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Everything posted by mj412
ok you have to move the chair to put down the top of the stairs.. Im a real quickie right???
the head keeps floating back and forth along the lines on the tiles under neath the stars but the door is not opening and the top of the stairs will not go up . it just keeps going across the lines . any ideas ?
Dmiller ok Im still stuck trying to figure out how to put the tiles in order under the stairs ! Can you help what order do they go in? I know you said original pattern of heading rolling from rat trap to rat trap but just how do I place them in order under the stairs 1 2 3 slots I can get them in put the head in the box says it still needs more work...
you need to take a pin from the flag and open the box to get the disk put disk in the puter and hit the keyboard or reboot the puter to get the code for the door. Im in the room with the stairs and the locked door in the other room with the rotating tiles and head floating on the line what do I do with the tiles I got off the wall? and how do I unlock the door by the stairs?
I like mayo and I like pb but I do not think I would like them mixed together. But I crave a yummy FLUFFANUTTER! PB and marshmellow whip it is a feel good food1
I DID IT!!!!!! thank you steve !!! that was fun!!! but I really do not think I could have done it without your help ! all the clues and comments helped alot !
thank YOU !!!!! is this really fun??? Im not sure yet grr.
the evil doer message or warning is ok. But in the real world most are aware of danger . the fact is I also was hurt by twi. I do not tell my story because it is about moving beyond the pain . Of course I believe CATcup is so right that this is needed very needed to allow people to see they are not the only ones who have used by twi, that is how you feel like it has to be only you and your bad and evil and deserve it. I say people deserve to feel good now to make the changes to have a life they want . This takes the ability to see beyond the rage or the shame and know your ok. regardless of what others may think say or do to you. If people still have the power over you to manipulate your feelings your honest feelings about yourself , if your very being and happiness is about approval from others let me say the next cult or abuser is just standing in line to hurt you. it is serious stuff Dot. it will repeat over and over in life and the victim howl will never end ... Im one who believes the changes to make a positive life after a cult comes from WITHIN these mid frames and thought processes. It is the difference of having a life full of victory and peace and joy and being a victim scraping and howling for help from people they do not trust and who do not care about them . I see recovery at GS, I see posters who are well and healthy and happy and dare I say continuing a relationship with The father of our creation . I think many achieved this life worth living by realizing the changes in life come from being at peace with what you believe on your own terms. I am not pushing anyone Dot , if cool waters does not want to address her issues with professional help that is her choice . I just know recovery is possible and to live in misery and hate is not good for anyone so I suggested she seeks support . Of course it is always a choice.
Cool waters I think your better than what you think of yourself . I read a great deal of pain and hurt and angry feelings in your posts, living with that is not fun I have been there , you can find a way to feel good about yourself cool waters YOU CAN! I can not control how others recieve me , I can only control my own life and feelings and be open to love and trust . That is a tough lesson for many folks who think they are not able to control their life and leaving a cult sometimes people will struggle for a while finding what brings you joy. YOu will find the joy and peace only when you think you deserve it . I can not change that . I accept that .
Cool waters The difference between the way I think and the way you write things out is this. Pity truly does not work for my life. I am concened with an action plan . Life is just to short for me to spin wheels and wonder what if and poor people. the world is a torn up unhappy place if you see it as such.. the world is anything we chose it to be for ourself . I can not support rage or hate . I know every person on this earth and esp those who have been through twi have tremedous ability to overcome troubles and strive and find peace in life. this message board is truly a honor to those wonderful souls in cyber space. If you need support and consel for you and your daughter I am not the one but help available for you to seek happiness and peace I do hope you seek and find the help you need... life is a precious thing cool waters and no one deserves to be tormented even one more day , I happen to believe God is able to help you, if you can not many groups and people are on the net to help you and you daughter. Everyone meets misfortune cool waters your not alone in the journey to feel good and happy in life with the trials it brings. I hope you do find what your looking for .
Yes those grills I love mine! I have a small one Im not sure it is a george one but I love it! I was talking to this lady once she was buying like 30 cans of that spray butter oil stuff . It comes in a can like hair spray and you spray it on cookie sheets and pans instead of wiping grease in them.. I do not know the name brand.. I use the local brand name. Im sure you can buy it everywhere now. anyways my point is she was buying them for the grills she had bought for people for christmas presents , she said to spray it on the grill when it warms up and the grilled cheese will slide right off! clean up is a breeze! yep it works well !
