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One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Ok Twinky -you must admit though you have avoided answering the two scriptures that I have requested for you to explain Your points of view and other people's points of view and my view must conform to the word of God There are some things that I can see where people are coming from. For instance how long was the earth in existence before mankind was created - some say millions and some say billions But when God says, "Tho shalt not steal" how many different interpretations are there.? or when God says, :Thou shalt not commit adultery" in relation to another fellow being. How many differen interpretations are there for you and the others on gsc have. Can you come up with a different view that it is ok to commit adultery like the twits If you genuinely want to know something - scripture verse that says 7th day sabbath keeping is not necessary then either copy and paste here - the portion you want answered, or reply and lay it down here and I will answser them for you directly, you will see that unlike you i will answer them directly This much I can do as I have also other things to do -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Come on Twinky, in the beginning you were insistent on chapter and test and now since there is overwhelming evidence of the 7th day sabbath, you say it;s not a scripture slug fest I really dont give two hoots about twi and the sex perverts there. They dont have a copyright/patent on the word of God I really dont care if you know better scriptures- this isnt about who has superior knowledge This is about sabbath related scriptures and what God is saying in regards to His important 7th sabbath keeping commandment Exodus 20:8-11 is a direct sabbth commandment of God and everything works of that. Jesus Christ spefically said, "He didnt come to abolish the law" and yet you claim "Jesus Christ is the end of law" to which I explained to you- that the word "telos" used shows that Jesus Christ is the purpose for the law of righteousness But you never agree that your claim that "Jesus Christ is the end of law" was wrong, because if you do that will be another chink in your armour falling off So what you just divert to something else. Is that what you do when you cannot explain or admit that someone else has a valid point which you don't like -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
As usual you have avoided answering the questions- I have asked and i knew that will happen, simply because you cannot explain the scriptures - you simply cannot answer directly whereas I can, It's as simple as that I challenged you and you were not able to meet the challenge and now you run around dancing in circles -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi Twinky You are not the only person I am answering to - and I dont have the time to find the thread-since there have been a number of posts between us Look- your posts are not as long and detailed as mine as mine so i do read it entirely- I think you are very presumptious when you say I dont read it in sufficient detail. And sorry No! I cannot admit to something that I am not guilty of In fact I think it's the other way around - you are not answering the question / explanation that i am asking you and the reason I know this, is because you dont bother to ask me questions based on the scripture that I am pointing you which means you are ignoring what the word of God is saying or you have not read it in sufficient detail to ask me a question based on the very same scripture that i have brought to your attention. Instead what you do is, you simply turn around and point to another scripture One instance where i remember answering your question is when you said the actual sabbath day has been lost through history because of calendar changes. I distinctly remember giving you a clear explanation how in spite of calendar changes the 7th day sabbath has always remained the same i.e saturday You are welcomed to answer me a question anytime - I will answer it directly without going elsewhere or giving another question I get the impression that you avoid answering my question because you are afraid to know that 7th day sabbath commandment is a valid and binding commandment coming from God and ignoring it is sin just like when you ignore the other 9 commandments 1 John 3:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. If you think Iit's not true what i am saying in not correct- go ahead and prove me wrong Twinky, starting from this post Please answer my question or explain scripture that I am pointing out first- eg explain the scripture as to what it's saying then you can ask me your question and I will do the same In answer to your first question- why do i think sabbath is important out of all the other things that is being discussed on gsc Answer: Because God said it - Would that be a good enough reason Twinky? Exodus 20:8-11 People agree to all the other 9 commandments in Exodus 20 but they ignore the 4th commandment and willfully sin week in and week out i.e 7th day Sabbath Keeping Commandment Now my turn- since you are so much into the love commandment which i agree is very important The 10 commandments are in fact based on love for God and love for your neighbour ( Matthew 22:40) The first 4 commandments someone keeps because they love God and the next 6 commandments someone keeps is because they love their neighbour (people they come across) So Twinky could you please explain a couple of bible verse below first (as to what it is saying). If you could focus on the highlighted words, that would be great and then you can ask me a question Please explain 1 John 5:3 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous Secondly You say you Love Jesus Sol let's see what God of the bible thinks and the biblical proof that someone loves God from his or her heart Please explain John 14: He that hath my commandments, (includes 7th day sabbath commandment) and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. I will wait to see if you are courageous enough to explain and answer my questions above directly Regards Waxit -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
