jim jack
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Purple Days..yeh..its hard to believe that very few will even check out either he or Thomas Fischer or especially Curry Blake...wonderful divine healings from all three & great sharings teaching people the "how" which TWI totally missed IMHO DWBH...thats what "they say"..would youlike to articulate further? Grace..3 fiingers tend to point back at the accuser..are you pointing at me or White??
well hey...ya'll enjoy one another & your conclusions about life...I felt being an ex TWI that I owed it to exWayfers about what I'm finding on line..."the things that I do ye shall do and greater" are going on & even being video'd & if ya'll want to ignore them..so be it.. You think I have an agenda of recruiting to these ministries?? I realize there's been great discouragement amongst ya'll because of your negative TWI experiences..& yet Jesus's promise is still valid & happening...I was hoping someone here still had the fire they had in TWI to continue with their search & such is my hope..despite the implications alot of you have been throwing my way. So go ahead ..DON"T check any of this out....stay safe & know that these are just money grubbing people out to deceive you and the rest of the world....Don't bother replying to this as I'm thru with what I'm offering...god help all of you who are in your own world of judgement..
For a year now I've been taking rock & roll songs from the 50's thru 70's & making them about the Lord instead of the heartbreak & lost loves alot of them are negatively about....well hey..I recently discovered a group called the "Steel City Quartet" on youtue who have a group of songs..re-works of alot of the Platters & Righteous bros. hits....this may really "float your boat"..it does mine..as they're a tad corney but fn IMHO..enjoy enjoy.JJ
unlike you...I do have many fond memories of others besides VPW who really gave it the best they could for our sakes)from the teaching platform)...this just reminded me of those special times as I'm learning some special stuff via thse guys..sorry that your experience was so sour....BUT perhaps there are others who did have an uplifiting experience those many many moons ago..perhaps this is for them...perhaps this goes l80 degrees opposite of sharing "unfond memories " of TWI...thus I don't see it as a doctrinal forum subject..its more about what GOOD I'm seeing in other people besides TWIers that makes alot of sense..I am not any kind of member of JGLM ministries..BUT am learning & trying alot of what they freely are sharing on line....this may be a bonafied blessing to others besides you...Love & Peace as well..to you dear friend..
Thanks waysider...this reminded me of the many many teachers we had that put their hearts into their sharings..over the years...for a 20 + aged guy..these people were good examples to me at that time...just really loved how this man gave of what God inspired in him..
YOu tube.com.... "sunday service June 26, 2016" ..does this remind any of you of "the way we were"?
thank you T-bone for your kind reply, as I have to admit, when I first came on the scene while Waydale was up & running & then GSC...I realized that there were many "victims" due to what we were fed & how we were treated....by certain people...both "leadership" & "leaves"..the "leaves" betrayed me more than any leadership ever did, as I tended to "buck the leadership" most of the time..just didn't agree..thus I never felt victimized by them at all..(I KNOW I am the exception most likely). I purchased a book entitled "killing the victim before the victim kills you" by Dan T....and I realized the carnage in reviewing several of the postings by many many people..who REALLY got hurt & lives ruined...within the pages of this book. There's no magic wand..I get that....does God want us to live out our lives as victims or move on trusting hi to heal our wounds?? Not having been victimized as had/have many...I guess I just decided to go one with my life & attempt to build on the foundation that I've always had..being raised Christian..just doing unto others as they would do unto me....so to lay hands on the sick so that they'll recover...or to pray & expect great things from God is still really important to me. White/Mohler/Blake/Bill Johnson/Wigglesworth/John G. Lake?Dowie..all put something into practice that TWI was encouraging..but not to my satisfaction...what I am seeing in these various other ministries IS to my satisfaction in that keys are bieing taught that will help us step past our objections to ministering & just going for it for the other's sake...I don't belong to any of these outfits...I'm just "gleaning" on line..maybe they are cultish...I don't know..am not involved with them to any extent except for paying attention to what they're sharing & trying it out.....never went down with the ship is what I'm saying..I know several had & have..and for those I am heartbroken for them & their plights. Joh L---- n always said to eat the fish & spit out the bones" (I'm sure he wasn't the first to say this"..but its what has worked for me..If we do follow scripture & know what to spit out. If I were victimized...I don't know what I would be doing now...but I wasn't in terms of drastic things occurring because of my association with TWI...so no I cannot identify with these poor souls who went thru hell & perhaps I too would appreciate a warning as such. along with others empathy. JJ :^)
