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this is exactly why I have problems with the personal prophecy movement that is so very popular today. CES now spirit and Truth is INTO it heavy. yet they teach that the prophecy can be wrong and folks need to have practice doing it to get it right... etc. it doesnt make sense to me. I read in the above verses that if a person says the lord said it and He hath not they are false. I understand the new testiment says we are to prophecy.. but this practice till we can be right maybe one day and hit or miss type of personal prophecy going around just feels and sounds wrong to me. why would God tell somone something about another from HIM and leave room for error in light of the above verse? I actualy think it lays a foundation for people worship I mean if ya come up with a real wing dinger and it please the people your in like flynn with the group. so many times what the lord sent the prophets to say caused them to be killed by the people and shuned and not listened to it was sledom good news for the children.. that is why they often had a hard time obeying God in the doing of it. no one wants to be the bad messenger. YET the bible reads that is when indeed He sent prophets to the people when they were not hearing what He had to say. why would a person not listen? because they do NOT want to hear what is being said of course. this feel good I like you and look what I think God (maybe) told me to tell ya general happy go lucky you that loves us all together now personal prophecy stuff just doesnt make any darn sense to me in the scope of the bible. care to comment or explain how it does to you?
I agre But the culture does not. these families are in crises they are not neccesarily dysfunctional tho. it isnt just the money like family who are raised in alcoholic homes a co-dependency happens.. roles are played often the mom is attracted to a phedile because also was rpaed or molested as a child, this is a disease or crime that once again repeats itself , by victimization. why does a woman who was beat by a man stay with him? or find another to beat her? WE are attracted to the type of love we learn before we can process what love is. If dad was a phedile it is likely you may also find one in your own life with your children just like the alcoholic cycle this stuff needs to be addressed. by the entire family . I also had a hard time with this family untill I realized and i told my friend they all are addressing the issues that came from this together. they are getting the conseling and help they need to survive and flourish and maybe be well one day. how many families do you know so comminted to one another and their mental health? they were supervised . let me say clearly you need to understand fathers or mothers who are convicted of sexual abuse do not lose their parental RIGHTS. no they do not, they have vistation often supervised , but the influence and right of parents are upheld very high in our courts and the mission is always to keep the family intact and only after many many years and more abuse or problems is this an option. By this time the kids are teens and troubled themselves very difficult to find a home for. ask Galen if you do not believe me. foster care has issues so what do you suggest we do with these kids? millions are spent in a system that is very sorely BROKEN itself. phediles are master at illusion and are very good at appearance to the public eye to create an atmosphere of trust and this is what the crime is all about a betrayal of trust.
Mr. Hammeroni. The court system has a focus of keeping the family intact. I didnt say they were good at it I said that is their mission. the foster care system has isues in and of itself. my point is why do they appear to get shorter sentences or allow less than what some may believe is fair. because incest is a family disease and many of these cases more than not involve family members. the family court system can and work in concert with the criminal system to find a conviction. plea bargining is popular to keep the family together and seek conseling many of these families are intact and otherwise seemily strong community members. (believe it or not) . BUT the biggest reason is frankly those who molest children have a learned behaviour and in many many cases are also victims of molestation as a child. we love as we learn to love. and jail time leaves the children without a supporter many times the only support for the family. I know your claiming these children were outside the family and harsher sentence will apply sometimes but again it is a VICTIM mentality defense in the court system. it is often considered from mental health position from abuse like the abused wife sysndrome. I met a family in our town and the teen girls openly spoke of how they had sex with their dad from a young age ...the entire family was ordered into conseling and he was allowed to stay in the home, the wife loved him they had a son and felt his support and financial help would better help everyone. He did love his children I have no doubt. I was good friends with the moms sister.. she was LIVID about their choice but it is often the case , when the other side is raising four or children alone . Homosexuals chose their sexuality or at least are consenting adults, in the case of child abuse the situation often means the molester was also a victim and at the point of needing help not pushinishment.( A common defense) Our mental health system still place a heavy place of influence in the court system and they want to help victims and begin to stop the cycle this crime breeds, without mental help it can and oes often continue into the next generation.
