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Everything posted by mj412
And I thought God loved everyone. Silly me! So then, God only loves those that go to him and "the rest", (those that God doesn't love) are pretty much on thier own and got what they they deserved? And I thought the Law of Believing worked for "saint an sinner alike". Interesting... the thing is God does wish all to be saved, your right but His chosen are called before He made the "foundation" not all humans will be saved. not all chose the Saviour as Lord. If I lived in a town where I knew the levy could only withstand a #3 hurricane and was told a #5 was going to hit I might believe we could be flooded as well. I do not think people had any idea how bad it was going to turn out to be, they didnt believe it. it is unbelievable really to me the destruction caused. still.
Is there a record about Noah ? God caused it to rain. Is there a record about Famine in the land God knew about it. His people where warned and told to be prepared for it. God can control the weather this is written. so can satan that is written. the fact the levies Did break man had at least a bit to do with the scale of this horrid story. Satan I do not know yet I imagine he has caused the world to be ruined since he started here and will continue to do so. why is this so dificult to understand? I do not think as the people mocked Noah with his family and the animals heading in the boat that he even thought it could be possible but he did as he was told. all the mockers died. My God isnt a Killer yet he doesnt really consider those who He knows (and I would say only he knows) will be evil against Him. I think the bible clealry shows His enemys will die and eventualy burn. it isnt about people it is a spiritual thing. God didnt want anyone to get hurt in Katrina that he loves. the rest unless they go to Him are on their own and pretty much at the mercy of whatever they have had so far. what I wonder is why didnt these people leave? they were told to go it was going to be bad and then I thought about it maybe some had no where to go, some thought they would be better off then what happened. But many did leave I do not think God loves them more I think they used wisdom and knowledge and some just didnt.
The fact the criminals have stoledn all the guns isnt God. the reports of mutiple rapes and murders and crimes of horid measures isnt God. it is people , people in misery. Im sure for every horror of humanity a story of helping may be out there But why do they keep saying Security is their biggest concern? What are they protecing? all these news people can get in and get information out why are they saying No communication is a major problem ? We are running out of Gas here because people are flipping out and have emptied our stations. I do not know what I would do if it was my child who was thirsty and hungey I like to think I would steal and kill someone for a bag of chips and a gallon of water. You say they are not believing God. Dear Lord, people are suffering and want to live and cope. they are hopeless. dying in the streets, they are draggin human dead bodies around . this has nothing to do with what God did.
I do not want to change the subject Yet in a sense baptists go into the water to change : it is cause and effect . I think it can help a person , be differnt face change welcome change it is a celebration of how you change a symbol of when you chose to change. I understand how it can be a profound experience for a person. how they would think God wanted them to that it was needed. I read where it may not be neccesary for your salvation but I do not read where it is a sin or even a bad choice. or it just something your parents told ya had to do before you could go to middle school or something. that is all life is a path to death. a journey I guess. hopefully along the way ya pick up some beliefs that help ya with it .
I do not think I could live under all these threats from the weather. way up north here we get snow and rain . Now snow is a bummer and it is costly to remove and expensive to live in. Our utilities are going to kill us this year. But for the most part other than the car accidents caused by blizzard we are quite safe. Most learn after the first slide for a half mile in a car we should slow down or stay home. this stuff these attacks from the wind and rain are so threatening I guess ya get used to what ya must! man this is awful . I think I will take sticking to the car door when I forget my gloves , and taking an hour to go five miles to having my house sit on top of a river bank if the weather gets angry any day.
