jim jack
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the good news of the kingdom is that Jesus came to set the captives free...how is this different from what Paul preached in the epistles?
1 Corinthians 12 - manifestation of the spirit.
jim jack replied to rrobs's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
since we're "really not" supposed to name names..still I could just see "LJ" on the bongos/drums" in this song...cool song..thanx WS Bible is clear "ask anything in my name & it shall be given him"..what an awesome God & savior who loves us with "oceans" of love..almost unfathomable..huh?? -
1 Corinthians 12 - manifestation of the spirit.
jim jack replied to rrobs's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
in my study of divine healing recently, this question of "greater works" was addressed..as I'm not so sure this is right but I'll throw it out there.. they basically were saying that the greater works would be an outreach to a greater number of people.. I can minister healing over the phone "long distance " & get results based on God working thru me etc...whereas Jesus could only be in one place at one time. So in terms of outreach in the area of healing for example...this could be greatly multiplied out if believers realized the power within themselves & began to minister..even if over the phone, which of course wasn't available in Jesus' day..just think of the potential out there...so yeh I "hear that" and HOPE that is the way God would like us to rise up in life & be for people.. Typically people who know about the laying on of hands tend to not offer it..perhaps fearful that they will see no immediate results & then look foolish..so to minister by phone is a great way to love others & set them free.. I agree with the poster about all 9 all da time..lol..as I think all nine are designed for us who believe, but obviously I'm doing alot of other things in life where these might be an interference of sorts..so the concept would appear to be very unrealistic..but sure is thought provoking huh?? I do like the word "evidence" for manifestation..what does happen if we were manifesting Jesus in our lives...? the blind would see ..the deaf would hear & the dead would or could be raised....as Jesus did w can do also!!..the question is..will we make the attempt or just have head knowledge about it. -
oh..I think I missed what you were intending..my bad
well...let me know where it does end up k?? as I'm never too sure where & what category to put things in...so thank you for getting it right for the others as well who may have an interest TLC..So what you're saying is that Israel who Jesus had obviously "come for" & not the gentiles ..are the only ones that can operate one of the nine manifestations in l Co 12 (Miracles)? If wso ..when I daily operate tongues..it them must be counterfiet, as I'm a gentile (non Jew) John G Lake and all the Wigglesworths/Kulmans/Todd White/Dan Mohler and all the others..... must be Judeans to be privy to this OR is God NOT a respector of persons and all may freely partake of these nine manifestations.. I think God's viewpoint of this is for all those who believe on Jesus can walk in the fullness of what he says is available & obviously we can choose not to and just remain doubtful & never see the results if we HAD reached out in love for the sake of the other..this is really all about truly loving our neighbor..a person with illness..tormented by disease and such is not what God wants for them, as Jesus came to set the captives free & we're the ones here to minister NOW with his power doing the work..we're the "conduit" of God's power into the sick & infirm. Maybe this doesn't sound like tWI teaching to you & I'm saying it isn't..they "initiated it" back 40 years ago & from this other ministry..I've learned much & seen it up close..deliverances left & right just as the Bibles prophesises in the latter times..go on youtube..look up divine healing..you'll see many street healers who lay hands on the sick & they video their recoveries..(for our edification) This is exciting & we were introduced to this but seldom saw the actual happening of it while in TWI (at least I know I didn't & most others I personally know of didn't either) Do you ever recall any teaching from VP of having gone out & offer healing & he give a teaching about it/? NO never...just the man with the withered arm in PFAL..I think thats all I ever heard about..none other..ever ever..LOL..thanks for your honesty in demanding to know where I stand in all this. I apppreciate it.