waysider..thank you for your polite response...as It had been oh 5 or 6 years since I ventured into these waters.. I could tell the diversities of different people at that time & got discouraged with it all... then in finding what I had found..thought I'd see if anyone still had hopes of seeing advanced class teachings come to life in their lives..I learned some things from that class...but never in a way that I'm now learning & DOING..which is pretty cool considering it was 40 years ago when we were asked to step down.. (ah l987..LOLOL) So yes..perhaps doing a doctrine section thread might be best as I intentionally decided posting in the open forum section hoping it would get more of a look over....ac tually I'm pleased with alot of the replies...not that most would decide to look at these , but that logic is still prevailing..and some pretty sharp people still hang out here... I'll kick around whether or not to try this idea..so thank you for your suggestions...Agape...JIm
ya know..I learned quite a lot while associating with TWI over 12 years.learned applicable things & also learned what NOT to do.. I think at this stage of my life (64) is the fact that a few of the things I was encouraged in such as the manifestations of the spirit & walking in the spirit & not in the flesh....the fact that I was encouraged in them is /was of great value to me over the years..& now I'm tapping into teachers (by example) who are helping me find the fruition of that encouragement some 40 plus years ago..You can state for fact that JGLM is a cult..perhaps it is..I haven't passed that kind of judgement on them as you have..but this I'm seeing ...RESULTS based on applying that which I was introduced to years ago by TWI.. via the advanced class.. I am simply offering to those who saw a value way back then....perhaps additional keys that will lead them to seeing God's deliverance both for themselves & those they love & want delivered....I'm saddened that you think that this is an evil thing I'm offering..& all along I've been saying..."check it out"..it may be something that you will cherish as I do in 2017!! My prayer..God please bless these wonderful people here at GSC who are continuing to seek you & your ways & help them not to be distracted by the enemy who wants them to re-live their pasts over & over & over.. Bless you all..our God is at work in you!!! JJ ;^)
Perhaps this question has surfaced before...butif not, are there people here who love the game as much as I do?? Just curious...
waysider..thank you for a song I had never heard..interesting lyrics... Rocky..so then what IS the purpose of GSC? I find this stuff to be of value..as well as many others who are minisering & getting people delivered..Pray tell..what is the true purpose??
Rocky..the "backing down" I referrred to wasn't about watching the entire video my friend...it was in reference to people not sticking with it in regards to ministering......sorry I confused you, as thats the militant part of Blake I enjoy...fighting to the end for the sake of seeing a "completion" of a person getting delivered.. ..sorry I confused you with my wordage... I make a pretty descent attempt as well to stand for truth..I'm sadened that this disgusts you..as I was hoping you and others would or could see the heart of this man who's making the effort that most will not or do not make..
JayDee...I agree...the ego maniacs out there are looking for the glory & power...I enjoy seeing God keep his promises via us reaching out to people in need & it resulting in their deliverance...cool being a part of it in our own small way..but God is the source of power behind our efforts despite what grandios mind sets we may conjure up now & then..I think its a huge key in walking spiritually & not in the flesh.. JJ
TLC...I meant Baskets...hoops..& no he never demonstrated his hook shot...LOL
DWBH...I guess" over & over" is the word for it, as I did share two videos so YES THAT would be over & over...whew..thank you for enduring it. I'm honored that a few of you now know what else is going on "out there"..maybe its a good thing to see whats available in other people's lives outside of TWI..& the past experiences you had with them....You may be suprised to learn that the youtube is flooded with divine healings from others as well...these are just two whom take the time to share what they are doing which has resulted in people's deliverance...I'm sorry if that offends you..as I am not offended by you words my dear friend..
TLC..thank you for your kind remarks as not having been WC..I only had met him personally once for about l/2 hour right near the end of his life..so no ..I was merely a twig leader all those years & did my best in that capacity. I am sure there were many instantaneous healings..as is the case with both White & Blake along with the likes of thomas Fischer, Hiedie Baker, Dan Mohler , Pete Cabrerra and the many others found on the net.....TWI didn't have the corner on healings..but made us aware that it COULD be the norm if we were bold enough to minister to those in our spheres of influence.....Blake says time & time again that John G Lakes ministry is known alot for its healing reputation, but he says that its not its entirety ..but one of the ways people do see it manifested..he makes that very clear & doesn't put all his eggs into that "gifts of healing' basket.. I would have loved to been more into WC experiences..as I know the first time I met VP..we shot basets behind the house for a few minutes..as that was l975..a fun beginning for me..as I was early 20;s & a farm guy like himself..
