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Everything posted by mj412

  1. Vickles when they offer you a position tell them you will need the time off for a previous appt. If your talking about your current employer well when I was looking while working and they called for reference I truly believe that is when they got nasty and things fell most worse !! maybe that is why they ask if they can or should call you current employer for good reason if they think your looking they might start looking/ I would not tell you current employer your looking... but many folks have previous commintments when taking a new job, and they should know not to shedule you for those weeks in as much advance notice as possible besides it doesnt give them a chance to say no if they are offering you a new job accept it and then tell them you wont be available for those weeks .
  2. long story but the server I use for this page does not allow me to chat I would have to go to a different browser , so no chat I got some numbers off the wall I had to turn off all the lights in every room to get enough light power I only could read six numbers I wrote them down they are not the same as yours /// then I had to find the switches and go to the base ment I am on the second laser and I have the screwdriver and cutters but it says I will be cut in small pieces and nothing happens and the computer is flashing colors on the board no where to put the numbers on that thing am I suppose to cut the wires on the windows well it wont let me I want to cut the wires on the windows in the room with the color thing . How do I use the wire cutter and screwdriver exactly hmm? I know Im on the second force field
  3. the thing with the icons is where the light shines on the wall I remove the icons and the screen frame is there (no wall.) or better yet I click it and I have to start all over again it is risky clicking that icon thing ya know! I will try again but is it possible the screen is to small i have an old screen here maybe with the lights out they will show up i know I tried that and only saw the icons... oo the green wall or bust again I guess thanks.
  4. I found out when I do not have an easy solution to a problem and force a fix I make things and situations worse... I found this out several times so far . still learning it I think sigh . I think in my dark moments God is punishing me Is that twi or what??? like I deserve to suffer because I am a bad child of God. then I remember we are all "bad" but Jesus christ loves us anyway. whew . I also found out sometimes I do not like what I may be hearing and um reject God much more than He would or could reject me... that is a hard one and when that happens I do take awhile to recover .. but it all comes together evenutaly and I often know for a fact and this is truly a fact of life 89 % of our worries never even happen . truly that is a true statistic... so I say go away 80% and so far today is ok if someone will tell me the code for the puter game on level 12. but if not then well I will move on and go back to the kwel games I do not need a support group for or sumthin ...
  5. wow that is strange Tom cause my niece has been in the hospital with a stomach infection they say from popcorn but her property has been over run with a beaver population in the last few years !!!! ate all her populars and she has well water I wonder if the beaver poop is in her water???
  6. congratulation All who sucessfully completed this Game !!! Yet may I say with the glee full feeling of success please take a moment to consider the lesser gamers involved in this process... I still need help your encouragement and acheivments have driven me to where I am today and yesterday and possibly the day before (it is all just a blur in my mind still) Im in the basement : I have the key the disk the screwdriver and the wire cuters.... YOU speak of a code on the wall from the lamp my puter does not show any numbers on that wall other than the numbers on the list with the icons...8 to 12 numbers steve metioned NO it is not there on that wal not one numer on that wall ... also no puter in the base ment Isee the red and green and blue buttonson the puter looking thing with the screen of the lasers. andif I had a code I couldnt put them in as it is only numbers and they are only colors.....is the code 012? that is the only numbers I see lit up on the wall from the icon list but I still have no where to put them in in the base ment . The puter upstairs has no keyboard I can see. If I get through this I hope I never really get involved again one day at a time of course when it comes to cumplusive behaviours and puter games tho hehehe it is sad I have dial up and I have to leave this and go through alot to revist the completion but I will endure if you can only help . details remember I am a lesser and their may be others in secret waiting for the clues you publish here waiting waiting for and answer to go to the exit from this game. what day is it? wednesday thursday?? what is important ? thank you soon I hope to join those who can say I exited this game.. any hints or drastic help?? LOOK I HAVE TO do the green wall every time I sign off ok??? IMsorry really I am I will wait patiently for your reply.. or this is just one cruel joke ... Im puter game level 12 challenged right?? I admit it but together with your help I know I can do this me and the others that speaks with words on the screen ... maybe I should take a litle break hee hee but to try agin means the green wall agin thank you for your help Im ok . just what is the code and where do I put it in exactly???