Shortly after I took the class my roomate died I had lived with him for over a decade . I was so lost and lonely and shocked he had died in a fall in the house and hit his head . It was awful and I wanted to go the funeral, but had a hard time going I was told "let the dead bury the dead ". it allowed me the excuse not to go say goodbye. My mom and sister both went and they only knew How much I had loved him. I hope he forgives me. my best story is a twi leader came to my house one day and let her self in. I was watching my sister's beloved cat while she was on vacation the cat got out when the she walked in she never told me. We spoke for a minute and my little child came in the house and told me the cat was dead hit by a car. she had to watch her being run over she was barely school age. we all flipped out screaming and all My leader could would say is it was only a cat. I threw her out of my house and my children NEVER wanted to go back to their house again. I do not blame them . I do not blame her now (in case your reading this ) they come and read here I know. but we needed help we were in shock and upset. it gets better, so that weekend was the limb meeting the hostess another twig leader have alot of cats all over the place my kids point blank asked me Why they mattered but ours didnt. they felt she killed the cat, which she did kind of. by not telling me she got out. she didnt know she would be killed. In honestly a total stranger I had never met came to me with a cat in her arms and said she was sorry for my loss, at that limb meeting. some good alot of bad.
Goerge Im still in love with you. lol I aint saying that prayer with you either. and sorry but i still love God. and He must love you. No God isnt doing this evolution is!!! next year we are all going to morph into being able to swim a 110 miles an hour. WE will have wind breakers that in front of us that propell all winds back to Colorado. or somewhere that needs to evolve like us! right?
Im getting better at it, as time goes by I realize the reality of knowing nothingness. more and more what I think has little to do with what is, I recognize this fact. the change is within ourself (our perception of the world) as God changes not. as far as territory goes and "map" . Jesus is "the way". We hold no script remember. Unless we chose to write it our own and get lost agin. He is the one who goes with the winds of change (us). it may be a challenge to be the Teacher and guidance of so many thoughts as the genuine Head. I would think. Iknow I cant figure it all out spinning around with a title considered stress and anxiety, Jesus says do not be anxious or worried, so He can and enjoys the challenge I suppose as He loves us so much better than we can. truly it is His wisdom I can rely on. I have always wanted to see a lion in my back yard yet I have many houses and a city in my view so if such a beast entered my space it would be as an enemy has attacked. yet in a far away land as the Lion rest in the shade of a park or backyard tree He may very well be an angels unaware.
We all have narrow minds sir, when it comes to what really is. it is only our own peception and world. it is all Jesus has as you metioned, Yet He is the creator of mankind the higher power we tend to wonder about. books have been good to me, knowledge is a freedom fighter. what ya think gets so dam small as we mostly only think what we think until we open the door to anothers thought and see a bigger world or possibliity. I guess it is easier for me to listen from a book, no noise of what I have thought myself when I see it in print and say maybe it could be so. I alwyas thought the living epistle part of the saga is our own life the testimony each individual has of the story of how God is in their life. remmeber when you felt? that was amazing when you achieved that. wow God really lived within you... that is the epistle I speak of in each soul longing to know God.
You want guessing and speculation and HMM HMM? I think allan is mike. Remember Mike? lol this place makes me laugh. allan if your not Mike I think you should meet mike . lol Mike where have you been?
But sirguess alot the bible clearly seperates angels from mankind. I think they are different beings, maybe not in how they appear, they have appeared in the bible in many different forms. but how would ya know if they were an angel? or a spirit within? i do not know. maybe that is where all that revelation stuff comes in and God told me, but that is a fine line between mental health issues isnt it?
sirguess WOW! that is the most profound statement I have ever heard. Being a christaina is all about changing, and not fun and fine and dandy changing either. to be As He is. not for nothing but His life kind of sucked .