JayDee..if you ever chose to watch any of Blake's or White's sharing...you;ll always find that they Give God the Glory...as the Lord does work thru his believers...I've ministered to several people and always confirm to them that God is telling us to lay hands on the sick & they shall recover & do they want me to or not?? I'm am just a man..BUT I am filled with Holy Spirit which does the work..its a great arrangement God came up with..so thank you for confirming what I already know & believe...JJ ;^)
Thank you all for replying...I think the reason I wanted to share this particular video was to give you a taste of the heart of this man...to me he's nothing to be compared to VPW-wise..in fact just the opposite..if you watch any of his teachings...he's all about US & himself taking dominion over the evil out there..as "greater is he that is in us than he that is in the World (I Jn)..John G Lake emphasized speaking to the ailment..not just to pray for it to go away or ask God to remove it but to COMMAND it to go in Jeus's name.. sorry some of you just got thru 2 minutes as this is a tender man....militant at times..but perhaps thats where we've not seen the power happen becaue we back down so readily...not sticking with the concept that" by his stripes we've been healed"..you stand on that or you say "oh well//guess it wasn't the will of God" since you saw nothing happen immeditately. I've ministered & seldom is a change immediate...but sometimes 5 minutes later the thing has totally changed...So yeh I'm seeing GREAT value in the applying of what he's teaching. He's very blunt..but he does cut to the chase & not mince words..& that I love & respect...I am not a follower of CB per se...but of God and what he's been sharing..I've been trying & seeing results..just wanted to introduce it to ya's as I too went thru some hell in TWI & don't want to re-live it no more than you would..BUT something is going on with this outfit.....don't say I didn't offer.. Thank you all for your honesty as I would live to see ya's check over a few other sharings ...we DO have dominion over evil..but will we blieve it & minister to those who are suffering??? Love ya's JJ ;^) PS I hope you did play the l4 minute video of the 45 minute old baby & its heart attack & the deliverance that followed...that video I believe is affiliated with Todd White & I don't think Todd nor Curry are affliated with each other
waysider..thats really interesting that that particualr video got transferred to Greasespot..as it too is from the Todd White camp..from Austrailia..did you watch it/??a true testimony of God's love..sorry Blake did'nt last but a few minutes..but thanx anyhow for suffering thru it.. I do hope you watch the "baby" video..as you don't see this aevery day!!! JJ
JayDee....then why all the many many healings..? all counterfit??
TLC....we are saved by grace & not of works..I get that..but don't you agree there's "work to be done" in terms of reaching our world (spheres of influence) I do appreciate that you did look much of it over..as Curry does have a rather "militant" focus..which he readily admits to..which he says is necessary whe going after healing for others.. I do hope perhaps you can look over a few others, as I think many of us have some rather staunch postions that we've taken to the point that we get talked out of ministering healing to others..This viewpoint is his of course..just him sharing his heart on his mindset towards all this..He is VERY successful at seeing many many people healed..& even 9 raised from the dead..so I can't just ignore these claims unless its all lies.. So hey thanks for at least looking this one over...I posted this particular one, feeling that it was quite opposite of the leadership's mentality in TWI from our past..Bless you..JIm
Hey Rocky..here's a great one ..not Todd White...but Curry Blake...enjoy
Ok...Rocky..the title to one of the videos on youtube is "Do you want to change the world? January 8 2017...by Curry Blake....to me Blae is the more "tangible" sharing teachers that I pour over now & then & this particular video speaks for itself..,,,hopefully you can take some time & give me your opinion of this presentation.Obviously you can "judge for yourself" friend....JJ!
Rocky..back in the late 70's I went to see Star Wars at the theatre..& iMHO..felt it was worth recommending...I'm not here to challenge anyone.but rather to invite & see what others out there are into & experiencing..which to me the results are quite in line with what the Bible predicts will happen in the "end times"...I believe we in TWI were encouraged in these "signs miracles & wonders" & perhaps the fruit of this leading early in our lives is avaialble to "Joe Believer" who will simply walk out on it, as these guys seem to be doing. SIT was to me very simple & I believe healings & miracles are as well..its simply our attitudes towards them that perhaps would stop us..
TLC...IMHO...the "proofs in the pudding"...either the results are all lies & they are attempting to Dupe people like us OR this is really going on.??..if a person doesn't look into it..then they can judge it to be BS..but if its really happening...then is their judgement of any value?? Yeh in a way I AM challenging anyone reading this to look into it & THEN make a judgement....;^)