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Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
So you agree that Jesus Christ is not the end of the law? -
Is this the foundation of the logic on which you rest your case? Other than asking God to reveal the importance of this as the most important commandment that most of us (including me) have been ignoring? This is one of the key bible verses to meditate upon in addition to praying to God with sincerity of heart There are others- that tie in with this 2 things to do - earnestly pray to God for understanding and confirmation and expressing thanks to Him study diligently- ask questions and meditate (think about it deeply)
yes- no problem- as i told you - i am prepared to accept the fact that you may not agree with me and that you will do your best to understand me at the end of the day- it's you choice to what you do or do not believe and yes you can go ahead and ask for clarification and i will do my best to answer them But remember that God is the one who will open eyes if the one who is seeking the truth will take action in obeying God's word so it maybe that you understand the logic and all and still not believe- only God will know how much a person wants His presence and His commandments to be a part of his life Who knows what might happen when someone seriously contemplates to understand God's holy commandments?
Yes! and No! - God's word is logical but it becomes real to you when God activates it via the indwelling Holy Spirit (received during water baptism) God wants you to understand His word- 2 Tim 2:15 but the ongoing genuine relationship with Him is what brings everything together We are also in a position to receive the faith of Jesus Christ to help us go through very challenging situations that we might face This is why we must really focus on having a very strong relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ- - our Lord and Saviour How do we have a relationship with Him for starters? John 14:21-24 21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. 22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? 23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. (via the presence of God - Holy Spirit dwelling in us Firstly we seek God- pray to God- The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us spiritual insight Secondly we diligently study and meditate on God's word Thirdly we keep His commandments because we love Him with all our heart I am sorry if i was very long winded in my previous post
Non christians who do not believe In Jesus Christ or think the bible is not real will not be able to receive the truth of God's commandments because it is spiritually discerned as opposed to someone having just an intellectual understanding
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Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I think you have the wrong impression about me Twinky First of all i am not interesting in convincing- i am just explaining the scriptures as best as I can. I am not doing it to show off- but hoping that i have explained it clearly enough so people can understand where I am coming from (food for thought-so it will get people thinking now then during judgement time) There are a lot of assumptions about me that you are assuming (maybe i am being misunderstood by you- I am sorry if you feel this way Hazel- it's simply not true Your remarks that i am show offish, i am the only one with the knowledge and everyone should listen to me, i am not genuine ( why do you feel that way) is absolutely false> Of course- you are entitled to your opinion- where did you get the idea where i dont allow people to have their opinion> I cannot stop people from having their own opinion- whether i like it or not Ok! from now on _ I will try to be brief and to the point. I am sorry that it has turned out this way after knowing you as a friend for so long Can we just forget our differences and be friends? -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi T-Bone How are you doing? First of all I want to say I am sorry for misunderstanding you when you said, "it looks like I am using deceptive tactics like vpw" Thanks for being nice to me and explaining to me Mate, I think sometimes you give me more credit than i deserve (lol) in regards to what you are clever deceptive tricks to fool people I am just not that kind of a guy. When someone associates me with vpw in any way specifically in explaining doctrine- I see red and that;s why i reacted the way, i reacted (not very smart of me- because unlike you who was patient and understanding, other people and i know Twinky is one will think i am a jerk- which i am not. God is still teaching me patience and understanding In a sense, I get the feeling God is telling me- it's ok- just let them ask quesions and cooly answer them one by one until they run out and you ask them questions and see if they cn ansewr it> At one point in time, I didnt like gsc at all - you know we had spats and I thought of just abandoning gsc but then all of a sudden 2 things happened- I read one of Rocky's posts and he really wanted to know more about the sabbath- it tugged at my heart and I also received a nice post from you expressing open and thoughtfuol communication which was a real surprise and suddenly I am not dreading to go to gsc. You maybe an expert on analysing what vpw did and we can talk about this because I have also been through his garbage I am quite sad for all my friends who are still stuck with the twi Imust stress to you that i have no ulterior motive or undertow or any kind of manipulative tactics and you dont have to use your magnifying glass like you have to for vpw - which if we had done right from the start at pfal stage, we would have got out the gestapo a lot faster. I hate deception and manipulation - thousands of lives have been destroyed at twi because of that I am just a simple guy doing my best to explain so people can understand where i am coming and take into consideration- I am willing to do the same but if i see mistakes in translation errors and wrong understanding- I am obviously not going to agree with what I can clearly see to be false and i will explain where the error is - if people want to ignore that- then it is their business. I will just leave it at that At the end of the day, I hope even if we have differences we can still be friends It's great that you want to now why I think sabbath is important. 3 words- God said it- I love God with all my heart and will trust him and obey him- As i have said earlier (i dont care whether you believe me or not- It doesnt bother me in the slightest When i was in a really low point and cried out to him, He reached out to me. I felt His very presence and from there, it was a systematic and gradual leading out from the false to the truth Ok! Sock it to me mate- you say you have got a lot of bible verses that show "sabbath is insignificant" What we will do so it can be open, productive conversation ( where each party will take into account what's been said by the other- no long thesis- short paragraphs I will answer your "law and commandment keeping/sabbath is not important" bible verse and then you answer my "keeping God's laws and commandments is important" bible verse. We will go by God's word only (the truth) not our opinions/beliefs (which can be wrong) I hope both of us can be direct and simple and honest- If you agree with something - simply say yes- no shame in that You said in your last post to me directly- "Go ahead convince me" Mate! I cannot convince a fly to enter a paper bag i am totally prepared to acknowledge that after all the time i spend- you will still believe what you want to believe. but on both sides (me and you), God is the only one that can open our eyes. to His word. It's spiriually discerned when someone honestly seeks the truth and prays to God for understanding. Proverbs 2:1-9 (Rocky nailed this one) and Psalm 25:1-5 Oh! I hope other people like mark and twinky who are looking at Col 2:16 and maintaining their "7th day sabbath keeping" stand can follow this post and hopefully by God's grace and goodness they will begin to see it's importance. So I will start explaining your anti law/anti sabbath bible verse and then you answer me simply and directly my pro law and commandment keeping (which includes 7th day sabbath