I was born and raised a baptist. i used to go on retreats with the byf baptist youth fellowship. It was a beautiful week spent in the pennsyvania hills , in big old houses and full of love and fellowship. one day we would get up before the sun and walk in silence down to major river side, and be baptized by walking out into the water and prayer and words said full body immersion, in robes no less. prayer and very deep meditation was done by everyone. this was done just as the sun begon to shine its rays on the water. fifty years later I still think of those days. of the whole magical being of the experience. I think it drew people to God I think it helped us as teen focus on a life different than what the world was offering. I know people got born again during those dunks. do I think it is needed? no probably not. But it sure was wonderful and an experience that enriched my life and helped me form a bond with God. bottom line it didnt hurt me. so what is the harm? twi described how useless it was I didnt agree, but i guess I did change my mind on whether itwas needed to go to heaven I was never taught that even in the baptist church although we did do it alot lol. maybe I missed that sermon. I think if by cahnce it can direct someone towards a more spiritual life if it canhelp someone feel cleaner or whatever what is the harm and look at the goodness that may happen from it. twi was a rough crowd.
I think your right think fish. Isnt that a threat? worship God he will fry you like a piece of bacon on a hot grill. folks do walk around with this gun of intimidation. who the heck does know what will happen I mean if you think the scriptures prove all evil men will die I do not read , I read all men who deny Jesus as LORD. will burn . big difference. the problem is I do not think the SIT in proof of anyone having made Jesus Lord. I do not know what proof there is really so the whole concept doesnt work for me . I think there must be justice I just do not understand it very well. aand iM kind of done trying to look for it because when I try to understand why the world is the way it is I get to sad. Sure I wish for good and bad in life for many people. I just think I have little to say or do about it so I just try to get my own life in order. no thats not working very well either. justice what a word. I hear what your saying I have heard people talk about not being who they appear to be. who they are. I do not understand it, I mean I have seen fake people , and I have been shocked by some people when some weirdo secret is revealed about them I never would have thought. yet in the end doesnt everyone go to bed at night and realize who they are? Whether they present that to the world outside or not dont we all really know our own inner crap or goodness even if misunderstood? doest prayer have to be honest? I might try to fool the world but I think everyone knows they cant fool God. maybe not.
I also felt devastated when I was marked I thought God hated me and I was doomed. but I learned I was listening to people. God quickly came for real in my life when nearly no one eles was left who I thought once shined so brightas knowing HIM failed. I was never way corps and I was NOT in the twi for decades, although I struggled with the issues it brought me for decades and then another one with the off shoots. I really can not imagine how somone from a life time involvement and all family friends involved can see past it without some force happening the law suits and LCM and Chris Geer really said alot and I believe those who lived through all that time and choas will never leave the only life they know now some are friends of mine from high school that I witnessed to and we are all middle age now. I thank God some of us did tho. another thing is the fact corps or wows had to move away from any family or friends they had in the world outside of the way. it isolated folks it forced them to be with only way people for support or encouragement . it set people in stone , all people need family and friends. to take people and strip away that resource in day by day living makes them weaker to listen to stuff they may not really agree with, but with no one eles a kind of unity out of dysfunction happens. an us or them mentality. CW. post was is a very good I couldnt have said it better.
so two grown adults with two kids need govt. assistant? wow . you picked a keeper this time for yourself one step up at least he do not slap ya around like the last one I suppose. winners all of ya just winners.
yep many years in the social services field , that is true paid and volunteer. proud of it.
yeah you cant screw up and metion the fact your on welfare when you also talk about your live in boyfriend who makes good money and you have not metioned that to the state. lolol some one just might report THAT! it is scary when you have to watch what you admit to when mj is listening isnt? ....es ya right off puts a chill on the party and all. BRRR> But you do not because frankly I do not give a crap what any of you with your life. I love my own to much.