You are getting all twisted Mark because you dont understand that the law of sabbath day that the pharisees followed was their own strict man made interpretations (judaism not christianity). They have thousands of them and they are laborious and burdensome- They even had strict ways of they should wash their hands and how if someone's house caught fire on the sabbath- they are not permitted to take all their belongings (they considered that work) but they could take as much clothes as possible by wearing their clothes on them- to them that's not considered work go figure- so for eg you would have to wear 3 of your suits-3 of your long pants- s shrts- wonder how you will wear 2 shoes? So in this case the disciples were going through the fields and they were hungry so they pluck the ears of the corns which they are permitted to do but the pharisees jump in and say-the disciples plucking the corn = harversting and threshing (judaism)- what a load of nonsense So Mark, I am not the pharisee here- I am not saying you cannot pluck corn and eat on the sabbath day so i think you saying I am a pharisee is not correct. Jesus Christ rightly told them another scripture where David and his men were hungry and they the ate the shre bread which was on the altar Notice the question or the issue brought up by the pharisees is not whether they were observing the sabbath but rather how it was being observed. The pharisees wanted Jesus and his disciples to observe the sabbath according to their strict man made traditions (Judaism) wherby the Lord pointed them to what David and his men did when they were hungry Matt 12:3-5 So Mark you can take the law of the sabbath day according to the pharisees (man made traditions of phaisees) have shove it down the toilet You have gone off topic in branching out to "how the pharisees wanted the sabbath to be observed" . If you kindly focus on the issue of observing the 7th day sabbath according to God's commandment (Jesus Christ was never accused by the pharisees of not keeping the 7th day sabbath) Do not focus on what the pharisee idiots wanted - focus on whether you are keeping the 7th day sabbath commandment of God Keeping the 7th day sabbath is not about a bunch of legalistic rules to be observed If that is all that you can think of after i have given you clear explanation on the strong link between The love of God and the 7th day sabbath then i feel sorry for you that you are not grasping what sabbah keeping is In regards to the sabbath being quoted 84 times in the book of acts. Hmmm! I thought that I did see this sometime ago If I am wrong- I stand corrected. Thanks for clarifying that Here are some interesting reading on the issue of 7th day sabbath keeping for you Sabbath in the book of Acts https://www.ucg.org/the-good-news/the-sabbath-in-acts-lukes-record-of-pauls-understanding The pharisees accusing Jesus of not following the law of the sabbath day does not equal to me saying 7th day sabbath commanded by God (Ex 20:8-11) (Nonsense -I dont agree with this rubbish- Go find a pharisee in your neighbourhood (God's laws and commandment) and have a chow down with him- I dont give a hoot about what the pharisees did I dont like their legalistic rules and I certainly will not practise them- they are ridiculous-if you ask me and never commanded by God. You have gone off topic from love of God and commandment keeping whch we were discussing to the nonsense of the pharisees of man made traditions which we are all aware off- I dont know why you tried this cheap shot on me. There are more relevant and significant things to discuss Mark if you are truly interested in findding about why it's so impoartant to keep the 7th day Sabbath. If you are not interested in finding about more and want a better understanding of the very concerning scriptures i have highlighted for people ignoring the sabbath, please let me know- so I dont have to waste my time with you -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi Mark I am sure you know what the word "commandment" means. Ok! just to make it crystal clear - please refer to the definition of commandment This definition just popped up when i googled it -you can refer below You say love has been mentioned 35 times but there has been no mention of the word sabbath in 1 John Surely you must know that the word commandment which is mentioned 35 times already includes the 7th day sabbath keeping commandment. So that's why the sabbath becomes significantly important as part of the commandmentsss (plural) in 1 John 2:3-4 It is not necessarily true to say that you can judge the importance of a particular subject based on the times a related word is directly quoted- in the case love and sabbath If you use that kind of a logic then I can also say, "Adultery" has been mentioned "0" times in 1 John So does that mean since the word"adultery" has not been mentioned in 1 John, it must not be important and insignificant. So like vpw shameless sex in the mire, it shouldn't matter, as long as you love your female neighbour, it's ok if you committed adutery