Hi my mom joined TWI in 78, she Went WOW as single mom in 79 with me aged 7 and my baby sis aged 5. Albert Lea, MN.
'80 returned home to NewIberia LA
By the time I was 13 i was forced to take PFAL. Forced to SIT out loud in front of many. (terrible experience). That experience alone ruined me for the whole TWI but it was the only religion I knew.
Im 45 now happily attending a non denom evangelical type church. My mom is still a fully functioning member of TWI and honestly she's an extremist on many issues.
Ive spent the past 25 years trying to figure out what's crap and what's truth. This ministry really has a grip on my mom. But she seems happy just very self righteous snd honestly drives people away rather than drawing them in.
Id livevto reminisce with anyone who also was WOW Ambassador in Albert Lea, MN in 1979. I'm 45 but was 7/8 then so if you were an adult I'd imagine you would be 60+ yrs old by now. Like my mom. She was 28 at the time I believe. Her name was Paula LeBlanc Lambert. Mine is Tessie