Abby find it look at my posts and prove what your saying, I do not have that many posts to look in and a whole butch of you hate me so go for it. You will never find it because im not a liar. I said IM a advocate for children . I never said I am a CPS worker. YOU people are so dam afraid of any type of authority as you sit like invisable snakes behind a puter monitor healing the world with accusation you can never prove, you become full of fear of even the metion or chance someone could read some of your tales of woe and abuse and bring charges... lolololol
Ibelieve you wingnut . every word you said. I know corruption is alive in well in the world and that is why a person must seek Jesus christ and his defense for all of mankind. I am not trying to garner any sympahty but I have been divorced TWICE. I know a little bit and I have a very large family but I will say this about my family every single one of our boys have full and complete custody of their children, or a very nice vistation and shared custody. What has changed is the fact woman are the only ones capable of raising or nuturing children. Bitter angry Woman have been taking the kids or using them as a pawn against men for decades and it isnt right. that has changed and I think it should, that means woman must now face the very same charges rallied against men for so many years. why do we have so many absent fathers? many times it may be because they can not fight against the woman and her allegations and give up the fight because of money or emotions or just to try to keep the children from being hurt by the WAR. woman with children for decades sat on welfare and accused their husbands of not being worthy parents having a attorny paid for by the court. He has to pay his child suupport or go to jail which means work which mean he has to pay for his own lawyer. it is unfair. today a woman must consider what the hell she has done with her own life to end up in this situation. I think it is high time. because if are not forced to understand just what happens when you get involved with an abusive man they often just find another and have another kid and it goes on and on. . it is destroying the family unit. it is costing so much time and money in the courts , the foster care system and welfare to sort through the mess children are suffering to the point they also grow up unable to trust and make good choices in life. Im glad she had a strong family unit to help her, IM glad she was able to have her children and that is what the goal is for everyone whether it feels like it at the time of hell or not. I bet she considers who she gets involved with now right? sure it is a lesson no one deserves but do ya think it should be the children who are charged with having two parents out of control and unable to make good choices for them? I will tell you what a judge told me once as I defended my own self against false charges and was almost ready to give up he said "Well ... they can say anything they like ya know but in this court they must PROVE it". I never ever feared again. praise God. in your story the charges where dropped she got her kids and it was one heck of a fight but what was the court to do? they had to sort through all the issues and allegations. it was the children the court wanted to save from harm but it is the ADults who have the rights and big mouths and fists isnt it? and sadly it sounds like they were to late for the son. Im so sorry.
I never claimed to be a CPS worker where is your copy and paste when you need to prove your own self? I find it hysterical that everyone assumed and even tried to insult me with the fact they believed I was a CPS Worker until I TOLD THEM I WAS NOT! I say we because I mean WE as a people: who is the courts they are voted in the state workers they are our representitives. We as the people VOTE the DA to serve Us, WE chose who will be our judges. they are US as a nation representing what WE decide is right or wrong in our country. here is the last comment I will make. it is clear to me MO gave up her children in a plea bargin to avoid prosecution of the charges levied against her by the state of Alaska, she supported and lived and had children for one of the top ten most wanted in America, for many years she tolerated and allowed abuse to happen in her home to her and her children. they had enough on her for her to give up all rights and responsibility to her children this is extremly rare and only done in very very serious ongoing abuse and crimes. They wanted her alright and felt they had enough to proced. She plea bargined out to avoid prison time , she sold her kids right out. she claims she knew she would lose and she probably would have. Criminals doing time for murder have rights and vistations to their children . The state in this case wanted these people the hell away from any child . BOTH of them . no one in America loses their children from being sickor disabled. In fact we as a people pay disabled people when they do have children. NO One loses their children if they can not afford them as the welfare rolls will show. I believe that is what she can tell people, as she has no conviction in criminal court because of the plea bargin, The DA took both of these parents out and avoided a long and lengthy trial for her and saved the children from any future harm . As long as she gave up her children and any future contact with her children no one really cared how it was written. She did a good good job. The two courts worked together didnt they MO? But no one here knows that do they? What happened to those charges levied against you by the state the CRIMINAL charges along with your hubby? they just went away because they found out what a fine and dandy mommy you were? After years of living and having children and supporting one of the top ten most wanted sexual preidors in Alaska ? I doubt it. they threatend you didnt they MO? and you knew what you had done for years and years or didnt do you knew you would lose, the choice was just how it was going to be done. I bet your famous love of your life would even testify against you in some really nasty stuff if he had a chance of a lesser penaty such is the game with criminals and abusers right MO? pretty scary stuff. I might have given my kids up as well under those circumstances. now that makes sense. The state didnt take your kids you gave them up to avoid prosecution in criminal court.
