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The bible uses it plenty . I hate alot of things I think it is a word that has emtional ties like the word love very complex but not useless.
Mike it is a good thing your a single lonely man with plenty of time for the internet posting a couple of kids might throw your butt off the throne of abudance. till then brag all you want . I think you need a wife and a family but God truly blesed your life with that absence? Im sorry if that feels personal but your the one bragging. Im not one to put someones failing in their face but stop the illusion you said your wife left you hmmm where was the heavy revelation to fix that MESS? hmmm? didnt happen because it was an attack from the adversary oh I know I know we all know the routine of how powerful God is in your life till your attacked and lose. What is a kings life without an heir to the throne or a plenty of love love from the Queen?
if you were a messenger Mike let me say you would be surely dead by now . sorry but I do not think so .
The exactness "factor" : a method of cult control
mj412 replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
It is so very true that thinking and being responsible for your own self is the very key for peace and a happy life. While in twi people wanted their leaders to take responsibility for their behaviours and choices and blamed them when it went bad . how easy is that? then some were forced to wake up and assume the responisibility that is personal and individual called truth and real grown up life and now they are victims , forever of that same group they allowed to make the choices for them and proved so weak. Change happens constantly in fact I think God "likes" change and movement and flowing in His mighty concepts It keeps me aware of who is on the Throne who is the ONE and the Mighty Creator of all. To rebel against change to think it is a personal attack to think it must be wrong becuase you think something eles has always been right defines rebellion in and of itself! God says seek HIm first, I think He means it , to be close to God I have spent my entire life in change to avoid attacks and problems , It has been a loss at times YOU bet it has it is written ALL is lost to count worthy the calling of Jesus Christ those losses are real life happenings that must be dealt with and they often bring sever changes in the life I can no longer consider my own when I accpted Jesus as Lord. A lord is just that a Lord alive and well telling guiding helping and loving, IF I chose Jesus as Lord and take responsibility for my own life and choices life is a true blessing to me and to God. If I say I want a man or an organization to make my choices how can I complain when it goes bad or become full of bitterness towards it ? Change means accepting responsiblity of choice to succeed on a positive path of growth. -
A movie is a story in pictures. the fact it has deep and powerful meaning for you Kit may be because you have had plenty of time to relate to what the pictures being shown Mean to you and how you think . a child does not, even the bible presented as "the truth " is only story about something unless the Lord convicts the heart to think about that story means in a real place of thinking and living and the child is mature enough to understand on a personal level. what "the story" means to a person is one idea, what this picture depicts is blood guts and gore and sufffering on a very primal level. If the pictures shown stirs your inner soul in some way it is because you have considered this as much much more than as presented as a movie. That is ok I just honestly doubt most children (and sadly many adult theater goers) have that level of understanding about this type of film , the fact a three second rather confusing flash of a man out side a dark hole does NOT tell the story of just what Jesus Christ accomplished for us, in fact it can be easily dismissed and forgotten as a insigificant piece in this film. I heard someone say they think the hub bub of this film will die as soon as those who have anticipated its release see it and within two weeks will fall rapidly off the charts. I think this will have two types of fans one group the followers(probably christians) who think it has deep spiritual meaning for them and the other a blood guts and gore group screaming for more more violence in films. I do think it may win awards for shots and tech, some of these shots are just outstanding and direction but as far as changing the world religous films as a whole have never had much impact and are often very short lived .
The monkey scene in the wizard of OZ OMG I still have nightmares they tore scarecrow into little pieces some over there and over there OMG I FREAKED I did I was dam traumatized at that!!!!! and then they flew in the sky by the thousands with the red sky and the music of death march with toto in the ugliest monkeys ARMS OMG IM still afraid and that was violent it is still violent . I thought they were killer monkeys. I do not care if they where under the witches spell and really gentle peacful FREAKS that could talk they were just violent and scary and nasty . they tore scarecrow from limb to limb and he had no brain do you hyave any idea how scary that was for me as a KID? ooh sorry no I do not think kids should see this movie.