  7. the water is one idea, but here is my internet thought .. My niece just out of the hospital with a stomach infection they think it was from popcorn hulls she ate!!!
  8. Tom the code changes from game to game I think. you need the white ball on the table duh (that took awhile for me to figure out ) it will give you the key! IM in the room with the passages on the screen I was afraid this would happen a map??? o man ...
  9. If I was seriously sick and dying I do not think I would sing the same tune... We all can get helpless and I think experts study for a reason and God will guide us in the right course of action. I would not reccomend someone do one of my hair brain ideas I use because like Oakspear I have no idea why they may work for me much less anyone eles... But I also know the medical community doesnot know why some drugs in fact many drugs seem to interact the way they do and or just why either.. It is a HUGE assumption DR> may understand what the chemical reactions mean and the fact and figures frankly they often DO NOT.. it helped a mouse or a stray cat once and now the humans get a chance to see if it will work for them!!! it often takes years to figure out ooops our bad and I do not like the odds!!! alot of damage is done to the human body in the name of medicine today alot esp older folks who they tend to prescribe the newer untried and ifffy meds too just to see. think not ? ask a old folk in a nursing home with little or no family input on their care just what this pill taken seven times a day is for ???? true and scary . If you complain long enough about anything today the Dr. is almost forced to give ya something or be sued for malpractice and they cover themselves from those premiums that drive a more thinking thoughful DR. away from medicine. but like I said I would sing a different tune if it was my love one suffering Im sure I would be as desperate as the dr. often seem to be with the hit and miss meds they offer today.
  10. Dear support group 291 tries and I got the freaking key! I know your over joyed right now as we celebrate the slow puzzle mj412 in victory once again....im in a libary now ... ok ok so what I thought this thread was is about helping Im getting there kind of Are you sure this is fun??? yes it is. I think
  11. Watered Garden I laughed so hard when I read you sentence about your kid as an adult for all you know !!!! hah I can see me telephoning my son who has had to have his ears irrigated and asking did you clean you ears today??? haha it seems funny . Dot I agree Whe I was in the medical field I saw more folks messed up for life by medication errors and misdiagnoses than anything eles with serious life long problems due to ignorance and science gone wrong terrible wrong... it put the fear of professional medicine in me deep. So I do agree.. but I respect those who trust the medical establishment they have not seen and heard the horror stories I have and have a nice butch of insurance to keep going back to the groups that will not turn them away .. The best medical insurance has always been I pay in cash I tell ya ! I want details I want answers and if they can not supply exactly what they think they are doing IM done and my flow goes eles where, Im fortunate I live very close to a MAJOR medical school so the MD's I have dealt with are excellent and able to provide resources and advice without the insurance and we will keep you on coming back magic ticket in life long "care". I find it extremely odd and disconcerning that folks will research and educate themselves amass on which car to drive but just assume a MD know and/or does what is best for their own body and soul . kind of scary really considering just how most doctors are educated in America... those convinced they can not live without a certain medicine wont ... they are sold a bill of thought and they buy it as an honest consumer and the beat goes on... people do not want to understand basic biology and systems of our body and how they work they do not want to discipline their life for a healthy outcome they want a quick fix that costs alot of money from a bottle and the insurance premiums that show for it! Medical systems today are not a good man or woman going into a field of study out of care and concern for the human patient for the most part it is big business and those who have to much compassion or different ideas are forced out of the mainstream for financial concerns and matters! I have meant some extremely talented DRS who have saved peoples lifes , and they have always been able to speak about choices in the care with without being threatened or intimidated.
  12. ok thanks flow7 BUT RED is not an inside color!!!!! so I can not match them up!!! what do I do with this ball? it says he can use it but where exactly?