I dunno cool water ask Mr. Pawtucket maybe he will give you permission to do what you want to do and you can feel better . I hope so . I really do . yes im an uppity person I do allow what others think of me to put me in a spiral of rage or hate. I chose to love instead, myself and others. it is only a difference of choice . nothing to wish people to hell for but if it will help you , here have a go and tell me all about your feelings and wishes for me. it is a message board . oh I see you edited you wish to tell me to go to hell . maybe next time .
No not me I will not live in fear. I am wise I am not a fool I am aware of as much as possible of reality in life. But hate and fear and threats do not take up much space in my life. I like life I love people I love God. I chose to be happy and to give happiness . do I think child molesters are in the world? yes with plenty of fools and muders and idiots and generaly unhappy people . Im not afraid of them . they can not ruin my Joy by living on this earth. I know lots of heros and I am so happy and proud to be amoung them it seems a true hero seeks approval from a source within to me and not so much outside measures.
When I went back in after being M@A I didnt care what people thought of me. I had spent yars alone getting my family and life together. I talked to the LC without fear I was different but I liked me, I didnt think they tried to control me at all. Then I watched God showed me the torture those who really cared went through how they jump and how high for these guys.. how they felt badly when they where yelled at how life was a miserable day by day thing with zero joy. I honestly do not think I was asked because they knew darn well I would never comply and I would clearly tell them no. they would walk in my house uninvited and I didnt care what they thought . they never said anything to my face about it. I think twi gets people where they can. If you believe they are special and more godly I can understand kind of how it would drive ya nuts with competition Im not the type tho I do not care that deeply about what others think of me . I know God loves me . I watched a family become homeless trying to obey their wishes . I do not get it tho . people pleasing was always a problem I witnessed but I thought it was kind of odd and funny and a worthless effort for not so bright people . I was never confronted because they knew I couod care less what they thought about my personal life. I think those who cried for the attention or sought approval got the worst of the control freaks in twi.
yes I have been told of a person they "worked" with for 6 months left because of the internet . You seem to think I think things have changed and some are putting it on me haha the blame game. I do speak to them and shaz that is right those entrenched now will stay in they have lost nearly everyone and have heard many stories. Do I think they love folks? No but I clearly remember when I did believe that and how it is a point they make to get involved and I believe the idea of concern and LOVE is much more than it ever was . more intense if you will . When I took pfal they ran the class at least once a month in this area , and new people were common in a fellowship. In twi 2 people the focus was to heal the household from the hurts. Now they look for marks they are well aware of who is who and how to invest a great deal of effort to keep the recruit from information and how to counter the information and they use the fact your not a quality person for God ALOT more. People took pfal to date girls or because their cousin did it back in my day . Twig was a fun time with many differnet types and personalities. Twi wants only the devoted ones now the ones who want to serve God seriously the approach is one of alot more guilt and shame on you if you do not comply from the very very beginning. Because of the pain the ones who have styaed in have endured they have little time or patience for anyone that is not completely interested and obedient. It isnt fun it is quite awful , so the attraction is on a deeper level than what people may think . WAY BACK in the 70's IS RIGHT! The ones in twi now are strong and will not be dealt with easy and entreated they are calculating they have been through much pain and destruction and hurt . Those that want to tangle with them have a much more serious problem than when I was approached by way corps 25 years ago. they make me cry and I know it is a cult . do you remember when you felt the love well mix in guilt and shame and alot of more pressure and that is what twi is today. I truly believe if a person is willing to put up with all they offer to find the truth from God then getting away from them is more difficult than it ever was. I also think twi is small and insignificant , I understand some feel hate and need to blame twi(or me or anyone who disagrees with them) for the situations they had to deal with I had a serious problem with them as well. But hate(in the name of a righteous cause; is still hate) and blame does not take the pain away in fact that is almost what twi does isnt it? I chose to love them and I really do, I do not allow them to manipulate me, or hurt me , or make my choices in life but I know how this happened and I know Jesus christ saves His people and Im in His group for love forever.