keeping) Firstly we go one bible verse at a time- which you think is going to support your anti sabbath stand and i will answer them for you Secondly when you reply- be simple and directly answer the question . It can be a simple yes or no Of coure it might become necessary to explain the context- (i.e to whom it was written, why it was written ,, the verses bfore and after within the same cahpter or other verses in the ebible that explaind the problem or contradiction with the verse in question etc) by all means If your answer is yes- (same for me)great we can move on - (we are on a discovery trail so let's see what we can learn to get a proper understanding) If your answer is no -why not? (same for me) Short paragraphs will be great so i can quickly see what your objections are or you may reply positively (same for me) and say, yep that's a good point Ok! Let's get on with it - I have actually Col 2:16 explained this before- but i think you disagreed and shot in a different direction- remember we are only interested in the bible verse that either confirms law/sabbath keeping or shows that law/sabbath keeping is unneccesary (as you say it) Nothing else- I am not interested in long term trends and analysis- let's stay focussed on the bible verses only- the trends and analysis will sort itself out Colossians 2:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. ( Mark made a comment of this so I will include it in here- no charge The above verse is actually saying the opposite of what you are thinking. You have got it backwards You are of the understanding that Paul is saying, Guys! dont let people criticise you for what type of meat or drink you are having and in regards to whether you are or are not observing holy day, new moon and keeping of sabbath> This is not important It's actually the other way around i.e it is important that you are not put off in practising the teachings of your christian faith. Please consider carefully who Paul was talking to and what the colossians were faced with i.e pagan culture and false teachers trying to impose the religious traditions of man If you read it in context and the fact that the churche at colosse came from a pagan background Paul is telling the gentile christians not to be intimidated for observing the teachings of christianity- clean and unclean meat sabbath keeping, holy days etc Colossians was a letter written to the gentile christian converts at the the church in Colosse. The colossians in general came from a pagan culture which had their own customs and traditions If you look at Colosse- it was on an international trade route where the colossians were exposed to a putpourri of different cultures and with it came more traditions and customs. Syncretism or a mixture of religious beliefs was not uncommon. The colossian converts were one confused lot and Paul is writing to them to set things straight not to detract from their christian faith In addition false teachers had infiltrated the church at colosse and were attempting to deceive the believers with their own religious philosphy. How do i know this? Look at Col 2 in vs 8 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy (religious) and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (7th day Sabbath keeping is NOT a tradition of Man like Sunday keeping is) 4th Commandment -Exodus 20:8-11) So T- Bone, put yourself in Paul's shoes, if you were addressing christian converts from a formerly pagan background who were being harassed by the local pagan community for observing the teachings of the christian faith and trying to impose their man made traditions Would you be saying to them, "Guys it's ok- just tolerate and practise all the false religious beliefs and man made traditions- it's not important whether you follow the teachings of the christian faith or not Would you do this? Of course not So now Col 2:16 becomes very clear when we know colossians were heavily bombarded with false religious beliefs and man made traditions and Paul is encouraging the christian converts at Colosse to stand strong and not be intimidated by the local community and false teachers Colossians 2:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 Let no man therefore judge you (on the importance of your observing and practice ) in meat (clean and unclean) , or in drink (no drunkard shall enter the kingdom of God), or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon (sighting only), or of the sabbath days (God's laws and commanemnts) Ok! Question: Among all the 10 commandments in Exodus 20:8-11 - Why do you single out the 7th day sabbath keeping commandment among all the 10 commandmentst as being not important and not necessary? Please be as brief as possible When you answer the question, please consider this warning from Almighty God Deut 4:2 2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi Mark I have no problems with what bible version uses- generally bible version like NASB are ok There is no version that's 100% accurate- there is bound to be translation errors and that''s why it's good to cross check with greek interlinear and also to read it in context so we dont go off track in seeing what is actually been said But it's important to examine the verses and get the correct interpretation without conflicting with other verses in the bible i.e no contradictions in other parts of the bible Regards Waxit -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi Mark The 7th day sabbath was created for man by God (Sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath. The 7th sabbath day was designed for rest physically and rest spiritually devoted to God as a day of rest, worship God, meditation and fellowship, teaching - Why it's a special day- is that it is the only only day that hs been set aside (sanctified) and hallowed- you may not feel anything special on that day But what is spiritual, you cannot feel, taste or smell- it comes down wheher you believe God or not. It's like the God of the universe is inviting you to a quality time with Him and He has enforced it because he doesnt want you to miss out and the blessings The amazing thing is He has made keeping the 7th day sabbaath as part of the 10 commandments and he keeping of it runs along as the same vein of importance as not lying, stealing or committing adultery etc. Whom am i argue with God. I love Him very much and I trust when He tells me something and diligently observe it and keep it when it is a commandment I know the long term payoff spiritually is going to be significant when i obey God's commandments God doesnt say something for no reason- His every word is pure gold and blessed is the person who takes heed trust and obey becuse he loves God with all his heart, mind and soul You know can be as sarcastic as you like- i am guessing you are- working on a spiritual is somehing devoted to Good- so it's not sinning unless you are carrying logs alongside the elephants in Thailand (LOL) My concern there will be a lot of well meaning christians who will ge the shock of their life on judgement day to find they have disobeyed the 7th day sabbath keeping commandment of God- something they never checked into- necer considered it significant enough to find out - go to God in prayer and they pay the price Matt 7:22 22 Many 9christians)will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? People who have focusssed all their efforts heavily into ministry work - maybe even visting and helping orphans or evangelising- I am not saying this is bad- indeed it's a good thing but at the same time ignoring God's sabbath commanment These chrstians did many wonderful works yet what was the reply from the Lord Matt 7: 23 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. How would you like such a reply from the Lord? The word "iniquity" is translated as lawlessness (not keeping God's law/commandments- ignoring the sabbath will be a big one for most of the christians) It's interesting that Jesus used the word "work" as in ye that work iniquity- so there is work involved in working lawlessness- so in the case of the 7th day sabbath- ignoring it will mean that they are presumably keeping 1st day sunday- usually for 3 hrs keeping sunday is ignoring the God's commandment of 7th day sabbath (turning their backs on Him) and keeping man's traditions- Sunday Highly disrepectful and because it violates