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Everything posted by ImLikeSoConfused
What makes Atheists?
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Fine with me. -
What makes Atheists?
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
What I said about your character was based on a if statement. I said if you really were faking speaking in tongues it shows you have a shady character. But you know you faked it so you know you have a shady character. No honest quality person would do what you said you do then if that wasn't enough then go around and claim everyone else does it too. -
What makes Atheists?
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
How am I following you around? You make a lot of assumptions about my faith that you just can't back up. My faith is much stronger than yours ever could've been that I know. You have said and done nothing that would make anyone lose faith. You're an atheist great, you should be proud, but these assumptions you make are based on nothing but what you wish were true. -
What makes Atheists?
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Raf assumes a lot about other people based on his personal experience. He says his existence shakes my faith? lol but this board is biased towards supporting their fallen brother so go ahead guys support him. -
What makes Atheists?
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Oh I get it so just like you faked speaking in tongues by default everyone else is faking, and just like you experienced cognitive dissonance about God everyone else does. I love your logic. If it happened to raf it must happen to everyone else. Fair enough. I guess I better become an atheist now since I apparently am experiencing some distressing cognitive dissonance about God. Sorry God. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Well whats the answer you guys were part of the way, and have spent way more time researching the bible than I couldve possibly, is SIT possible today or not. Was paul talking to the church even today or just people of his time? If the answer is SIT is impossible then i guess i've been faking this whole time eh. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
I don't think it is simply because the topic is about SIT. And if paul is not talking to us when he says he wishes we speak in tongues then thats very relevant to this topic clearly. If tongues is something that just isn't possible today that is relevant, and it is why we need to know if paul was talking to just corinth or to the whole body of christ not just then but in its entirety. So if paul was only talking to corinith and not people of today then that would mean SIT is impossible today. So it is very important to bring up that to this current discussion. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
I just asked a simple question. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
So when he said he wants us to speak in tongues is he asking us to do something impossible today? -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
So you think paul was producing a language when he spoke in tongues and everyone in corinth was producing a language as well, and that he wants everyone who speaks in tongues to produce a language? We don't know what pauls tongues sounded like, we don't know what the tongues sounded like on the day of pentecost. We have no way of verifying if what someone is doing today is the same as what was done then. And it also brings the question if the epistles were written to people of today, why would paul say he wishes we would do something that is impossible to do now? So its not adding up either paul is telling us to do something we can't do or people can still do it and your requirement of it being a testable language is not possible. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
I don't think SIT is impressive to anyone who doesn't believe it is possible or believe in what the bible says about it. If I am christian who does not speak in tongues but heard about it and believe it has power behind it then I would be impressed by people who can do it. However if I am a person who knows nothing about SIT or doesn't believe it has any relevance then it wouldn't be impressive. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Going back to the original topic, you are asking for evidence that isn't required by anyone in the bible on SIT. There is nothing in the bible to indicate that you have to prove you are speaking in a language to know you are speaking in tongues. There is no test at all for any spiritual gifts in the bible. So you are asking for something that the bible does not ask, and is quite unreasonable. But it all goes back to the atheist agenda of sitting back and saying God doesn't exist because theres no proof, and I'd love to know what you would say to the atheist when you were a believer who would question why you believe if there is no proof. I don't believe speaking in tongues has to be a proven language or have the same rules that all languages have. But if thats what you believe thats fine but it doesn't prove SIT is impossible today. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
So you think when paul said he will pray with understanding and also with the spirit, by spirit he is saying a language that he doesn't understand yet is a known language? If hes saying he will pray with understanding then it follows that praying in the spirit means praying without understanding whats hes saying. We have only one example of SIT where people could understand what people SIT were saying. But I don't see any verse or the way paul talks about speaking in tongues in the epistles to think that it must be a decode able known language or fit under known language rules. You really don't seem to be able to have a discussion on this topic without thinking someone is attacking you, yet most of your posts are just attacks on others and you take offense at the tiniest slight which is just a disagreement but no intention to offend you. Lower your defense mechanisms, and a reasonable discussion can be had here, but until you do, you are just going to create a hostile environment where you think everyone is attacking you so you attack a perceived threat that doesn't actually exist. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Yet the evidence was the same while you were a believer and the same while you became an atheist. The evidence didn't change you did. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Raf I'll just tell ya that not everyone before they speak in tongues is afraid of it. You had a bad experience with SIT which I get but thats just your one subjective experience which you erroneously project to be true for everyone because its true for you. Step outside yourself and ask yourself if it makes sense that just because you experienced something thats true for you that its true for everyone or true at all. There is nothing that I can say or show you to prove that SIT is possible like there is nothing I can say or show you to make you believe in God again. Your mind is clearly made up on both situations. Theres not much discussion that can be had with someone who has their mind made up on something. So I'll leave it at that. But if it is possible for you not to project your experience on to others, and not assume that just because you were faking or your experience with God sucked that God doesn't exist because you were in a cult. Then perhaps a discussion could be had, but your mind is made up so I don't think there can be much progress made one way or another. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