I do not understand this. "let her have her way" Is the lady a grown up able to make choices in her life? yeah I guess I would say Let her have her way, because I do not understand any other way to treat a responsible adult one claims to love. I am assuming mutual respect and caring for the well being of one another in a healthy marriage. people fight about stupid things, money, who cleans the house how to raise the kids etc. I think good communication is key in a marriage and a tone of compromise is needed. I do suppose that is why a 58% divorce rate is going on in america tho, because folks would rather hold on to the other things between couples instead of loving and caring and putting one another welfare first and foremost. to me I look at how important is the issue when at a stalemate. ya have to reach a place where you trust one another with your own life . get along agree to discuss untill a solution is found that works for everyone. I do not think control over another even plays a role in a marriage, but it often does and that is why it often ends. lol. I am single been single will continue to be single tho so this is kind of like the folks who never had kids telling parents how to do it right. I know Im far to selfish to be married now, unless it was also a very independent person who really loves me. I see so very few happy marriages, I sometimes think it is because IM single so they share with me the rough and bad parts like I should understand better or something. I do not. it just makes me happy im not into it. when I here a man or a woman say something like"my husband or wife wont let me" I do not get it. I think adults should treat adults like adults and allow them to live a life that includes mistakes and failures and glory and reward, without the rescue tendency of co-dependancy. I want to share my life with those I love not take on someone eles role in this world they think I should take.
no man or women deserves to be "clocked". I do know what your talking about tho.. As a single women I am a strong women , my life has had alot of trials, I am a strong independent woman. when problems happen with male or female I have always been single and alone. In the other world of some women they are not strong enough or allowed or something (cant say I understand it completely) so they will and do sic their male husband or boss or lover or hand dandy male to clean up their mess and to get pushy and threaten physical abuse. I have seen it often. it doesnt impress me, it just takes my belt one hole tighter and I have another go. I will say this a man who does a woman bidding in a situation not his own is a very weak man, and they shut up and down very quick, when faced with a woman like me. I frighten the hell right out of them. they seem to be used to have to rescue the girls I guess, and feeling very powerful and fed in the rescue. this validates the roles Society sometimes wants, from females and males . It is rarely seen in minoritiy families. it is abuse in and off itself. To me those type of women are preditors, they cause alot of pain and get off smelling like a innocent weak woman, and the man feels his manhood and purpose. it is insanity. It is not Gods role for women in the church or in life, the bible is filled with woman who are leaders are strong and single parents. it is a partnership based on listening to Gods will for each individual for the better of the union, not a whos worth more to ya Lord situation, Jesus confronted these mind sets with his disciples and said clearly it is wrong thinking patterns. but our culture does not want to have strong woman, both male and female buy into the games people play for power and prestige in relationships.
Jesus said we are blessed because we have not seen Him, and also to not look for signs. I think the idea of signs can be decieving. dangerous even. suffice is the day and the evil in it. I take that as a singular kind of thing and to not borrow trouble about what may happen. the book of revelation is complex, as far as future and what will happen and how. CES did a beautiful tape about paradise regain and has researched this topic alot. I tried to listen to John s. reveltion seminar a few times and i really couldnt get into it. I wont try to second guess. I believe Jesus is alive because of faith, I do suppose any furture appearances or story lines that apply to my furture may also have to include faith and what I have read in scripture. it is enough for me.
they call it "keeping it real". WOW what a racist statement. Im white I like "keeping it real". I respect people who"stand up to me" In this statement do you mean to be honest and genuine and confident enough to hold on to your own convictions, regardless of what the majority may believe about ya? yeah I would say that is true of any person who has been oppressed or held back with lies and perceptions that are not true. not a black thing a sane person thing. ya know white people have mindsets and a culture I have issues with, namely in context, being fake to keep the neighbor pleased with your appearance regardless of what may be going on in reality in the inside door. a general disrespect for those they do not understand, and a very strong unwillingness to change the status .. I have lived in both worlds, I read the bible to say to esteem to folks of "low estate" and I understand the reason to be is because they "keep it real" more often than one with a life filled with the distractions of keeping the world happy in spite of who they are. or who the world says they must be. family, friends compassion, and empathy with genuine giving flows easier from hearts with less to compete with. to me they are the only real things I have. honestly if a black man is walking around a all white neighborhood at night a million cops will be called. for a reason? a stranger in the midst, he doesnt belong, he is up to no good, nothing to do with racisim you cry.. a white man shows up in the evening walking the inner city streets, he gets jumped and hurt OH those insane black folks you say , or is because they have the same wish for safety for their turf, their space as you but know better than to call the cops who do not want to get out of their cars, if they even bother to show up a few HOURS later. what is the difference? the difference is MONEY and respect for who you are because of the color of your skin and the size of your house and your address. racisim is very deep in America.