The exactness "factor" : a method of cult control
mj412 replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
Yes the battle is more enjoyable when the ENEMY is unarmed. I think Christ came to help Gods children, as ambassadors would it not make sense our position also be one of rescue and love as well? of sacrafice . of course it is written but when Jeuses finished the job of salavation for mankind the only thing left is to accept it and enjoy what we have. the works puff up the ego, and make bullies our of men and woman who have the orders of serving one another, rmember the word on a silver platter?? all people really need is a small piece of bread and some wine and to remember it is what christ accomplished! -
The exactness "factor" : a method of cult control
mj412 replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
Yes your right , this is kind of evil but that is exactly how I mess with their head . Twi was so great for a minute , till ya learn how small it truly is in research and knowledge of God. flash 22 years after leaving the "word studies" Im talking to the people who have been doing this five times longer than I ever did and they were serious then and more serious now and If I throw one just one tiny little verse not used by twi in this lesson they go nuts and start asking about my inability to organize my house correctly or something els profoundly personal or they ask hwere I learned that looking for a church or author to attack personly. they can not I mean to tell ya CAN NOT expand away from the teaching in any way and learn or even listen . I play with their head this way sometimes, do not call me cruel Im not the one in a cult with a self righteous know it all attitude. YET it is fun on a saturday night I tell . Talk about the book of revelation and they will tell ya God doesnt want us to understand it and they are the research experts hahahahahaha. it is true. Ask a question you know pfal never covered, I do this all the time hahahaha they feel stale and get angry . christians I know outside of the way talk and discuss without the need for complete utter agreement or understanding of what the bible may say about something , the fellowship is for comfort not so much academic stimulation and one up manship. It is about loving and caring about one another listening and hearing sharing life knowing Jesus as LOrd. God blesses our learning of His way which is so high the bible actuly states we cannot understand the blessing is not about a debate or exactness it is about learning to Love as He loved us and gave His life for us. I truly believe the reason they will not vist a church with ya or consider hearing another organization christian teaching is because they know they are stupid and can not really participate in genuine fellowship or learning without the cult screaming in their head to not listen to any information unless fed to them by twi. it is fear . If they have the truth then why cant they go into any group and feel confident in their exact learning and share it???? -
I question plenty Garth . you know what it may be like to believe in something we all do it. the fantsy is in the pretending "what if's" you stated are real. If you think the bible is fantasy ok. It is a real book not a pretend scene of what if. I chose to have that book guide my standards in life . so did many of our fore fathers and many of the Majority today. It isnt personal Garth at least not by me as much as many hopes it would be, to creat drama and pity it is a culture and standard America choses to live by. quite simple really. I also do not think teenager should own very mean pit bulls and get them high before they go to the park... etc. Is homosexuality illegal? where did that come from no one has been arrested for being homosexual BUT actualy sodomy is still illegal in some states ! not NY but some states do have a LAW against it! surprised ? do not be I think the bleeding heart victim for what someone does sexualy is getting quite stale . Why should they get married? becuase they are victims of discrimination? so is just about any group that doesnt get what it wants in America . It is still all about what the people want the people are the majority.
GT. Can you define your use of the word "parents", you have written many post on how you hate your family and it was or is so rough and emotional for you . so I come from a different place maybe. clearly honoring your parents is a good thing you enjoy your daughters accomplishments and love right? Acutaly "whole some people are the one able to have intimacy with family memebers and maintain a self . Parents are able to help their children in life and vice versa life doesnt end when you turn 18 and family members know you the longest for sure. I thank God for my friends and YES sometimes their biggest JOb is to TELL ME when Im not ok or right thinking or a little lost , what would I do without that in life? float about alone with a know it all do not need anyone attitude??? no way I love my peeps my relationships are what makes life so great!!!!
The bible say murder is wrong. It is against the Law. the bible addresses both issues so Garth I will tell you I do not live in a fantasy world of "what if's" I still enjoy reality and truth as a base line of Living Life. You sound rather self righteous Garth. with you hands on your hips or something. I live in a world that has alot to do with lots of stuff that God says is wrong . It still does not make it right . Yes I believe the bible is a standard to live by, but not as a pick and chose what works for my own greed or lust . As an example of goodness and righteousness and power to change the evil that surrounds us. it works well thanks.
My buddy says he can not read and watch the movie at the same time , he is afraid he will miss half the movie. He speaks four languages ! I think alot of folks feel this way because some movies move fast and you may miss some of the action. not this one. the words do not really add to much to the movie . it is typical Mel gibson blood and guts and gore tho and if you have a easy nerve for beating and repeated beatings it may not work well for you for great entertainment. I did not get so inspried and yes I did way brain it some my very catholic friend was inspired. I just looked at her with ???? and didnt get why at all. maybe cause I know the ending. the movie is made for the film making it is the film direction and the shots that will grap your interest. (if your a movie buff0 the most talking was when he was asking the crowd who should die really maybe four or five sentences at the most at a time. If you miss it you will still understand what is going on and how clearly. do not be intimidated by subtitles. not in this movie like Raf said they add very little to the movie and can be shown without them without losing to much clarity .