with her. That doesn't make sense Does it? Exactly that's why love and commandment keeping are strongly inter linked Put it this way and I hope you cn meditate on this till it is etched in your heart, Loving God (which most christians) will profess = Keeping His commandments (Incl 7th day sabbath) 1 John 5:3 John doesnt have to mention every single commandment by word for you to understand that all the components of God's commandments are included in the word "commandments" and important (includes 7thday sabbath) So making something insignificant just because the word is not directly mentioned in a particular section of the bible is not a reliable way to arrive at a conclusion. Did you know that the word "God" is not mentioned, not once-zilch,nada "0" times in the book of Esther? Does that make God insignificant???? God forbid What if i told you that the word "sabbath" is mentioned in the book of Acts about 84 times- surely that should also tell you something, shouldn' t it? Ok! Let's get on to the definition of commandment Commandment /kəˈmɑːndmənt/ Learn to pronounce noun a divine rule, especially one of the Ten Commandments. "the Sabbath had to be kept as ordered in the Fourth Commandment" a rule to be observed as strictly as one of the Ten Commandments." You are a nice guy but you keep harping on the Love commandment- fair enough that the love commandment is the greatest commandment but it is still just one commandment- what about the rest? 1 John 2: 3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandmentsss.(plural 4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandmentsss(plural), is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Summary Firstly in regards to the above verses, the word "commandments" is a broad all encompassing word that includes all the commandments of God- i.e love commandment, 10 commandments (including 7th day sabbath) and all the rest of God's commandments in the bible pertainaing to every area of lives. The greek translation says "directives". Directives here refers to God's directions. The commandments or laws of God are God's directions 7th day sabbath commandment is a major commandment (relationship commandment in the 10 commandments) that is largely ignored week in week out worldwide by most christians. Secondly, I am banging my head again and again that love of God is very strongly linked to commandment keeping (including 7th day sabbath) but it doesnt seem to be getting through on gsc. When will people understand that God wants both love and commandment keeping. I am so tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. It's like ground hogs day And when i dont reply, people think i am ignoring them. Mark, all of God's commandments are based on love and on the flip side, He is clearly telling us in no uncertain terms what love of God is 1 John 5:3 King James Version (KJV) 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments (includes 7day sabbath): and his commandments are not grievous (not a burden- it's a blessing) In all honesty, you cannot keep the commandments of God without loving God- It will be meaningless and confusing- you dont have to keep the commandments if you dont love god- your carnal nature will quickly figure that out and before long, you will fail In the same way conversely if you love God (coming from a biblical perspective) you will humble yourself to keeping the commandments of God Are we to obey God or do we keep looking for a loophole which will match what we want and what we think God should be saying? I mean who are we to argue against the Almighty, All Wise, All Powerful and thankfully Loving God? We are but dust with a pea brain and to dust will we return. What gives us life is God? We must worship God in spirit and truth and reverently obey His commandments- The 7th day sabbath keeping law is not only a commandment - it's God's gift to man- a special time to rest from our labours and to rest in God spiritually devoted to Godly activities of worship, teaching,fellowship where the spirit of God brings healing and restoration. It seems to me that people who are anti sabbath are looking hard to find an escape clause from the 7th day sabbath keeping law/commandment . Well there aint any Jeremiah 18 18 The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, 2 Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. 3 Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. 4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. 5 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 6 O house of Israel (people of God), cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. 1 John 3:4 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. Regards Waxit -
No problem Rocky- we can still be friends no matter what and whatever you decide- if in the very unliklely event you did believe in 7th day sabbath keeping dont worry, you dont have to join any cult organization or take pflap deceptive brain washing classes As I said, I am prepared to accept the fact that you will never accept 7th day sabbath keeping of Exodus 20:8-11 and it looks like it's not hitting home for you, the gravity of 1 John 1: 1-2 so it's a bit of an indication of what's happening spiritually with you at the moment the spiritually aha moment hasnt happened yet - as it did for me ( I realised from within I had to repent) This is they type of spiritual awakening I am talking about in the bible verses below. That's why it needs earnest prayer to God and God will know if you are serious and also you must repent of all known sins in your life- confess it ot God, repent and dont do it again If you are not prepared to repent of sins currently