As far as the violence and girl boy stuff. this is simple if ya hit someone as a grown up you go to jail. boy girl no difference. I had a very mild mellow son, who wouldnt pick up a dead fly when he was small without screaming in pain, then I had a girl who would bite and slap at the smallest irritation. In this mama's world although she wieghed less then twenty lbs. with only four baby teeth that could bite and he was over 70 lbs and two feet taller it was the baby girl who went to "jail "till she could get a grip on how to treat other people. I never taught my sons to be macho or to "take care of a bully" I taught them self control and the ability to cry when it hurt. In the mans world I have a fine son who can get along with any person and has never once been in a fight, and a girl who is still rather high strung but is able to pull her self back in time to reflect on how she can handle a situation better, than lashing out at someone. johniam the only way to "take care of a bully" is to report them to the authorities so they can help with their own personal anger issues, or get the hell away from them. or fight and
As far as the violence and girl boy stuff. this is simple if ya hit someone as a grown up you go to jail. boy girl no difference. I had a very mild mellow son, who wouldnt pick up a dead fly when he was small without screaming in pain, then I had a girl who would bite and slap at the smallest irritation. In this mama's world although she wieghed less then twenty lbs. with only four baby teeth that could bite and he was over 70 lbs and two feet taller it was the baby girl who went to "jail "till she could get a grip on how to treat other people. I never taught my sons to be macho or to "take care of a bully" I taught them self control and the ability to cry when it hurt. In the mans world I have a fine son who can get along with any person and has never once been in a fight, and a girl who is still rather high strung but is able to pull her self back in time to reflect on how she can handle a situation better, than lashing out at someone. johniam the only way to "take care of a bully" is to report them to the authorities so they can help with their own personal anger issues, or get the hell away from them. or fight and join in the game and call your own problems righteous in some type of sick denial . what? is that like He started it first? grow up. does it really matter who is who when inappropriate behaviour is involved? the handcuffs come in all sizes, and the stun guns used to persuade one to change their minds can hit girl or boy, as they should. As far as emotional toll again how one effects You is YOUR responsibility to handle and take care of, no one eles can handle your own rage or emotions for you. boys like girls and girls like boys in a normal world. when it gets as complicated as you seem to feel it is between them, something is WRONG and you might want to investigate why on a very personal level.
Johniam Iagree with you , kind of, it is true many do agree with your mindset. It is called racism. I was raised on a farm all white country never exposed to minoriities, rural red neck good old country boys and girls. I never saw racisim or really understood why we needed LAWS to protect and give additional rights to folks of a differt color skin. I know where your coming from. it is a decent hard working good citizen why type of thinking. then I went to college for social work. I did many decades of volunteer and paid work for many different agencys that support the needy . on the tax payers dime. most are minoritys makes ya wonder why right? look at the decay of our cities, many minorities are stuck in a culture they can not escape. Why? again it very well be a mindset. BUT, here is the thing.. God may not be a respector of people BUT johniam people are definetly a respector of people and of culture and of conditions. I went through this as a christian , who joined a jewish community center on a very personal level. and minorities are even worse. if your mama was a single parent and your gramma was single and no daddy has been seen in your community for decades and welfare has supported your family all of your life . how do ya change? everything you have ever known? well if ya think it is easy then try to change your own mindset on how they are given more advantages than the white man. cant really do it can ya? I understand it is a dificult thing to change. for you and them. WE have laws and helps and enablements because CLEARLY they are disadvantaged. look at the numbers and the reality of how life is different. the drop out rate in the inner city schools is OVER forty percent. over 60% of black families have a single head of household mostly the mom or gramma , drugs are invading and killing whole communities where people do not dare to step out of their house day or night time. The highest population at risk for getting HIV infection is black women, today. it far surpasses the gay population. These are just some of the facts. YOU want to trade places? You can chose to stay in your ivory tower, and not see this I did for many years and many of my mostly rural families still does and they are afraid of a different color skin, or an accent. or you can go look at the problems and issues minoritys face, and trade place even for a day or a week. then spew your cry of injustice. but untill then get informed on why we have programs and helps and laws to stop the insanity of just how America operates, when it comes to the rich and the poor or the color of your skin. true God is God and He loves us all, but we do not all love one another well enough in this country to stop how reality is. somone has to do something. so I agree with you MANY do feel the exact same way you do in this land of the free... and it sucks and many are still suffering for it. just not who you think .