temple lady you have a need to justify your life. Im sorry your life has really sucked, im sorry more for your children. If you did the best you could then walk high and know it, do what you have to do in life. For me I will be honest that frightens me to think of losing my own children in such a manner or my grands. but I know it would never happen. Im sorry no one in your family was there for you no friends no co-workers no one at all. that is indeed very very sad. and if it is pity your looking for you have mine , utterly and competly. I wouldnt have been able to live with myself. but all the best to ya, sista. frankly disabled people have children everyday and the families do fine,(blind, deaf brain damaged all of these type of people continue to be parents in our society. how about that superman Chris REEVES ? do ya think they took away his parental rights too? it isnt against the law to be disabled or ill nor is is grounds for terminaltion of any parental rights. many many parents have AIDS a killing disease and not only do they have children but they have additional children while infected with HIV. give me a break you have a mind an abilty to speak for yourself you can parent. YOU chose not to. It was your choice I cant say I understand it, because I do not, but it was your choice to make not mine go live with it be proud do what you have to do in life I do really wish you the best.
Who knows the solution? the courts certainly do not , the parents do not and the children do not. personly I believe God knows the solution. On HIM we can rely, so many many promises to come true day by day. that is why when you look at the bench at least the ones in this city it is carved in the wood "In God we trust" and that is why the bible is used as the hand book when being sworn in. I am not a CPS worker never have been. I work in customer service in a store of sorts. lol
I am not defending any molester, and Im not defending a woman who allows or choses a man who abuses her. Abigail you got out of your situation did you ever wonder how the hell that happened? I bet you have and really have done some soul work to fix what was wrong in your own life to not have it happen again to you or the kids. the sad fact is many woman do not bother with that work on self abigail they just go on business as usual and meet him again or find another. Abigail Im not your ex. and those above statements are all true. and also it is a fact within a FAMILY sexual contact is consdered incest. family court is involved. Both parents have equal rights for and to the children . IF convicted in criminal and only after conviction in criminal court which often takes years and is most of the time plea bargined out to at least have some charge stick only after conviction can this be brought into family court as evidence and ONLY for the children he was convicted on any other siblings or children in the house hold are not part of that case and it can not be used as any kind of evidence of abuse. Inside a family BOTH parents are held responsible for the abuse regardless of who was actualy abusing BECAUSE BOTH have the responsibility to the state to take care and keep the children safe as their parents. GET IT? the parents then begin to fight one another on who did what when and that is how the family courts procede with the best interest of the children with the primary mission of keeping the family intact as much as possible and to provide resource and etc. Every week a bus load of babies on up to teens go on a bus out of our city to the nearby prison to see their parents by court order, because these papa's or mamas have a legal right to and for their children when incarncinated by the state and the state is ordered to provide the transportation and supervison by a FAMILY court JUDGE . get it? children have rights they have attornys repeat very very few will lose their children no matter what the crime most only lose their children after many many years of not obeying court orders. it is never a light or easy decision. family court is a tough tough court. outside of the family a neighbor a stranger a friend teacher etc. it is strictly criminal court. It has the purpose of PUNISHMENT for a crime against society from laws we as a community have set in place. They have a whole different set of laws and rulings they are able to do. I tried to explain it is two different perspectives, in the courts. for the victims. Crinimal court is less effective in the bigger picture because they need a different type of evidence and the court is defined differently and the mission and scope is completly different. WE do not have the laws yet and we do have plenty of very gifted attornys and money plays a factor. By far most child molesting that gets reported happens within a "family" type context. sad but true normal people just do not think their friend or neighbor or childs coach could possibly have this type of problem and the kids just do not tell out of shame and disgrace and he moves on to another victim. that is a sexual preditor. this is criminal court . punishment is in order. Incest is a little different. it is within the family. an older brother a dad a mom step dad etc. it is learned behaviour and often approached as a mental health problem within the family, because of the very reason I described in the other post it is a learned behaviour that repeats in the next generation without constant monitoring and help to recover. hence the reason for FAMILY COURT, and workers to sort out the issues within the family. Im not a predator , I just do not tolerate excuses from male or female on why children have to be abused . watching mom get punched or slaped is ABUSE for the children . I do not have a victims mentality. and those who want an excuse on why or to push the blame on anything eles but their own inability to rise above adversity probably will never understand and get very very angry at me for it.