in your life then there is no point praying Granted the biblical examples below was in relation to salvation and mine in this case was the sin of ignoring the 7th day sabbath Acts 9:6 6 And he (paul) trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Acts 2;:7 37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? There can be immense value for non believers as someone like a monk in the dalai lama monastery as in perhaps leading moral and upright lives definitely but when they die- they are dead ducks for a 1000 yr period after whicn they get woken up and God will reveal the truth to them at that time. This will also include professing christians who dont have a relationship with Jesus Christ and at this time they will have God revealing the truth to them directly John 14: 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth (Lord of the Sabbath) , and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Before i answer the consequence of those who choose to ignore the 7th day sabbath keeping by treating it as insignificant Can I ask you, do you believe you have a relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
could you please tell me which question, you want me to answer? -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
The bible shows where we are spiritually. From the following verses, it is clear the importance of commandent keeping (includes 7th day Sabbath) 1 John 2: 3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. How do you explain the above verses in light of your anti sabbath stance? -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Wow! Not a hair out of place for James Bond- that's Amazing!!!! I wonder what what hair gel he uses -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
It doesn't matter- I was the one who started the "one man esteemeth one day above another" Did you answer the question I asked at the end of my previous post? It's important that you answer the question and then afterwards you can discuss and throw more bible bible verses that show "sabbath is not important" until i exhaust them for you and everyone else Ok! Please go to this very helpful artice that clearly explains "one man esteemeth one day above another" Rom 15:5 verse https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/booklets/the-new-covenant-does-it-abolish-gods-law/did-paul-teach-that-all-days-of-worship-are-alike Feel free to look up all the scriptures Before you go there, I would like to summarise what you will find there. You will see that: (1) Romans 14:5 in context is definitely not talking about sabbath - This alone takes the sting out of the anti sabbath stance In those days they had religious activities on certain days of the week and that's what Paul is addressing as no hard and fast rule (2) If you are correct and Paul was in fact referring to the sabbath days- We have a problem Houston Paul if he was referring to sabbath days he would be contradicting himself in Romans 3:31and other numerous scriptures- the bible will fall apart i would like to quote just 2 bible verses for now Romans 3:31 31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. (incl 7th day sabbath) (keep the law Acts 13:42 42 And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath. (why wait one one whole week- these were gentile christians) if 7th day sabbath was irrelevant) (3) When i refer to laws and commanadments of God- it's always in reference to and includes the 7th day Sabbath keeping Commandment- 4th commandment -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I will try my best to be brief and to the wpoint By the same token, i ask that you dont avoid or ignore the questions i ask related to sabbath keeping 4th commandment -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I have had a look at the above link and I can understand why you think it's a cult Do not assoicate wcg with the other churches of God- if the article is accurate then wcg had some strange doctrines that is not biblical As i said i dont belong to any one of them I do look at the sermons preached at cgg (I am not their memberbtw- and they have helped me to come to a deeper understanding and a greater resolve to focus on Jesus Christ there was a lot of rubbish with wcg -i was never in their organization- and the guy that took over joseph tkach jr according to the article, has made wcg into a spiritual sewer to draw in more peole- seeker friendly- i suppose to keep the coffers full i think they are now called grace community church The difference between when i was in twi and now is that when i was in twi- i was a passionate idiot- brain washed with the pflap class not being able to check them out with being trapped in the tw household - I wished i had come across a site like gsc years ago and it would have saved me years of heartache and slavery. I now know what bible verses vpw to keep people goons like me motivated I will never promote church of God - if people want to fellowship- they can check the church out for themselves The focus is on Jesus Christ- knowing Him, obeying the laws and commandments of God as stated win the bib'e growing in grace and knowledge to be a spiritually mature christian -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Very nice Someone was rushing to meet his dental appointment and the car broke down between a marina and an atm machine I guess you could say- he was caught between a dock and a card place -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I will never belong to any church or any cult- I may support a church in witnessing the word of God after checking them out but i will never let my life be controlled again by an organization or by any one person. Only Jesus Christ who i belong to and will hear His voice and follow Him -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I dont understand- what are questions are you waiting to be answered -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