God's commandment, it becomes sin Sin is a transgression of the law (1st John 3:4) Mark just asked me whih church I go to - i dont belong to any one church However if you have any questions on sabbath you can either ask me on gsc or you can google it by typing your question or even the scripture verse and add a the end of the senence united church of God. They are very helpful in answering sabbath related questions and much nice than me (lol) Much love in Christ Waxit -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi Twinky Really nice of you to drop in You are right in saying get to know Jesus Christ- absolutely But how can you get to know or to be sure you are on the right track in knowing Jesus Christ? Consider the following bible verse- maybe you might not have come across this verse- what do you think? it certainly does not look like Jesus is pooh poohing the sabbath (part of the 10 commandments) 1 John 2: 3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. (includes 7th day Sabbath keeping -Thank you very much) (also includes all of the commandments of love, mercy, truth and teachings of Jesus Christ) I think you are jumping to conclusions about sabbath being a ritual- there is no magic formula that needs to be observed to make it into a ritual like the jews wanted Sabbath is not a ritual - It's a commandment of God- you can choose to spend sabbath whatever way you like as long as it is rest, worship God, teaching, fellowship, meditation- avoid buying and selling- it's a special time devoted to time with God- if you think that is a ritual rather than quality time- then all the best to you Definiition of ritual: Ritual Description A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed in a sequestered place and according to a set sequence. Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a community, including a religious community. Wikipedia I dont know about your sunday service- from the above definition, the sabbath that i observe according to the bible doesnt require me to follow the above regulations So when you go to your sunday service in your local community at a set time and date for your weekly service- arent you observing set date and time?? but when you keep the 7th day sabbath commanded by God, that suddenly it becomes a ritual to you If you think that sabbath is a artificial ritual- as opposed to what God commands then obviously you are going to pooh pooh it yourself and you made a preety wild statement regarding knowing Jesus Christ- "It doesn't mean: following all the ritual that Jesus followed, and much of which he poo-poo'd" I just need some clarification on this - Are you equating the "ritual" in the above statement you made to mean "keeping of the sabbath" or are you meaning just the way that "jews might have kissed each other on the cheeks" - Looks like you have got your wires crossed here Can you give me one bible verse where Jesus Christ poo pood the keeping of the 7th day sabbath? just one The pharisees who were ritualised (lol) tried to get the Lord to agree to their rituals but he pretty much told them to take a hike Look at what he is saying Twinky again in regards to traditions of men- relate it to our modern day- when you keep the tradition of men then you will likelyreject the commandments of God. Sunday service weekly gathering is the tradition of men and I am quoting scripture not just giving my own opinions without any scripture back up In reading Mark 7:9, it's quite logical to assume that if Jesus Christ was addressing main line christianity, he would be saying. Full well ye reject the 7th day Sabbath (part of the 10 commandments) that ye may keep your own traditional ist day-sunday keeping Mark 7:9 8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. (modern day sunday keeping service- introduced by the rc religion) 9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition (modern day sunday keeping service- tradition introduced by the rc religion) Catholic Virginian Oct. 3, 1947, p. 9, art. "To Tell You the Truth. "For example, nowhere in the Bible do we find that Christ or the Apostles ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. We have the commandment of God given to Moses to keep holy the Sabbath day, that is the 7th day of the week, Saturday. Today most Christians keep Sunday because it has been been "revealed to us by the[Roman Catholic] church outside the Bible." (man made tradition) Whatever you want to say Twinky, you cannot escape the fact that 7th day sabbath is part of the 10 commandments and commanded by God /Jesus Christ So which one of the above commandments that relates to God , do you want to omit because you think it's a ritual as opposed to God's express commandment Did you read the part where I stated that Ignoring the 7th day sabbath is just as bad as lying, stealing and worshipping other Gods Kindly explain 2 bible verses if you don't mind- i would really appreciate it- there might be something that I can learn from you Firstly Romans 3:31 Rom 31 Do we then make void the law through faith?????? God forbid: yea, we establish the law!!!!!! Secondly James 2: 10-11 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point (sabbath keeping), he is guilty of all. (guilty of the rest of the 9 commandments) 11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. (yet ignore the 7th day sabbath) From the bible verses I have share above how can we know Jesus Christ better if we are sinning every week by ignoring the 7th day sabbath and being transgressors of the law? Matthew 7:22 Have you seriously thought about this before Twinky? Hopefully you wont be mad at me for sharing the truth and I will still love you and pray for you even if you decide to throw buns at me Proverbs 27:6 6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Regards Waxit -
by kjv translatorsThe major stumbling block when it comes to the christian's understanding and obeying the sabbath keeping commandment: i.e not being able to recognise and differentiate the bible terminolgy of "works of law" (man made traditions) -which must be ignored and "the works of the law" (God's laws and commandments) - must pay attention to see shat God wants As i see it Rocky, the main reason why christians get confused and do not understand the significance of the 7th day sabbath as commanded by God in the bible bolis down to not being able to understand between "works of law" (traditions of man) and God's laws and commandments. In the time of Jesus, Judaism (the religion of pharisees) among the jews (phsical descedants of Abraham was the mainstream religion- legalistic, self seeking strict and Jews opposed the teachings of Jesus Christ (The Laws and Commandments of God) which was based on love and truth Love God with all your heart,mind and soul and love thy neighbour as yourself. Jesus said, "on these two great commandments, hang all the law and truth God's laws and commandments are holy and rigteousness and are based on love which will set you free John 8:31 & 32 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word (observe and keep God's laws and commandments) , then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Galatians 5: 5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty (teaching and commandments of Jesus Christ who is Lord of the Sabbath wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.(traditions of man) Romans 7:12. Rom 12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. (why would God do away His own laws which are holy and just and good) secondly God cannot and will not deny His own laws thirdly Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath and he says He is the same yesterday, today and forever ( Hebrews 13:8) Gods laws and commandments when obeyed become the basis for relationship with God Our connection with Him is soooo vital because God is the life giver not the sabbath per se The sabbath as part of God's laws and Commandments demonstrates our love for God and this in turn activates our relationship. Many christians just think they have a relationship with God even though they dont obey God's commandments and make believe relationship is definitely not validated by God's word. Let's look at what does validate our relationship with God according to John 14:21-24 21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. 22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? 