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Everything posted by mj412

  1. This is the sad part for me. God told me something very clear when I was taking the pfal class for the second time. about a "leader" . I aksed him and he hedged and hawed and "kind of admited it was true but in his past. serious stuff . so I went to the corp leader who was related to the clergy in our area by marriage.. they ripped me a new one how could a baber in the word , who did not take the advance class recieve such revelation? I was called evil and a person who caused division and shut up very fast...ashamed at the very boldness of myself to ask. the leader in question was very good friends with the clergy and at one time lived with them.. A few years later what God had told me proved to be completly and dangerously true... people got hurt badly because of his problem. this is why I will never ever deny the LORD or the Saviour who guides and directs my every move and thought if I listen. reveleation isnt difficult it is the willingness to hear it that is so hard to do. God will always love and protect us. God is honest God is truthful and God does not care who anyone thinks they need to impress, or if you took the advance class or not.
  2. relax steve you sound tense .
  3. I was marked and avoided . I was told over the phone not to go to fellowship "for awhile" at the time I was very upset and crying about when I could return the answer was when the fellowships are better and healthier and things where less stressful for me in my personal life. I always assumed I could go back, the BC who marked me left the area that year and VF left the way. ( I didnt know that at the time) I did ask him what he was going to tell everyone. we were running a twig at the time.. He said he would have a "meeting with the other twig leaders and tell them I could not go to fellowship. I never recieved a "letter" the other person involved did call headquaters and got no response that pleased him I just obeyed. so anyways years later about 6 or 7 maybe more a couple that knew me from the days gone by and I assume knew I was asked not to go to fellowship began a twig with the way international. So I went I went to branch meetings and "limb meeting which was less than one hundred people at the time. The state leader was BT he certainly knew of where I came from he was at headquaters for years . but I didnt stay . I stopped going to fellowship. but I still have friends that I got into the way that also knew I was marked and they speak to me and we have gotten together. I have spoken to the area fellowship coordiators on the phone and in persn and they invited me to attend although I declined. I have a huge reputation within those who "know" what happened in my situation, very sensational really and I was told I was "marked and avoided". But with the understanding it was only a temporary situation untill things got better. which with Gods holy grace they really did!!!! I never had anyone bring it up to me in future encounters with folks involved in the way. some had to know who we were and the story . it was indeed quite serious at the time. BUT I have had idiots who have left the way approach me with lies from the pit of hell about what they had "heard" and were convinced really happened. funny thing those idiots we were talking about my own life and my situation and yet they KNEW better than myself what happened!! What is up with that? I know for a fact the area leaders "know" because my friend told them (he has a big mouth and loves me LOL) they never condemed me and ionsisted in conversation the past leaders are all gone for a reason such as my story. true enough they are all gone. I so as far as reputations in twi, I would say for the most part my experience has been they do not rely on the good or bad of what people may say or have said but rely on what they consider to be the word for them today in a clean household. I personaly do not engage in hear say or gossip so I may be out of that loop all together. I go to the person directly and deal with them on a honest base line.
  4. why not just say the thousands? Back in the two thousands for example. I just say o5 or o 6 for the record most in fact every one understands. In one hundred years it will be the three thousands . In three thousand we anticipate the project to be done. the project will be completed in two thousand and twenty.
  5. my family calls the number zero aught , I do not know how to spell it I remember learning math as a child and my mom would say that aught pronounced aaaw TT . this is a good question.
  6. I read it to say a man should live a full and active life and take on leadership roles with his children and wife. A liberated woman would welcome such a man I would assume. History has taught woman to be the care takers of men and children and our culture rewards females in this role. this is saying No allow men to have feelings and share in the role of care taker YES I fully agree. when dominance and roles become so entrenched the male or female must lose a sense of self no one benifits and people become trapped and unhappy .
  7. bliz*zard+lake effect. Im looking out my window I have to go work tommorrow my driveway is so long and drifted plow guy keeps saying he is slammed and will be back later. where is my car? three steps into the house are gone I think my magazines in the mailbox blew away and is under the snow somewhere. aaw I want that magazine.. the candy canes in the yard from christmas are gone, where is the path? it is deeper than my boots, my face is ripping apart at the seam. help me just help me . I hate snow when it is deeper than two inches. I have no faith no one can make me go out there.. I have to go to work... where is the car? the neighbor had their plow show up and put it in my driveway thanks ok Im not buying anymore pta crap from YOUR kid either. help me . this stuff hurts people. it is inhumane just bitter evil stuff.