Genesis 2:18-24 18 The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." 19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. 23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." 24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. MARRIAGE . . . IS WHAT? In the movie The Princess Bride, our family always laughs when it gets to the part where the man of the cloth says, in his pompous, haughty way, "Marriage . . . is what brings us together today." Who would have ever thought that in our society we'd be saying, "Marriage is what tears us apart today"? A firestorm of controversy has erupted over the simple concept of marriage. Widely divergent views on the nature of marriage are dividing people into two very different camps. Perhaps it would be good for those of us who have committed ourselves to living by the standards and principles of the Bible to review what this God-breathed book says about marriage. I'll quote some passages, and you draw some conclusions: * "[Adam] said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh" (Genesis 2:23-24). * "Since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband" (1 Corinthians 7:2-3). * "Haven't you read," [Jesus] replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female'?" (Matthew 19:4). Then He quoted Genesis 2:24. * "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral" (Hebrews 13:4). Do you think God might be saying something about the sanctity of the male-female relationship with these references to marriage? Or has society discovered a better way to conduct marriage? Shouldn't we team up with the One who created marriage? Marriage, God's way, brings a man and a woman together. --Dave Branon
ya know I always got the impression that the folks said somone had devil spirits or was pozessed so they could be "better than" and the true God loved them more because they were "clean" Wait a minute, hold on, Jesus Christ came to save sinners, Jesus said we are to serve and love one another. God loves His people . Jesus will never forsake you. The bible screams a different cure does it not? I mean does it make any sense to you to be "more than a conquer" and then get away from any person with a problem or illness or thought that you do not agree with? I think some in the way where afraid of Life I really do, afriad of deliverence ,afraid of meeting ad knowing Jesus christ face to face they may have spoke to devil spirits and never took action to Love the people God claims as His own children. what is the good in being a follower of christ then? to love only those who love you? I think it was anit-christ working to make a feel good ministry that served self above all .
If you could ask TWI anything, and they had to answer...
mj412 replied to IMF777's topic in About The Way
I would ask them to write a policy about their beliefs concerning adultery and fornication and sex in concerning the bible and thweir research conclusions. I would ask them why they do not teach what they believe or do not believe the bible states as truth on this topic. I would ask them what is their definition of who Jesus Christ is today and what role He protrays ( or does not ) in the way ministry. -
----------------------------------------------------- FAMILY NEWS IN FOCUS STORIES: ----------------------------------------------------- Gay 'Marriage' Not a Civil Right by Steve Jordahl, correspondent SUMMARY: Family advocates, prominent black activists agree that homosexuals are wrong to equate their experience with that of African-Americans. Homosexual activists are hitching their wagon to the civil rights train and invoking names like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks to justify their claim to marriage. But is gay "marriage" really a civil right? Supporters of traditional marriage say no, pointing out that when the U.S. Supreme Court voided the ban on interracial marriage in 1972, it specifically upheld the ban on same-sex marriage. They also note that having parents from two races is inherently different than having two "parents" of the same sex. Jennifer Pizer of the pro-gay Lambda Legal Foundation has a different view. "The struggle for equal treatment under the law has powerful similarities," she said, "because the minority group needs to explain to the majority group that the Constitution is about equal treatment." But Dr. Walter Fauntroy takes issue with the gay activist claim. Fauntroy, who coordinated the historic civil rights March on Washington in 1963, said he will never accept the civil rights comparison, especially in a culture where the family structure is already decimated. "What happens in my heart is that I know the difference," he said. "Don't confuse my people, who have been the victims of deliberate family destruction, by giving them another definition of marriage." He adamantly supports equal rights for all people in the areas of income, education, health care, housing and criminal justice, but he said there are two essential components gay "marriages" would never be able to provide. First, gay couples can't -- by themselves -- procreate. "Nor can (homosexual couples) effectively prepare the next generation for civil society," Fauntroy said. "Every boy needs a loving relationship with a man and a woman." Seventy percent of African-American children, he added, are being raised by single parent families.
she might win as the mother of jesus the close ups of her emotions are moving . she gets bloody and I remembered when my son was hit by a car and I was covered in blood and didnt notice till he woke up in the hospital and thought I got hurt worse than he did. Who is she she was very good. also judas and satan were excellent! yep hollywood.