Happy Saint Patrick's day eve!!
mj412 replied to Radar OReilly's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
and a lot more potatoes -
the very first time I went to an area meeting in a park the BC and his wife drove me and I was shocked to listen to Billy Joel the whole ride. They had just bought it and we talked about his music and the commented on how much they enjoyed his concert. I was surprised . In twi 2 the people I fellowshipped with listened only to ministry music, and then the off shoot freaks only christian music even if it was jesus is God and nothing eles. strange.
I do not wish to be involved in the way but i have spoke to friends still in and that is exactly how they feel about anyone who is asked to leave or has left. they have problems in their life that make them lesser. As far as accusasions no I do not belief every story I hear on the internet. Gs has some valid and honest truth on its site and has spoken to many IF they question why they would want to get involved, and if the people they are with are not on them (loving them every single minute from the start) but those who are in and happy to serve God and his ministry (im speaking as they think) admit problems were in the past and that is why changes where made. I recently was told by a woman who just came off the way disciple field of commintment she is glad she was not in then . they do not deny much of this information they really can not get away with denial anymore but they do say it is in the past and those who have been asked to leave still have alot of problems in their life and sometimes Gs proves their point . I think the Gs peole are a group of people who feel strongly about their dislike of the way ministry and have a common mission and bond in that purpose. I think people in the way feel just as strongly about their ideals and beliefs and love one another just as much. who is right is up to each individual to chose , and I still believe it is a choice with sites like Gs it is easier to educate about the past problems in the way . both groups think they are right , for me I just love people and speak to those who read or hear me and I pray alot. I am not an us and them person I am a person who knows god loves each of us a great deal regardless of who we chose to link our likes and dislikes with. doctrine is a different story I do discuss doctrine with those still in and it goes about the same pace as it does on this site . Yes I have heard them trash site such as GS but in fairness Gs also trashes the way ministry. who is right and who is wrong is of little importance to me I just love people and think for my own self now. Those I speak with know I was marked I state it clearly and proudly and just why I was marked and avoided the local leaders have even said they are sorry for the crap I had to endure , some of my old friends when I was marked are still in they know what happened then . They want it to be a great place ya know I do not believe they are evil people sneaking around grapping people with a mind vacum or something.. it is a cult and I was in a cult for many years, I understand how they think . did you forget you where in as well and how you thought then? it has not changed . yes those who trash the way today are not spoken of in a positive light and dirty laudry is used against them um excuse me is that not also what Gs does to the way to prove their point as well? [This message was edited by mj412 on March 16, 2004 at 19:16.] [This message was edited by mj412 on March 16, 2004 at 19:23.]
I have spoken to some not all . that those kicked out for causing problems ( I am one and I go back) and those causing problems are gone. victory sells alot quicker than victim to those who have never left this is the walk that goes with the talk.. new people or people going back are told that the degree of questioning andinvolvement is needed to safe guard them from the enemy because of what happened in the past. You know as well asI do story be told the way always had folks who thought it was a cult. the only thing different now is the storys can be excused with the idea of bitterness and revenge for not being well enough and asked to leave and never come back. Gs does help people but not those who think they are doing well and feeling good about being in the way or an off shoot Gs proves the fact that some have considered the way an enemy and want to attack them which is very unloving and unkind. We are talking about folks who want to be good people and think they have found the answer to being the best for God . When somone says I was in for twenty years and this happened and I allowed this and then that happened and the story is gross and ugly it proves the fact they should have never been in such a wonderful ministry in the first place and the way just had to clean the house to make it as good as it is. do I have a problem with people telling their storys? no I think if it helps them it helps them but I wish people would not fall into the TRICK of thinking they are saving the world or mankind from evil by being a forever victim, when I know for a fact victory sells so much better and that is the manner a cult is formed. problems are not really tolerated in The way and if a person comes across as ridden with trauma and problems it speaks volumes on why they are now gone. the bible is used to state deliverence and happy relationships not ones full of strife and victims and that is the base line they will go to. not what people outside the loving group about somone they know or hearlittle or nothing about that was in ten years or twenty ago that has left or been thrown out.
