jim jack
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yes I remember someone advising me a few years ago how this belonged in doctrinal ..and at that time felt pretty discouraged by several remarks people were making & walked away for awhile..but I believe the Lord is encouraging me to reach out to the GSC'ers with what I'm learning & trying...so thanks for moving it for me..as I'm just beginning to find my way around cyber space..LOL.. thanks Modgellan
Extended interpretaion of tongues
jim jack replied to jim jack's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
At this point I'm not really looking for so called "approval" from anyone & if in the past you did SIT & interpreted and it did edify you & the others ( a method of giving to the body of Christ or to the unbeliever) & since this is a "private thing " which definitely IMHO is blessing me..the only response I have is "try it..you may see a value in it!" To 99.99% of my world out there..they usually would have little or no reply let alone a response, to this sharing..but to former TWI people..this might be of value..just something I'm faithfully doing & enjoying what I'm "hearing"...my mother always called stuff like this "food for thought"...important or not important? Thus far to me... its been important! -
I believe this is in the doctrinal section isn't it??
well..that is what I'm "calling" what I'm about to share..as for those of you who spoke or speak in tongues (SIT) and interpret..perhaps this might be of interest to you.. When I first did PFAL & the following class on interpretation & prophesy...they allowed a question & answer period at the end of the finale..well my question way back when was : "am I allowed to interpret my tongue for myself"..like a self edification of sorts..as I've interpreted several times over the time period I was "in " TWI..so having been asked to leave years ago..I began to wonder about certain aspect of what I'd been taught.. The answer I received was "no!!! its just for being within a group of believers or unbelievers..& not for any private edification" So skip ahead 20 years and I, one day, decided to "go to the source" (God)...so I just asked & a few days later I not seeing any reason why I shouldn't decided to try it..say l minute of tongues & l minute of interpretation..well I did this quite often and some of the interpretations were super..& one day I was doing it and I sensed in my spirit the Lord asking me "do you remember what I said last time you did this?..I had remembered that it was a very powerful interpretation, but for the life of me...didn't have any clue & the next question laid on me was..'well what are you gona do about it??" LOL..well..I thought about it for a few & then came up with recording just the interpretations on cassett tapes..which I've been faithfully doing for nearly 5 years.. I play them back..say when I'm doing the dishes or mindless housework & they just never get old and are quite edifying. IF it really is God or holy spirit or Jesus speaking thru me, which I believe it is..are we interested in keeping those words as edifying in the future?? Well...about two weeks ago, I was doing it & I got all done and my thought was "I'm not quite done".lolol...so at the time I was laying in my bed and I shut up and let the words continue to flow in my mind and OH MY GOSH..he wasn't done..as l/2 hr later he did finish & I was superblessed at what I was being shown..very very intimate...so I call this extended interpretation..."spirit of God providing the "words" even if unspoken.. It happens to parallel two different verses... "Christ in you..." and "we have the mind of Christ!" !!!!! So I've been faithfully doing this nearly two weeks now..its never boring believe me..especially when he's getting into minute details of what he'd like me to consider...sometimes I get up..get on the puter & write out what I just "heard" and most of the time I just lay there & bask in it. If Christ lives within us...can this be a way that he would utilize to get thru this 4 inch thick skull of mine? What thinkest thou?? ;^)
The writer of the article is Jim Kelly if that would help, Rocky..I'll see if my neighbor can help me with scanning it...as I have it right in front of me..thanx for the suggestion.
socks..yes it had been a couple years ago I believe that I did listen to this 2 part teaching...but it had stuck in my brain cells as being something that most people would most likely not investigate..but was hoping someone just might & offer their insight...since then I've met Gary & Carol Laude from Michigan while wintering here in Flordia..who claimed to have been raised from the dead..after being gone l5 days....they handed me a CD of their experience which I now e-mail out..with their permission and include their phone # if people do have any questions..this was a total stranger to me..ran across them at our local fleamarket and he offered this to me, as I talk with strangers alot for fulfilling the great comission..so I don't believe this was coincidental.. The thing about this whole thing is... (& this is my conclusion k?)..when the Red Sea parted, that event became a huge testimony for the children of God who got delivered & twas passed down from generation to generation...I feel like this is also a testimony of another's life , that. like the other testimony perhaps could inspire others to consider the awesome power of our God to do this impossible thing.. So that is why I've enjoyed passing this around over the past two weeks & honestly I see a great correlation between the teaching & their testimony..so I care enough to share it with the GSC gang if they care to consider it...