  8. look up the word past in the bible it speaks a great amount of "times past" in reference to the learning that applied to that day lesson. for example "in times past" . those who claim to just let the past be the past(and never to be heard of again) do not speak as the bible is written clearly. the bible often refers to how situations where done in the past and how it relats to what is happening to their life in present circumstance and situations. often asked to learn directly from the mistakes of others in the past.. God wrote the bible on the lesson of other believers who had issues and problems and that is how GS operates it is lessons on what happened to those before. those who have problems with GS refuse to recognize honesty and forgivness and wisdom given in our history as Gods children in real life. to not learn from one another denies the faith we give one another and breaks down the unity of His one body,that is in and of itself unbelief. negative things happen to christians negative things happen to mankind. denial of such helps no one , but support and genuine compassion in the struggle of life helps.
  9. I heard your reply about God has no hands but our hands but it still doesnt make any sense because Jesus state Vengence is His not ours. Vpw has been dead nearly two decades ok how can anyone still be defending a dead man honor even twi doesnt exalt him that much now. even the weirwille family doesnt defend twi or its doing now twenty years after his death what is up with this dude?
  10. catcup if he is on a mission from God, then why doesnt Vengence is MIne says the Lord apply ? the bible says to never repay evil for evil instead do good to your enemy . I do not get it.
  11. here is something I say nearly evreyday but no ONE believes me . I LIKE BEING SINGLE always have. in middle age no one my married or single friends believe me I am happy living with my cats and grown children and grands ! I am NOT a secret homosexual or into beasts for kinky reason or some such nonesense. I like men I enjoy their company I think they are great! I know how to deal with the car mechanic and change the filter in the furnance all by myself . I cook when I want for who I want . although many may KNOW these about me the truth is few believe it about me. I do not want others to change for me . I live without cable TV. always have. I like flannel sheets the fuzzier the better cause then I can see where the cat laid down his nest of furs , and avoid that area in the middle of night when I roll over. ok that last one was kind of eew sorry .
  12. In domestic violence cases whoever is hurting the other person goes to jail. man or woman get arrested of this crime and in NY the children are taken out of the home imediately if domestic violence by either person is found. what your saying isnt true Johniam if a woman hits or slaps a man she goes to jail just as quick. if the problem is that men have a macho image that doesnt allow them to cry about being slapped by a girl that is your problem. if a person is in a nagging relationship they should get out of the unhappy relationship . NO one deserves to be hit or beat are you for real? Maybe andrea did plan her murders we do not know what she was thinking and no one is doubting the fact she is a killer and dangerous and scary all Im saying is the father of these children is not gold and can also have a great deal of shame surrounding this crime by ignoring the facts.
  13. blame isnt my game . Many In twi will tell you of the pressure to concede to a man under less than favorable conditions for them and the children to say the least. As the head of the household , vpw went on and on about two tounges in a marriage and how one person is in charge ie the man. the type of fundamental church like the one he was deacon diminishes the womans role even more, it is a strong male dominance culture in some of these churches where the woman has children and stays home under the rule ofthe head her husband and he shows his power and control at home and in the church . In this case the whole thing was a lie and he knew it was OUT of control yet his pride and control and his power ego wouldnt allow him to humble himself and be guided by a Lord that loved them all very much. to be honest and real and care about his family first didnt enter his mind we will never really know why just the outcome of this horrid tradegy with the death of his children and the insanity of his wife. We do not know when a person will kill, but we can know when a person is under the kid of sickness and pressure andrea was under and he did know for years and said God would heal her, or did heal her regardless of what was obviously very very out of control. If she was the babysitter you had hired for the night and knew of her history and her struggles and of the type of meds she had been on and the drs. warning would you REALLY leave your children and say oh well we couldnt have guessed it would have happened ? COME ON ! no you wouldnt not for a moment, but somehow he walks away from this the victim of a mad woman who just should have been a better mother .