I think telling the truth is needed in every situation in life. The problem comes in when you read about folkks unable or unwilling to speak up even for their own self or their children and then a story is told accusing another of some horrid act with no proof what so ever. it is not worthy really on the internet esp. I stay in contact I speak face to face because of the nature of humans to discount one another , and knowing how alot of hate and bitterness towards the way has been on the net I just do not think it is any more effective than people venting their problems. which is fine to do if you think it helps you. but that is not the way today you see they are better new and improved and the troubled folks from the past are gone. I talk to them of some of the issues and they have always agreed problems happened they do not deny problems or trouble with people they say that is why they must be the way they are out of concern for one another BECAUSE of the past problems to make sure it doesnt happen again. same as the off shoots they cant possibly be doing the same things that caused the problems with people because they are so much wiser know better and of course truly love you. This is not a new mind set it has always been used to keep silent those speaking what they believe is truth for them. Remember when it didnt matter what people think? because it was good for you? well that has not changed for anyone. in or out.
I think they are very aware the enemy can be anywhere now . In the eighties people didnt realize the impact of places like the internet and now the off shoots... It is far more diffficult for them to justify or huff puff some of the agruements against the way now with so many that have left and fewer who really are vested in the ministry without some problems. Oh yes they want folks to come but they are MUCH much more careful on who it should be and how it is handled a slower process for sure. The reason is they know the internet is alive and well and the off shoots and they have to be sure the individual "loves God" enough to handle the pressure these avenue may present to them.
I am still told what is wrong with me . hahaha I just do not care anymore . to me that is the only difference between being "IN" and I guess you would say "out"? I love them I hear them and I speak bible with them I pray for them and I truly care about all of us. for me there is no "them" no good guys , and no bad guys. ya know I think some here on GS wouldnt speak to people in twi because of bitterness or blaming others for your own life lessons. We all do not have the same life lessons ya know. I remember to forgive others , myself included, I think if a person can not forgive their own self for being in the cult and for maybe making bad choices the blame must shift to another to cope with life in general. but it wont help you find peace this blaming others for what you did wrong in life, it just keeps folks bitter and in fear of one another and honest relatioships . sure you can hate what happened to ya, but to hate an invisable source of a group of people who still teach what you once believed as truth wont change them or make your life happy. twi is not going to fix your pain yes you can account them for helping you to become confused and mislead, that is a large part of life untill each person is able to stand on his own and say I can I am able I am precious in the sight of God. and so are you! what a great life we have! and chose to be happy . some just never do.
I speak to those "happy" to be in twi. Those excited about what they are doing and willing to be a part of it without secrets and accusations. lol I am telling you if insurgent is "in" he isnt sounding to happy about it . talk about the fence post sitting idea. I know people do things they do not want to do and some may have stayed in twi long after they thought it was good, but they are the least effective and speak very little for twi today . The guys I know LOVE it and the reason they love it is because they say the household is clean . the fact is the people who claim all these problems they went through in twi are gone. same old same old. It is the best of the best remember? people with problems need not apply anymore.
I was marked very early in my time with twi. but I was as involved as possible believe me ! yes and that is why I am here at GS, to understand. my own trauma an drama I mean to tell ya taught me REAL reality with God me and my family and life, like you said growing up and yes it was by force. I was indeed thrown out in an ugly horrid scene of drama. But I went back and I will continue to go back. then to go back and watch people chose to stay in to answer to idiots to compromise their families and welfare I realized hate just doesnt work that people( me included and I never forgot that) believe this hook line and sinker and the draw is serving God almighty with the way ministry. It is about self righteousness and power for the individual as well as the ministry which hosts the mess(cult). Is it because some have alot of difficulty finding a self again in the midlle of the borg mind set. I GET that I get that. I do not blame the leaders geez they have it worse than anyone always have... I never stop loving them Because Jesus christ loved me enough to help me I know I know He can help them find HIM . some chose the life ya know they chose it . I do not think it is wrong for them till it disturbs them . That is when I end up in their face and I have seen the worst of the foolishness in people thinking another person will "take care of them". I do not judge them tho and I never will if it is working for them and they seem and feel they are doing the right thing for them I kowit never worked for me when I was involved. to realistic I guess.