What did the sign say on the dentiist front door office? "I speak the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth" -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I dont belong to CGG or any cult- wcg is long gone and replaced by a weaker church -CGG have some excellent articles which has helped me tremendously and challenged me in having a better relationship with God and has given me deep understanding of the word of God. I can see that a lot of ex way people lhave gone from one extreme to the opposite extreme From total bondage and slavery at twi to extreme do as you please, (jus as in the days of Noah (lawlessness) - you are all accepted in the kingdom of God -dont worry about what the bible says about sin, righteousness, about the love of God just do what you think is right Proverbs 14:12 Why not join the worldwide ecumenical church which the mainline protestant church is running headlong to where all religions even atheists are accepted as part of the "fellowship"? -
Colossians 2:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. ( Mark made a comment of this so I will include it in here- no charge The above verse is actually saying the opposite of what you are thinking. You have got it backwards You are of the understanding that Paul is saying, Guys! dont let people criticise you for what type of meat or drink you are having and in regards to whether you are or are not observing holy day, new moon and keeping of sabbath> This is not important It's actually the other way around i.e it is important that you are not put off in practising the teachings of your christian faith. Please consider carefully who Paul was talking to and what the colossians were faced with i.e pagan culture and false teachers trying to impose the religious traditions of man If you read it in context and the fact that the churche at colosse came from a pagan background Paul is telling the gentile christians not to be intimidated for observing the teachings of christianity- clean and unclean meat sabbath keeping, holy days etc Colossians was a letter written to the gentile christian converts at the the church in Colosse. The colossians in general came from a pagan culture which had their own customs and traditions If you look at Colosse- it was on an international trade route where the colossians were exposed to a putpourri of different cultures and with it came more traditions and customs. Syncretism or a mixture of religious beliefs was not uncommon. The colossian converts were one confused lot and Paul is writing to them to set things straight not to detract from their christian faith In addition false teachers had infiltrated the church at colosse and were attempting to deceive the believers with their own religious philosphy. How do i know this? Look at Col 2 in vs 8 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy (religious) and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (7th day Sabbath keeping is NOT a tradition of Man like Sunday keeping is) 4th Commandment -Exodus 20:8-11) So put yourself in Paul's shoes, if you were addressing christian converts from a formerly pagan background who were being harassed by the local pagan community for observing the teachings of the christian faith and trying to impose their man made traditions Would you be saying to them, "Guys it's ok- just tolerate and practise all the false religious beliefs and man made traditions- it's not important whether you follow the teachings of the christian faith or not Would you do this? Of course not So now Col 2:16 becomes very clear when we know colossians were heavily bombarded with false religious beliefs and man made traditions and Paul is encouraging the christian converts at Colosse to stand strong and not be intimidated by the local community and false teachers Colossians 2:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 Let no man therefore judge you (on the importance of your observing and practice of your christian faith ) in meat (clean and unclean) , or in drink (no drunkard shall enter the kingdom of God), or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon (sighting only), or of the sabbath days (God's laws and commanemnts)
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Didnt you say sometime ago in your conversation with me that Sabbath has become unnecessary- I do recall you said this and we exchanged gunfire (lol)? Maybe you have thought seriously about the scriptures I have highlighted That's great T-Bone for keeping it brief - let's keep it that way Also let's go one important question at a time- I have noticed that you tend to fire off several different questions- we dont want to go off topic and distracted I understand where you are coming from in terms of something bigger in Jesus Christ and what God has accomplished through Jesus Christ Hebrews 8:6 - might be something along the lines of what you have in mind ( am i correct?) and I hope I can get some traction from you as you consider the bible verses below Thats' great about the body but what's more basic and mandatory than the 10 commandments from God Himself Luke 4:3-4 3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. 