TLC...good question...I'd answer in this manner...Jesus said" the things that I do, ye shall do also & greater" some would respond.."well that was/is Jesus" who do you think YOU are anyway". I've been enthralled by several really descent teachings on this subject...not entirely on healing..but healing tends to follow alot of other subjects that I've studied....like renewing one's mind and our identity in Christ. I'm not absorbed by it,..but I do enjoy ministering to people & love to watch how they respond when their bodies do change for the better...wayfers were taught about "signs & wonders follow those who believe..." if one doesn't believe..I don't think much in the physical rehlm will show up or change..most only hope but won't learn a few principles that might be life changing...but when we do step out in faith,,,,,great things potentially can & many times do happen. John G Lake had constant invalids in his family including himself...Dowie according to Lake showed him where he was missing it & from that point on..got totally delivered & practice it on others..so yeh I'm interested as I do my best to help people & many times offering healing really makes a difference..especially if they've been tormented many many years.. Faith w/out works is dead..we learn & don't do anything but KNOW what is taught.I think the aim of education IS action..so in being a doer of the word & not a hearer only deceiving myself is one of my many daily goals..so that I won't be deceiving myself. thanks for the question as its a good un..LOL
these are testimonials of healing of the physical body...but Hey WW that was a fun one & very inspirational how good our God is to provide for you in your hour of need...after all these years ..no one can convince you that it was all in your head also, I posted this last week I believe & no one has said they'd like to check out the web site..which is fine..just thought I'd offer & my offer still stands long term... JJ ;^)
Thanks Allen...I've learned much in reading these replies as thankfully God is my judge....your antennae show wisdom my friend
too late now Modcat
Extended interpretaion of tongues
jim jack replied to jim jack's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
thanks WW..I'll take that to heart as in sharing this..I felt it was an interesting subject that perhaps hadn't been discussed..plus the fact that I see him now & then thought it might be of interest to others..we think there are healings that happen but dead raising is seldom right in front of us like it is with me..lol -
Extended interpretaion of tongues
jim jack replied to jim jack's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
word wolf..oh don't worry..I've had plenty of negativity from a few posters..but keep in mind I didn't post it to draw criticism..but we live in a very judgemental world & perhaps a few people reading this might begin interpreting for themselves & then just let it flow through their minds as I do daily & experience what I'm hearing....just offering the possibility to perhaps another..Allen seems to think there's a good value in it..so that was cool to hear! Constructive criticism would be helpful..but people for some reason like to use destructive..which honestly I feel bad for them..not here to hurt anyone but perhaps to help. -
waysider..I don't believe I'm the one that stated that TWI discouraged testimonies..I believe it was another poster....anyway..in the dozen years of being in the outfit..just very very few ,ever really saw any kinds of miracles..especially in our area, thus we were never "warned" to "keep it to ourselves"..I think that is what is so refreshing about this list of testimonials..just really thankful people who went after getting healed or did the ministering & saw results..really nothing to be ashamed of..as to me its enlightening & inspirational & gets me to think more & more "outside the box" of if/when we limit God & his power...to me it opens up avenues of possibilites & God loves to come thru ALOT of the times.. Also I think this DOES belong in doctrinal because it (deliverance) is based on what doctrine or false doctrine one has bought into, that could interfere with the deliverance happening..thats exactly what I'm learning about.."sacred cows" that we've held in high esteem but can be the very mind sets that can discourage people from seeking God's help first.. destroying such sacred cows..seems to the open up some great deliverances,,which is what this listing indicates.. pretty exciting IMHO
waysider asked where & when...WOW in Massachusetts & Pa...lived in Indiana most of those years (l2)..great times & saddened to see how quickly it fell apart in terms of genuine friends that ceased to communicate.."we have no friends when it comes to da word" yeh right..LOL
yes I was "in " from 1975-1987..ex-wife as well.."wow" twice so I "paid my dues"..testimonials of people being healed were not what we were used to in TWI...as these are from another ministry that specializes in divine healings & raising the dead..not too sure where it belongs... I always held to the idea that testimonials were & are a worthwhile thing, & perhaps would help encourage others to trust in their Lord. Thats a matter of opinion I suppose so I'm saying it is my opinion & am curious if others out there in cyberspace think as I do or contrary....as I respect people being different...it didn't seem to be a bad thing for the children of Israel to pass down from generation to generation.especially if you wanted your children to "follow in your footsteps of believing in God & his power"..so yeh..put it where you want it as I think its a viable discussion item & of course I can always give you the addy of where I'm reading these wonderful testimonies.. Bless ya 'z
Carol & Gary would most assuredly enjoy speaking with you Raf..pm me & I'll give you their # unless I can simply post it here..I e-mail it out all the time along with his 20 minute CD which I downloaded into e-mail format...some have called him..BUT I personally would especially call her, since she's the one who adamantly refused to bury him after the aspiration took place....unless you would like info on his visit with the angels & our Lord...then speak to them...they are nice "alive people" as I wish I had a new set of lungs at my age. I'll say one other thing...many many people have been led to the Lord because of his one on one testimony with the general public..pretty awesome stuff...as I would bet he's convinced..LOL.Bless you Raf..& those others who are following this.