23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. (via the presence of God - Holy Spirit dwelling in us) Many christians think it is automatic and they dont have to obey the commandments of God- they have a fake relationship, unfortunately- just going by God's word says 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings (laws and commandments of God- refer to vs 21- includes 7th day sabbath) and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me. The phaisees the ruling religious authorities of the day in the time of Jesus and continually harassed Jesus and His disciples by questioning why they dont follow their religious laws (man made traditions). You will notice both parties - Jesus on one hand and pharisees on the other did not oppose keeping the sabbath. In fact Jesus Christ said of Himself, He is "Lord of the Sabbath" . If you are Lord of something, you own it How can then christians who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ not practise what their Lord and master stands for- The Sabbath Keeping of the sabbath was so clear cut and laid out during the time of Jesus and the early christians that there was no question of obeying the 7th day sabbath. You will not find a single verse where there was ever an argument about keeping the 7th day Sabbath- from sunset to sunset The confrontation by the pharisees came about when they questioned Jesus on how they (Jesus & His discippes) were keeping the sabbath The pharisees wanted to include their man made traditions (their own interpretations of how the sabbath was to be kept- commonly known as "works of law" in the bible for instance - "proper and thorough washing of hands-they had a unique way of doing it, (it's ridiculous and hilarious but that's what these clowns are about- also they questioned Jesus on why he healed (that was considered work to the pharisees)- they didnt care about they guy who had a withered hand for his entire life until the time Jesus healed him and also why His disciples plucked corn during the sabbath. The pharisees considered plucking of corns as reaping (work being done on sabbath) All these are works of law which the orthodox jews codified into their talmud and wanted to enforce it on Jesus and His followers and therby corrupt the pure word of God coming to us bunder the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Mark 7:9 9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. In todays christianity (you reject the direct 7th day sabbath (saturday) (when you keep the 1st day- Sunday) (God's laws & commandments) Mans traditions started by the RC religion It is important to understand that we must not interefere with God's laws or commandment by acting contraryy to what he commands if we do then it will lead to a trangression of law (God's laws and it becomes sin This is happening in most of christianity by well meaning christians who think they love God but are ignorant of His commandments which leads to sin week in and week out worldwide and this results in death to our relationship with God 1 John 3:4 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. Sin has consequences from a loving God who is also the God of Justice ( Nothing escapes His eyes- everything will be paid for) Romans 6:23 23 For the wages of sin is death (curse); but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.(blessings when you believe & obey) It is importnt to realise that we must weed out traditions of man from the lwaws and commandments of God because man is inherently corrupt with a carnal nature and God is pure but God having mercy on us through the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ delivered us out of darkness (Col 1:13) is now transforming us into the image of Hid dear son Jesus Christ> We should not undermine this ongoing work by being disobedient to the holy commandments coming from God 2 Peter 1:20 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. ( The jews(pharisees) were blind to this verse obviously The kjv translators who generally have the anti law mindset d in words where they are notorious for adding in words to reflect what they believe raher than sticking with the original greek translation and have led a lot of people astray. See my reply to Twiny on Romans 10:4 which says "Christ is the end of the law" 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, ( i pity the kjv translators who were responsible for adding words If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues into the kjv when the face the Law giver (Jesus Christ the Righteous) that are written in this book: Ok! how do we seperate the traditions of man from the holy commandments of God in the bible First of alwaysl go to the greek interlinear to find out the original greek translation for that particular verse to examine if it's actually refering to the laws and commandments of God (holy and righteous) or is the traditions of man (filthy rags) works of law or deeds os law will be shown by the greek words "ergon nomou" ergon meaning works/ deeds and nomou law so we know in this case it's the traditions of man If it is God's commandments it will shown by the greek works wthe definite article "the" so it will be "tou nomou" (the law) The problem with the KJV translators they have gone and plastered the words "the" everywhere they see the word nomou (law) appearing. Because their mindset is God has "done away with the law" (which is total rubbish)so anything that faintly smells of law the have slapped the definite article "the" into the mix. So what they have done for instance in: Galatians 3:1-2 (used by protestants to codemn sabbath keepers) This is how people normally people read withouth checking with the greek inerlinear 3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? 2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? They equate the works of the law as "keeping the commandments of God but that's not what is appearing in the original greek translation. It looks from this verse Galatians 3;2 like as if it is keeping the laws of God is lending credence to their eroneous belief that keeping the law nullifies the grace of God- that's absolutely incorrect Firstly "the works of the law" is wrong translation- it's made to like it's the keeping of the commanments of God when in fact- it is keeping the traditions of man (utterly useless and should be ignored- touch not, taste not- that sort of garbage) Secondly, keeping the laws of God does not bring salvation- It is God (forgiveness of God- imputing the righteousness of Jesus Christ to us) and Jesus Christ (the blood of jesus Christ which is the propitation for our sins) that bring life and salvation and it is done through our believing faith ( our faith in Jesus Christ is demonstrated by our belief in Jesus Christ which in turn is demonstrated by our willingness to keep God laws and commandments So let's examine Galatians 3:1-2 as it appears 3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? 2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? See the definite article "the" appearing twice as in " - this is the illegal tampering and insertion by the kjv translators So if you take out the definite article "the" from "the works of the law" (laws and commandments of God- (which is the right thing to do as it is incorrectly inserted when you check in the greek interlinear (original greek translation) then it should correctly read as "works of law' (traditions of men instead of "the works of the law) So Galaians 3: 1-2 should read thus: 3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? 2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by works of law -("ergon nomou)-(traditions of men), or by the hearing of faith? Like this erroneous translation , it all over the bible courtesy of the misleading kjv translators and it brings a lot of confusion and erroneous understanding and for people who dont seek God to know the truth, they willfully sin ignorantly every week. If the apostle had intended to mean "the laws and commandments of God" then he would have used the greek translation "tou nomou" meaning the law but he did not. There is only one place in the bible where it is correctly translated laws and commandments of God and this is in Romans 2:14-15 eveywhere else there has been a major labelling error by kjv translators in sticking" laws and commandments of God over the absolute horse manure traditions of men- "works of law" Regards Waxit