yeh Mark..you really don't want to mes with fire ants..as they cling & bite..(food source) lol..evil little devils that you eradicate one smack at a time..lol
ok..the date of the paper from the Herald-Advocate is June 16, 2016,, their names are Caorol & Gary Laude..from Muskegon Mi..& if there's a way to share their phone #.they are happy to answer any questions..so let me know what that procedure would be..he's now 76..happened when he was 68.. I believe..She to me (besides the Lord) is a main key to the whole situation, since he wasn't "quite there"...as she "held out" burying him Horse manure..well..some people like the fragrance..lol..ps I have the article right here..as they kept several copies.. they also wrote a little l2 page booklet on it which goes into more detail..I lent that out but its right next door...so let me know a procedure to contact any of you as I can easily pass along their or my phone #'s.. as this is most interesting & inspirational..the awesomeness of the God of the impossible
ok..I just went to youtube & typed in" raising the dead part l" (the actual title that came up is "raise the dead part 1) and I think his was the 2nd on the list..he's got on a blue shirt k?? let me know if you still can't locate it..enjoy as part 2 is also good stuff..JJ ;^)
also..I just listened to both teachings and discovered they are just 29 minutes each..so you wouldn't lose 2 hours after all but just under one hour! LOL
Twinky...Carol/ Gary's wife could certainly find Doctors names for you, as I'm not from Michigan but rather Indiana ad wasn't there those 2 weeks..but most of it is still fresh in her mind..let me know how I can contact you as she readily gives out her # for those with questions like yours.
Jay Dee..I'm not too puter "savy" as I don't have a scanner..so any ideas how I could get "hard copy" to you? If I do get the article printed soon in our local Sebring paper...I'm sure that could then be available to people on line. I do have the hard copy in front of me as its dated June 16, 2016 from the "Herald Advocate Wachula, Fl titled "Gary Laude 'said he went to heaven during illness'..does that help? Also please pray for our people here in Sebring who just experienced the effects of that mass shooting here..that took 5 women's lives...we're not a big town so this has had a ripple effect.
Mark..a good comparison..as some ants like fire ants here in Florida are not only very painful but destructive I think..like I said I've not watched many of the NDE's but they have several things in common......a) floating above their body looking down at themselves while being "worked on" by Dr's..b)being drawn by a bright white light c)going at high speed thru a tunnel d) meeting Jesus/relatives/friends and feeling unbelievable love e)extreemly bright colors in heaven f) gorgeous music g)being told "it isn't your time" and given the choice to return to earth h) being given an extensive life review in an instance ..with exceptional learning of how they had come across to others (how the other had been hert by what had been said by that person)i) telepathic communication with relatives & Jesus...I'm sure there are other common things but these are ones I realized were mentioned often.. & my mind goes towards the verse that says "even if one came back from the dead, they still won't believe"..interesting how there are many many NDE's available to anyone..if not just for entertainment value..LOL
Honestly I'm not sure how to "dig up" such a link..I do know that while wintering here in Sebring Florida, we had quite a media circus here for 3 days, when we had the mass shooting of 5 women here a few days ago..I approached many of the media folk there asking them if I could e-mail them the CD I have..&6 of them did give me their addresses..so those have been sent out to other Florida "cities"..so this is how I'm sharing this..as I'd certainly appreciate any other ideas to get people to examine this..kind of like..when Jesus raised Lazurus from the dead...I wonder how many looked into that back in Jesus's day?? So I too have a simialr curiousity & if its all fake..then I've wasted my time * efforts..but if its reality..perhaps what I can learn from it may halp another. Thanks Rocky!
This seems to be a subject that most won't investigate..but to me personally it has been of great help..especially if one's heart is to be of help to others..so I' excited for you!
I'm not too sure that any miracles taking place in any hospitals are "news worthy" to most eiditors of most papers..Presently I'm working with our local paper to produce an article about this incident for the area people to consider & if I'm successful..perhaps I can link that along..I do know a n article was published 3 years ago on this event of which I have a copy as it was very uplifting to me personally.
yes "W-W"..I too was skeptical until themore of these different people I watched (as I watched perhaps a dozen)..the more I could tell that their lives had drastically changed based on this new information they had mentally experienced..as I couldn't see much of any $$$ motive for them pouring out their hearts in these different videos..in fact the way the experience impacted many of them was very "heart warming" & in not knowing any of them..I felt their sharings were genuine..Of course I could be wrong, as only God knows the true motives of the heart. But thats how they appreared to me..based on my curiosity..many coincided with each other in many areas..