A woman being abused is an adult making huge bad choices for herself and her children. A man who hits a woman is also making bad choices for his life and his children. it takes two to tangle. if you call the police and they suspect even suspect abuse no marks no confession they will arest both parites. YES! and the children will be taken out of the home until court can be held, they do not lose custody to lose custody takes a decade or more even when the parents have never followed the courts orders! ask Galen how long these families are allowed to have 'rights to their children" in fact it is very very rare children are taken away usualy the parents give them up because they do not want to jump thru the hoops the system demands of them such as drug testing and conseling.. but yet they themselves allowed small innocent children to be exposed and raised in abuse of such sort each day of their young life to imprint with to them what love must mean. so they to can grow up to meet the love of their life just like in in their own family. Yes I applaud the fact both parties in domestic abuse will go to jail! the victims are the children. many times mom and dad end up back together till another bad day in hell in dysfunctional families. then the police are called again to say He hit me take him to jail! next month next day I love ya dear! do not tell me you could not get an order of protection , do not tell me you couldnt legaly sperate from this man because it is done everyday but you had to give up something you did not know how to live without. him. and the dysfunction. the money the drugs whatever it was that kept you involved. and you worked! you had the ability to pay to leave you just chose not to. in my opinion a mom who allows her child to be exposed to that type of living arragement or loves herself so little to be abused by a man or anyone can not parent a child can not be responsible enough to parent a child. many agree with me. NO longer can a man be blamed for the abuse in the house many times daddy is also tormented by mom, or threatened in some way to never see the kids again or she makes accusations because she can . No longer are dads at the very mercy of some Insane woman who wants to destroy him in some sick fantasy of paying back all the pain she has endured as a child or whatever insanity plays out in HER life. men have a right to love their children NOW today and I thank God for it for years woman held the reigns tight on the kids and dads where only allowed to love or nuture under her demands and say so. That to is changin and I thank God for it. by all means jail the abuser the one who hits and the ones who allow it. it is a equal crime that both parents must answer to and for. you said you gave your children up because of the MS. Welfare didnt take your children you gave them up when the dysfunction was stopped by DSS. it is common no choas no reason to keep those pesky kids around or fight for them anymore. the love was gone. Society is getting serious with these screwed up individual who take a toll on the court systems and need constant supervision and cost a ton of money to house feed and /or keep under control for themselves. and their children. In my town if the police are called three times to your house for whatever reason you get evicted by the town your out of here your troubled and a problem and a drain on decent citizens trying to live a peaceful life and the services we pay for all of us. the town will evict you the landlord has no say nor do the renters. it is a nasty world we live in and I am sorry it may end up in a police state with so many crying take care of me Im a victim Im a victim take care of me, and the next breath saying it is all your fault. We have a case going to supreme court out of NY, a street prostitute and crack whore has has seven children put into the foster care system, one with its father , and is now pregnate and in jail with HER NINTH child!!! do you have any idea how much this costs and the drain on the resources this is? the judge ordered her on birth control, lol I love it . the civil liberities are flying all the way to supreme court with this bad boy ruling!!! dam straight I hope it becomes a law. aaaw the saga of men who abuse and the woman who love them.