oh they thought He was coming plenty. they just didnt think He would be a carpenters son, or that He would be murdered and be raised again or that He would talk and heal sinners. they thought He would have His kingdom today and take over as in a type of political war . they thought many things that didnt happen would, and not much about how it all played out in reality . But THEY did LOOK for a messiah of no doubt. It was not to be this man called Jesus Christ tho, and that is why.... ba da bing!
the guy with the baby hostage made me sick as well.. the way I heard it he was firing his gun and an officer was hit that is when they opened fire and killed the baby. I want to think he would have killed the child with his own gun shooting it off and they had the right call, but I think cops are jumpy esp. whenone of "their own" gets shot. if they had not returned fire would he have stopped and calmed down when he ran out of bullets I do not know. but either way those cops have a memory I wouldnt want to live with everyday.
In a sense i agree. but it is HIS story and IM sticking to it. to be honest I have never seen or heard anything that convinces me either other than being so very very thankful for the times in life i can and do chose to be thankful for what I am and who I love and the life I live. On the other days I pray alot.
did you you it is against the law for a fire truck or an ambulance to speedor break any traffic law.? they are not allowed to go above the speed limit, run red lights without stopping etc. We had a fire truck hit a guy on a motorcycle here, they had the siren on and proceeded through the intersection.. the guy was damaged badly but lived he sued big and won. yes it is against the law to not stop for a siren or to heed the right of way for an emergency vechicle but I guess this guy didnt have a chance the truck never saw him. they said the fire truck never came to a full stop . why are the cops allowed? are they or do they just do it anyway? some place have it outlawed the police can not use speeding to detour or chase criminals. for the exact reason you claim. go to your town meeting and have a say or two you may get the laws in your town changed, for the safety of all.
we may disagree. I do believe God is God and may be able , yet He does not over ride what people chose. He loves us. and that is why. I believe prayer changes things, it allows God to make His will happen and for situations to change. but people have a brain and an ability that God loves and that is the choice whether or not to chose to woship HIM in spirit and Truth. we can chose not to. He will not do anything about it. except by His mighty mercy save us from a worse outcome. If we chose to put money before His design it is our choice and it is a long road back sometimes when we realize it all proves to be nothing. and some may not in this life time. ya know not every "unbeliever" are evil infested stabbing people. many give the world great and wonderful gifts. because men are created by God we are indeed wonderful.. whether we chose Jesus as LORD or not. I do not agree that to have money is even in "God's plan" money is just that money and wealth is just that wealth, we can chose to have the knowledge to attain money and be every wit in Service to the LORD. or not. God blesses our life. each individual choses how He must live it. this idea that we must have script and plan and all this man made ideals that God approves us for us to do well is a myth. it was a great myth that many still fall into it behooved twi to help people think it had to be such and such a type of scheduled script because they then could give it to you and hence keep it all under control... rules and regulations. In reality we just live God is our Father He wants us happy He wants us healthy He wants us challenged and living a life that is worthy of knowing Jesus As LORD. the LORD looks at our life and helps us and guides us to meet Gods will and our own. What father would give his child a rock? I sometimes doubt what my own children have chosen and really think I have a better plan that will work faster and better for them!!! because that is how man made love is. In contrast Gods love looks at His children and says we are perfect give them what ever they want in life and then some! always. the reason some do not prosper has NOTHING to do with God it has everything to do with what the individual has chosen to do in his life or even misfortune or sin or choices. How people think about money and success vary by many degrees in this world. God can not erase what we think about such areas in life. He has no desire to no motive at all. God is our Father, we are adult children hopefully. that is why He tells us to grow up in christ so we can understand How christ helps us to run our life. god does not take his grown children and manipulate their desires and wishes or choices by force any more than a loving human parent would. the evan I do not like the way your sentence sounds when you try to dismiss me and want me to go to doctrine . I do not even understand you hint.