  14. If she knew he was molesting the boys and looked the other way and allowed it to happen YES woman are convicted of neglect every day because of the inability to protect their children from abusers....fathers, boyfriends etc. the children are taken out in a case where the woman allows a man to dominate her to the degree it compromises the children safety happens everyday. and if she didnt know then court orders are put into place for her to PROTECT the children from abuse against the boyfriend or father of the children.
  15. Johniam I agree she is one twisted person and has no excuse my god she killed in a very graphic calculating manner. she is scary just scary and should never be let out and maybe should be put to death I agree she is insane and a cold bloody KILLER . I have issues with what the husband didnt do to protect her from herself and more important what he refused to acknowledge in protecting his children. He was in a position to stop making babies, he was in a position to take the children some where eles away from her insanity but his pride and ego and standing in the church kept him from doing what could have avoided such a horrid act to be done. she didnt stand alone in keeping the sanity. he should be accountable as well.
  16. How is it this man is totaly excused for being a responsible parent? huh? He knew she was ill. Maybe he didnt know she would murder I do not think even she knew she would be capable of that. I can not ask he be responsible for what she did. NO or for how sick she was.. MY point is they where HIS children as well. Shame on him for not protecting them from in the very least a very sick depressed woman that showed she was not capable . Shame on him for insisting his way through prayer and dominance in the relationship must work for her at the risk of ther safety of those innocent children. It takes two to make babies HELLO how long is our culture going to excuse men for their behaviour or lack of responsibility with children and force feed woman to submit to the sole care taking of the men and children at the very radical expense of their own self? how long must a woman carry the emotional load for the man and the children? That isnt even biblical it is just our sick bias culture of male dominance flaring up like the coals of hell . It is not by accident that the "hysterical" overemotional female ends up under the same roof as the unemotional distant male. "The weaker sex must protect the stronger sex from recognizing the strength of the weaker sex, lest the stronger sex feel weakened by the strength of the weaker sex" Her husband was a dominate man using the name of Christ as an excuse to underfunction as a father to his own children and as a caring loving husband. We often accept these roles in society because he makes the money and stands as a deacon in "the church" all the while his own famile was noticably struggling and suffering. Did she kill her children? Yeah she did she is guilty an evil woman tormented no doubt. What did he do hmm? He made an environment where she was so dam trapped she saw no other way out to save her children.. He could have not had the children he controls his body part but instead insisted on what he felt made him look good and in control. at her expense. he could have taken the children elswhere and said this is out of control to heck with what the church will think but he had his priorities and the last one was the safety of his children or the health of his wife. this type of love I do not need and neither did she she knew it was a fake love killing them all and trapping them in a situation she couldnt handle. What she did was insane , what he didnt do was hateful and cruel and based in pride of his ego .
  17. I kiss my cat on the top of the head because I love him. I think my son will be the best man God ever made someday. being tidy is not that important to me but I want a room to impress.
  18. the thing that burns my butt is he was a famous man in the church haha a deacon who denied his wifes illness and claimed Gods deliverence of her illness (hence more and more children) to the church to allow him that position . His appearance of being a fine and good Christian head of household at all cost (lying and blinding himself to the truth he saw every day as she declined farther and farther into insanity)and then the mighty VICTIM after she murdered the children just makes me so angry .
  19. I find the comparison between vpw and this case insane as well. MAYBE and that is a loud maybe mrs Weirwille did know vpw was cheating onh er, we do not know ,but denial is common in many marriages. She did not force him to do what he is accused of and did not have anything to do with it. The husband in this case knew she adrea suffered and made the situation worse on her by not supporting her in the illness and encouraging her to get pregnate again and agin without any help except a prayer or to . vpw didnt suffer in his actions nor did mrs. weirwille she stood by his man till the end such was their marriage.adrea yates sufered until she broke to the point she took action to make it stop. I see a huge difference.
