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Junior Corps Surviver

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Junior Corps Surviver last won the day on September 10 2024

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  1. The burgers were good. That's because Doc came up with the idea for McDonald's. The showers were traumatizing for teenagers. Completely ridiculous.
  2. I used Myth of The 6 million as a source for a history paper in middle school. I still feel shame. At the time ,I acted like I knew some secret truth and was so proud of myself.
  3. Did they do "don't stop speaking"? You wouldn't need to sue but a cease and desist would be fun.
  4. They don't own that music. Just saying. That's a Takit record.
  5. I did but his offer derailed me for two years. I was foolish for listening to him.
  6. Oh the promises he made me. car, salary, staff, house. Foolishly it prevented me from going to college. I had an involuntary "gap year".
  7. I haven't seen one in years. It's funny now but at the time when LCM said I would have one someday after I am ordained, I thought that sounded like a sweet deal.
  8. There was a room in AV stacked with betamax machines at HQ. I could use one now so I can watch Athlete of The Spirit. LOL
  9. "What are we going to do with 200 Chevy Citations and 5,000 betamaxc machines?"
  10. He came to dinner in my wow vet home in Boston. he showed up in a sedan driven by someone else. I was 11 years old. i remember asking "where's the motorcycle?" and VPW told me "it's parked". I remember thinking "no crap it's parked. i didn't think it was floating in the sky". Later that night I was reproved by my twig leader for being out of line. I was a kid. i just wanted to see the motorcycle. This happened to me a few times where I got chewed out for being a kid. So while hd did visit our twig, there was no bike and we also had to give him all of our money. The ABS wasn't "enough" so the twig leader made the 4 adults in the wow vet home cough up their pay checks. They were so blessed lol
  11. Dr. Angela Priester is a clinical psychologist who apparently sees no red flags in TWI, which to me makes her a living red flag.
  12. You may not be able to get kicked out of the Hosuehold but you sure can get kicked out of The Way. They M&A but they can't be M&A'd. Cut it out.
  13. Dr. W, a Priest and a Rabbi are on a sinking boat. Priest gets out, walks on water to the shore and survives. Dr. W gets out, walks on water to the shore and survives. Rabbi tries it and drowns. Priest says "We should have told him about the rocks' Dr. W says "What rocks?" Hardy har. Heard this joke a million times in TWI. To review. Dr. W is a diety, the Priest used a trick and the Jewish guy dies. None of this is a funny joke. This is an antisemitic joke. Funny how time reveals a different perspective. "At least the priest was a Christian."
  14. Thanks for the replies. Growing up in this cult really did a number on me. I was afraid to ask questions and instead of thinkign that was not OK, I thought I was being decieved by Satan and it was him who was putting the questions in my mind. Think about being 9 years old and thinkign Satan himself is weaponizing your thoughts as a way to attack the Way. It's soul crushing. I just wanted the devil to leave me alone. In reality the devil had no interest in me at all. ugh
  15. Even as a kid this bothered me. Most Chritians take Genessi 1 as a linear account. Not TWI. If I remember correctly, the fall of lucifer comes up much later in The Bible. Does anyone remember what logic or scripture was used to justify claiming that Lucifer's fall happenes between Genesis verse 1 and verse 2? Also worrisome to me back then was that they taught us, correctly, that the serpent added a word, changed a word, removed a word to change what God meant. Then TWI does the same thing saying that Genesis 1:2 "should" read "and THEN the earth was without form and void". Where did this entire theory come from? These types of things bothered me then but I didn't dare ask. Now here I am 40 years later still pestered by these thoughts. I often come back to "how did anyone fall for this?"
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