Cat I seperate the two. God is God. Jesus has a body in which He is head, the planner thinking and doing part of Gods plan and will for HIS people. not all people are under the Lordship of christ, all knees must bow, because He knows the BIG Guy God. God can make a sea part, He can make an foot speak, and He can give life eternal. God is love and His will is that All be saved to the utermost. How this is done with the thinking and planning and wishes and prayers of His children must be complicated. God and Jesus together can handle it. The body of christ is special, because the Lord know them. He knows us well. God says every hair on everyones head is counted before HIM. We got nothing to worry about. I have alot of jewish friends, and I have a son who denies Jesus as Lord yet admits God as the most high. I have learned from all. All have helped me know who Jesus is in my life. ok I will say it ... some of the most gross sick evil people who really do harm to others have claimed Jesus Christ as LORD!!!!! they will be in heaven so it is written so it is. we are not special those who claim another is our Saviour from the worlds problems. We just admit to be as needy as the rest of them with a solution. I seek Jesus because He has never hurt me Catcup , all of us have hurt one another, life is like that. God never said His creation was evil,,, that is a sick twisted warp teaching that fell from twi. He said we need Jesus christ as LORD to make it through what life is . I believe it. But not all remember the isrealites/JEWS never knew Christ and they also will stand before HIM in judgement!!!! Because they worshiped God. I think those some call "unbeliever" today will be in life eternal. LOOK at the bible and how many chances does a person get to go to the throne? many many. even after death. no not all ,those who deny HIM face to face will burn. today I see the body as a people without a face.... I do not know why or how my physical body works and medical science is a mere guess or shot in the dark at alot of it still. Our spiritual life is even more rich and deeper and mysterious. so I love people and trust God almighty and seek to know who my own personal friend in Jesus christ is. I realize people can suck, we are mean and selfish and stupid and mostly unloving alot, then Christ speaks to us and we recognize HIM as desperate mindless idiots and ask HIM to save us , for me nearly every minute of everyday, I get in so much trouble in life. so He does and keeps on doing fixing us and then some comfort, and then what ever we need. I have witnessed in my life a person bring me so much comfort and reminder of what God is and how much He loves me. Then the next week they lie or stab me in the back or really screw up in life somehow... and I pray deeply for us all. Knowing the lion is involved trying to tear us apart. Satan does not want us to love, He wants us to screw up and get angry to hurt one another.. and he is powerful and effective.. BUT I believe Jesus christ has a grip on the situation if we really listen to HIM and still love one another. it is a quick order I will say that to help one another, I must not fail HIM, I often fail another person, but He has a grip on all. I have to be honest. to christ and to one another and I believe that opens the doors to allow one to be real and honest as well. and that is genuine and real and truthful and that is where Christ lives. That is all He wants is for us to love one another and to be honest to know HE ALONE is LORD. how many times did I think I was right in life only to pay a heavy price finding out it was hurtful and wrong? How many times? I also wish for death before it happens again. but I know when it does honestly God forbid but when it does, people that care about HIM,(not neccesarily me I have managed to .... every single person I know at the same time)(or refuse to listen to anything they do have to say) will be on the phone in my face speaking to me a remedy to scrap back up and face our life together one more time. They are not listening to my sorry butt at the time they are called they are hearing Jesus when IM hiding or running away or worse. They are listening to their spirit which is saying go to MJ and love her as much as I will always love you. and We obey and we carry on and we fight the good fight and we wish so much for the day when no more tears will be cried. that is the body of Christ to me. I will give you an example, one day my basement flooded.. so I took out the shop vac and plugged it into an extension and started vacuming.. then the plug adapter fell into the water and I got a shock it frightened me so... I ran up the stairs vacum still running flood still flooding... I prayed , I didnt have the money the fire dept. would charge I prayed and the door knocked. It was our utility company for a metor read!!! you have to be kidding I said you do not understand she said no problem went straight way down the steps and unplugged the vacum and fixed it so I could finish mopping. another is a very young teen at work making friends with me(for no reason at all) and never leaving my side speaking gentle words and making me laugh all day long, when I had a pretty good thought process of I was going to quit and most probably curse and whatever ever my rage wanted to do to a co-worker who lied and gossiped about me. she saved my sorry foot, who was she? never had even met her before she just stuck to me like glue and at one point when the other woman from hell wanted to get in my face this little girl physicly stood between her and me and made her go away . um why ? that to me is the body of christ. and that is why it is so easy for me to love every person . we are together we love we are chosen Jesus Christ is so the LORD of us all and knows each of us so well. Just listen and love. do ya best ya can we are in it together, He is a great LORD. We are a fine people. or to use your terms.. He is a great Head and we will get there together to meet HIM, we just are stuck together anyways might as well.
