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Grace Valerie Claire

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Everything posted by Grace Valerie Claire

  1. Allan, bingo! But, I wonder if the group will be together in a year. A lot of the people involved, seem to have over-sized egos. I think R&R may bite the dust, in a year.
  2. Sky, bingo!! I knew MF years 40 years ago, and even back then, he thought his S--t, didn't stink. What a cocky, self-righteous A--hole. I wouldn't follow him for two seconds.
  3. DWBH, I pity their children. I know what it is like to grow-up, in a family that has mental issues. It wasn't fun.
  4. JJ, my life has also gotten better since I left TWI. And I have more money.
  5. Sky, some people might fall for it, because it's what they know, and it feels comfortable. God forbid they should use think for themselves.
  6. OS, perhaps they don't see, because they choose not too.
  7. Taxi, I would not want to get involved in the R&R group. But, if you do, I hope you enjoy your involvement with it. But, please remember that Lincoln freed the slaves; you can drop-out anytime.
  8. Chock, here in DC, libraries are still very, very popular, as centers of learning. I used to live in Tompkins County, NY. I think Forbes Magazine(?) claimed a few months ago, that people in Ithaca, were the best read people in the USA. Although I haven't lived in the Ithaca area, for decades, I still read a lot. I can go anywhere, with a book. Books make me think; sometimes they make me weep, or laugh.
  9. Rocky, I think you are right, unfortunately.
  10. Sky, good post! Yes, TWI is a cesspool, and like many cesspools, it stinks. Cesspools contain waste, and it seems to me, that TWI is overflowing with $--t. How on earth could people bear, to work for such a horrible organization? I know the answers vary, but I cannot understand why people stay, knowing what they know about TWI.
  11. Penworks, great post! I think I probably had a "causal involvement with TWI." When I left TWI, I felt nothing. But, I understand why some people had serious problems leaving. I feel for those people who ended up with drug, and alcohol problems. I think when I was in, 1978-1988, TWI fulfilled a need for me to belong. I think if I had had a happy childhood, I would not have been an easy recruit for a cult like TWI. Perhaps others feel the same. I know many of the people I knew in TWI, had difficult childhoods.
  12. DWBH, OMG!! How do Donna, and Rosie sleep at night, knowing what they did decades ago??!! Reading this upsets me; if I had known all this Dreck decades ago, I would have left TWI a lot sooner than I did.
  13. Taxi, the bottom line is this: if you are happy fellowshiping with the people you fellowship with, great!! Good for you!! However, you seem like a very young person to me. Many of us older people, attended Twigs, run by TWI. Many, many people were badly, f--ked by the organization. I think people here at the GSC, are trying to warn you to be careful about R&R, because they know what such groups are capable of. Forty years ago, if many of us had known how corrupt TWI was, we would never have gotten involved with them. So fellowship with whomever you wish, but please be forewarned that R&R could be another evil cult.
  14. DWBH, bingo!! Just to piggy-back on your post; my life also has gotten much better since I left TWI. It is so much better; I don't have to play games with others. I can be myself, and allow others the same privilege. Who knew that life could be this good??!!
  15. Taxi, I don't know if people in the group, will ever "wake up." Perhaps someday they will, but I would not bet on it. F--k them, and the horse, they rode on.
  16. DWBH, wow!! Remind me to never get on your bad side! FWIW, I think someday, I will have to answer for the life I led in this world. I cannot imagine trying to Bullsheet God; He knows my heart better than I do. I try to live my life in a way that makes God happy, with me. The Golden Rule, is the guiding principle in my life; it doesn't always work in my life, but I still try to apply it everyday. I can't imagine living my life the way VPW lived his!! No, no, no!! How will he justify his evilness, and depravity? God will have the final judgement, and I hope He is merciful with me. However, I can't imagine how he will judge a man like VPW, who used His Word, to live like the Devil. Someday, all of us will know the Wrath, or Love of God.
  17. Sky, bingo!! The old boss was sleazy, and the new one is the same. Two slimey, sleazy organizations. Nuts to both of them.
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