jim jack
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Perhaps we can learn or glean from other's experiences..but does it mean that it will "work equally well" for ALL those who try & duplicate it?? To me..most of the miracles I've seen & experienced...the attitude I had at the time may not parallel with another's attitude...thus they may not have the miracle occur..we're all at different points in our lives...in area of expectations.. IMHO
DWBH (is that ok if I abbreviate you??) LOL..I come/came from a similar teaching position, having been "in" TWI for a dozen years..so I realize where you're coming from....as a so called advanced class grad..I felt I had a pretty descent theological "handle" on these spiritual things..so seldom did any of our leaders ever share testimony after testimony of healings & miracles....so to see this online in terms of men & women ministering & videoing it for our sakes was/is quite a treat..I conclude after watching many of these is...l) I would like to be a part of "operating these" manifestations or gifts & 2) what are they doing that I was never taught to do & 3) what false doctrnes do I hold to that would prevent healings & miracles from taking place both in my life & the lives of those I'm attempting to touch.?(& can I re-think these wrong positions & see improved results?) IMHO..Curry Blake delves into these so called "sacred cows" of wrong doctrine..that used to hang HIm up when it came to getting results...he learned alot of this from the likes of John G Lake & Alexander Dowie along with Smith Wigglesworth..who did tremendous healings around the turn of the 20th centrury....I must admit..this is nothing like TWI..more like valuable "tidbits" of truth that I go out & try & see if they are true.. I feel for the ex-Way gang out there..yeh we attached ourselves to VP's "way"..to me though..the proofs in the pudding..if new bones & vertebrae & tumors are dissappearing etc etc..there MUST be something to it..& they're sharing the "how" with us..See we can lay hands on people (& they SHALL recover)..but what are our reasons for not doing so...? this is what they are trying to unfold so we don't get talked out of walking in this power...this is fun stuff..no one micromanaging me..(freedom)..but lovingly sharing what they do & tried & failed & tried & succeeded..too much fun my friend.. Hope you (all) take a peek..this iS predicted for the end times..so why not try to poke some holes thru this?? JJ!!
DWBH...yeh I thought I had heard the name before...just don't frequent those circles..of TV superstars..lol...can you express your "non-fanhood" of TW & his "cohorts"?? Alot of what TW explains is about miracles happening as he reaches out to those with problems..do you see it differently??
well obviously you don't know me from "adam"..but I would be honored if you took a l/2 hour to look it over & decide for yourself..I promise it won't corrupt you..& perhaps it would be of value..alot of us have been duped before..& yet alot of us believe that God will protect our hearts..as alot of life is about risk..JJ ;^)
there's such a nice variety to choose from..as I think people have the ability to type in a title & then roam around..but thanx for the advice Rocky..JJ
waysider...my bad...as I was thinking Todd Whites different sharings..again just go on youtube.com & type in "the normal christian life-my baby had a heart attack..its l4 minutes that are pretty powerful..actual footage of the child's condition..as they video'd the birth & after...please get back with me your take on it..JJ ;^)
waysider..the best suggestion is to simply go on youtube & pick one..that suits your fancy..don't let the dreads scare ya..LOL
yeh Jay wasn't replying to you but to Rocky..but thanx for clarifying..JJ
It's really pretty simple..are we "able" to walk as Christ Jesus walked while on the earth? With the new birth, God says we have authority over the enemy. Sickness & disease are caused by the enemy, therefore..when the Bible speaks of "the things that I (Jesus) do, ye SHALL do & greater"..applies to us here & now. Reaching out to people in need is many times "loving the unlovable."..or ministering to a person in a wheel chair looks quite impossible, but if Jesus were here..would it look impossile to him...or would he just say the word & get id of the cause..In watching Todd White/Curry Blake & Tom Fischer..thats pretty much what they are about...just going after that which is "JUST NOT RIGHT" & doing something about it like Jesus would do.....youtube is loaded with street healings..people actively taking part in letting the glory of God cover the earth..doesn't need to be a church setting...."setting the captives free" is another use of words in the epistles..I hope you can take the time to look over these healing videos.One of the most powerful IMHO is a video out of Australia entitled "The normal Christian Life- My baby had a heart attack" they show actual footage of the ordeal..l4 whole minutes of your life...enjoy the goodness of our God & savior!!!!
Jay..I'm not really into Todd's personal life...more about what he represents to God & for God's people....don't even know who Paula White is..LOL..and probably never will know unless you fill me in....I truly enjoy people who are going after the Christ like walk despite their horrible pasts.. ;^)
I don't believe so..but I could check for you..
yeh Jay Dee..I think he's a great example of what we can rise up to in our own spheres of influence & at least attempt to minister instead of just knowing about it & agreeing with it..
I think he's making the effort and what he teaches makes sense..plus he's seeing results...proofs in da pudding they say...what thinkest thou???
Is he the so called "real deal" or all talk?? what thinkest thou??
hey thanks for the infomation Rocky...I'm not as near to Mexico..but seems like a great deal huh??
I just got thru listening to a couple of audio sharings on youtube.com entitled "Raising the dead 1" & Raising the Dead 2"..the latter to me was the more profitable..but the sum total of these is just about 2 hours..all scriptually based & well presented...Not really posting this for people's opinion on whether or not this is available..(although you're welcome to share with "us" of course your viewpoint...rather..I'm just saying that this may be an interesting set of sharings for some of you..this is not TWI ..