that sounds like a bit of the old fate idea . your fate in life well Gods plan for you may or may not mean material abundance. lol as long as it means material abundance for certain people. how far is that from the churches who claim a medical condition is the will of God? or God inflicted me with poverty as a witness for the LORD? What happened to free will? now it is about a framework. oh lord all I got was the sand and the others framework is rock or something? deal with it? I thought our framework was the rock of Jesus as the conerstone. what they are doing is seperating the person again into parts.. well ya have your life and it might really suck that is the framework ya got to bad for you... but the bible Character Soloman had money and abundance so Im ok , maybe if ya take a class or get to where I am in the tree it will be better for ya. but maybe not , so keep doing what we tell ya is right and understand it is just a difference in the will of God for me and you. bless ya! come on God is not a respector of people like that. that sounds just cruel and mean and like God has some He will bless alot and some um not so much...I do not believe it.
ya know how they say "my life changed in a instant forever?" yeah ex. and it is still with me it is part of who I am . get over what? exactly the fact the world changed forever and some days alot more than others the reminders still sting of what happened. the past is the past but let me say the way I think and do and know life was changed and that went with me .
WHAT THAT DESCRIBES TO ME IS FRIENDS WHO LIKE COMMON THINGS AND DO NOT CARE FOR CHANGE OR TO RIDE OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE. i REALLY CAN NOT DESCRIBE THE DIFFERENCE OF THE VERSE OF NOT NEEDING THE APPROVAL OF MEN. I stand with Christ for fellowship I seek the approval of God. YOu would be surprized at the number of good loving folks on this trip with me! perfect strangers even, with the peaceful smile standing with me and I got a witness in the inner being of just being a Holy people for God , it is spiritual . and it is real and it is the best love God ever made. GOD IS SO MUCH LARGER BIGGER SWEETER. YEAH i HAD A GROUP LIKE THAT AND WHEN i WANTED TO PRAY FOR SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT IN AGREEMENT OR DO SOMETHING THE GROUP WAS CONVINCED WAS WRONG i FELT PRESSURE TO BE LOVED BY THEM , I FELT i SHOULD DO THE RIGHT THING EVEN THO IT WAS WRONG FOR ME. oops sorry for caps . I didnt have any other people to go to like the ones God has sent to let me know the truth I needed to hear. or to speak. and it often works out with these tight knit "friends"just beautiful cause ya got the comfort of the group to say it is right and good and they agree, powerful even. BUT my life demanded I walk away sometimes to check out who I am, who Christ is in my life , and why why I am who I am and why Im living in general. I live in freedom if I moved to Africa my friends would be there with me friends I have never met before friends I can trust friends God has provided and who need me and I need them. On the trip to heaven with me with the LORDQ that is why IM a christian I just cant get away from how fabulous Gods family is!!!! but this my old friends every wednesday agreeing with me and loving me just the way I am after all these years.. isnt it. hell NO Knowing Jesus has been alot of CHANGE and moving and shaking in this wild life of trusting God! where ever and who ever IM with. love will be there cause Jesus is there. with me. Jesus christ has been my oldest and longest and by far the best friend I have ever had, the worst times I have ever had in my life is waking up to realize I let HIM down I did Him wrong I lied to cover for someone I thought loved me more or could give me something and He couldnt.. I barely get over those days for the shame of knowing HIM and realizing I am still in NEED of His lordship in my life. this entire world every single thing children cats house car and nice neighborhood job and someone liking me or loving me takes a far second place to what He may need or want me to do in life. why because His father GAVE me life! and knows what I need to do to really live it. and I know beyond a doubt He loves me best of all and He can get the job done. in fact He already has and I owe him my own. or I just go to billy bob house on wednesday and find out from my friends they still love me and I am ok and they are ok and God loves us all. and call it a life servicing the Lord and feel good about myself. yeah plenty to do it that way, for me every since I got pushed off the cliff I kind of like life on the edge of not knowing of not being comfortable of seeking what today will bring as anadventure, as a prize from the LORD> if those I know and love are with me it is a nice reward but just know the Lord is with me is always enough for me to be happy.