  20. Well he knew she was ill and getting worse all the time. He condemed her for her illness and considered it her problem that God did not heal her. He knew she was sick he insisted she have more and more children at one point they were forced to live in a bus for lack of funds and poverty yet he still stood as a deacon in the church, and insist she get pregnate again . he knew she could not take the medicine pregnate and nursing he knew she was in dire shape avoiding the hospital because no one was available to keep the children or she was pregnate again. come on he is just a nice guy doing the best he can for his family or is he a selfish ego ridden arrogant liar who used her for what he thought made him look good, and then claimed innocence after her many years of suffering and sacrafice for him in spite of her very serious illness. she was abused no doubt, does this make her murders right? No but he ought to be held accountable for what he did to her and those children as well. he in the very least cold have stopped having children with her after her first very serious depression that hospitalized her and got worse with each additional child and responsibility.
  21. No they do not dictate who they can talk to just how they can think about who they talk to. lol every one is filthy and a devil spirit that they must serve God for. a lesser than a dimished person , insane and capable of making decision that are healthy . they do consider the world an evil place and people animals in need of direction and deliverence into what they truly believe is the only manner to worship God. sick and serious stuff.
  22. How is it better now? oh this is beautiful just spiritual ya know. It is better because all the evil people have gone away. God killed them or sumthin they do not care about the story of how who or what ahappened just that they are now better and more improved . TWI ate itself. and then threw up a new version that is perfect. It is very easy for them to blame those that no longer fellowship with them. it is a tighter cult it really is. been through the fire and those still standing are refined beyond even those who founded the ministry . I have dear friends still in and they just get more devoted and "better" than the rest of the world as time goes on. full of themselves to the point they now have an acute advantage , of being beyond even the owners and founders of twi so it must be god in it. They do take pride in battle and in hurting and destroying their own people because they are warriors that count on winning the war . They liken it to a civil war where the evil and good fought within twi and the good won of course now the army is so tough and perfect only the most righteous can stand with them. the price they paid for God . Funny fact of it all is for me God is LOVE but not to them they feel the mission is one of hard core war at all costs. no distraction allowed . to them life is a distraction. When I was involved we loved one another and ocnsidered one another and lead and cared about our life . Options are limited now , it is a suble thing becuase it is a much smaller group you do not have the open doors of conversation within the ranks it is shut down FAST> and furious to save the ministry from what happened before when the back stabbing and gossip began to get out of control. Like in any disfunction open and honest communication must surround your own issues within yourself( bullets to be used to hurt you later in a less compassionate learning moment) no metion is made of the past because they are all gone God succeeded in getting rid of the trouble and devil spirits and now the household is clean. Any person coming in is asumed filthy but approached with the manner of fixable if and when they ....... it is a cult.
  23. Yes ex. If she is able to get a grip and become aware of what happened she has to live with it , she will never be allowed to have children again . I think she did what she did out of love. not hate or selfish pride . HIM on the other hand will have more kids and will be applauded by the world of fools as a victim who has overcome all with God.
  24. She is insane, she has a long documented history of a serious mental illnes. Does that excuse her act? no but it gives reason. The husband on the other hand KNEW she was unstable KNEW she struggled to the degree she did YET continued to demand she have more children. Continued to tell her God will judge her and heal her etc. and that she was weak and condemed her. he set up the crime in my opinon. He had his mother stay with her knowing full well how very very ill she was after the birth of her last child...the Drs. warned them and she got worse with every pregnancy not better. He was the one insisting she go off the medicine to have another child to nurse another child. He burden a disabled person with so much stress and inability to cope KNOWING she would in no way be able to cope. It didnt take two to have these children now dead it took one controlling demanding man who abused a woman who was very ill. I see no love for her or these children in him only a pomppous self righteous abuser who demands his way at any cost. and the cost wa very high in the end. I saw him in his church with the five caskets and the tears with the pastor and congregation supporting him and I wanted to choke him my own self. she did what she did because she was trapped in an illness and a abusive marriage with no way out and wanted to save what she loved by sending them to God, the same god her husband abused and condemed her with every single day. she was a good mother and a good wife. What eles could she do? She recognized she couldnt handle what was going on in her brain and at least tried to take care of the children and obey her husband. What did HE DO ? I think he is as guilty if not more so than her. Is she ill? no question . She never not once denied it, Is he a killer of people and of inncocent souls again no question. Yet the rally of so called christians with the victim mentality rally once again not to the sick and broken hearted as Jesus would have done but to the man who claims to know all what is best for his wife and children yet never once loving her enough to rise up and truly love or help her in honesty and truth.
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