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi Twinky- Long time no hear from you- Can we still be friends? Sure I would be glad to answer you I am sorry to say that this is not the explicit direction of the bible and the kjv translators sometimes get their noses out of joint by incorrectly translating this verse. I will explain to you why below Romans 10:4 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. The word "end" in Romans 10:4 is the greek word "telos" which means the aim or purpose of a thing You could say the end purpose. Because the kjv translators who by the way put the word "easter" in the book of Acts which i thought was hilarious have decided in their infinite wisdom to just put the word "end" there instead of what Paul intended to convey. The Greek word telos, translated “end” in Romans 10:4, can convey variations in meaning, including “ ‘the aim or purpose’ of a thing” (Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985, “End, Ending”). This is very clear in the New King James Version’s rendering of 1 Timothy 1:5, where telos is properly translated as purpose in the clause “the purpose of the commandment is love.” In this same verse the NRSV translates telos as “aim” and the NIV renders it as “goal.” In modern terms, it will be like a bank officewr asking a bank loan applicant: To what end or purpose , are you making this bank loan application What Paul is saying here in Romans 10:4 by using " telos" -aim or purpose of something is to say: For Christ is the aim or purpose (telos) of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth So it's not as you say Christ is the end of the law for righteousness- which is what the KJV translators want you to believe They are doing the translations according to what they think is correct and this comes from their "end of the law" mindset and so they found the opporunity to tamper with the word of God (they will get spanked one day because God said dont add or substract from the word The KJV transklators want you to believe what they want you to believe where they can get to believe- (very misleading- another of their easter insertions) Please do check out the greek interlinear and you will uncover a lot of the mistakes. How would you like them to be responsible for road signs for the whole of London-? You might end up in Scotland. Spiritually this is what they are doing. Leading people astray There's one thing that I would like to bring up though and I hope people start taking notice of the fact that any anti law bible verse that you come up with you are going to have problems explaining the pro or for the law bible verses. It's easy to say what about this and what about that but how you going to explain the clear verse in Romans 3:31 31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. You can come up with any anti law bible verse to support your preference for not keeping the 7th day sabbath and you will come up with the road block at highway Rom 3:31. So how are you going to handle that? Please dont think I am ignoring you because I dont have the answers, if that's what you are thinking You guys can come with any anti law/sabbath bible verse and I will be explain it to you even if I have to do some research This bible really concerns me for people who think it is ok to ignore God's 7th day sabbath keeping commandment and this is what God is saying in James 2:10-11 (not what I am saying). Hopefully you will meditate on this- it's serious if you are a true christian believer Pray to God for confirmation of sabbath keeping commandment (You can throw darts at me or buns- but I love you and pray you will take heed James 2:10-11 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point (ignore the 7th day sabbath), he is guilty of all.( all the other 9 commandments stealing, adultery, lying......etc) 11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. yet if thou ignore the 7th day sabbath thou art become a transgressor of the law 1 John 3:4 (This caught my attention) Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. It happens every week for most christians and its sad because these well meaning christians are lovely people Jesus Christ has rescued us from the law of sin and death once Romans 8:2 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. but they keep sinning every week by ignoring the 7th day sabbath God still loves them and I love them too but God is also a God of justice Romans 6 For the wages of sin is death Regards Waxit -
Fair enough Rocky. Truth is I can discuss core issues why people misunderstand and are not aware of how important sabbath is If you see my previous posts, I have written previously to mark explaining why people reach the conclusion that sabbath is not important Rather than throw a whole bunch of material at people- it is better to have an engaging conversation by asking and answering questions directly without beating around the bush Can I ask you- do you believe that the bible is the word of God than can be relied on and trusted once you understand it for yourself Would you say you are a true christian believer? I just want to make sure it will be a productive discussion
The above remark from you is absolute horse manure coming out of your mouth Why would you even want to engage in a conversation if you have such a bad impression about me. I wrote to rocky and you butted in - and fair enough you wrote a kind posting- asking me some relevant questions about sabbath and giving me bible verses that you think shows that sabbath has become insignificant then you come out with an absolute trash of a statement I was going to write back showing the flaws and your misunderstanding on the bible verses that you have pointed out But now i am not so sure if i even want to reply to you and should ignore you and perhaps even get out of gsc all together I even asked Rocky politely if he wanted to communicate with me Can I ask you what you mean by me harboring one of wierville's most deceptive trick? Secondly what do you mean by christian agnostic? I checked up on the internet and they say there is no such thing The term christian and the term agnostic are incompatible. It appears to me that you are being very deceptive in the way you are presenting yourself You cannot have one foot in one camp and the other foot in another camp. It will never work in true christianity And I am not sure if I am going to have a sane discussion seeing you can be christian on one hand and you can jump into being an agnostic at any time you see fit. Hmmm very deceptive
It's really interesting how Jesus Christ put the lawyer straight From the above verse, it's clear that the lawyer's intention was not to learn from Jesus but to find an angle to trap Jesus with his words. Look at the pretense and how the lawyer cleverly hides his "pride" and "superiority in spiritual matters" by saying, "teacher, what shall i do to inherit eternl life" Of course Jesus already knows what's in the lawyer's heart and comes out with a true statement that's very uncomfortable with the pharisee/scribe community "loving your neighbour as yourself" What the lawyer must have thought to himself- I thought I was number one- "Loving my neighbour as myself- are you out of your mind Jesus"? In real life It's beneath the dignity of pharisees and scribes to be even seen talking to the down and outers because of their "high uppity up social status" So naturally- the lawyer got stung- Without actually saying anything directly, the Lord is exposing the lawyer's pride and hypocrisy. Having been caught out, the lawyer thinks very quickly because it was a direct hit to the very heart of a pharisee's pride Luke 10 v: 29- But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour? The lawyer wasnt willing to let go because his pride has been severely smacked and he is still thinking- he can somehow salvage his pride? Big mistake! He doesnt know he is tightening the noose around his own neck Jesus goes into it even further with the story of a samaritan of all people (half casts who were hated by the jews the orthodox jews- pharisees in particular) helping the poor robbery victim ( a jew- if i am not mistaken) who was stripped of everything putting the "highly respected" levite and a priest to shame (This must be like a knock out punch- down and out- out for the count of 10- no getting up) So the Lord asks Him in: vs 36- 36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? 