What makes you think people who do believe in God aren't using the same reasoning skills you are? -
The Outsider Test for Faith
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Well I guess it took some time to be official but I'm sure you knew you didn't believe a lot quicker than you were willing to admit it was true to yourself. Perhaps you could describe that moment where you had the aha moment that God and the bible were just nonsense. Perhaps it was a gradual process I really don't know what goes on in the minds of people who admit to faking tongues then claim that means others were faking as well. -
Atheist FAQ
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Well I think when we see the fulfillment of the old testament in the new testament through Jesus Christ that be default is more convincing than fairies or the thors or zeuses. The Jewish people have a long rich and recorded history. So to see the prophecy of jesus being fulfilled in the new testament is something that at least exists and we can dissect that but its something tangible. Unlike fairies etc. Sure there are books with fairies in them but they aren't written about in the same way the old and new testament were written. One is written by people who believe what they wrote the other is by people who don't believe fairies actually exist but trying to tell a story. -
Atheist FAQ
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
But isn't there more evidence the christian God exists than fairies of pagan gods? Like if we had to compare every pagan God to the christian God it seems not just based on consensus in the world but on mere practicality more probable. It's why when atheists bring up fairies when we are trying to have a serious discussion about God it seems unreasonable and there has to be a better analogy to God than fairies. It seems there is nothing that can be compared to God but if there is something, fairies can't be a good one. -
The Outsider Test for Faith
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Yep. It seems you gave up the faith because you no longer found the bible,God compelling. And came to the conclusion there really was no evidence for God. I would give up the faith too if I believed that. Its just amazing the jump you made but its just when someone says they were faking speaking in tongues what else were they faking? Were they faking their faith too? Not claiming you were but its just odd that someone who knew the bible as well as you did and apparently believed it was true, suddenly had a change of heart. For good reasons I'm sure however do you think these reasons would be convincing to other people if not why not? -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Why did I doubt? Because I always doubted my ability to do it and doing it one time was not long enough to remove that doubt. I stopped for a year because I was dealing with other issues in life and God was not my main focus. Is it unreasonable to doubt something you tried to do in the past but couldn't do and then you do it once but all of those around you who hear it claim you aren't and you already doubted it all your life so of course you just take their word for it. Lets understand what SIT is. Its speaking a language you don't understand. Even if no one on earth understands it does not mean it is complete garbage. Because the language is spoken to God not other people. Whats odd is you found the evidence to be good enough at one point and did believe it but what changed? Also why do you think you need the bible to believe in God(in your darkness thread you wrote your critiques of the bible and used it as a reason for not believing). Plenty of people believed in God before the bible existed. The question is what experiences did you have that made you think God existed changed. The bible didn't change. God didn't change. You changed is obvious but why. The evidence has always been the same while you were a christian and while you became an atheist. I've explained my reasoning for doubting SIT. I never believed I could my whole life so doing it out of the blue would not be enough to change a life long belief. But doing it on a daily basis I realized it was real and that I was not faking as you say. I have no reason to lie to you or myself or anyone else about it. Your logic seems to be our first instinct is always right but thats clearly not true because sometimes for instance our first impressions are incorrect etc. Your first instinct seems to have been God is true but you no longer trust that instinct and instead believe he doesn't exist. So whats the truth here. You can't have it both ways. Theres more to say about this but i'll leave what I wrote for now. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
If you could touch on my questions I'd like to hear an answer. Whether you start the thread or I do let me know. -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
So werewolf you believe that christians who claim to speak in tongues are doing nothing more than what actors do when they act like they are speaking a language? I guess the question becomes do those actors experience the effects that christians experience when they speak in tongues. For instance when I speak in tongues I get spiritual insights(by this I mean certain questions involving angels or other spiritual questions i have i get insights on whether its an actual thought or image etc its in a form that is understandable to me in my mind that clears up some confusion i have had about a spiritual matter), chills(good relaxing ones), increased peace, my mind feels at rest and calmer than before doing it etc. There has been a study showing the brains of people who speak in tongues compared to those who meditate, but there hasnt been any studies to show the brains of people who speak free vocalization or any other people who speak in a language that no one understands compared to christians who claim to speak in tongues. That would be helpful to see if theres a difference. Its definitely doubtful that there would be but theres no way to know. Because while some other religions practice free vocalization as you call it, do these people also experience the things I said I do when I do it? What about those who aren't religious like the actors you posted clips of doing it. When paul for instance said he spoke in tongues more than anyone else, who was he speaking these tongues to? Other people or by himself privately to god? If he did it privately then its possible what the modern speaking in tongue people are doing is still biblical. Now of course my experience when I speak in tongues is subjective and not all people experience what I experience, but I think theres some reasons to believe that what I am doing is biblical because why would paul wish we would all do it? -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
So you guys actually had some success doing this? -
Questioning SIT
ImLikeSoConfused replied to Raf's topic in Atheism, nontheism, skepticism: Questioning Faith
Yes I see but find it hard to believe anyones going to be like oh wow you just spoke something I don't understand let me sign up for the way or let me give my life over to Christ because I didn't understand one thing you said.