ok I will go slower for ya. what do you mean when you say "stand together" specificly?
what do you want me to say specifically dizzydog? I was referring to your posts, and what you said. I do not do the quotes thing, I figure you may have enough brain to figure it out. and yes it is an exploration of my thoughts as well.
what is shocking is I belong to many groups of people many different types etc... I work in customer service. My experience in the offshoot I attended shown me more about what abuse is than twi ever did. I never saw it in twi I was so darn blind it was even possible. even after hearing stories and john LYnn rant about twi and all of it and seeing people fall down in life first hand I denied it all and went with the programof believing all is good. or will be if we just keep believing in our leaders and love one another. then the off shoot and I could no longer deny it, my children had grown old enough to ask questions on why people would be this way or why is this or that. it struck a chord in me deep and I HONESTLY started looking at what I was looking at. and people can cry redemption all they want (we all do) and pity the poor fool who learned but is so much better now. Im not it hell yeah ! I do not know your church but I hear your attitude of not welcoming anyone who would disagree or question loud and clear, and blaming it on what exactly? my person. But yet scream for the forgivness and redemption for anyone I may ask or doubt, that you feel is fit enough. here is the bottom line sexual preditors reign in groups such as called christian because of the idea.. such as you spew. for a reason. they can . because they are nice christian folks who asks for forgivness and "needs" christ and guess what they walk in just as forgivin in their mind as everyone elses pompus I belong and really care about YOU and the past is the past and lets not ruin another MINISTRY for God. no one is capable of ruining Gods ministry . He aint that small .only small minded close knit people claiming some superiour being hood in the name of Christ and needing to clean the flock and keep those who agree and "will stand" with them need apply. what does that mean exactly "stand with" to me I hear cover each other foot when the going gets rough and to any outsiders question your authority.
IM thankful and I even told God I will forever know He is real and loves me if He got me out of the mess twi had made of my life. they marked me when I needed friends and help the most to shut me up about a criminal in their leadership. it probably saved my life. and IM am thankful to God. the other thing is Jesus says HE is the teacher and we need no man to tell us what the Holy spirit will lead us into which is truth. I tired of giving men glory for what God does.
I think Jesus could have chose not to be crucified. He could have not believed what God was telling Him many many times in his life . He could have answered Satan wish on the mountain when he was thirsty and hungry. but He did not and that is why we do not have to worry about alot. I do think it is our fault when someone smokes for years with the knowledge it can cause lung cancer. I do not think anyone should stand on the train tracks and ask God to make them move off in time often it is a choice.. one we do not understand till much further down the road for good or bad. I do think when we play with fire we can get burned. What is God to do? make us puppets for Jesus without a choice? I think the enemy will do what ever he can to kill steal and destroy anything we love... I know God is bigger and able to form a plan that will someday make it all so much better , till then we just do the best we can.
impunged? maybe it is because some feel that is what they paid a heavy price in life with. It all started with a bible class and some one claiming to care enough to give you the pfal class.. then.. hence grease spot. I do not think it is as simple as you claim it to be. Look at truth and spirit and what they offfer it is so close to twi now they barely need to change the name. is it ok? yeah quite a few that post on GS thought it was ok for many years, until... and that is why they get "IMpunged". I am guessing that means being critical. the price some paid needs to be told. why? I honestly think it is so no one els has to pay it by joining whatappears to be a loving harmless enough group that teaches bible.. I think I want to ask why not? why would it bother anyone if they are happy campers to hear what another may have had to go through in the same type of group as a negative ? unless it is to recue someone from hearing the truth, that differs from what they have been taught or believe. and that is what a co-dependent does best . Rescue OR/and be critical of anyone who cant chose to go along with the program that works for them and their group.