36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? 37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.(ouch-that hurts) So as you said T-Bone, the location doesnt matter- your neighbour is who you come across that is in need of help of course the pharisees and scribes congregate around their own and twi "faithfuls" will normally "hang out" with "like minded believers" - all sounds very 'spiritual" so there is a possibility that lawyer was hoping on the issue of whose is my neighbour that Jesus would say, "the person close to you" and the lawyer could then agree with him whole heartedly(because the pharisees always scratched each others back and stamp on every other dirt they see on the road) and say yes! Even though things didnt work out the way I wanted to trap Jesus but at least I have got Jesus to admit what I wanted him to say. Little did he know about the sucker punch that completely floored him- he had no answer to the Good Samaritan parable and was given marching orders This is a lesson that all of us should take heed and to remember "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy" because it's so easy to keep within own group group and look the other way when you see a need Matthew 5: 20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees (callous and self seeking), ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. This is a really nice youtube video that I came across- Twinky, you might like this-although i doubt if you can imitate the texan drawwwll being a dyed in the wool pommie lol The lead singer gives his testimony towards the end of the song Ya all take care now and keep safe Regards Waxit
I am not going to dismiss you but wondering if it's going to be productive and if it's worth your time talking to someone who is a serious christian and considers the bible (the word of God) as a loving guide inspired by God The bible is like a personal letter from God to me not like a story book You are better off speaking to someone who is laid back and get along really well and will learn more because you see eye to eye -I hope you can see that are differences to your casual approach to the bible ans compared to my belief that it is the infallible word of God and inerrant in its accuracy and can be 100% relied and trusted on the all important issue of where we are going to spend eternity 2 Peter 1:3 3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Jesus said, "The words that i speak to you are spirit and they are life" John 6:63 I believe the bible is God's own guidance book on how to live like Jesus Christ that will enable Him (God) to transform us (serious christians) into the image of His dear Son Jesus Christ 2 Peter 2:20-21 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. I know you will say that this is all twi stuff- twi can go and jump in the lake I should have had the sense to take the above verses and tear twi apart - i didnt do it and paid the price spiritually Also, The bible does say in 2Timothy 2:15 to study and examine the word of God- The reason for this is that there are a lot of errors in the bible (kjv version) that have crept in because of translation errors and there is a need to examine everything in a bible verse so it harmonises with the rest of the bible and there are no contradictions with other bible verses in the word of God There are loop holes in twi teaching left right and centre which i should hace checked out instead of letting myself be brainwashed Yes! definitely we have been through twi and have been thoroughly hood winked by the stinking maggots The one thing I have learnt coming out of twi- is that I need to be carefully who i trust, which organization is "teaching" the word- to thoroughly check them out before i give them a dime. And whatever that is taught- to ensure that it is rightly divided which means there are absolutely no contradictions with the rest of the bible- And ask questions and if something smellsspiritually - get out of there See I am not into interested into leading someone into a legalist sub culture as you call it I am only interested in experiencing freedom as what Jesus said it will do if I obey and practise what God tells me to do via His word. If people want this kind of freedom then only God can give then lets' study the bible to glean the truth of what God is saying John 8:31-32 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free So Rocky, I dont know what you want to achieve by talking to someone like me. It would be like a mexican talking to a chinese lol Do you believe Jesus Christ is God? What do you want to get out of having a chat with me? There are lots of other folks in gsc where you get along like a house on fire
Mark Please do not misunderstand me and I have said this many times so hopefully you will change your perception of me in regards to sabbath promotion I am not saying that 7th day sabbath keeping is the be all and end all. Far from it- I repeat, the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart ,mind and soul and next to it is to love your neighbour as yourself Why do I then focus on sabbath keeping? Because this is the most misunderstood commandment of God and largely ignored by christians worldwide. Romans and Galatians are two of the most difficult books to understand and the kjv translators have confused a lot of people by not making the distinction between "works of law" i.e traditions of men - as in jewish man made laws - which has nothing to do with God's laws and commandments (includes the 10 commandments) If you compare In the original greek (greek interlinear) whenever "works of law" (traditions of man)- greek "nomou" or the works of the law (God's laws and commandments) "tou nomou" with what it's saying in the kjv, you will see that kjv translators have messed it up by plastering two thre letter words "the" everywhere it states "works of law" (traditions of men) so now they have made "works of law" (traditions of men) into "the works of the law" (God's laws or commandments ) and so everyone now thinks that you dont have to keep God's laws and commandments wheres what the bible is saying (if you look in the original greek), that you dont have to keep 'works' of law" -traditions of men but you keep God's laws and commandments (All of the 10 commandments) So this misunderstanding which is brought about by kjv translators causes people to excuse themselves from sabbath keeping because they understand it as something unnecessary and various reasons are given based on this misunderstanding of "works of law" (tmans traditions) and "the works of the law" (God's laws) Sabbath keeping becomes the easiest target to ignore based on wrong understanding of the verses relating to law in Romans and Galatians Romans 2:15 is the only verse thats correctly translated as "the works of the law' (God's laws) in the bible When it comes to the 10 commandments, people readily acknowledge that stealing, lying and adultery is sin but somehow they wriggle out of the sabbath- that's absurd come to think of it So the question is why only wriggle out of sabbath keeping why not continue to steal, kill and murder and commit adultery- Doesnt make sense does it? So this is serious- sabbath keeping must be viewed with the same importance as not stealing, not lying, not tworshipping other Gods etc ( today in the real world a lot of people worship themselves without realising it) I repeat: The reason why we keep the first 4 commandments of God should be because we love God with all our heart, mind and soul The reason why we keep the next 6 commandments iof God should be because we love our neighbours/parents (mankind) as ourselves Whats one of the ways God knows we love Him: John 14: 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments (not traditions of men)
