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Personally, I prefer the AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) processors. They're much tighter in the internal command structure, and they are usually less expensive than the Intel counterpart. IMHO... Technobyte
I bought a copy of Netscape 3.0 at Wal Mart back when the internet was just coming of age. I used that through version 4.9 when they switched over to that crappy Netscape version 6.0 (why did they skip version 5 anyway?). I have been fighting having to use Internet Explorer (or as I call it, EXPLODER) since the first time it crashed on me. I've always loved the original Netscape product (which is what Mozilla and FireFox are, except they've been constantly and painstakeingly updated and enhanced since version 4.9). It has always been VERY secure as far as being able to manage or eliminate popups, cookies, and SPAM among other things. The ONLY reason I keep IE around is because some lazy website developers simply use the Microsoft product exclusively and don't bother to include Opra, FireFox, Eudora, Mozilla, or any other non-Microsoft product. I see it this way, If the site doesn't allow the use of a non-Microsoft browser product, they apparently don't need my business either. That's it for me... Technobyte
Perhaps the most USELESS class I've ever taken is the "Witnessing and Undershepherding" class. As far as I'm conserned, it was just another way to get your money from you while boreing you with inane drivel. They even admitted to making up the word "undershepherding" (just TRY to find that one in the dictionary)! On the Positive side, probably the most fruitful TWI class I've ever taken was the "Understanding Biblical Research" class by Walter Cummins. I've gotten more out of that one than even the error riddled PFAL classes. From what I've heard on this board, I count myself lucky that I didn't have to take the WAP class. All done... Tech
Hey Highway -- Hate to make ya cringe but what if TWI started Podcasting their junk? Nah, to get them to do that, they'd have to be guaranteed to collect money from it... Never mind, bad idea, please forgive me........ Technobyte
I never spent any time at any TWI location, and ROA was cancelled after I became involved. What reminds me of TWI events that I've attended is the way a hotel smells. I travel sometimes in my work, and whenever I enter a good hotel, I'm reminded of TWI and Star Trek conventions. Technobyte
I've heard that in the state of Vermont, it is illegal to whistle under water. I don't know if this one has ever been repealed, but when I was growing up in Maryland, it was perfectly legal to steal something from someone IF you left behind the "dud" that you were replacing (ie. burned out lightbulb, torn up couch, broken TV set, depleted battery, mangled fender, bald tire, worn out horse, etc...) and didn't get caught in the process of stealing it. In MD, it was also permissible to beat your wife with a rod no longer than 12 inches in length. Obviously, that one is either repealed, or no longer enforced. Technobyte
I'm wondering as to why someone would think that we can pick and choose which of the manifestation(s) of the Spirit are appropriate at any given time? It has been my humble experience that all 9 of the manifestations are designed to work in an interlocking fashion - like your example diazbro. You were probably working both word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and prophesy at the same time. Why people have to pretend that they know more than another totally escapes me. As for this "Personal" prophesy stuff, I would suppose that God, or Lord Jesus, would be the one to instruct an individual to give another individual a "personal prophesy". I would also suppose that such events would therefore be rare, and not common practice. Technobyte
I've noticed that I'm not made of grease either. :)--> Technobyte
Interesting... I was a "government agent" at the time I was in TWI. Just so you don't get the wrong idea, I was not an investigator, nor was I investigating the ministry (or anyone/thing else for that matter). Could be that VPW was "detecting" people like me (I never met VPW). Just happened that I was a cihpargotpyrc tech for for the NSA at the time. VP never said that these "government agents" were investigators, did he? :o--> Didn't think so. :)--> Technobyte
I had arrived home from a long business trip, when this happened. I normally take my tapes in the house when I leave my technovan, but I was so tired from the trip that this time I didn't. I also forgot to lock the rear doors, though I locked the side and front doors. The thief crawled into my van and removed all of the Way Production tapes I owned, save the one that was in the tape deck. I'm surprised he, or she, didn't try to take the deck too. I discovered the theft the next morning, but I've never recovered the tapes. These days, I don't want them back anyway. I can imagine his shock to find out that the tapes are absolutely WORTHLESS to anyone but a standing wayfer. I left TWI a few weeks later, so I figure the thief was really doing me a backward favor. :)--> Technobyte
Here's a springtime photograph I heard was taken from TWI HQ. It kinda looks like a map of the State of West Virginia, don't it? :D--> Technobyte
Oh yeah, I just made the same mistake I complain about others making. I have an IBM PL300 computer with a workaholic motherboard including a 500Mhz Pentium II running Win98SE OS, and a Creative Labs sound chip running the Real One audio player as default. I also have Windows Media player installed, but it's not the default. Technobyte
I've tried every tech trick I can think of, but I STILL don't hear any music! And YES, my speakers are turned on, and they do work. The only thing I haven't tried is changing my default audio program. Any ideas? Technobyte
the second time I knew that something was fishy with TWI was when they told me to stay off of the internet. Even though I explained that it was part of my job, they told me to get a new job. Technobyte
Irony of ironies. I started lurking here after someone told me that I can't go on the internet and to especially not believe anything I hear from Waydale. Given that my profession has A LOT to do with computers and the internet, I resented them telling me not to go there! I couldn't find Waydale, so I did a search and found God's Royal Tapestry, Atlanta Bible Fellowship, Bibel Center, Cortright Fellowship, GSC, Living Epistles, CFF, CES, and a chitload of others. I lurked here as a guest (no handle) for a long time before I started posting. My coming here had nothing to do with the fact that I left TWI, I was leaving anyway. :)--> Technobyte