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Grace Valerie Claire

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Everything posted by Grace Valerie Claire

  1. Twinky, DC has the Marine Corps Marathon in the fall, and it is a huge undertaking!! Personally, I am amazed that anyone can run over 26 miles, and not end up dead, or in a hospital. But, you are so right; a lot of work, and resources go into its planning every year.
  2. Rocky, how kind of you to remember WC on his Birthday!
  3. GS, I think your posts are well-written, and very thought provoking. I am not a Biblical Scholar, so I can't state unequivocally, if they are Biblical right, or wrong, but they make sense to ME! Thanks for your input!
  4. Way, and he is regarded as a great MOG??!! I still think he was Garbage.
  5. Gold, Laughing My Azz Off. But, I think I like your translation better!
  6. Way, very intresting article!! Thanks for the link.
  7. Rocky, we have a winner! Good post, and so true!
  8. WW, Billy Graham may have been "free of corruption," but his son and daughter, are corrupt as can be. While checking out the life of BG, check out the lives of his children. You may be in for a big surprise.
  9. Twinky, good advice, but Mike won't take it. He is like that fool in the WH; he loves attention, good or bad. Mike has to be the center of attention, in order to function.
  10. Sky, thanks for the link! This young woman's life was torn asunder because of VPW, and his minions. Some day he, and they will will have to answer for their wantonness. If VPW was alive today, he would be considered a Rapist, and be imprisoned for his crimes.
  11. Way, I didn't know that! Thanks for the information.
  12. Rocky, I too would like to know what "Spiritual Maturity," is. Does anyone know?
  13. RG, I think Mike is way over his head on this thread. People have shown over, and over that Mike lies, and plays games with other posters. Personally, I would have known that I was out of my league, and left. Adios Mike.
  14. Mike, I think Rocky's posts were right on the money. Please read his posts, and your question will be answered.
  15. RG, I thought Mike gave a Bullsheet answer, and it didn't work for me.
  16. Mike, I think the subject is more complicated, than the answer you gave.
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