Hi Mark I can understand where you are coming from in terms of one commandment being more important than the other but that's not what God thinks. The bible says that all the 10 commandments are equally important so that if you ignore one than it's as if are guilty of ignoring all the rest. So there is no such thing as a most important commandment or the least important commandment with God They are all important and should not be ignored. We must understand who the commandments are coming from. It's the God of the universe- all knowing, all powerful and all wise. am so thankful that He is loving and kind and loves us. But one thing for sure- he cannot deny nor will he budge from the laws that he set up for our benefit and for our all important relationship with God So what does the bible say if we keep all the commandments except for one commandment? This is what God says in: James 2: 10-11 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. (1 John 3:4) So conversely what James is saying, also applies to all the other commandments. For instance if you keep the sixth commandment by not murdering another person and yet do not keep the fourth commandment by ignoring the 7th day sabbath then you become a transgressor of the law and are committing a sin. It's as if you are guilty of violating the whole 10 commandments. Refer above in vs 10: guilty of all I know from a human perspective- we tend to grade our offences from highly offensive to mild but please note what the bible is clearly saying. God went to great lengths to save us from our sins through the sacrificial lamb of God- his only begotten Son- The Lord Jesus Christ and is a very loving God. He does not want you to sin through ignorance of the 10 commandments. The conseqences or wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Death of a relationship with Him. Ths is what Adam & Eve experienced when they disobeyed God by eating of the "fruit of the tree of good and evil" God loved David very much but David paid very heavily for his one time adulterous affair with Batsheba. The 7th day sabbath is ignored every week by most Christians. Do you honestly think that God will close his eyes on this? Look at it this way, you are in 4 x 100 meters relay squad for the USA team in the Tokyo Olympics and prepared really well and the finals of the 4 x 100 metres event begins So bang goes the gun and your team gets to a fantastic start, the first and second runner do tremendously well and the baton is passed to you with perfect timing and your team is leading by a "mile" and you take off and run a brilliant race in record time and when you pass the baton to the fastest runner in the team, a tragedy happens horror of horrors, the baton is not held on properly and gets dropped. There is a deathly silence in the whole stadium Can you then tell the event officials- Look! we deserve to get the gold medal we did eveything in record time- what's one slip of the baton -it was wet and it slipped- big deal- Do you think you will get the gold medal? 1 John 3:4 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law There are many who will argue against this on gsc- guaranteed- at the end of the day this is God's word not mine but please understand God loves you and wants to bless you in getting you to rest and devote your time to God on the 7th day -in prayer,meditation, study and other like minded believers. Sabbath was made for man (Mark 2:27) However I do acknowledge that Jesus Christ said in Matt 22:37-40 that the greatest commandment is to love God with all thy heart, mind and soul and alongside that to love your neighbour as yourself but He never said, you can ignore His laws & commandments (Including the 7th day sabbath) He said, "on the 2 greatest commandments hang all the law and the prophets" Matthew 22:37-40 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. So what this means according to the bible is that the foundation or the whole purpose for obeying all the commandments of God (eg 10 commandments) hinges on/based on (1) loving God with all our hearts, mind and soul and (2) loving our neighbours as our own selves The first 4 commandment relates to God- you keep because you love God with all your heart, mind and soul The next 6 commandments relates to your neighbour (mankind) - you keep because you love people around you from a godly perspective and will not violate or harm your neighbours or dishonour your parents in any way Regards Waxit Regards Waxit
The very fact that you engaged with me and reached out to have a productive discussion about sabbath/ sabbath legalsim is a good sign. Unless you are an atheist- that does not believe in God or an agnostic that doesnt regard the bible as the word of God (when rightly divided with no contradictions in other parts of the bible) that it is inerrant in its accuracy and can be relied and trusted then I think we can have a productive discussion But If you dont agree with the above and you are an agnostic, atheist then please let me know your spiritual standing/denomination I am not going to dismiss you- please dont pre judge me- this is a mistake we all make However, the Bible, Jesus Christ and God The Father must be central in our thinking in examining the truth of God's word if we are to have a productive discussion How I am going to engender trust and engage in good faith? I have learnt from my past mistakes in gsc that the best way to engage in a meaningful dialogue is to love people/ understand where they are coming from and not to resort to bible bashing, right off the bat only introduce bible verses when it is relevant and ask relevant questions and ensure that it does get answered otherwise things can go all over the place and into something that's off the subject being discussed My biggest mistake when i was in twi was i never questioned vpw-never checked his history or the twi cult and was deceived by his theatrics and I should have stayed away from the infected way households which prevented me from "thinking outside the way box" People in gsc (ex way) have had this systematic brain washing ( manipulative and deceitful handling of the word) shoved down their throats by the maggots at twi and for some people it may have taken a very long time to recover (I am one of them) so I have got to be mindful of that. I am responding to your post to me in regards to having a productive discussion on the issue of 7th day sabbath Regards Waxit
Are you genuinely interested in finding more about sabbath? Why it's the most misunderstood and most ignored commandment of God I once thought the same way you did i.e legalistic (how wrong i was when I go by what what the bible says Upon a deeper examination of the word of God (the bible) I find that sabbath legalism is through the orhodox jews- with diverse rules- 1000's and complicated which they introduced and tried to impose it on christian converts. The sabbath of the bible is not he sabbath of Judaism. Jews have their own man made laws codified in the talmud I dont know if we can have a productive discussion Can I ask you what category do you fall into? Are you a trintarian, gnostic, atheist?? I just want to see if it's possible to have a productive conversation- also can you stop calling me dude- personally i feel it's disrespectful
Hi Stayed Too Long This may probably be the last time i respond to you I can appreciate Fred does use harsh language. As I said in my previous post to TBone, I dont agree with everything Fred says I have not jumped cults- i am so thankful to have dumped the twi cult like a ton of bricks-stayed too long but since then I have not been brain washed like what twi does and I dont consider myself as belonging to any one group. I personally have done a lot of research inside out and 7th day Sabbath Keeping and this commandment from God is largely ignored among christians and is a sin they repeat week in and week out in direct violation of the 4th commandment in the 10 cwommandments The reason I am responding to your comment is to let you know that I am not stupid as you think i am and I am certainly not brain washed by Fred The sabbath is not the be all or end all just so you know I am not fanatical- There are a lot of other things in the bible that come into play like love, truth,mercy etc but the sabbath is something satan has had enormous success in getting people to disobey- and instead has got christians to obey his 1st day sunday keeping watered down 3hr "sabbath". Sunday keeping was started by the rc church. The early christians have never made sunday as their regular weekly service Look at what Cardinal Gibbons of the RC church said James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore (1877-1921), in a signed letter. In fact for close to 300 years from the time Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, there was no hisorical record that sunday was the weekly service - the reason I am focussing on the sabbath is because this is a very important commandment that people desperately want to ignore because it doesnt suit their lifestyles or they dont understand what God wants. If you commit the sin of igrnoring 7th day sabbath keeping week in and week out, what do you expect from God- a grland of flowers from heaven Of course there is going to be serious consequences like Fred said We dont own this world, God does- He is the boss. He flicks the switch on and voila you get corona virus. If you repent He is merciful otherwise the world will continue to suffer the consequences 1 John 3:4 | Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. (chew on that) I am hoping that someone will seriously research into the sabbath without having an anti sabbath bias but it's unlikely I will find that person on gsc Regards Waxit