I went to see it today. It is very gory like a horror movie gory . We covered our eyes alot. it might get some cinema awards for some of the shots that are outstanding , my friend thought it was more realistic than other bible movies. I wont see it again it is to bloody my friend said it made her think how jesus must have suffered but not so much me on that as I have thought about it for years from what the bible describes and have done teaching on how He was unrecognizable in the flesh . It is ok but i can see how some jewish folks may be concerned in the rise of problems this may cause, esp when it goes on tv.
Mark the president has written an ammendment to our constitution to make same sex marriage illegal regardless of what the states decide . It will not be recognized if He sucessfully does what America wants and I believe it will go through congress 78% are against same sex marriage!
**CITIZENLINK ACTION ALERT** Your Help Needed to Defend the Federal Marriage Amendment President Bush's endorsement yesterday of a marriage-protection amendment to the U.S. Constitution was greeted with applause by family advocates -- but it has met with derision, and worse, from political and media liberals. Today's New York Times editorialized that the Federal Marriage Amendment would "inject meanspiritedness and exclusion" into our country's founding document. To counter that ludicrous charge, a coalition of pro-family groups, including Focus on the Family, issued an open letter to the Times today. "Gay marriage has never been a constitutional right in America or any other civilized nation," the letter stated. "No one wants to 'take away' some supposed right. It is the rogue judges who are trying to create a new right." The importance of this message getting to the people cannot be overstated. The Times, and other liberal media, will repeat this "discrimination" charge over and over again in the next several days, hoping to turn the tide of the debate their way. Only you can help prevent that from happening. We encourage you, this afternoon and tomorrow morning, to help spread the truth of why marriage needs to be protected in your local community. One relatively easy way to do that is to call a talk-radio station in your local market and make the case for traditional marriage. We can help you with what you want to say -- just download a copy of the letter we've been discussing and use that as a jumping off point for making your case. http://www.family.org/cforum/extras/a0030937.cfm Then, either open your local phone book and look for news/talk stations or flip through the AM dial until you find one. Locate or listen for the dial-in comment line -- and then dial in and comment. The battle to protect marriage as it's always been understood is going to be fierce -- and your voice, and your efforts to influence your neighbors, are going to be key to our prevailing. CE04BCZL =================== Gary Schneeberger Editor Pete Winn Associate Editor Trish Amason Editorial Coordinator Peter Brandt Director, Issues Response Tom Minnery Vice President, Public Policy Don Hodel President and CEO, Focus on the Family Dr. James C. Dobson Founder and Chairman, Focus on the Family ---------------------------------
Gibson's film 'Passion' inflames tempers Director wants Jewish-Christian dialogue, says spokesman (CNN) -- In reaction to the controversy over his film about Jesus Christ, called "The Passion," Mel Gibson is planning to convene a series of meetings with religious leaders to "invite their dialogue, their feedback," said a Gibson spokesman. "We are very concerned about this [critical] feedback, and we are processing that feedback, and we have always planned on inviting this kind of dialogue," said Paul Lauer, director of marketing for Gibson's Icon Productions, on CNN's "NewsNight with Aaron Brown." Icon plans on convening meetings with "eight to 10 significant Jewish leaders over the next 30 days," he said. Although it's months away from release, "The Passion" is already kicking up a storm over its portrayal of the last hours of Jesus. Some Jewish and Roman Catholic groups are concerned the film will fuel anti-Semitism. Others, including fundamentalist Christians and media names such as columnist Cal Thomas and Jewish Web personality Matt Drudge, have said the film is "beautiful" and "magical." Biblical scholars have called Gibson's reading of the New Testament into question, and rumors have floated that the script's sources allegedly include an 18th-century Roman Catholic mystic. Gibson's company, Icon Productions, has denied the rumors and claimed that a Catholic-Jewish group that criticized the film saw an early, purloined copy of the script. All this for a film that is performed completely in Latin and Aramaic, features no A-list actors, and is still struggling to gain distribution. Gibson, an Oscar-winning director ("Braveheart"), has said that the film is intended "to inspire, not offend." He wants "to create a lasting work of art and engender serious thought among audiences of diverse faith backgrounds (or none) who have varying familiarity with this story," he said in a June statement. Gibson, a devout follower of a Roman Catholic splinter group that believes in a Latin Mass and rejects changes made in the Church by Vatican II, has poured up to $30 million of his own money to produce the film, according to The Associated Press. The reaction has bothered him, said Lauer. "It's hurt him a great deal. He has many close Jewish friends. He's worked with Jewish people in his career, in -- certainly in the movie industry for 25 years. He's never been accused of any degree of anti-Semitism or hatred or bigotry," he told CNN. Gibson is expected to release a statement about the film and controversy in the next week, Lauer said. 