If I remember correctly (since I had posted this a few years back)..I believe much of it was about different death raisings that had happened based on going after it, once the person had died...& the effort we're able to make for the sake of the other if we "think in this way"..instead of just accepting the person's having died. It definitely encourages one to "think outside the box", as this subject I don't think is often pursued by the "average" person ...sort of woke me up to the endless possibilities..based on "the things that I do, ye shall do also" (which included heal the sick/raise the dead/wal on water/love the unlovable etc) I felt it was very inspirational..otherwise I wouldn't have recommended it. Thank you for asking..as a couple of hours is a long time..
you're all pretty comical..lol..this wasn't about VP..but some descent insight on "how" to go about it..typically no one will venture "there" but if per chance you do..you might be intrigued by it all....
well to honestly confess..I play 5 days a week..its one of my vices as it's pretty addictive but a super great fun game especially when you have a foursome of good players..The common beef on bridge is that most players are a bit haughty & yeh I know a few like that, BUT the game is to me thee game..lol..always a challenge & definitely a game like chess where strategy is of utmost importance..
Just out of curiosity, having not read every entry "yet"...do any of you ever watch any youtube videos which give different people's experiences of having visited hell perhaps while going thru surgery( & having died or had complications) or the like?? Just curious..especially the ones who go to hell & then cry out for rescue from the place & end up coming back and being a good witness of the torment they esperienced??
Fullfilling the great commission
jim jack replied to jim jack's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
you're absolutely right..people that I've approached have, from what I could tell..enjoyed the encouragement..others have looked at me with a puzzled look..lol which is fine..I figure it'll be a 20 second encounter but at times it turns out to be rather lengthy which I'm totally into.I'm not about "getting rid of them" but would prefer to possibly make a life long friend whom I could "be for" if they desired my friendship. In having had l0,000 of them..it seemed a bit daunting until I realized that it wasn't about "getting out numbers" but rather edifying those people out there..whether believer or not...the kids are my greatest joy as they seem to treasure this little gift. Just like the fact that I'm doing "something" instead of agreeing it should be done..but inactive..so this is a way for anyone to be more active with total strangers.. -
I would have answered these replies sooner...but was not notified by GSC of any interest in this subject...I've e-mailed out a couple dozen or more of "Gary" CD's which I uploaded in e-mail form & the responses have been mixed..which is fine..everyone has an opinion as did I...and I'd be happy to e-mail it to any of you along with their phone # s his wife Carol is happy to answer all questions about this experience..as with him not being there..she was left to decide to bury him or not. So..being sorta new here..what would be the best way to make this e-mail available to anyone who has an interest..? I'm happy to leave my e-mail addy or phone #..is this a good idea or is there a better way?? Thanx for your interest..as he recently turned 76 & is quite full of life as is she!! JJ ;^)
In the past couple of years I've been finding great joy in approaching people with a little 2 l/2 by 8 l/2 inch bookmark which has on it 55" attributes of God"..something I made up on my own. I've been handing them out one at a time basically approaching people in several ways..typically asking them if they enjoy reading or if they would like a "freebie" & without "preaching at them, explain it briefly ending with the idea of God really loving them...some engage me in conversation ..others reject it BUT I would say 70 % really like it and some get really excited about it at times.. I feel that at least I'm doing something to fulfill the great commission, as sometimes it does lead to praying for people's situations and sometimes Iget to explain the plan of salvation. My favorite hangouts are at fleamarkets, where people are always "looking for something" LOL..fun stuff & totally "non confrontational. I would love to see another do what I do, as if there is an interest, I would be glad to send one out to you & you can tak it from there...it has no phone # on it & no name..just things like "light",promise maker & keeper", "all might" & 52 others. any thoughts as I'd be interested in hearing them! JJ
Recently, while at a fleamarket of all places , I got into a conversation with an older (mid 70's) couple, as he shared with me how he had died..went to heaven & l5 days later had come back alive..this happened, according to him nearly 8 years ago, as his wife basically refused to bury him & believed that "by his stripes, we were healed" & stood on that..combined with prayer etc.. So out of curiosity..does anyone out there have any thoughts on this subject, as I know of several Near Death Experiences on youtube, but this one in particular "lives" here in my little Florida town & is quite willing to answer any questions regarding the event.. Perhaps this subject has already been discussed, but if not..what cha think??