I was "quoting " Rocky's initial post..not implying you felt that way..you seem to be a person who will honesly hear all sides & make your own choic..so no I wasn't referring to "your" comment..
any of you have any idea what VPW's "take" was on John G. Lake or any early pentecostals from early in the 20th century?? They certainy impacted society favorably way back then l00+ years ago..
TLC...at our age we should have a bit of wisdom to be able to utilize at this point...my son also agrees that these are just a large lot of liars..,,but EXPERIENCIALLY I have to disagree..just from doing what they are teaching to do..young age enthusiasm is a bit of an advantage & at our age perhaps its good to have it back..I'm sure pumped on it..was hoping someone would put aside their past experiemces & at least look it over..Curry to me makes a huge alot of sense & puts VP to shame in many areas.. You can kill the messenger..but either the message is true or it aint....
Rocky..thank you for that advise..as I'm a bit new to the puter (old dog new tricks) & will try that next time..did you look it up..its pretty powerful as are the other l4 or l5 other little vids by this Australian outfit..
I think the ole serpent was alive & kicking back then just as he is nowadays...we have quite an advantage on the Children of Israel in that the in dwellig of God's holy spirit has given us a connection to guide us into all truth....to me its pretty obvious when these miracles happen that God is behind them..but Satan can & does trick people into thinkig otherwise..or down playing them..he's been around & knows how to blind their eyes..but we as son's have our eyes wide open.. If you want a fun eleven minute video..go on youtube & type in The Normal Christian life-crushed back..& watch the skeptic rejoice in the goodness of our healing God..too much fun..as it totally debunks the idea that the person being ministered to must have faith in order to receive.....
TLC..thank you for your several replies..as unlike you I don't know how to integrate my "answers" into what you answered...So I'll just spew it forth in my own way k? Point (1)I know that it was /is Jesus who said "the things that I do, ye shall do & greater"..it was spoken to the 12 as he sent them out/ to the 70 as well..& to us as we go out & love people with a healing touch &messing with Satanic influeneces in their lives..we do this or he get talked out of it.. Pt 2) James... I think thats most of the reason I wanted to post this...the aim of education is action..we who diligently followed the TWI stuf have/had alot of knowledge..but are we simply puffed up or are we excited about seeing it in action in our lives...Churches bring us back constantly to "cleaning up our acts" "sin-wise".....can we get past ourselves & help others by ministering (ie) healing to them & for them..this is our faith in action..we either believe God will work thru us or we hope he will..if its just hope..then will we act or just hope?? These sharings have helped me rise up to once again ministering to those in need..getting more & more confident that miracles & signs will follow my actions of alying on of hands & commanding diseases to go NOW! I desire that for anyone who was led like I was...am now seeing it nearly every day in my life & want it for ya'll.. Pt 3) If I never saw a healing NO it does not negate scripture (of course)..but friend I am seeing it!!! Yeh..its fun again, as I;m not on an ego trip..just desring to set the captives free,,,even at my "old age"(64)..I've had people once I command the thing to get off them..come back to me & tell me whats happened to them..similar to what I've seen on line with Thomas Fischer & street healing..watc a few of his & tell me its all staged..there's over 330...so pick a few & enjoy seeing God do his thing thru his children who believe..its not just Blake...Todd White is another..Dan Mohler.its all over da place...YAY!!! Pt 4)..yepper talk is cheap..if Wierwille had time after time been sharing about people HE had been setting free thru ministering...wouldn't YOU have desired to be in on it?? Well I NEVER heard it from his lips except in PFAL when he shared about the man with the lame arm & how he told him..lift it up..DO the IMPOSSIBLE & it came to pass...these testimonies should be many instead of the exception..I don't depend on them...any more than I depend on SITing..but I knowwhen I SIT..something happens..well..when I minister...God does something & to someones benefit..doesn't have to be for me...but he needs people like you &me to work thru & love people thru..like he did his son..Curry was showing a picture of a woman that he had ministered to with back pain..the next morning she awoke to find a pile of metal in her bed...the metal that had been inserted in her thru back surgery...as she took the pic..as her back was totally healed..tickles the imagination for sure & either they're all aliars or its verifiyable..which their ministry prides itself on verification.. Final pt 5...I'm not comparing Curry to Jesus..but am saying that when a person like Curry IS getting results like this that point to scripture..& his desire NOT to have people come to him...but to train people to duplicate what he knows & applies...then we too can have a similar experience & gain confidence in what god has put in us to set people free.. Hey thank you for your intelligent questions, as I'm hoping you can take the time to watch..perhaps some of the DHT sessions..Bless you richly!! JJ
if you lose your mind I will be happy to replace it K?? LOL...its just youtube Rocky..no charge & you may be pleasantly surprised..I was and still am..
Rocky....you're entitled to your skepticism.& yeh I know alot of people were & ARE hurt.....we rake the "messenger" over & over the coals to what avail? If Jesus meant what he said..then is he a liar since people are being ministered to & delivered?? Or are these people all liars too claiming they were healed..With this ministry..they pride themselves on verification of healings...so all those people who are touched by this group are liars & deceived & you are wise & not fooled...Perhaps something good is going on that you know not of...check it out Rocky. & the rest of you...it may suprise you...I come here to challenge all of you..what do you have to lose?? & could God be true to his promises..."by his stripes ye were healed?"