'We were troubled' [Foxman] ADL head Abraham Foxman has expressed concern about the film inciting anti-Semitism. Most viewers of the film have defended it. "You actually hear what Jesus said in his original language. You hear what Peter said and what Mary said. And that's gripping. And then there were English subtitles in the version that we saw. And so it was amazing," said Rev. Ted Haggard, executive director of the National Association of Evangelicals. Nevertheless, the Anti-Defamation League has "grave concerns," according to Rabbi Eugene Korn, the director of the organization's Office of Interfaith Affairs. Korn is the only ADL official who has seen the film. ADL Executive Director Abraham Foxman expanded on Korn's statement. "We were troubled ... that it portrayed the Jews, the Jewish community, in a manner that we have experienced historically. Seeing passion plays used to incite not only a passion of love in terms of Christianity, but at the same time, to instill and incite a hatred of the Jews because of deicide," he told CNN. Some Roman Catholic officials are also troubled. "There's so much violence that was part of the script, I mean, the suffering of Jesus is -- I have to say, in my reading of the script, to me, there was a fixation on the suffering, the torture, the brutality done to Jesus," said Sister Mary C. Boys of the Union Theological Seminary. The group of Catholic and Jewish scholars released an 18-page report on the film earlier this summer. Both The New Republic and Beliefnet.com have published articles from members of the group expressing their views in more detail. "Fidelity, accuracy, and sensitivity were all lacking in the script I saw for Mr. Gibson's production," wrote Beliefnet's Amy-Jill Levine, a professor of New Testament Studies at Vanderbilt University. Contrary to Icon's statement, the group has maintained that the script was obtained in an above-board manner. Is there a market? [Haggard] "It was amazing," said Rev. Ted Haggard, executive director of the National Association of Evangelicals. Gibson's representatives say the film is not finished yet, and critics shouldn't be so quick to judge. Lauer added that he hopes the film improves dialogue between Jews and Christians. "What can we build around the film to further Jewish-Christian dialogue?" he asked. "And so we're reaching out to [critical groups] now and saying, 'Look, work with us. Build something positive around this controversy.' " Lauer did not address the Catholic scholars' concerns, but added: "We condemn ... the Passion plays which led to anti-Semitism, hatred, intolerance. We in no way want to turn back the clock to a pre-Vatican II church that supposedly condemn the Jews." Even after the dust settles, a big question in Hollywood is: Who will see "The Passion"? Post-production continues, and the budget can be expected to increase by millions of dollars to cover print, distribution and advertising costs. Moreover, although Gibson agreed to have the dialogue subtitled, there's no guarantee there's a market for such a strongly religious film. Since the last successful wave of biblical epics in the 1950s, a number of films with biblical or spiritual themes have flopped at the box office, most recently Martin Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of Christ" (1988), Scorsese's "Kundun" (1997) and Michael Tolkin's strange "The Rapture" (1991). Taken together -- the controversy, the religious theme, the subtitles -- the outlook isn't very good, said one observer. "This film has all the makings of a [box-office] bomb," entertainment publicist Michael Levine told The Washington Times.
Marriage is between a man and a woman in every other culture Ex. Poligomy is granted in other Govts key words other Govt.
Ex Canada has a different govt.
The ammendment President Bush states that it does not matter what the states decide the federal govt. will make them all across the board illegal. the folks maried now do not have legit marriages in the states that issued them licenses. the concern is that if someone will get married in Mass. or California they can come into NY or any other state and say they want it to be considered legal there. And in fact we have had two` same sex couple go into Mass this week and get married and they will come back and try to force the state to recognize the marriage here. This is why it needs to be an ammendment on a federal level. Every single culture in the entire world defines marriage as between a man and a woman. every single culture. Also if allowed to marry this will allow marrriages with several spouses to become legal once again there is a bill in the house once again for marriages to mutiple partners. Can a marriage be a group fo five? come on people think think for once just where this could go.