  13. What do I do with the ball????? I went around with the puzzle 200 times there has to be something IM missing can you help ?
  14. I have the guys with the puzzle going around and around and around 113 times ... may I ask how long does this go on ????? the # in the middle keeps going up and the puzzle is moving around Im I missing something here? thank you
  15. Thanks Steve BUT I type in Quest and the pictures of the rooms come on with the letters on the furniture ...... ok I put TSAE in but it will not allow me to enter the letters... any more clues??? ok I got it YA type in RED it is a long story but that opens another door!!!!! here I go..............
  16. ok Im in the room with the hole in the roof and a force field with the alien . I put the disk in the disk drive and get two rooms with the letters T S and in the other room A and E on the puter screen . I put the metal piece in the power supply . any help ???? stuck again... I knowit may seem like yelling is neccesary at me Im a little slow at these things but Im getting there . right ??? no idea which level Im at.. think of all the clues I leave for the next person right CW??? haha for the help I need . thank you.
  17. Another interesting portrayal was that Paul was not well liked .The conflict between Paul and Peter about allowing the gentiles to enter into this new christian religon was only one problem he brought the new church. Peter fought Paul on the idea of gentiles or outsiders being allowed in even after His revelation. It must not have been an easy thing for the jews to allow those unwilling to be "cut by the knife " it stated the sugery was life threatening at the time and death was a threat that was a very real concern and now the "others" did not have to do this by Pauls estimation and it was presented as a serious problem between them.. One interesting precher said He does not believe in all of what Paul writes esp. about homosexuals not being allowed into the kingdom..he contrasted the idea of Jesus going into the leper colonies and meeting and touching those "unclean" with Pauls strict laws... that was a great point to be made I think.
  18. Do not buy another VCR buy a DVD player or a T BO ! I saw it My ear was hurting so I missed some of it , but I thought it was really well done it gave several different expert ideas. It went into the book of james etc. andeven said Paul was not so good looking and bald!!!!! haha I laughed I have no idea how they found that out.
  19. it doesnt look like a fire place at all and it has more than one red spot glowing at a time to follow . what do I do with the dancing sqaure tile? I keep moving the horse head around but it never goes in the grey thing which does not look like a fire place any more ideas?
  20. ok IM playing chess with the horse on the floor with the squares that light up in the right hand corner !!!! horse is moving around can not get door open what is next please???
  21. ok I found the transporter thing in the clear case. What do I need to do to boot it up? I have the floppy just no computer ... help??/
  22. mj 412 was found dead today from cell phone exposure to her head... she was warned and didnt heed the precautions.... NAH!!!! I am hoping for much more drama like fat cat suffocates owner while trying to fit perfectly on the pillow...
  23. iM IN THE ROOM WITH THE MOTORCYCLE OK I GOT THE FLASHLIGHT WORKING . found the tiles that move under the rug and the hose that goes across the room. the grate the pictures with the planets.. any help available??? stuck again I may be slow but Im still working on it Im think the turtle and ahir story here .
  24. good morning ok Im in the one with the three rooms the one with the fireplce and the door that is locked I got the metal piece from the door and the log from the fire place it has sofas and a table... the middle room has a picture with a hand that moves it back if you click on it and move it and the heater is set to 22 degree, and alamp and a rug.... then the third room has a machine I turn on and I put the metal part from the other room on the cutting machine and a cabinet . I do not know what to do with this log I took from the fireplace and I have clicked the rugs ... stuck again beenhere two days already haha have mercy
  25. This is a homeopathic remedy for ears that has worked great for me. my ear is infected and it takes away the pain . chamomilla HPUS 10X This stuff is the ticket Merurius solubilis HPUS 15X and sulphur HPUS 12X You may be able to buy this mixture at your drug store it is Manufactored by similasan as ear ache relief. also if you have water in your ear rubbing alcohol of at least 91 %% dries them right out and helps a great deal with the ringing and fuzzy feeling. put two or three drops in the ear.
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