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I have already replied with a detailed explanation of why Noah kept the sabbath although there is no specific verse in the bible- It's a case of putting 2 and 2 together The word "oxygen" is never mentioned in the bible but you know they must have been breathing oxygen I dont know whether you have read it and I am wondering why you havent bothered to reply -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
ok -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
As I recall some time ago Twinky, when i said the same question to Mark- you said I was insulting Arent you insulting me right now by putting it in bold clear, capitalised words? Isnt this double standard? So one rule for regulars and another for newcomers who are unpopular BTW before I answer your question about Noah observing the sabbath- PLEASE STATE WHAT VERSE(S) STATE THAT NOAH OBSERVED THE SABBATH? I would like to respond to you bringing up the Noahide laws first. the Noahide laws not biblical- it's devised by the Jews The orthodox Jews fail to understand this verse below and are still "banging their heads against the wailing wall" (LOL) -:It doesnt get into their brain so they come up with ways to justify in some way the superiority of the jews and the inferiority of the gentiles in a subtle way The reason the orthodox jews didnt mention (imo)about the sabbath is because they want to keep it for themselves and distinguish themselves as the "priveledged" class Paul of course makes this very clear statement below Romans 10: 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. I will ask the jews which part of that bible verse, don't they understand? I found this on a website about the Noahide laws- In keeping with gsc guidelines, I am not going to send you to the website_ if you want further info- let me know: The Noahide Laws Edition 1.0 20160813-20160813) The fraud of the Noahide Laws has been passed on the world to distance Judaism from Christianity and to deny the Laws of God coming from His nature and the absolute relationship of the Law and the Patriarchs and the extension of the Laws of God to mankind. Its purpose is to establish antinomianism and the fiction that God gave the law to Levites to place in Israel and that the Trinitarian Sunday worshipping church is not bound by it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In regards to Noah observing the biblical sabbath, there is no direct chapter and verse which says he observed the sabbath That doesn't mean He did not observe the 7th sabbath. There are many things in the bible that was understood to be done but never directly mentioned. For instance in the whole book of Esther, there is not one mention of the word "God". Do you mean to tell me that Esther and Mordecai- the heroes that saved the jews from total annhilatiion, didnt worship the one true God because there is not chapter or verse in Esther that mentions the word "God" So if you ask me for chapter and verse, there aint one but it's quite clearly understood that Esther and Mordecai were God's people who had the favour of God, worshipped and obeyed God. God orchestrated the event to bring about perfect justice So how do i know that Noah observed the sabbath without a specific chapter and verse. I have already mentioned regarding this before and I am going to mention it again for the second time- so you dont have to ask me for the fourth time for chapter and verse. We know the sabbath was established in heaven by God in Gen 2: 1-3 In Exodus 20:8, This is first time sabbath is specifically mentioned and before the written law was given to Moses on stone tablets. Notice what God is saying: Exodus 20 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. I asked you this question previously but you have not bothered to answer me. So I am asking you this question for the second time, How can God tell someone to remember to keep the Sabbath, if it was not already being kept" How far back did it stretch? Well we know God started it in Gen 2:1-3 So obviously it must have stretched all the way back to Adam & Eve So I am going to ask you another question for the second time- which you have not ignored otherwise you would have put 2 and 2 together Why would God go to all that effort of creating the sabbath for man and let man ignore it. Hmmm! Yeah ok! It's an option- do what you like? I dont think so- God doesnt do something for no reason- God is a perfect God. Once he establishes something, it is forever Hebrews 13: 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Did the God of the universe create the sabbath because he was bored and had nothing better to do?? Jesus spefically said in Mark 2: 27 And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: 28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. So what reason is there for man (the christ line) right down from Adam & Eve to ignore the sabbath?? We know the sabbath was a spoken commandment that happened on the 7th day of creation and later it became a written commandment in Exodus 31:18 written by the finger of God Does that mean people before Moses can ignore the spoken commandments or laws just because there is no written bible verse for it until Exodus 31:18 about 1450 to 1400 bc Just because there is no specific bible verse against money laundering- is it ok for a christian to do money laundering? Well! you would say that in the bible it says we must obey the laws of the land- so what about the law of God on sabbath keeping when he finished the work of creating the heavens and the earth So how do I know Noah observed the sabbath? Because God said he was a righteous man- Gen 6:9 a preacher of righteousness Gen 6:9 9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Ezekiel 14:14 14 Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God. Gen 26:5 5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws. (Another man of God who kept the sabbath) Notice the striking similarities between Noah and Abraham- They were counted righteous because they believed and walked in the ways (laws and commandments of God) against a generation which was largely disobedient and unrigheous Psalm 19:9 9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord (including the 7th day sabbath) are true and righteous altogether. Romans 4 3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed (faith that results in obedience) God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. How can God call Noah righteous if he flouts the laws of God -which was passed down the generattions I am sure that there would have been a seventh day of the week during Noah's time (No offence intended) What would have happened if Noah didnt keep the 7th day Sabbath? It's disobedience against God's commandment Ex 20:8-11 God cannot call him righteous and without blame if Noah disobeyed the 7th day commandment keeping sabbath You dont need a bible verse to figure that out Why? Because of 1 John 3: 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law (God's spoken or written word) I am going to be polite. In light of everything that I have highlighted and explained, and does the above verse in 1 John 3 ring a bell to you as to why Noah, a preacher of righteousness and one that is called righteous by God would have definitely obeyed the 7th day sabbath keeping commandment of God started in Genesis 2:1-3 Regards Waxit :