did make a mistake or disobey and yet he suffered so much. so we are face to face with the truth of Gods LoVE. In the way it was all about not to worry it was covered no problem do not think about it again. They spoke of sin like it was to be a natural part of life like having a glass of water. It isnt I do not believe sin is to be looked on as a casual part of life.. When I grew to know who it was that was dealing with me and the evil that is in this world , I found a man so capable of being greater than sinning in any way because He loved me that much. he had a life He had friends He didnt want to die Im certain, yet He did knowing He would be able to do better for all of us in the rescurected body. I could never say Jesus christ doesnt understand pain or hurt or anything we go through in this life He does more than any of us he took all the feelings and pain and sin on for us. that was his life for us to lay down his life. the cross is the measure of His love and how very much Jesus as a man loved each of us and God. In His resurected body he is more than King of king He is exalted but it was alot of hurt that got him to that point and I remember that whenever I try to think it isnt worth following Him.
  17. it is very difficult and getting worse. when I told them I will pray about it they gave me a sermon on revelation. it is mix of folks that concerns me the most. some folks are out spoken like you some have ben hurt. many do not know my story (the ones having the party does) and I know he is thinking I will back him up on bible verses, that isnt the problem the problem is much larger and they will never get it. I do not want to be used. it is the shame I feel of turning someone into this type that bothers me ... I used to be the same way. they are reading this Im sure some of them . so that puts nice spin on stuff as well. thank you, it is soon so I will tell you if I go or not. I may but by myself as well .
  18. love is a funny word now when it comes to some people I have known. there is a constant doubt in my head on why they want to get together. it cant be denied I wish I could take someone who i strongeer than I about not being involved in the way. but they wold be asked to leave Im certain. It is all about the devil or God. alot of what I read about how people in this group still think on Gs has been confirmed for me . I am having a difficult time with the fact they chose to believe what they do not doctrine but the love for people coming second over the group itself and it not being made dirty by unbelievers. the past month has been far from fun it has been torture listening to all of the storys and whys we are talking about peoples lifes and God ya know not some high school love story gone bad. I am still praying about it . which makes him angry ya know that isnt neccesary I have to do what is right. so they claim and convinced on what that must be of course. Im not convinced. We are talking a cult that is capable of harming people and to love them is yes dangerous. In fact it is insulting. I realize few may understand because until I listen to what thy go around with in the manner they think and speak I do not and didnt think it was possible myself. still . surprized at how serious they are about the household. being around converstions that are so far removed from reality is difficult for me I am not sure it is worth my time or energy. It isnt a simple thing and now that I know many many will be there my thinking about it has gotten more intense. you know if God be for us who canbe against us? well our own brothers and sisters in christ and it is not a nice thing. life is short . Do I need to hear one more sermon about how the devil is so capable? that is what they claim ya know constantly devil spirits and tricked and not good enough.
  19. Well hours on the phone now. The entire area of way people are going to be there and so and so said they will use this as an evenue for witnessing the word... not kidding. cant believe it. they stick together like glue ya know and want to see their way friends as well. Now one friend is very anit way and one is love the ministry and all it is for life. I want to go and just see how this is going to turn out. but I do not want to go and deal with a butch of way people telling me what God really thinks... why? I believe my friend loves me now but I also know his first will always be the way now . wow such is my life. I still wonder how normal people live. without this kind of stuff happening. Everything the people involved in the way do involves speaking the word ya know? man dont you remember? besides Im thinking this might be a last ditch effort of some kind of saving mission from God. two brothers on opposite ends of the whole thing you have no idea how complicated this is and I like to keep things simple. man well I will tell you how it goes he knows he isnt going to convert me . but Im not anti way either but our other friend is.... oo boy you say make it something other than the way well they can not, the way is their life.. it isnt possible and he said over 100 people still in are going to be there... can I handle this now? do I need to ? should I? I asked alot of questions and got alot of answers but I think in the end all folks just say what they think people want to hear. all positive of course! of course.
  20. Well they called and they are still in man are they In. The wonderfulness of the way he gushed and gushed about how it is all sweet and fellowship is good. how martindales teaching are good. he spoke about the way as God. now Im wondering why does he wnat to see us old wash outs? two of us have been M@A he knows he isnt suppose to talk to us and said so so I asked him why he wants to get together. He gets very agressive . I am not afraid I just do not need the stress of listening to how it is right for the way to decide who anyone can be around. He says the numbers are increasing every day. I do not know if this vist is going to be worth it or not . Man I feel like crap I really wonder how great this guy would have been without the cult freak crap he is so into and now will not live without. What it is they really do sit in a place of complete and utter judgement of everyones life they really think it is Gods will and scripture to back it up that people are not good enough. sometimes I think it is like a drug , ya know just avoid reality get stoned on the crap and pretend life and love is what they have taught you as the only answer . it is so very very sad, and yes scary because I got them into this stuff. so it is soon I am still thinking about it. Any questions you want me to ask him?
  21. I believe families are the foundation of what makes America great. I believe those we have a life time connection with give us the roots we need to be free to be great individuals ! I believe wisdom is handed down through generations to those with common bonds and historys. the love of those who share your blood and life is what makes life fun and worthwhile. Families share much! Familys range in sizes from big to small but they always frow larger not smaller! I do include everyone in mine. You can help people in need anytime you like it doesnt bother me at all . I answered your questions now would you answer mine? Why do you interject feelings for me? You ask me questions then state Im atagonistic and make accusations . You do not want me to post on your thread yet you ask me questions and assume your opinon as my answer. no issue vickles unless you want to make one up.
  22. it isnt side fighting vickles, your the one who claims to know all about me and stress I may have with judgement . I just answered your questions on how I give and that is by celebrating with those the holiday is traditionaly made for those we love and care about our family and friends. I believe charity begins at home and with those who we have spent our life with those whoknow and love us best. Outside my family you say my family grows in leaps and bounds with babies and marriages every year we just get bigger! We invite anyone who wants to see love in action do you want to come? We all live very full lives many are in the service areas and these roots carry our strength far into the community . thanks.
  23. because you do not agree , with my thoughts on thanksgivng ,what I said isnt good enough for you? So I need to leave ? Im not screwing with you , what does that mean ?
  24. I assume nothing. Yet you seem to fill in all the blamks on what my family is or isnt or has done or has not. We have five generations do you think we have had death in our family? Even children have died. I am not judging if a family member does not feel up to it why not allow someone eles host the celebration of a life together? It is a tradition that fills the generations with hope and love . the Joy has little to do with glitter or" sparkly "stuff ours come from within our care and concern for one anothers well being for sure! the fact I celebrate love and thanksgiving with those who mean the most makes you angry ? Isolation in times of great need and grief isnt healthy it is sad and what families are truly needed for to share with in the good and bad times . who eles can really feel the pain and heal your heart but those who know the loss and the need to be with another to care? The holidays allow a connection to form in our busy lifes , to make the time and the commintment to one another is and always important in our life. We invite everyone boyfriends and ex husbands whatever it is a celebration and a true thanksgiving of one another. you said you wanted this thread to be about how we give, the fact I recognize giving begins in our own home and with our own family makes you angry... To not being able to celebrate with those you claim to love the most is just what? it sure isnt being thankful that is for sure.
  25. never saw it. I used to want to fix every one in my family ya know make them sane and well by my estimation...of what would work for me. but I learned Real love isnt quite that selfish . thank God.
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