4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. It's interesting that you gave the example of the survival of the body and it's five components. In Luke 4:4 The devil starts out by tempting Jesus Christ after the Lord had fasted for 40 days and 40 night Wow- Can you imagine the hunger for food? It was immense, huge and food would have been the most necessary component for Jesus to survive and He could have easily turned the stones into bread (He fed the hungry multitude by listening to the temptation by the devil. But he shrugged the devil off by saying: 4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. (physical need) (spiritual need) Notice the difference in level of intensity between the physical and the spiritual needs of man according to Jesus Christ (The Lawgiver and the Lord of the Sabbath) Jesus said, "man shall not live by bread alone' (physical need) and there is something more that's required in order to live (eternal life- will never die) and that is "by living (practising) every word of God" This means that all the words of God (God's laws and commandments) including the 7th day Sabbath is important Also you are contradicting yourself and different from what Jesus Christ is saying because on one hand you are saying that you did not say : 7th day sabbath keeping commandment” is unimportant or unnecessary but when you look at Luke 4:5 The Lord is saying "man shall live (practise" every word of God) (Laws and Commandmens of God- including the 7th day Sabbath Should i believe you or the Lord Jesus Christ? T-Bone there is nothing wrong with you in focussing on the love of God and I always said that and you will agree with me the 2 greatest commandments- "Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and your neighbour as yourself" So if you love God with all your heart- Ths is the acid test according to the bible Let's look at what does validate our love relationship with God John 14:21-24 21 He that hath my commandments (includes 7th day Sabbath) , and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. (wouldnt you want this father /son relationship and yes it's conditional on keeping the commandmentss (plural-all of God's laws and commandments- including 7th day Sabbath)S So i hope you can see from the above verse that love for God and commandment keeping are inseperable No matter where you run in the bible with your love commandment- the love for God is not based on what you and i think but what the bible states. We must trust God and His word only (He is all knowing, all wise and all powerful and He loves us more than we Him)| Also to love God is to know Him. So again what's the proof according to the word of God 1 John 2: 4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments,(includes 7th day Sabbath) is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Do you believe that what the word of God says is more important than what we think? Proverbs 14:12 12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. -
One man esteemeth one day above another
Waxit replied to Waxit's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi Twinky You will recall I asked if we could be friends despite our difference. You didnt respond to that and instead you go on a rampage about how i behave ( Sorry if i gave you a bad impression but you are wrong so hopefully you will change your very negative attiude about me I never said I am the only one who has real knowledge, everyone else is false (where did you get that from?????) (Sounds like hot chili to me) I dont know why you bite each time you converse with me. It's like you hate me and that's not good Please consider the verses below and see where your heart is. Even if you dont like me, at least take heed to the word of God God is loving and kind and honours repentance 1 John 4:20 20 If a man (or woman) say, I love God, and hateth his (her)brother, he (she) is a liar: for he (she) that loveth not his(her) brother whom he(she) hath seen, how can he(she) love God whom he(she) hath not seen? 21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. We are to love as brother and sister- not devour each other Please do not speak for others in regards to your comments about me "knowing the true Jesus"- let them form their own opinions without you encouraging them to hate me I am beginning to form good relationships with others and I hope you will give me a chance like Rocky and TBone I agree in the beginning i was very passionate and ran in like a bull in the china shop with unbridled excitement but now i know better I am prepared to accept the fact that at the end of the day, people can and will believe what they want to believe- that's a fact of life and I have told this to Rocky and T-Bone. I will give serious thought about not being too quick to judge others and do my best to bei patient and kind . Please pray for me I believe that once you change your attitude about me, we can have a productive conversation and be able to serious consideration for each other and check the bible out without having a biased opnion Love in Christ Waxit -
I tried to do the above to the best of my ability and some people get the wrong idea "I am show offish" They never take the time to read carefully to see what it is I am saying. I know this because they never ask engaging or clarifying questions- just baseless allegations
Sorry that was an obvious error- thanks for clarifying Rocky - it should be "those who do not believe in eternal life" What i meant is someone who does not believe that the bible is the word of God and having the faith in Jesus Christ and that it is through Jesus Christ (The Lamb of God) that we have salvation and eternal life 1 John 1: 1-2 1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (John and the Apostles were eye witnesses) 2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)