Really the question is...did Gary Die or not? TRUE? with the aspiration, where Carol claims that the Dr told her that after stomach contents were seen first & then followed that "gray matter" which the Dr. told her was what was left of his lungs.. So..lets say he didn't die..& once revived...could he then breathe on his own without functioning lungs?..when he came to after the 15th day, the dr's were astonished that he could breathe with what obviously had happened 2 weeks earlier with the lungs disintegrating. He had no lung transplant..could this have been a miracle from God giving Gary a new set of lungs..otherwise I would not be talking to him "live" in 20l9.....I've read an amazing amount of testimonies where God did even more remarkable miracles than a new set of lungs..which to me is pretty amazing (lungs that is)...God "doin' his thing " in these latter days is quite exciting & thought provoking especially for the skeptical person!!
sorry I replied having not scrolled to page 2...my bad, as I saw there were 2 pages but didn't scroll... I would be happy to PM their phone # to any of you, as its no secret as I obviously was not there back in 2010 but a talk with Carol L might fill in a few missing pieces of the puzzle..Glad you were able to find the article...as Newspaper writers are objective & chose to write it as they also interpreted it to have happened..I think the key is Carol L..thanks for your interests in this as many NDE's leave one skeptical as well.. I' sure
I have the article before me with Kelly shown as the writer & yes I think the truth is very important..would you like me to snail mail it to you?
I was reminded of how powerful the testimonials that the Children of Israel had in passing down events like David slaying his l0's of thousands...the parting of the Red Sea...exodus from Egypt/pillar of fire by night/cloud by day & on & on... I recently ran across a web sie that has many many pages of present day testimonials & honestly I can't put it down..as its just a constant reminder of not only people seeking/asking & finding but God's awesome power behind people who do step out on faith & see results.. I've been accused in a few other discussions here of "recruiting" for a certain ministry..as I'm not even a "member of this outfit..but ifyou'd like to take a look-see..PM me & I'll pass it along.. Its almost beyond words to express the joy I have in seeing others walking in this power..YAY! God!!
Has anyone here ever followed or explored the exploits of this man? He was a huge factor in the Life of John G Lake who was part of so many healing miracles in the early part of the 20th century.
Extended interpretaion of tongues
jim jack replied to jim jack's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
yes this has been very good for me personally..as I'm reminded of the verse that speaks of those who heal the sick in having poor motives & the Lord says "I never knew you"..never want that to be the case with the Lord & I as its cool being on talking terms with him -
I was just discussing this topic with a life time & lifelong aethist whose stance was basically he could not lower himself to worshipping let alone loving a mass murder such as he thinks our Lord is/was. He sited several events (all in the old testament)..as my position on this is simply that God deals differently with the non-believer, now, than he did before Jesus & the sacrafice on the cross.. I know "God doesn't change"..but with a better covanant, could it be that he deals with people differently now in this administration? I used the analogy of a mother bear & her cubs & no matter what it took (mass murder) that bear would fight to the death to protect what is her's..I believe it is the same with God...his chosen people. though stubborn & in unbelief at times...were mightily protected by God wiping out their enemies (via men typpically) although the parting of the Red sea was not man initiated..but God "doing his thing" My point is..you don't see mass murder in the New Covanant..Jesus taught love and putting down the sword.quite a different & BETTER covanant..as God now deals with us as sons (not so much as servants) and with the "future believer" he makes quite an effort thru his sons & daughters on the planet to give them signs such as healings..to sway them out of the dark side.. Don't know if any of you ever watch "Thomas Fischer" on you tube & all the street healings going on..but its obvious that these different mockers who hate God & then get an instantaneous healing..once ministered to..that the healing alone might help them draw near to the Lord & go after God!! The bible does predict that in the last days mighty signs would be on the earth..."signs miracles & wonders" I think is the way TWI coined it..it does open another can of worms..which might make a fun topic..can we have faith for another person..? VP said no..& most got talked out of ministering UNTIL that person would eventually choose to believe...I'm convince that having faith for another is the foundation for things like street healings that are all over youtube....you may say..its all fake, & yet I skyped Tom & he assurred me its the real deal..they video tape the healings & the how of approaching a "limping person" or someone in a wheelchair..a fun entertainment if nothing else as I hope a few of you do check it out!!
I have no idea as I still have a working 8 track & play her now & then on it..Strange as one of the songs is about her ex "Jamie" but none the less a pretty loving song...
I did come up with a really fun version of honeymoon bridge (2 player) which I put a little different twist to it..if anyone would like to try it who's a tad familiar with bridge I'd be happy to show you how k??
Extended interpretaion of tongues
jim jack replied to jim jack's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
thanx Rocky & yeh waysider..this has been quite revealing as I do my best to attempt to follow what I believe is the Lord leading me..so for now this is where I'm at..it is alot of fun, as it gets very detailed at times..which the more I think about it, doesn't suprise me, as I think God's big into "details" & not getting off on tangents..so that has been pleasant & am looking forward to more insights..Bless you both richly!! JJ